GO' ENERGI med Benjamin Bergholdt og Christian Thorwest er en underholdende og inspirerende podcast, hvor de to værter deler ud af deres erfaringer og viden, om alt fra træning og kost til aktuelle emner.
GO' ENERGI lover en sjov og afslappende atmosfære, hvor der diskuteres en bred vifte af emner og de to værter udfordres af og til i diverse challenges.
Så knap en iskold energidrik op, settle in, og forbered dig på GO' ENERGI.
MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
This podcast is dedicated to discussions and interviews with the fitness community's best science-based coaches, researchers and elite level athletes.
Mike "Silent Mike" Farr and Jim McDonald are entrepreneurs (lifestyle apparel company and a barbell gym) and veteran podcasters. In every episode, they try to answer a single question. Any question is fair game, but most involve health, fitness, nutrition, mental health, culture…even sex. They examine common misconceptions and then try to get to the correct answer -- often with the help of subject matter experts. They walk away with a better sense of the facts…and so do you. Full episodes every Wednesday. Shorter episodes every Friday, dedicated to answering a question from listeners.
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Are you with a friend? Are you alone? It doesn't matter because our weekly Spice Podcast will get your imagination going wild. Support this podcast and get a great deal too, visit for 50 PERCENT OFF most any item a free gift, and free shipping for a limited time. You must use offer source code SASSY
The Strength Coach Podcast is the Official Podcast to Michael Boyle's, the World's Leading Source of Strength & Conditioning Information. Each episode we will speak to Coach Boyle about the latest in Strength & Conditioning, forum hot topics and everything that is happening at including the latest articles, videos and audio content.
We will also "Hit the Gym with the Strength Coach." We talk to a different Strength Coach from the world of Professional and College sports to get an insight into real world strength training.
This is the best place to stay informed about the most cutting edge training techniques. -
Podcast om livet perspektiveret fra to de skøre drag queens, Annie Rection og Brynhildr. (Produktion stoppet).
Mountaibike podcasten nørder mountainbike til alle niveauer – fra begynderen til verdensmesteren. I podcasten dykker vi ned i alt fra teknik, udstyr, træning – både den fysiske og den mentale, Vi taler med danske og udenlandske mountainbikere, og tager fat i trends og andre MTB relaterede emner. Dine værter er Mads Weidemann, tidligere professionel downhill rytter og stifter af MTB akademiet, og Solveig Høgh, der er forholdsvis ny på MTB og har udgivet en mountainbike bog
I denne podcasten intervjuer Pia Seeberg inspirerende (trenings)jenter om tiden etter fødsel med fokus på fysisk trening, et sunt topplokk og ikke minst matglede. Når begynte de å trene igjen? Hvilke øvelser funker best? Hvordan trente de? Hva ville de gjort annerledes, og hva er deres beste tips til en så god barseltid som mulig? Dette, og mye mer, får du svaret på i podcasten "Trening etter fødsel".
Psst! Husk å sjekke ut boken Trening etter fødsel, som gir deg alt du trenger for en så sprek og god barseltid som mulig; fiks, ferdige treningsprogrammer, mental styrketrening og kosholdsinspo. En powerbok for nybakte mammaer som gir deg alle tips om trening etter fødsel. Du finner den her;
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Stærk & Smertefri er podcasten for dig, som vil lære mere om styrketræning, smerte, kost og sundhed på en nuanceret måde uden magiske løfter. Jacob Beermann fra er din vært og guider dig igennem junglen af misinformation på en letforståelig måde, når han giver dig konkrete tips, overblik over videnskaben og overvejelser om hvorfor vi gør som vi gør.
Welcome to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast, where we explore the world of functional fitness and performance training in the home gym. Join us as we talk to coaches, athletes, and experts about their experiences in building strength, endurance, and athleticism outside the traditional gym setting. In addition to sharing practical tips and strategies, we'll also delve into the latest scientific research on topics like exercise physiology, nutrition, and recovery to help you optimize your training and achieve your best results. Whether you're a seasoned garage gym veteran or just getting started on your fitness journey, this podcast is for you. So if you're ready to unleash your inner athlete and take control of your training, tune in to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast.
Try listening to this. We wish you luck. Or, just Google the Enneagram.
En podcast for dig, som gerne vil blive klogere på nuancerne i et vægttab, og bevæge dig væk fra en enten/eller tankegang.
En podcast der udelukkende handler om løb - for alle løbere. Om du løber hurtigt eller langsomt, 5K, halvmaraton, maraton eller ultraløb, på trails i skoven eller tæsker asfalt på landevejen. Runcast er for dig, der interesserer dig for løbets DNA og alt omkring det. Kort sagt - om løb for løbere!
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Curious about the naughty side of life? Come giggle with Sandra at the cuddly side of the sex pool! Exploring fascinating topics & perspectives on sex & love, join sexuality educator Sandra Daugherty & special guests for a loving laugh at the fundamentals of human nature.
If you CrossFit, this is the show for you! The Wodcast Podcast is a fun show about functional fitness hosted by comedian Eddie Ifft. The host is knowledgeable (sometimes), experienced, and love the “sport of fitness.” They blend CrossFit experience and insight with humor, providing meaningful content without taking themselves too seriously.
Each week the Wodcast Podcast hosts some of the biggest names in CrossFit including Games athletes, subject matter experts, coaches, fitness professionals, and many more. The hosts and guests hit it off so well you would think they are all sitting around having a beer which makes for a highly entertaining podcast whether you WOD or not. -
A Private Affair takes you around the globe with hot and sexy stories and tales of romance. Editor Gloria helps you get your groove on, and sex toy reviewer gives you the lowdown on the best sex toys in the market.
With amazing guests or solo, I explore the craft of teaching yoga, as its own practice. I’m seeking answers to the questions about why we teach something the way we do, how we could be more expansive and inclusive in our teaching, and how we can continue to grow and evolve in our teaching practice.
I’m so glad you are here because I believe the depth that arises in teaching comes from inquiry and relationship. Join me as I offer nourishing support to help you feel more confident in your teaching and realistic strategy to help you find more clarity on your career path.
Francesca Cervero (she/her) has been a full-time yoga teacher since 2005. Her teaching is inspired by her foundational training with Cyndi Lee at OM Yoga Center, the years she spent as a dancer and the subsequent years she spent in physical therapy. Her teaching is also influenced by her love of Buddhist teachings and a constant curiosity about anatomy and biomechanics. She is in private practice teaching a full schedule of 1x1 clients, mentors yoga teachers in The Science of the Private Lesson™, hosts the podcast, The Mentor Sessions: Support & Strategy for Yoga Teachers and is the founder of the adjoining community, The Mentor Sessions Sangha. -
The girls behind The DTR Blog get real about what it's like to live in today's Christian culture, sharing stories about faith, dating, mental health, and comedy. Not quite your Proverbs 31 women....join in for some uncomfortable laughs and awkward moments.