
  • In this episode, I speak with Gretchen Bergantine, a Certified Transformational Nutrition and Mental Wellness Coach and highly Sensitive Person Coach. She works with Highly Sensitive People through 1:1 online coaching to help them stop using food and alcohol to self-soothe their overactive nervous system.

    We explore some of the struggles HSP can have around food and alcohol. Gretchen shares her personal story, and we discuss some of the ways to navigate and support ourselves with these addictive tendencies.

    Get in touch with Gretchen:

    Website: https://thehsplifestylecoach.com/
    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/thehsplifestylecoach/

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    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, I'm excited to speak to Kirsty Allan, who is a PhD psychology candidate and consciousness researcher focussed on the innate ‘magic’ of HSPs. Blending cutting-edge science with esoteric wisdom, Kirsty researches with both children and adults exploring psi phenomena (psychic) experiences, intuition and instincts, in relation to altered states of consciousness, creativity and wellbeing. Her mission is to leverage vantage sensitivity to establish reliable and accessible practices for a range of applications supporting healing, transpersonal understanding and ethical decision-making. She is a certified coach to highly sensitive people, therapist, has published a self-help book and is the founding member of The IF Crowd.



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    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode I speak to Beatriz Pupo who is a global leader at S&P Global working in Brazil. As a director within the Commodity Insights arm of the company, she is responsible for managing a team and advising some of the world’s largest companies and governments on the future of biofuels in the energy transition. She is also a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion board member at WINS – S&P Global's largest people resource group – focused on gender equality. Amongst other things, within this position, she has been passionate about creating safe spaces for discussions that challenge the status quo and address taboo topics such as menstrual awareness.

    Beatriz is focused on bringing her personal experience with mental health and neurodiversity as a Latin, highly sensitive person, to tackle stigmas and inspire a more holistic, conscious approach to well-being and life-work balance in corporations. She has pioneered a full-time work-from-home reality since 2009 and meditation has been a vital part of her life for over a decade now.

    LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/beatrizpupo/
    Instagram accounts: @beatrizfpupo and @sensitive_coach
    Survey on high sensitivity and high performance: https://www.bcs.org/articles-opinion-and-research/identify-and-unleash-your-talent/
    Quote: ‘Don’t see how far darkness spreads; just light up your inner lamp’ by his holiness Shree Shivkrupanand Swamiji
    Book: The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible by Charles Eisenstein

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    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, I speak with Jole Berlage-Buccellati about the importance of exploring the spectrum and diversity of experience found within the Highly Sensitive Person. We discuss the connection between HSP and trauma, HSP and being a change-marker and how HSPs are often high-potential individuals.

    Jole Berlage-Buccellati's path led her from two degrees in science (biology/anthropology) and a minor in music, to a certification as a Pilates trainer with Alan Herdman. Years of training in Karate and Modern Dance taught her about the organized flow of life energy and the focused mind approach inherent in both. A master’s degree in music therapy allowed me to fuse these various threads into an integral and innovative approach to support highly-sensitives. Certifications as an Energy Codes Facilitator (Dr. Sue Morter) and in Embodied Processing deepened her understanding of the human energy system and qualified her to work with trauma. A few years ago, she created Qi- Pilates to support her clients in reconnecting with their bodies in a deep way.

    Jole Berlage-Buccellati's Website: https://integralcoreproject.com/

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    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • About Alan Piatek

    In today's episode, we talk about, 'The Power of Breathwork and High Sensitivity in Men' with Alan Piatek.

    Alan is a certified Systemic Coach, NLP Practitioner, and Breathwork Facilitator. With a deep interest for the human being, it is his passion to help others and guide them to a balanced, more meaningful and self-loving life. His coaching is rooted in evidence-based methods and prioritizes tangible results over empty promises. It draws upon a combination of modern coaching techniques and ancient wisdom.

    Alan and I connected when working at a mindfulness retreat and wellbeing centre in Portugal. During my time there, I offered a workshop on High sensitivity, which gave Alan a new insight into the temperament and how he relates to the term. As a result, Alan has ended up supporting and attending our annual HSP retreat for HSP.

