
  • Episode 38 - We always try to get better, not be "good enough"

    In any relationship where we are growing and evolving, we have to expect that our needs and desires are going to change as we change. But in relationships, it can be challenging to hear that our partner wants or needs more from us.

    On one hand we might say we want to grow together. But then, when our partner grows and has new needs and desires, can we step forward to meet them?

    There is perhaps nothing that has changed more for us as we have grown together through the evolution of our power exchange relationship than our ability to meet each other’s desires for more with openness and acceptance.

    And in this episode of Dom Sub Devotion, we discuss how we’ve learned to give each other the space inside of our relationship to evolve without feeling threatened by that desire to grow. Enjoy!


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022, available for only $97. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented, available for only $69 at our site. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

  • Episode 37 - How I control my submissive

    Control is a very charged word that comes with a lot of fear, judgement, and resistance. It’s also something that has often been abused.

    But inside of a loving Dom/sub relationship, consensual control is a central theme. There’s turn on in taking control. Surrendering control. It’s what makes power exchange into power exchange!

    In this episode, we explore control. What it is for us. The role it plays in our dynamic. The differences between being in control and being controlling. What each of us likes about the word and energy of control. The difference between control as a limiting factor and control as path to freedom, and lots more!


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022, available for only $97. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented, available for only $69 at our site. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

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  • Episode 36 - Keeping passion and desire alive over the long term - Dating, Novelty, and Sex

    Dom/sub relationships are often thought of in terms of control, obedience, and structure.

    But in a long term, loving relationship, things like romance, and continuing to date each other, are spoken about as valuable.

    So how do WE bring these two things together?

    This is what we discuss in this episode of Dom Sub Devotion. Recorded on a Friday, already dressed to head out on a date night together, we captured this episode to share how Dominance and submission for us work together perfectly with a loving relationship.

    Just some of the topics we discuss in this episode:

    How romance fits together with power exchangeWhy dating each other is still important in D/s dynamicsHow D/s has brought novelty and excitement into our marriagePower exchange as the antidote to the slowly dying passion in marriageAnd lots more!

    We hope you enjoy this episode! We’d love to hear your comments and feedback, as always! Please remember to subscribe, and if you enjoy our work, consider leaving a rating for us on Apple or Spotify podcasts to help other people find us!


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022, available for only $97. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented, available for only $69 at our site. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

  • Episode 35: How we make decisions in our D/s marriage - Streamed Live on YouTube

    Over 5 years in a 24/7 D/s dynamic, we’ve learned some lessons about keeping consistent, and with stayingThis episode was streamed live! If you want to make sure you get notified of future livestreams, subscribe to our channel and to our email list by clicking here! https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    We had dozens of our followers join us live to hear us discuss decision making in our D/s dynamic. How does Dawn actually let go of control and allow herself to follow Andrew's decisions? How did Andrew learn to become confident in his decision making? And how has all of this helped us learn to trust each other more deeply?   

    We address all of this and more in this livestream podcast recording. We appreciate all of you for joining us, and look forward to the next live with you!  


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022, available for only $97. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented, available for only $69 at our site. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim



  • Episode 34: How we stay consistent in our D/s dynamic

    Over 5 years in a 24/7 D/s dynamic, we’ve learned some lessons about keeping consistent, and with staying connected to our D/s relationship.

    In this episode, we discuss some of the ways we’ve managed to stay consistent in our D/s, even in the midst of challenges, children, illnesses, and busy lives.

    And we share some of the strategies that our listeners can learn from our approach to keep your own D/s dynamic strong over the long term, without falling out of it when things get tough.


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim


    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion


  • https://infinitedevotion.com/communion  

    We are accepting enrollments for our premier program for women: Communion. This six month immersion begins on June 3rd, 2024. If you are a woman who is seeking a deeper connection to your own body, soul, and truth, this is what you've been looking for. Click the link below to learn more and join us!

     Episode 33: Overcoming Overthinking

    Overthinking is a challenge that comes into direct confrontation with any attempts to engage in deeper intimacy in relationship. And this tendency to get stuck in cycles of overthinking and ruminating is one that can feel impossible to escape.   

    In this episode, we discuss how we’ve worked through each of our own overthinking problems. We get into what definitely DIDN’T work, and how we’ve come to a place of being much more present in our own bodies and our own experiences.   

