
  • What's more important: brand marketing or performance marketing?

    This has been a topic of contention in the industry, especially when it comes to prioritising your yearly marketing budgets. 

    Brand marketing is about creating future demand. It is creative advertising aimed at enhancing customer awareness of, attitudes toward, and affinity with their companies’ brands. Unlike brand marketing, performance marketing delivers tangible, reportable results.

    But, both impact current revenue and long-term value. Perhaps we're missing the bigger picture where brand and performance marketing can work together?

    So, let's talk about it.

    Today's guest is Erin Stafford, a Digital Account Director at Compass Studio. Erin’s been in agency land for the past 7 years and has spent her time with Compass Studio creating campaigns that amplify the impact of world bettering brands. 

    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Erin Stafford:




    Free resources

    Download Campaign Del Mar's Focus Framework for both product- and service-based brands.

  • Strict rules and regulations, unusual customer journeys and touch points, and tight time frames are all features of the complicated world of marketing for healthcare professionals. 

    My love of ethical marketing and campaigns, though, is shared with today's guest.

    Claire Hewitt is an experienced marketer and director of Well Communications, an agency taking care of medical and health related businesses, Australia wide. 

    Claire has been a member of the For the Love of Marketing Facebook group for almost as long as it has existed. While we sometimes share the same view, we don't on all things, and that is sure to make for a fantastic conversation on the Got Marketing? Show today.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Claire Hewitt:




    Free resources

    Download Campaign Del Mar's Free Marketing Calendar

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  • When a brand starts to see a plateau or a decline in their results, their reaction is often a band-aid fix, like some new social media tiles.

    That won't solve their problem though. It's the underlying strategy, getting to know your audience intimately and building authenticity that will get you the results.

    Businesses that don't evolve their brand, or mismanage it as they grow, aren't solving their problems.

    Building a weather-proof brand is one of the biggest missed opportunities we see in small to medium sized businesses, and that's where today's guest comes in.

    Renee Wallace is a fervent advocate for all things design, brand, female founders, service-based industries. She embodies a no-nonsense, powerhouse approach to fuelling brand success through her design services offered at Cultivate.

    In today's episode I'm talking all things brand-building and creativity with Renee.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Renee Wallace:




    Free resources

    Download Renee's How do you know when the rebrand? Resource

    Download Campaign Del Mar's Free Marketing Calendar

  • There is no one-size-fits-all approach when it comes to achieving success on social media. The perfect social media strategy for one brand might be completely wrong for the next, but that doesn't mean we can't learn something from the approaches taken by other brands.

    In this episode, we're going to explore the social media strategies used by some of my favourite brands to see how they're authentically building their community and their brand on TikTok, Instagram and even LinkedIn.

    I have a love-hate relationship with social media, so to have this conversation with me, I've invited Jarrah Brailey, who is a social media marketing diehard and founder of Jampacked, a full service digital marketing agency. 


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Jarrah Brailey:  






    Free resources

    Free Marketing Calendar

  • I have frequently said that I’m no fan of the 50-page strategy doc with pretty charts and graphs that sits in a draw.

    Strategy can be scary, but it doesn't have to be. Strategy can actually be elegantly simple. 

    A few years ago, I came across a strategist on Instagram who I now quote all the time. In fact, my go-to definition for strategy is “an informed opinion about how to win”. He is Mark Pollard, and he joins me on the show today.

    Mark is a strategic trainer and author of “Strategy is Your Words”. 

    We're going to break down one of my new favourite strategy frameworks, the Four Points, which was created by Mark, and talk about where people tend to get stuck. We're also talk about strategy versus creativity, and what it means to be a creative strategist.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Mark Pollard:  




    Free resources

    Free Marketing Calendar and Planning Session

  • Coach is another word that the gurus have tainted with their shady tactics and self-serving messaging.

    They are selling hot garbage and diluting the value of genuine, qualified coaches who are invested in empowering people to make meaningful changes. 

    If you want to work with a coach, there are key signs you should look out for to ensure you aren't just setting your money on fire. That's exactly why I've invited Penny Locaso, a transformational coach and therapist, to the show today.

    Penny is the founder of HackingHappy.co and a recent graduate of Campaign Classroom.

    In this episode, we talk about the coaching industry, where it's going wrong, and Penny's checklist for choosing a coach that is right for you. We're also talking about how Penny uses customer avatars to build deep and meaningful connections with her clients, and of course, we talk about the gurus.

    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Penny Locaso:  






    Free resources:

    How to find the right coach for you: Penny's checklist

    Free Marketing Calendar and Planning Session



  • Got Marketing? Mixtape, Volume 1, is a compilation of the three most downloaded episodes of 2023.

    Hear from Kate Merryweather about why LinkedIn is the new Instagram. Kate shares common myths about LinkedIn, things we need to stop doing on LinkedIn and actionable bits of advice for using the platform.

    Next, Mia talks marketing strategy with Ashley Draeger, and they discuss how many strategies you really need.

    To wrap up the mixtape, Laetita Andrac joins Mia for a chat about when to listen to data versus your intuition.