    In this episode, we speak about Alan’s experience as a coach and facilitating breathwork sessions. We discuss the benefits of breathwork for Highly Sensitive People and also, more specifically, High Sensitivity in men. Alan talks about his lived experience of identifying with HSP and he shares how, since finding out about the temperament, this has significantly impacted his life and wellbeing.

    We also talk about our annual Highly Sensitive Person retreat in the UK, you can find more details about the retreat here: https://academy.highlysensitivehumans.com/pages/highly-sensitive-person-retreat


    Alan's Linkedin
    Alan's Instagram
    The Untethered Soul: The Journey Beyond Yourself Kindle Edition by Michael A. Singer
    New Life Foundation
    Online Men's Group run by Alan through New Life Foundation

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In today's episode, I speak with Robert Siegers exploring, 'Is the Highly Sensitive Person the same as Autism Spectrum Disorder?' We discuss the similarities, differences and overlapping traits with the purpose of opening up a dialogue around this important topic.

    We also explore the purpose and potential limitations of using labels and diagnosis. We discuss the importance of understanding neurodiversity with the intention and goal of delving into the lived experience of being highly sensitive and how it may overlap or intertwine with other diagnoses - ultimately, respecting and honouring the diversity of our human experience.

    Robert is a highly sensitive person and entrepreneur from Germany. He is the host of the UNDERSTANDABLE podcast. On his channel, he talks about mental health topics such as high sensitivity and other neurodivergent conditions. With his content, he loves to provide insight through deeper self-understanding.

    Resources Mentioned:
    Adult Survivors of Childhood Trauma
    The Highly Sensitive Person, Dr Elaine Aron

    Stay in Touch with Robert's Podcast:
    YouTube | Spotify

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, I speak with Jonathan Baurer who is a coach and author. He has written valuable books based on his experience of being a father and a husband of a HSP and HSC. We talk about high sensitivity and relationships and the importance of building awareness around the trait to support our differences.

    Jonathan Baurer, Certified Life Coach, author, and entrepreneur based out of Asheville, North Carolina, is the co-founder of Exploring Changes, a blended life-coaching publishing house. Jonathan helps clients overcome the challenges that make them feel stuck so they can live the life they are meant. He enjoys helping people bridge the gap between where they are, and where they want to be. Jonathan is the author of three bestselling non-fiction books including: Positive Parenting Solutions to Raise a Highly Sensitive Child and Loving a Highly Sensitive Person. He also helps aspiring authors bring their creations to life. Jonathan is inspired by learning about new ideas, experiencing entirely new things, and creating authentic connections with others.

    Stay in Touch with Jonathan:
    Website | https://exploringchanges.com/
    Facebook profile | https://www.facebook.com/ExploringChanges/
    Instagram profile | https://www.instagram.com/jonathanbaurer/
    LinkedIn profile | https://www.linkedin.com/in/jonathan-baurer/
    The Book: Loving a Highly Sensitive Person by Jonathan Baurer

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • After a short break, I'm excited to announce the Highly Sensitive Human Podcast is back with Season 2!

    In this first episode of Season 2, I speak to David Hall, who is an Introvert Champion, Podcaster, Author and Speaker. We talk about how to gain confidence and connect with your strengths as an introvert. Not all Highly Sensitive People are introverted, but around 70% of HSP also identify with being introverted. We talk about the overlap between these traits and various tools and strategies for embracing your introversion.

    David Hall, M.Ed., is the creator of QuietandStrong.com. He is an author, blogger, podcaster and speaker on a mission to help introverts discover their strengths and honor their needs. David has also spent 20+ years working in higher education, and has given many workshops, trainings, and presentations on personality, strengths, and introversion/extroversion. His book, Minding Your Time: Time Management, Productivity, and Success, Especially for Introverts, helps readers understand themselves and their introversion to be more successful in managing their time and productivity.

    Stay in touch with David Hall:

    Facebook profile
    Instagram profile
    LinkedIn profile
    David's Book: Minding Your Time: Time Management, Productivity, and Success, Especially for Introverts

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, I speak with Sacha Chapman, who shares her understanding of High Sensory Intelligence as well as her experience of being a High Sensation Seeker. She shares her personal story as well as her work with Highly Sensitive, High Sensation Seeking clients.

    About Sacha Chapman

    Sacha Chapman is an Award Winning Embodied Empowerment Coach & Inspirational Speaker & Founder of Rebel Love Journey.

