Stoicism as a philosophy dates back to about 300 BC in Greece and spread through Roman times. The main valuable tenet is that we cannot control the world around us, only how we respond. Stoicism tells us that we control ourselves through our thoughts, emotions, and actions. We control and have power to choose self-discipline in each of those areas. In this episode Desiree shares the value of embracing Stoicism as a way of life.
Linked below is her article for Brainz Magazine "Embracing Stoicism – A Timeless Philosophy For Today’s Chaotic World" https://www.brainzmagazine.com/post/embracing-stoicism-a-timeless-philosophy-for-today-s-chaotic-world
Find Intuitive Journey with Desiree on Youtube as well -
Youtube - https://youtu.be/Zxrj7jNK2FM
You can find more about Desiree and her work at the links belowwww.transhypnotherapy.com
Author of Journey to Joy - The Written Path
Join fellow Brainz Magazine Contributor, Laura Rubino, and I in a conversation about empowering children with positive life skills! If you are a parent, teacher or anyone who has the opportunity to work with children you will find value in what we share!
Meet Laura Rubino, a passionate mentor and the driving force behind Higher Minds, a pioneering educational company dedicated to empowering children and their families.
Laura’s career began as a classroom teacher, where she taught both locally and internationally in Norway, South Korea and Colombia. Recognizing a profound need for emotional education, she founded Higher Minds in 2018, introducing Yoga and Mindfulness programs into schools.
Beyond the classroom, Laura serves as a Youth Mindset Mentor through her online Mentorship Program, a transformative 6-week journey for mentees ages 4-18. Her program equips young minds with simple daily practices to enhance emotional regulation, fostering a sense of calm and connection.
Laura is dedicated to imparting ancient yogic wisdom to our youth in order to cultivate a more peaceful world for future generations.
You can find Laura here:
IG @highermindsyoga
Find all of Desiree's links here! www.transhypnotherapy.com
Click here for links to all of my sites - https://linktr.ee/DesireeScherini This podcast is also available on Youtube "Intuitive Journey with Desiree" - Please Subscribe and Like!
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Letao Wang is the acclaimed author of the Oracle of the Mythic Heroes, a professional astrologist, tarot specialist and the founder and spiritual counselor of the Healing Kingdom. He offers readings to clients in Hong Kong and Virtually around the world. He is a regular contributor to Bustle.com's astrology column.
Join Desiree and Letao as they have a converstion about his new Oracle Deck The "Oracle of the Celestial Deities". He shares his path to his work as an astrologer and Oracle Deck creator and the fascinating stories to be found in his Deck!
Find Letao at www.thehealingkingdom.com and the Deck publisher at www.BeyondWord.com
Find all of Desiree's links at https://linktr.ee/DesireeScherini
Intuitive Journey with Desiree can be found on YouTube and Podcast. Like, Follow and Subscribe!
Have you been "Rejected"? It is perfectly normal to grieve, and feel sad when facing lost hopes and expectations....BUT....It may now be time to REFRAME, REVIEW, AND RESTART.
Take a listen and discover how Rejection is a Gift!
This episode can be found on many Podcast Platforms and on Youtube! click below to find more.
find all of Desiree's links at: https://linktr.ee/DesireeScherini
Desiree interviews Catherine C. Bastedo, the creator of "Bird Vibes Meditation Cards". Catherine's interesting path from working for the Canadian government to becoming a Reiki Master/Teacher and intuitive card creator is inspiring.
Learn about the Bird Vibes cards and the multiple ways they can be enjoyed and meditated upon!
Learn more about Catherine here:
https://catherinecbastedo.com/[email protected]
Find all of Desiree's Links here (including websites, book, Vida designs, facebook, linkedIn, Brainz Magazine, Quora and more (This Episode is also on Desiree's YouTube channel - link included below!):https://linktr.ee/DesireeScherini
Desiree Holmes Scherini and Sandy Glaze get together to share ways to manage the energies of 2024. We talk about having a healthy awareness of personal and global events and issues and how to manage your inner world and wellness. We discuss why it's important to not get caught up in the Fear mentality and how to protect yourself from the fear and negativity around you using thought and energetic shielding.
Learn more about Sandy here: at https://sandyglazecoach.com Email me at: [email protected] FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/people/Sandy-Glaze/100011325213448/ You Tube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZKIyVqb9VP7tylWcYAxLCABitchute: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/15MfcNcW9pLe/ To purchase a digital copy of Ending Global Loneliness; Finding Purpose, Love & Dynamic Relationships go to https://sandyglazecoach.com/the-book/Home - Sandy Glaze Coach
You can find all of Desiree's links right here!
Click here for all links - including Facebook, LinkedIn and more! https://linktr.ee/DesireeScherini -
Holidays bring so many Expectations! With those positive expectations often come disappointments. Sometimes we expect disappointments! And we get what we are looking for!