    What we’ve found to be true is that we CAN end the cycle of overthinking, but we will never think our way out of a thinking problem. No amount of information gathering or understanding has helped.   Instead, we’ve had to realize the root causes of overthinking and come into deep awareness of what we’re trying to avoid with these spinning, cycling, ruminating thoughts. And this has been how we’ve found our way to a much deeper place of presence in each of our experience of life.   

    Enjoy this episode, there is a ton of very potent and valuable sharing of experience in this conversation for anyone who wants to end this pattern of being stuck in your head.   


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim


    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion

  • Episode 32: Finding ourselves through our Dom/sub marriage

    The seeking of authenticity has been an integral part of what has made our D/s marriage so special and unique.

    So often, D/s relationships value things like obedience and performance.

    But for us, this has always been about deeper intimacy with each other. And that has led us to look inward and become more of who we really are.

    But authenticity can bring us apart. Or certainly lead us to fear losing love or being abandoned, because it involves unwinding codependent patterns.

    So in this episode, we discuss how deeper authenticity has allowed us to come into connection and intimacy with each other, and how D/s has created the structure for us to accept and love each other in our fullness.


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim


    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion

  • Episode 31: Living in your feminine energy - Dawn's Experience

    I don’t think there’s anything that is more confusing, and more often confused, than what it really means to be “in your feminine” as a woman in today’s world.

    What the heck does that even mean? And how does a woman actually LIVE that way?

    This is what we explore together in this episode of Dom Sub Devotion.

    As Dawn reflects her experience of coming out of a very masculine expression into a feminine expression, she shares such deep lessons for women who want to live a more easy, free life.

    And also…some of this will probably be VERY confronting. Especially if you’ve convinced yourself that you can keep everything about your life exactly the way it is. Because you can’t. It just doesn’t work that way.

    If you’re a woman who finds yourself wanting more of this freedom of living in a feminine expression, we’d love to have you join us in Communion. Our 6 month group container where we show you (not TELL you, actually SHOW you) how you can live in your own, unique, authentic expression of your feminine self.   

    Communion begins on June 3, 2024, but we have an early enrollment discount that's available only until May 1, so don't wait!

    You can learn more here: https://infinitedevotion.com/communion


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion


  • Episode 30: Q&A with a 24/7 Dominant

    Last week, you got to hear from Dawn in “Ask Dawn Anything”

    And this week, it’s Andrew’s turn.

    We asked for questions that you wanted to hear Andrew’s reflections on, and we got some great ones. Here are just a few of the questions he answered during this hour long Q&A.

    How can I empower my man to be more Dominant?

    You talked about masculine energy for women, is there a healthy feminine energy for men?

    How do you share your emotions/feelings in a way that she can stay in her feminine, rather than going into masculine fix it mode?

    How do I build more confidence or strength to be more Dominant?

    What are some rules you have for Dawn?

    What does Dawn’s submission feel like to you?

    And lots, lots more.

    Andrew really delivered a lot of truth in these answers, and his reflections will be valuable for both Dominants and submissives. We hope you enjoy!



    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion


  • Episode 29: Ask Dawn Anything - Q&A with a 24/7 submissive

    We dedicated this episode to a Q&A that’s just for Dawn to share her experience and answer our listeners’ and followers’ questions.

    Here are just a few of the questions that she was asked in this episode:

    Do you get a lot of questions about your collar?

    As a new sub, what would be your biggest piece of advice for me starting on this journey?

    How do I get my submissive to be more submissive and obedient?

    I want to be submissive SO badly, but I feel so much shame about even wanting this…help!

    Does Sir ever repeat decisions that hurt you, despite you sharing the impact it has on you?

    And the thing everyone’s dying to know (not really):

    Does Dawn give up bathroom control??????? - Seriously, stay tuned long enough for this answer….

    Do you have more questions for Dawn? Send them to us, and we will record a follow up episode soon!


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion


  • Episode 28: D/s is not always BDSM

    So many couples face real challenges when they try to take D/s out of the bedroom and bring it into the living room.

    In this episode, we discuss why it is that the same things that work to drive the energy of kink don’t work the same when we’re dealing with the energy of love. And how separating the concepts of D/s from BDSM is an important start to bringing the heart into our power exchange dynamics.


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion


  • My good friend Eric is back on the Dom Sub Devotion podcast for another conversation with me in the exploration of conscious Dominance.

    And in this episode, we dive into the meaning of the word consent and how it opens the door to a deeper, more meaningful Dom/sub dynamic when it is seen as an opportunity for connection, rather than an agreement to avoid feeling and emotion.