    It is Sacha’s mission to guide High Sensation Seeking, High Sensory women from feeling disconnected to feeling embodied and whole so they can align with their true Self and begin making the impact they were born to make.

    Having both these traits in abundance, Sacha understands how tortuous living with these seemingly contradictory internal drives can be. Far from seeing these two traits as painful double bind, you will realise you naturally possess the golden ticket to living a fully self actualised life.

    Get in Touch with Sacha



    About the Host (Jules De Vitto)

    Jules De Vitto has a BSc in Psychology, MA in Education and MSc in Transpersonal Psychology, Consciousness and Spirituality.

    She is an accredited and certified Transpersonal Coach, Authentic-Self-Empowerment Facilitator, as well as an experienced teacher and educator. She works as a Transpersonal Coach trainer and tutor as part of the 1-year certificate in Transpersonal Coaching Psychology through Alef Trust.

    She is the founder of Highly Sensitive Humans - an online community that offers courses, coaching, articles and a podcast for Highly Sensitive People. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...

    Facebook Group
    Highly Sensitive Humans Website
    1-1 coaching (book a 30-min free consultation)

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, I speak with Dr Genevieve about our shared passion for empowering and guiding Highly Sensitive Children and Parents. Dr Genevieve shares her expertise in working with HS children, parents and adults, and we discuss both the struggles and gift of being a HSP.

    Genevieve's Bio

    Dr Genevieve von Lob is a clinical psychologist and parenting coach based in London. After 15 years working in Britain's National Health Service, private practice in Harley Street and inside big corporations, she published her book "Happy Parent, Happy Child: A 10-step plan for a stress-free family life" with Penguin. She also authored a parenting book "Five Deep Breaths: The Power of Mindful Parenting."

    Genevieve now works as an independent psychologist providing one-on-one sessions to adults and young people. Genevieve specialises in working with Highly Sensitive People (HSP) and parents with Highly Sensitive Children (HSC). Genevieve writes a weekly newsletter, "The HSP Revolution," and through this supportive platform, she is building a thriving community for Highly Sensitive People. Her work is inspired in part by the pioneering research of Dr Elaine Aron, who brought the term HSP into widespread use.

    Get in Touch

    Genevieve's Website
    Genevieve's Instagram

    Jule's Bio

    Jules De Vitto has a BSc in Psychology, MA in Education and MSc in Transpersonal Psychology, Consciousness and Spirituality.

    She is an accredited and certified Transpersonal Coach, Authentic-Self-Empowerment Facilitator, as well as an experienced teacher and educator. She works as a Transpersonal Coach trainer and tutor as part of the 1-year certificate in Transpersonal Coaching Psychology through Alef Trust.

    She is the founder of Highly Sensitive Humans - an online community that offers courses, coaching, articles and a podcast for Highly Sensitive People. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...


    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, I speak to Bristena G. Mantu who is a Romanian psychospiritual counsellor & therapist in training based in London. We talk about the lived experience of being a Highly Sensitive Person and our shared passion and interest in the transpersonal.

    Bristena shares her experiences of her pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in the summer of 2019 which sparked the inspiration for her rich and passionate collection of poems, shared in her recently published book, 'Inner Callings - a pilgrim's diary'.

    Bristena has an MA in Psychosynthesis Psychology, a transpersonal context that facilitates the soul's evolutionary journey. She is also a published author, having recently published her first volume 'Inner Callings - a pilgrim's diary', a collection of soulful poetry and diary notes from Bristena's pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela in summer 2019.

    Both her therapeutic and artistic offerings are meant to serve anybody yearning for a deeper, more authentic connection to themselves, others and life. Bringing together raw passion, deep purpose and heartfelt compassion, Bristena's work nurtures the soul, soothes the heart and informs the mind of what is needed to make the experience of being human a more enjoyable and meaningful one for everyone involved.

    For counselling inquiries, and to book your spot at her upcoming book performance taking place on the 20th June in London, visit www.bristenamantu.com

    Book your tickets for the poetry performance here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/inner-callings-poetry-performance-book-launch-registration-331846490787

    Her book is a self-printed special edition. Order through emailing her privately at [email protected]

    About Jules De Vitto, MAEd, MSc Certified Transpersonal Coach and Educator

    Jules De Vitto has a BSc in Psychology, MA in Education and MSc in Transpersonal Psychology, Consciousness and Spirituality.