In this episode Desiree shares insights on how to manage your responses to disappointments and avoid becoming the victim of let downs.
This episode, and others, are also available on YouTube - follow this link for all of Desiree's work.
Follow and Share to help enlighten and enliven others. -
Do your "What If?" thoughts go to the negative or worst case scenario? That bad "thought habit" may be affecting your health and happiness. Being prepared and aware is a good thing. Being afraid is not. In this episode Desiree offers advice on how to choose better feeling thoughts for a better feeling life!
Find All my links here: https://linktr.ee/DesireeScherini
In this episode Desiree interviews Craig Goldberg, a Relaxation Expert and Technologist on a quest to help humanity achieve a deeper sense of inner calmness through the use of sound-and-vibration technology. Craig is a Vibro-Acoustic Therapy Practitioner - using sound and vibration to help people mentally and physically.
Learn more about the powerful use of sound vibration in health and raise your awareness around the effects of everyday vibrations around you.
Find out more about Craig and his work, as well as where you can experience the benefits if sound vibration through these links: https://iaminharmony.com/
Facebook - Business https://www.facebook.com/inHarmonyInteractive
Facebook - Personal
LinkedIN Business
LinkedIN - Personal
Instagram - Business
Find more about Desiree through www.IntuitiveJourneyWithDesiree.com
or Click here for all links: https://linktr.ee/DesireeScherini
This Episode is on most podcast platforms, and also on YouTube and can be found through the link above.
Being "kind" can be harmful! To yourself and others. Being "nice" doesn't mean tolerating wrong behavior. Stop, Think, and Evaluate How and Where you spend your Energy. Kindness doesn't mean putting up with harm or selfishness, or supporting wrong decisions that may not be in the best interest of the one's you love. Listen and consider, How can you truly share your kindness and support in a way that leads to the best outcome for all.
My teaching is shown on my site below, and coming up in the near future at NATH.World
find all of my links here - https:/linktr.ee/DesireeScherini
Do you have a hard time speaking up for yourself? Are you a people pleaser? Do you find yourself feeling resentful, used or angry in situations? Speak up, but...do it in a way that opens the door to better understanding, and respect. Positive Assertiveness gives options for speaking up for yourself in a calm, yet powerful, way. In this episode Desiree shares some valuable communication skills to use in times of conflict, stressed communication and frustration.
In this Episode Desiree discusses the relationship between Empaths and Narcissists. This could be a personal relationship, business or even governmental. It's a dynamic that exists throughout society, and always has. Do you find you are the "People Pleaser"? The one who usually goes the extra mile, or helps the others out more than they help you? Listen to this episode to identify patterns and learn to find a healthy balance between give and take in your life!
Find more about Desiree here:
Desiree Holmes Scherini, BCH.MHt,LBLt,CRMT
All Links Here: https://linktr.ee/DesireeScherini Find this episode on YouTube as well by following this link!
Author of Journey to Joy - The Written Path
Desiree Holmes Scherini and Sandy Glaze explore trending topics and deeper truths in this episode! A main topic covered is Having Discernment, what that means and how it can help you navigate the turbulence in the world around you. How to learn, how to "Know Thyself" and approach your decisions and life from a solid understanding of who you are. They also go down a few rabbit holes around current events and what does it mean?!
Sandy Glaze
Energy, Personal Transformation and Self-Development Coach
Sandy was born in Ontario, Canada where she currently resides. In her early adult years she had an interest in the hospitality industry and management. Later, she had a successful career as a financial advisor for over two decades.
Her inquisitive nature made her realize that there was much more to life and started looking into personal energy fields and self-mastery.
In 2014, Sandy Glaze began her journey to understand energy coaching and various industry practices. Since then she has refined her techniques and intuitive abilities with the following certifications:
Certified Strategic Intervention and Advanced Relationship Coach Passion Patterns Coach Quantum Energetics Practitioner Assertiveness Trainer Essential Oils Coach Reiki Master Crystal Therapy Coach EFTSandy is an accomplished speaker, coach and author. In 2016, she published her book “Ending Global Loneliness; Finding purpose, love and dynamic relationships”
Since then, Sandy Glaze has touched thousands of lives through her coaching practice, interviews with hosts around the world and through conferences and workshops.
Sandy believes managing your life force energy gives you an edge over others and helps you tap into reserves of inner strength. Energy management is the new way of revitalizing yourself. Learning how to manage your energy has a positive effect in:
*Increasing Your Vitality*Elevating Your Frequency*Improving Your Productivity*Improving Your Relationships*Improving Your Memory*Increasing Your Enthusiasm*Finding Your Purpose and*Inspiring Your Creativity“Energy Transformation is the Way of the Future! Turn-around times to achieve major changes in your life do not have to be long, drawn out processes. I can teach you how to manage your personal energy to live a more exciting and fulfilling life”, says Sandy.