    And you won't want to miss Eric's special gift of analogy, when he compares different types of D/s dynamics to different types of farming. Farming? Yes, farming.

    Enjoy this episode, and share your thoughts and feedback with us!


    More about Eric:


    I am here because of a commitment to my vision, study, practice, wisdom, perseverance, gratitude, and the support of loved ones.

    I share my gifts openly and lead with my heart. I now live a purpose of divine service, alchemy, authorship, and authenticity.

    I coach the MASCULINE through self-renovation, relationship polarity, Conscious Dominance, inner-alchemy, feminine containment, and oracular guidance offerings.

    You can learn more about how Eric supports men in their consciousness at: https://elementalartsinitiative.com

  • Episode 27: Trust and Trustworthiness in D/s dynamics

    How do we relate to the concept of trust inside of Dom/sub relationships?

    In this episode, Andrew & Dawn discuss trust. We dive into how trust is earned, how it's given, and what to do when it's broken.

    And, in a fascinating part of this conversation, we venture into an exploration of conscious relating through the lens of trust, as Dawn explores how her ego would bring up feelings of a lack of trust in Andrew, which were in reality projections and fears masking as a lack of trust.

    This is a particularly deep and nuanced conversation, and we welcome you into it. Thank you for listening to Dom Sub Devotion!


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim


    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion

  • Episode 26: Handling a submissive woman's emotions

    https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man - In our new course for men, we teach you how you can build the inner strength that it takes to lead a submissive woman through a loving D/s dynamic...by first becoming Dominant over yourself.   

    There is nothing quite so confounding to men as the emotions of their woman. In fact, many men seem to approach Dominance as a means to finally have some control over these emotions, or at least the ability to deal with them.   

    But what happens when Dominance is used to suppress her emotional expression? Shutting her down doesn't get him anywhere either.   

    In this episode, we share with Dominant men how to set her free by the way you handle and receive her emotional expression.

    And how submissive women can give a gift to their Dominant, and to the world, by bringing a big expression.   


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion


  • Our first ever guest on Dom Sub Devotion is Eric from the Elemental Arts Initiative.

    Eric is a coach and teacher with a diverse and fascinating history that he shares in this episode. He is also my personal friend and confidant.

    Having other Dominant men in your life isn't just important, it's essential. Eric and I talk every week about our own lives, our relationships, and the challenges we're facing and working to lead ourselves and our submissives through.

    Our conversations were so valuable to both of us that it seemed like something that would be helpful to other Dominant men to hear.

    And also valuable for submissives who want a look behind the curtains of a Dominant man's mind as he navigates the rewards and challenges of this lifestyle.

    So I asked Eric if he'd be willing to come on the podcast with me to record and share one of our conversations.

    There's a lot of gold in here no matter where you're at in your Dom/sub journey.

    We'd love to hear your feedback, and if you'd like to hear more from Eric and I in the future!

    You can find more about Eric and his partner Rachael through their websites at: https://elementalartsinitiative.com



    And for more information on my course to help you develop your inner Dominance and your Dominant Character, visit https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man



  • Episode 25: Our nomadic lifestyle - and how it affects our Dom/sub marriage

    We live over half the year out of a fifth-wheel camper, traveling to new and different places. And in this episode we discuss some of how that has helped our D/s dynamic, and some of the challenges that come with it.

    One of those challenges is the fact that we run our business, Infinite Devotion, out of this very small space. And when a thunderstorm kicks off when you're recording a podcast, you can hear it!

    So enjoy this conversation, and the soothing sounds of a thunderstorm raging in the background!


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion

  • Episode 24: Becoming a Dominant Man - Developing a Dominant character

    This episode discusses what it truly takes for a man to embody Dominance as a way of being, not just something he does with, or to, women.

    Andrew's new course for men that guides you through your own process of becoming a Dominant man is available now.

    You can learn more and join at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man-1


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion

  • Episode 23: 13th wedding anniversary episode - How D/s dynamics improved our marriage

    In this episode, we went live on Youtube to interact with our followers and share some of the ways that becoming a Dom/sub couple has made our marriage better.

    We live streamed this on the evening before our 13th anniversary, and a couple days before Dawn's birthday, and we ended with some very sweet birthday messages for her from our followers.

    Make sure to subscribe to us on youtube at https://youtube.com/@infinitedevotion to join us in future livestream podcast episodes!