    She is an accredited and certified Transpersonal Coach, Authentic-Self-Empowerment Facilitator, as well as an experienced teacher and educator. She works as a Transpersonal Coach trainer and tutor as part of the 1-year certificate in Transpersonal Coaching Psychology through Alef Trust.

    She is the founder of Highly Sensitive Humans - an online community that offers courses, coaching,

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, 'Finding the Light Within' for Highly Sensitive Children & Parents I speak to Alethea Kehas.

    Alethea Kehas is an author, mother, EMYoga instructor and reiki master. As the owner of Inner Truth Healing & Yoga, she helps people of all ages live mindful, balanced lives aligned with their inner truth.

    Alethea has an MFA in creative writing, holds degrees in biology and English, and is a third-degree initiate and graduate of the Silent Eye School of Consciousness. Alethea is the author of a memoir, A Girl Named Truth, and The Labyrinth, book one in the Warriors of Light middle-grade visionary fiction series. She blogs regularly about ancient lands, mindfulness, writing, and yoga at The Light Behind the Story.

    Alethea’s esoteric studies, healing journey, and mindfulness/yoga training have shaped her writing and work. She knows that magic does not come out of a wand, but from exploring the beautiful, complicated labyrinth of the self where joy exists at its center.

    Alethea shares how, as HSP, there is a benefit to tuning into the energy around us, finding that balance and finding the joy that threads through all life - being able to enter into the flow of life and surrendering to our experience.

    Stay in Touch with Alethea via her website >>

    Buy her book Labyrinth: Warriors of Light on Amazon >>

    About Jules De Vitto, MAEd, MSc Certified Transpersonal Coach and Educator

    Jules De Vitto has a BSc in Psychology, MA in Education and MSc in Transpersonal Psychology, Consciousness and Spirituality.

    She is an accredited and certified Transpersonal Coach, Authentic-Self-Empowerment Facilitator, as well as an experienced teacher and educator. She works as a Transpersonal Coach trainer and tutor as part of the 1-year certificate in Transpersonal Coaching Psychology through Alef Trust.

    She is the founder of Highly Sensitive Humans - an online community that offers courses, coaching, articles and a podcast for Highly Sensitive People. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life.

    ​She is a published author

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    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, we discuss how to connect with our innate gifts and thrive as Highly Sensitive People.

    As a Transpersonal Coach, I’m passionate about embodied transformation and helping those of us who are highly sensitive go beyond our conditioning and reconnect with our core Self.

    How do we go from knowing something intellectually to embodying it in the cells of our being? How do we live in alignment with the qualities of our innate essence – the truth of who we know ourselves to be?

    My work has led me to develop the HSH Integrative Model for Embodied Transformation, which encompasses eight domains for helping HSP thrive and step into their authentic gifts. Mastery in the eight domains enables us to navigate emotional overwhelm and step into our authentic power. I share the eight domains in this podcast episode.

    Jules De Vitto's Bio, MAEd, MSc Certified Transpersonal Coach and Educator

    Jules De Vitto has a BSc in Psychology, MA in Education and MSc in Transpersonal Psychology, Consciousness and Spirituality.

    She is an accredited and certified Transpersonal Coach, Authentic-Self-Empowerment Facilitator, as well as an experienced teacher and educator. She works as a Transpersonal Coach trainer and tutor as part of the 1-year certificate in Transpersonal Coaching Psychology through Alef Trust.

    She is the founder of Highly Sensitive Humans — an online community that offers courses, coaching, articles and a podcast for Highly Sensitive People. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life.

    ​She is a published author who wrote 'Resilience: Navigating Loss in a Time of Crisis' which provides practical resources to cultivate greater resilience and find greater meaning and purpose through times of crisis. She has published her research in the peer-reviewed journal Consciousness, Spirituality & Transpersonal Psychology.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...

    Facebook Group
    Highly Sensitive Humans Website

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
    Become a supporter

  • In this episode, we discuss the potential connection between high sensitivity and spiritual awakening experiences. Jessica shares her recently published research 'Spontaneous Spiritual Awakenings: Phenomenology, Altered States, Individual Differences, and Well-Being'. We identify what spiritual awakening experiences are, the challenges that can come with these experiences as well as the positive long-term effects of spiritual awakening experiences.