    It's the top hits of 2023 in one remix. Enjoy!


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with today's guests:

    Kate Merryweather:


    Ashley Dreager:


    Laetitia Andrac:




    Free resources:

    Free Marketing Calendar and Planning Session 


    Use my special link: https://zen.ai/b4ToxxOPvUZiNKNcuQsG6Q to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr paid plan.




  • There is a lot more to getting your product onto the shelves of the local Woolworths or Coles than you might think. It's an extremely competitive environment, and getting ranged is only the start.

    The guest on today's episode is a very special one, as she is one of the very few people to have ever successfully pitched the Got Marketing? podcast. 

    That guest is Tanya Boots, a seasoned expert in Category Management with over 20 years of experience. Tanya has worked with multinational clients like PepsiCo, Blackmores, and started her journey in consumer insights, later venturing into buying industrial goods for a major B2B retailer, and then heading back to the supplier side as Head of Category and Shopper Marketing.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Tanya Boots:  





    Use my special link: https://zen.ai/b4ToxxOPvUZiNKNcuQsG6Q to save 30% off your first month of any Zencastr paid plan.


    Free resources:

    Download Tanya's free e-book here

    Take our quiz to find the campaign that is right for your business.

  • If you've never done it before, working with a production company can be a daunting and a difficult thing. They speak another language, there's a lot of jargon to learn and a lot of misunderstandings about what really goes into creating fabulous video content.  

    As a lot of our listeners are planning campaigns, Today are going to discuss all things pre-production, production, and post production, and bust some myths about video production.  

    The person to have this chat out with me is none other than Tiffany Manzie, the Chief Executive and Producer at Global Headquarters here in the Northern Territory.  


    This podcast episode is a very special one as it was recorded live in the Global Headquarters studio. If you would like to see the live video, check out our YouTube channel. While you're there, make sure you subscribe.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Global Headquarters: 



    Free resources:

    Take our quiz to find the campaign that is right for your business.

  • Humans are inherently social creatures. Our desire for connection, community and belonging is hardwired into us on a physiological level, and through a marketing lens, it's really important to understand that the psychological phenomenon influences our purchasing decisions.

    If we're weighing out whether to buy a product or service, we naturally want to hear about other people's experiences. Did it meet and exceed their needs? Was it worth the investment? Do they recommend it?

    We could harp on until we're blue in the face about how wonderful our product or service is. But this only gets us so far. This is where social proof comes in.

    Today's episode of the Got Marketing? podcast is a very special one, because it is a live webinar I recorded with Lillie Brown, the Marketing Manager of Creative Plus Business.

    In the session, we discussed how you can harness the power of social proof in your own business, and it was such an exciting conversation.

    Let's dive in!


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Creative Plus Business and Lillie Brown: 



    Free resources:

    Take our quiz to find the campaign that is right for your business.

  • As a small business in an oversaturated digital world, it is so important to create your own stand-out visuals to cut through the noise. 

    Whether it is images, graphics, or videos, all of the pieces play into our visual storytelling, and that is why today I've invited Sandra Chau on to this episode.

    Sandra is a creative director and a stylist. Sandra has directed and styled campaigns for luxury brands all over the world, ranging from jewellery, loungewear, bedding, beauty, artisan products, service based brands and more. 

    She founded the School of Visual Branding in 2018 and specialises in teaching entrepreneurs how to grow and use their online visual brands to increase their profit.

    In this episode, we chat about planning campaign photo and video shoots, the role of stock images, and whether or not an aesthetically pleasing instagram feed is important in 2023.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Sandra Chau:



    Free resources:

    Take our quiz to find the campaign that is right for your business.

  • This episode is part two of my chat with Melissa Packham, a fellow FMCG-escapee. In this episode, we chat about packaging, channels and tactics for marketing FMCG, customer segments and the implications on FMCG of the explosion of e-commerce brands.

    Melissa Packham is a Brand and Marketing Strategist and the founder of Brand-Led Business. She empowers brand owners to make their impact with conscious brand and marketing strategies.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Melissa Packham:



    Free resources:

    Take our quiz to find the campaign that is right for your business.

  • We talk a lot about online business on this show, because that's what I do now, but I actually spent the first decade of my career in fast moving consumer goods brands like Black Swan Dips, Kraft and Bic.

    Recently, I have noticed that a lot of brand managers of these FMCG are joining our online programs, so it was probably about time to do an episode about it.

    I have invited my fellow FMCG-escapee Melissa Packham on the show to talk about this, and my weird love of super markets. Melissa Packham is a Brand and Marketing Strategist and the founder of Brand-Led Business. She empowers brand owners to make their impact with conscious brand and marketing strategies.

    Mel is a repeat offender, this is her third episode on the Got Marketing? Podcast!


    This episode is part one of two on FMCG with Melissa Packham. Come back next week for part two.

    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Melissa Packham:



    Free resources:

    Take our quiz to find the campaign that is right for your business.



  • Marketers are fantastic at convincing you that you need marketing, so business owners launch a business and dive straight in. However, the fastest way to go bust is when you grow too quickly without the suitable systems in place.