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion

  • Episode 21: Our rules & rituals - A deeper look inside our 24/7 Dom/sub marriage

    This is the deepest we've ever let our viewers into our dynamic.

    Not only do we share more specifics about our D/s marriage than we ever have before in this episode...we get even deeper into WHY the rules are in place, and how Sir goes about setting this structure.

    If you want to set up a 24/7 D/s dynamic in a loving, healthy way, this episode will give you so much help! Not just in what to do, but in the importance of knowing why you're doing what you're doing, so you can make everything work with your real, actual life! 


    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion

  • Episode 20 - How we handle conflict in our 24/7 Dom/sub marriage

    Every relationship is going to have conflict and disagreement at times.

    In Episode 20, we talk about how our D/s dynamic has helped us use these moments as opportunities to go deeper into our intimacy and connection with each other.

    It's not that Dom/sub dynamics have cured our relationship from having disagreements. That's a fantasy that is usually based in trying to control and force each other into self suppression. 

    But instead, by encouraging FULL expression, we have been able to find a new level of connection in every conflict or disagreement. Listen in to learn more! 



    Andrew & Dawn are full time coaches and educators, working to support individuals and couples in building healthy, loving Dom/sub relationships.   

    Here are some of the different free and paid options of how to work with and learn from us! 

    Subscribe: Get updates when we publish new episodes of Dom Sub Devotion and other new content at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/podcastsubscribe 

    Website: Visit our website at https://infinitedevotion.com for all of our latest content. 

    Coaching: You can learn more about working with us in 1-1 coaching and our various workshops, courses, and programs at https://infinitedevotion.com/work-with-us   

    Communion is a 6 month small group coaching program for women who are working to let go of control and live a more feminine, surrendered existence. To overcome overthinking and find peace and freedom in life. This program includes weekly practices and weekly calls with Andrew & Dawn to guide you on your own journey to authentic feminine embodiment. Learn more at https://infinitedevotion.com/communion

    Free Resources:

    FREE: The 12 Steps to Dominance: A free ebook showing men how to embody a healthy, loving Dominance. Download here: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/12-steps-to-dominance  

    FREE: Inspiring Her Submission Masterclass: A deep dive on how to inspire any woman to submit and surrender to you. Watch here: https://infinitedevotion.com/dominance-masterclass  

    FREE: Devotional Dominance & Submission: A free ebook showing you how D/s dynamics and loving long term relationships work hand in hand. https://infinitedevotion.com/devotional-ds

    Listen to Andrew's other podcast, Conscious Dominance! Conscious Dominance is a weekly conversation between two Dominant men as we navigate the demands and growth that are required of us in living in and leading inside of 24/7 Dom/sub relationships. These are deep conversations that go straight to the true heart of a Dominant man. Find Conscious Dominance at https://conscious-dominance.captivate.fm/  or on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, or anywhere else you like to listen!

    Becoming a Dominant Man is Andrew's flagship course for Dominant Men. Becoming a Dominant Man leads men through a 12 step process, the 12 Steps to Dominance, to claim full ownership of their lives and their inner strength, so that they can carry a loving strength, true Dominance, into their lives and relationships. Becoming a Dominant Man is a pre-recorded course that men can work through on their own time, but also includes live weekly instruction and Q&A with Andrew at no extra cost. Learn more about Becoming a Dominant Man at https://infinitedevotion.com/becoming-a-dominant-man

    Living Surrendered is a pre-recorded, watch on demand workshop for women that we presented live in 2022. The way that the content of this workshop came out was so potent, and the way it impacted the women's lives who watched live, made us decide to keep it available to watch on demand. This workshop dives deep into what it takes for a woman to let go of control. Why it's so challenging. And shows a path to freedom for any feminine woman who desires to escape the fear and control that keep her living small. Learn more about Living Surrendered and watch now at https://www.infinitedevotion.com/living-surrendered-2

    Finding My Dominant Man is another watch on demand workshop replay from a 2023 live stream teaching that we presented. This workshop helps submissive women learn how to attract and keep a loving Dominant man in her life. We believe so deeply in this workshop and it's content that we made it the lowest priced offering we have available, so it can reach as many people as possible. Learn more and watch now at: https://www.infinitedevotion.com/findhim

    Social Links: 

    Instagram: https://instagram.com/_infinitedevotion

    YouTube: https://instagram.com/@infinitedevotion

    Facebook: https://facebook.com/domsubdevotion