    Jessica Corneille, MSc is a Research Psychologist specialising in spontaneous spiritual awakening experiences. She graduated with a Masters Degree in Psychology (Distinction) from the University of Greenwich, where she focused her studies on altered states of consciousness. With a passion to bridge the worlds of science and spirituality, her mission is to challenge the default pathologisation of awakening experiences by helping to inform and encourage mainstream psychology to look beyond the current designated spectrum of ‘normality’, to encompass the transpersonal as something that is intrinsic to the human experience.

    Jessica recently published her research on the phenomenology, individual differences and well-being effects of spontaneous spiritual awakenings with Dr David Luke, and has given a number of talks on her work, including with the British Psychological Society (BPS). She works for the Scientific and Medical Network and Galileo Commission, is a collaborator of the Emergent Phenomenology Research Consortium and Spiritual Crisis Network, and is a certified Kundalini Yoga teacher.

    Spiritual Crisis Network (SCN): https://www.spiritualcrisisnetwork.uk

    International Spiritual Emergence Network (ISEN): https://www.spiritualemergencenetwork.org

    American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (ACISTE): https://aciste.org

    Spiritual Awakenings International (SAI) – sharing circles: https://spiritualawakeningsinternational.org

    Emerging Proud: https://www.emergingproud.com

    Publication (Frontiers in Psychology): Spontaneous Spiritual Awakenings: Phenomenology, Altered States

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, based on Jules' background in Transpersonal Psychology and understanding of psychospiritual transformation - Jules share the perspective that experiences of trauma can often be a catalyst for our psychospiritual growth and awakening as Highly Sensitive People.

    Jules discusses how the traits of high sensitivity can mean HSP are more prone to the impact of their environment and dysregulation of our nervous system.

    Inspired by the teaching of Gabor Mate, Bessel Van der Kolk, and Peter Levine she touches upon what Gabor refers to as the 'wisdom of trauma' and share how trauma, can result in a 'breaking open' and without negating the challenges. She share the perspective that trauma can move us closer to the divine and a connection with the spiritual; often resulting in awakening. She draws on the concept of the wounded healer and the importance of leaning towards, rather than moving away from our difficulties.

    Join the online 8-week course: Step into your Authentic Power as a Highly Sensitive Person

    This course offers 8-modules with an abundance of resources, meditations, workbooks, 1-1 and group coaching, community support as well as live workshops with guest experts!

    Spaces are now open for the next course starting March 7th, 2022. Receive a special early-bird, discount before December 1st - spaces are limited to 10 people! Sign up here >>

    More about Jules De Vitto...

    Jules De Vitto is a Transpersonal Coach who is experienced at helping Highly Sensitive People overcome anxiety, stress and burnout. Jules is Highly Sensitive herself and guides Highly Sensitive People into their authentic power and alignment with their true purpose in life.

    She lived in Asia for eleven years before moving to London and integrates Eastern practices and modern-day mindfulness into her work. She has a degree in Psychology, an MA in Education and an MSc in Transpersonal Psychology, Consciousness and Spirituality.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    Facebook Group

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, I speak with Willow McIntosh, who is the founder of Inluminance and creator of the High Sensory Coaching Program. We explore what Willow refers to as high sensory intelligence and the reasons why highly sensitive people have the potential to thrive as leaders, entrepreneurs, coaches, mentors and much more. Willow states, 'there is no greater endeavour than to reclaim the truth of who we are' and shares the importance of highly sensitive people aligning with their authentic selves, finding their area of fascination and stepping into their unique potential; our reason for being.

    Become a patron of the Highly Sensitive Human Podcast and get early, exclusive access to the podcast, the written transcripts, behind the scenes content and a bonus Q + A with experts: BECOME A PATRON HERE >>

    About Willow McIntosh

    Willow believes that all people with the trait have the ability to tap into a unique skill that draws on a deeper sensory perception. Founded in their own life experience and self-development they have the capacity to facilitate great transformation and development in others. Willow is on a mission to awaken us to the responsibility we have to utilise the abilities it affords in business, governments and leadership.