    Your marketing is only as effective as your systems. That is why I invited Nicole Smith, a lover of everything system design, to the Got Marketing? podcast for a chat.

    Nicole is the COO, Business Operations Specialist and Systems Designer from The Artisans Business Solutions. She works with businesses to bridge the gap between how they are currently working and how they want (need!) to be working so they can grow.

    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Follow the Got Marketing? Podcast on Instagram to keep up with the latest episodes and to let us know what you'd like to hear on the show.


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Nicole Smith:




    Take our Campaign Quiz to find out which type of campaign is right for your brand.

  • You've heard me say that I'm a very intuitive marketer, but I am also a fully-fledged marketing data nerd.

    How do we know when to listen to our intuition, and when to listen to the data?

    Today, I am tackling this question with Laetitia Andrac, a former senior executive strategist and founder of Essential Shift. Laetitia is a beloved Campaign Classroom grad who defines herself as a business doula who is there for you during the birth of the next version of your business.

    Let's dive in.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Follow the Got Marketing? Podcast on Instagram to keep up with the latest episodes and to let us know what you'd like to hear on the show.


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Laetitia Andrac:



    Laetitia's book mentor, Kelly Irving: https://www.kellyirving.com/


    Pre-order Laetitia's book, Light It, here:




    Take our Campaign Quiz to find out which type of campaign is right for your brand.

  • Behind every successful business woman is a right hand wing-woman.

    Melissa Browne has Lawsie, Sheree Rubenstein has Frances, and I have Emily.

    On today's episode I am joined by Emily Lambourne, Campaign Del Mar's Digital Strategist, who has been a part of the business for the last two years. Emily is the personification of the modern marketer; she writes, she designs, she loves marketing funnels and she has a get-it-done attitude.

    We're going to chat all things campaigns, personal brands and what is in store for Mia, Emily & Campaign Del Mar in 2024 and beyond.

    And yes, these show notes were written by Emily.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Follow the Got Marketing? Podcast on Instagram to keep up with the latest episodes and to let us know what you'd like to hear on the show.


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Emily Lambourne:



    Take our Campaign Quiz to find out which type of campaign is right for your brand.



  • Business strategy, marketing strategy, brand strategy, content strategy. How many strategies do we actually need?

    This is the question that we are going to answer today with my guest, Ashley Dreager.

    Ashley is a certified Director of Marketing and Strategy, who helps women-owned businesses thrive with strategic marketing. She is also a graduate of the most recent intake of Campaign Classroom.

    Let's dive in and tackle this juicy question.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Follow the Got Marketing? Podcast on Instagram to keep up with the latest episodes and to let us know what you'd like to hear on the show.


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Ashley Dreager:



    Free resources:

    Download Ashley's free Scaling to Success freebie: https://subscribepage.io/scalingtosuccessbundle  

    3-day Campaign Idea workshop: https://www.campaigndelmar.com/creative-lab



  • A few years ago, LinkedIn was pretty lame. It was the app most professionals had but never used. 

    However, since the pandemic, LinkedIn has quite the resurgence and reinvention.

    Today, we are discussing marketing your business with LinkedIn, and who better to have this conversation with than LinkedIn Coach Kate Merryweather.

    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Follow the Got Marketing? Podcast on Instagram to keep up with the latest episodes and to let us know what you'd like to hear on the show.


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Kate Merryweather:





    Free resources:

    Panel discussion: Campaigns for Social Impact

  • Seeing ideas come to life is the most rewarding part of my job. 

    But, you’ve think you’ve got a good idea, then you have no idea what to do next.

    Today I've invited Frances Chnaider onto the podcast to chat about making the intangible, tangible, and taking a seed of an idea and bringing it to life. Frances is the founder of Awesome Source, a non-alcoholic G&T brand. 

    The zero per cent category is still in its infancy, but non-alcoholic is growing faster than low-alcohol in most markets. With increased demand comes increased opportunity. Let’s dive into the chat with Frances about how she took Awesome Source from idea to execution.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Follow the Got Marketing? Podcast on Instagram to keep up with the latest episodes and to let us know what you'd like to hear on the show.


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Frances Chnaider and Awesome Source:




    Free resources:

    Panel discussion: Campaigns for Social Impact

  • Purpose-led business and financial services have traditionally sat on opposite ends of the ethical spectrum. But it is at this intersection that Oyelola Oyetunji, founder of Phrased with Purpose, plays.

    Oyelola is a copywriter who creates empathy-powered copy for purpose-driven financial services businesses.

    During this chat, we talk about crafting marketing messaging that's ethical, strategic and human-centred.


    Got Marketing? is brought to you by Mia Fileman, a professional marketing strategist and the founder of Campaign Del Mar


    Follow the Got Marketing? Podcast on Instagram to keep up with the latest episodes and to let us know what you'd like to hear on the show.


    Connect with Mia Fileman:




    Connect with Oyelola Oyetunji:




    Free resources:

    Panel discussion: Campaigns for Social Impact