Find more conversation with Desiree and Sandy, as well as other interesting interviews and information on her Youtube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZKIyVqb9VP7tylWcYAxLCA
and her website - https://sandyglazecoach.com/
Springtime! It's time to renew and remind ourselves to live in a way that brings us joy! In this episode Desiree shares 5 Spring Self Promises to introduce into our daily routine to help you make a positive difference in your life. Take a listen, and download and safe this short article to remind yourself to practice these simple things everyday.
link to article at The Wellness Universe - 5 Spring Self Promises | The Wellness Universe
find links to all of my sites and content at - https:linktr.ee/DesireeScherini
In this episode Desiree talks about the "meaning of Christmas" - in addition to the birth of Jesus, it represents the Christ Spirit - the teachings of Jesus. She shares thoughts on adopting a perspective that encourages Compassion, Fellowship, Kindness and Love as a universal celebration at Christmas. That celebrating the Christ spirit can be shared by all, regardless of religious beliefs.
Intuitive Journey with Desiree is also on Youtube! Please subscribe there too! https://bit.ly/JourneytoJoytheWrittenPath
Do you find yourself reacting to the headlines and trending news stories? Fealing fearful and angry, and watching for the next story to come out? You may be addicted to "Fear Porn". Just like some enjoy the drama of a soap opera, it is easy to get caught up in the drama in the headlines that keep us engaged through fear. In this episode Desiree discusses how both main stream media and social media can be a drain on our energy, and create negativity in our lives. Fear is often used in headlines and news stories to capture the audience and keep us engaged. Practice discernment and awareness to protect yourself from the Fear Porn Addiction!
Intuitive Journey with Desiree is also on YouTube! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MMaM2jg7bpQ&list=PLyrVdR3X9TZMzY33ZnnJkFFtzYineIAgn
Following a medical accident this summer (2022) I lost sight in one eye. For several days following the incident, as I lay in ICU,, I saw the most interesting visions. People in period dress as if at a 1930's speakeasy, patterns that seemed to be made of light, hanging in front of what was actually there, people walking through the room, or outside the window - who weren't there. And Marjorie, a little girl in a yellow dress who stood beside my bed, until I suggested she go "into the light". (the only character in color, all others were in black and white) In looking up this phenomena I came across a condition called Charles Bonnet syndrome, which would explain at least some of my experience - but perhaps not all. In the recording I forget to mention, that I was eventually moved to another room, and the "hallucinations" ceased. Perhaps ICU Room number 2 had a bit of history!
This podcast is also available as video on YouTube - on my show by the same name "Intuitive Journey with Desiree" - https://youtu.be/gVwQ0HHBUYY
Subscribe to my podcast and Youtube Channel to know when new episodes are added! Thank You!
How do you respond to CHANGE? In this episode, Desiree Shares her own experience with sudden, difficult, unexpected CHANGE. She reflects on how it has impacted her, and how she is choosing to view it and respond to it for her best well being. She shares some thoughts for the listener to find their own way to respond to change for their own best well being.
To learn more about Desiree's work visit her website www.TransHypnotherapy.com and www.IntuitiveJourneywithDesiree.com
This podcast is also a video show on YouTube - under the playlist of "Intuitive Journey with Desiree" on her channel "Desiree Holmes Scherini, BCH, MHt"
We have all heard the terms "soul contract", "soul mate" or even "twin flame" ... but what do they mean? Is there a recognized definition? Where do "soul mates" come from and how can we appreciate and grow from these relationships. What is a "soul contract:"? How do we recognize and take advantage of these pre-planned life events!? If you have ever heard these terms and wondered, or had a feeling that there was something "special" about someone in your life, take a listen and find some answers! this Podcast can also be found on You Tube Now! Previously on Transformation TV, all episodes are available on my YouTube Channel under "Desiree Holmes Scherini"
find all links here - find more about Desiree here https://linktr.ee/DesireeScherini
Join Desiree as she interviews Susan Jane - The Intuitist, about her journey to trusting her intuition! Susan is a published author, inspirational speaker and a life/business mentor. In 1988 she was Nominated for Australian Citizen of the Year, and has been recognized for her contributions in Australia's Gold Coast. Through her work in "The Art of Intuition" she offers readings, classes and guidance in intuition. Among these is the unique "Flower Reading", her book Intuitive Flowers; Empowering your Emotional Goals shares her process. She also has an online course to become a flower reader! Her podcast "The Voice of Intuition" shares interviews and information that enhances the Intuitive Journey.
You can find more at her website https://intuitivenature.com.au
You can find more about Desiree through her all of her links at https://linktr.ee/DesireeScherini
the "Intuitive Journey with Desiree" show is found on Podcast and Video - find links above
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