    Having successfully facilitated the development of seven-figure businesses Willow’s practice has taken him all over the world. Speaking internationally, training in a broad range of fields and facilitating others for more than twenty years. Willow now specialises in facilitating people with the trait to activate them into service in alignment with their gifts and purpose as highly skilled coaches, facilitators, consultants and healers.

    Stay in Touch: Inluminance Website

    More about Jules De Vitto...

    Jules De Vitto is a Transpersonal Coach who is experienced at helping Highly Sensitive People overcome anxiety, stress and burnout. Jules is Highly Sensitive herself and guides Highly Sensitive People into their authentic power and alignment with their true purpose in life.

    She lived in Asia for eleven years before moving to London and integrates Eastern practices and modern-day mi

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, I speak to Jacquelyn Strickland, a licensed professional counsellor, who has worked exclusively with highly sensitive people since 2000. We speak about the barriers to self-expression and the tools and techniques that can support us in authentic self-expression and communication as Highly Sensitive People. We discuss exterior listening vs interior listening, our spiritual path, the concept of an inner calling, soul purpose and the importance of 'following our bliss.'

    Become a patron of the Highly Sensitive Human Podcast and get early, exclusive access to the podcast, the written transcripts, behind the scenes content and a bonus Q + A with experts: BECOME A PATRON HERE >>

    Jacquelyn Strickland
    Jacquelyn's practice has slowly transitioned into her current work as a Mentor and Coach for highly sensitive people. Her background in Social Work, Women’s Studies, cultural diversity and a graduate degree in Counseling still empower and informed her work. She has been
    trained in hypnotherapy and utilized her Level II EMDR training in her psychotherapy practice. She has been certified to utilize Myers Briggs Personality Assessment since 1991, and is also well versed in the use of the Enneagram, using both of these modalities, when helpful, in her work. Jacquelyn is one of the very first pioneers, along with Elaine Aron, of what is now an international movement connecting HSPs around the world. She is a member of ICHS – International Consultants on High Sensitivity which is an international group of highly sensitive professionals trained in 2018 by Dr Elaine Aron. Jacquelyn made a brief appearance in the 2015 documentary: Sensitive, The Untold Story.

    Stay in Touch
    Jacquelyn's Website
    Facebook page- HSP Gathering Retreats
    Sign up for her newsletter, HSP Highlights & Insights

    Resources Mentioned
    John Hopkins with Ram Dass, East Forest - Sit Around the Fire
    The Highly Sensitive Person and the Numinous

    Become a patron of the Highly Sensitive Human

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    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
    Become a supporter

  • In this Episode I talk to Dr. Tracy Cooper about his incredible work and research exploring the intersection between Highly Sensitive People and High Sensation Seeking. We talk about the soon to be released documentary, Sensitive Men Rising that Dr. Cooper is working on with Emmy Award-winning director Will Harper and the incredible actor, musician, artist Luke Goss.

    Become a patron of the Highly Sensitive Human Podcast and get early, exclusive access to the podcast, the written transcripts, behind the scenes content and a bonus Q + A with experts: BECOME A PATRON HERE >>

    About Dr. Tracy Cooper...

    Tracy Cooper, Ph.D. is a broad thinker, writer, creative, educator, and active researcher exploring Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Sensation Seeking. Dr. Cooper is Assistant Professor for Baker University’s Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) in leadership in higher education degree. Dr. Cooper co-founded the first Highly Sensitive Men’s Seminar and began offering coed HSP seminars, including the first High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive Person’s seminar.

    Dr. Cooper appeared in the documentary movie Sensitive – The Untold Story, with many other researchers, exploring the personality trait Sensory Processing Sensitivity and currently is working with Emmy Award-winning director of Sensitive-The Untold Story, Will Harper and the incredible actor, musician, artist Luke Goss on Sensitive Men Rising-The Documentary.

    Dr. Tracy Cooper's Books

    Thrive: The Highly Sensitive Person and Career, a book based on two extensive studies investigating the way highly sensitive people experience careers. Thrill: The High Sensation Seeking Highly Sensitive Person, a comprehensive book exploring the intersection of Sensory Processing Sensitivity and Sensation Seeking.In 2020 he published Empowering the Sensitive Male Soul, a book dedicated to raising awareness and consciousness around sensory processing sensitivity in men.

    Stay in Touch:

    Dr Tracy Cooper's Website

    Tracy Cooper, Ph.D. | Facebook

    Sensitive Men Rising-The Documentary | Facebook

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, we explore the traits of high sensitivity from a transpersonal and holistic perspective.

    Are you a highly sensitive person, and are you drawn towards a spiritual path? Have your struggles as a highly sensitive person led you onto a path of significant healing and growth?

    From my personal experience and professional work as a coach, I have understood that being highly sensitive has a purpose that goes beyond evolutionary advantages. In other words - being highly sensitive isn't only an adaptive trait that has evolved for our survival, but sensitivity is connected to an innate soul purpose which, for many highly sensitive people, is related to a desire to heal and help ourselves and others...

    Find out more in this episode :)

    Become a patron of the Highly Sensitive Human Podcast and get early, exclusive access to the podcast, the written transcripts, behind the scenes content and a bonus Q + A with experts: BECOME A PATRON HERE >>

    More about Jules De Vitto...

    Jules De Vitto is a Transpersonal Coach who is experienced at helping Highly Sensitive People overcome anxiety, stress and burnout.

    Jules is Highly Sensitive herself and is passionate about helping Highly Sensitive People step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She lived in Asia for eleven years before moving to London and integrates Eastern practices and modern-day mindfulness into her work. She has a degree in Psychology, an MA in Education and an MSc in Transpersonal Psychology, Consciousness and Spirituality. She’s a Meditation teacher on Insight Timer and a published author through Changemaker Books and John Hunt Publishers. She wrote Resilience: Navigating Loss in a Time of Crisis to help people through the Covid-19 Pandemic available here.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/highly.sensitive.humans/
    Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/highlysensitive

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
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  • In this episode, I speak to Nick Jellie who is a mentor and EFT practitioner for highly sensitive people experiencing social anxiety. Nick explains the theory behind the Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), otherwise known as tapping, and how it can be used to combat anxiety for Highly Sensitive People. We talk about the importance of approaching our healing from a holistic perspective and how specific emotions and trauma are stored energetically within the physical body. EFT works to release these energetical blockages through tapping on meridians and draws on various theories of alternative and energy medicine.

    EFT Anxiety and the Highly Sensitive Person

    Nick Jellie is a mentor and EFT practitioner for highly sensitive people experiencing social anxiety. He holds an honours degree in psychology and is studying towards registration as a certified practitioner with EFT International. Nick experienced his own struggles with social anxiety for almost 10 years trying unsuccessfully to overcome his anxiety using a number of different methods. He is an accomplished meditation practitioner and has also learned from spiritual teachers such as Sadhguru, Eckhart Tolle, and others on his journey to inner freedom and recovery. He now teaches others how to overcome past experiences of shame and guilt, and retrain their nervous system to experience greater ease and confidence in social situations.

    Stay in touch with Nick:

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/alan.jellie.9

    Nick's Website: http://www.socialanxietyfreedom.com/

    Books Mentioned:

    The Power of Now, Eckhart Tolle:

    Alan Watts, The Wisdom of Insecurity

    When the Body Says No, Gabor Mate

    The Body Keeps Score, Bessel van der Kolk

    More about your host, Jules De Vitto...

    Jules De Vitto is a Transpersonal Coach who is experienced at helping Highly Sensitive People overcome anxiety, stress and burnout.

    Jules is Highly Sensitive herself and is passionate about helping Highly Sensitive

    Support the Show.

    About the Host: Jules De Vitto is a transpersonal coach, trainer and experienced educator. She helps those who identify with the traits of high sensitivity to navigate emotional overwhelm, step into their authentic power and align with their true purpose in life. She is a published author and wrote one of a series of books on Resilience, Navigating Loss in a time of Crisis. Her research has also been published in the Transpersonal Coaching Psychology Journal and Journal of Consciousness, Spirituality, and Transpersonal Psychology. Jules has spent years engaging in deep transformative healing work - she is a Reiki Master and Teacher and has completed Michael Harner’s Shamanic Practitioner Training through the Foundation of Shamanic Studies and a Grief Ritual Leadership Training with Francis Weller.

    You can stay connected with Jules through...
    The Highly Sensitive Human Academy™ - join our 3-month professional training: coaching Highly Sensitive People
    Become a supporter