It has oft been said that “The heart of a lion, the eyes of an eagle, and the hands of a lady maketh the surgeon.” Well then, time to get into it! Who or what are surgeons? What makes us tick? Do we really need the ❤️ of a 🦁, the 👀 of an 🦅 or the 💅of a👩💼 to do the job well?
Are the characteristics needed to be a surgeon hardwired into us? 🧬 If surgeons were made to wear the Harry Potter sorting hat, what house would we be, and what does that say about us…?🐍We get introspective about our own personalities and how we fit into this work persona 🔬 🤓How much crossover is there between us and psychopaths? 🫣Are we really more attractive than other types of doctors? 💁♀️What does it all really boil down to…? 🔪🙏———————————————————-
Additional sources discussed in this episode:
Well, we're not gonna argue! 😏 https://newsfeed.time.com/2013/08/30/survey-surgeons-are-the-most-attractive-doctors/
Yikes 😬 https://publishing.rcseng.ac.uk/doi/pdf/10.1308/rcsbull.2015.331
If you say so...https://www.prospectmagazine.co.uk/culture/44562/some-surgeons-may-be-psychopathsbut-thats-no-bad-thing
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
We're back after a very lengthy break! In that time we talk about:
Snow days and the joys therein ☃️Moonlighting when you're off the clock / back-street quackery 🦆Pumping those logbook numbers up! ⬆️Flirting with disaster...😅But essentially, we're using this episode to mark our transition into what we have planned for this season, and that is to get all existential and explore who or what are surgeons? What makes us tick? What makes us cut? Is there an archetypal surgeon? How relevant is that in today's workplace? 🤔
All / probably some of these things will be explored in the forthcoming season.....ARCP pending. Ha.
(As mentioned previously, we have to reduce the frequency of episodes to monthly for our own sanity, well-being and to ensure we still have our training numbers 🤞)
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Estão a faltar episódios?
And so, we are closing up again. We discuss some of the other finer points of this specialty series:
The ability to amuse oneself is one of the purest joys Audiences in new placesNearly a full house of specialties.......However, it's harder to remain anonymous in smaller circlesWe re-affirm our commitment to bringing you solid content......But our lives and our jobs are getting more serious now..Our plans for next seasonEmail us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This is it folks! This is what we have been building to for the last 6 months! All the uppercuts, all the low blows, all of the urine extracted from orthopaedics 🦴 and all the shade thrown at neurosurgery 🧠 all culminate in this…
We are rejoined by listeners 🎧 , contributors 🗣️ and now pundits 🎙️ Michael Ahn (Health Education West Midlands) and Dan Lazenby (Health Education North West) as we comment on the whole of last season, and what a season it’s been!
We discuss:
Capitalism at its worst 💸We won’t get cancelled will we?! 🚫Low key fans in high places 🧐 (proof down below)Acolytes of the knife joining in🤰👁️The best, best thing about surgery 🔪Core memories 💩Pinky / ye olde index haemostasis 🤙The best, worst thing about surgery 🥂Disappointing Asian parents 🫠Everyone gets a bit of love…except orthopaedics…because we don’t wanna admit that we need them… 😅The phantoms and apparitions that are cardiothoracics and neurosurgery🫀The winner 🏅 and loser of this season (with a little help from ChatGPT) 🤖But remember folks…the real winners are the friends we made along the way! 🤝
-Go forth my son and cast thy pod! (the deanery’s unofficial endorsement of our activities).
-You just can't compete with him.... so don't: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jonny_Kim
-We're family here https://www.ted.com/talks/gloria_chan_packer_work_is_not_your_family_jan_2022?subtitle=en
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This season, we’ve been sat on the sidelines, taking in the action and providing commentary on the action like a Jim Ross, Jerry ‘the King’ Lawler duo (and thus the origin of the title of this episode)…
Anyways, later than advertised (as we grapple with Black Wednesday, new hospitals, new firms, kids, m0ar inductions and the joys of mandatory training), we are rolling up our sleeves and getting stuck into the questions we set for the others and we talk about: the best and worst things about training, what we wish we knew before starting, who we admire, who we’d cheat with and who we could lay the smack down on…
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Just like any major cable television event, here comes another break in the action…
This season has been pretty challenging to get trainees from every specialty together. We received some messages from concerned listeners doing a welfare check when the last episode should have been released.
Fear not! We’ve not gone anywhere. We just didn’t want to release additional filler episodes whilst we are scheduling and recording the last couple. These neurosurgeons and cardiac surgeons are an elusive bunch… 👀.
Anyways, because we have no other way to communicate with everyone, here we are, another filler episode just to let you know we’re alive and well, and working on original content.
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Well, we didn’t expect them to make an appearance during this Royal Rumble of sorts, but they were called out early on and are here to lay the smacketh down!
Today we’re joined by Alison Thompson and Sherif Shawer (Health Education North West) as we grapple with O&G. We talk about the highest highs and the lowest lows, and everything in between. Seen by some as an easy target, they’ve definitely got the respect of all us parents this season!
And it’s clear that years on the labour ward knocking out Category 1 C-sections means they have the endurance, stamina and speed with a knife to bring the pain!
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Well that escalated quickly; a few weeks ago we had some specialties trash talking eyes and this week, out of nowhere, a specialty whose name we're not sure how to spell dive into the ring to rise to the challenge. Not strictly a pure surgical specialty, but they have knives 🔪 and they cut eyes 👁️. Some might say they're the envy of us all; they knock out ten times as many cases on a list as the rest of us, and all they're still home in time for tea! So today we focus the lens 🔬on Hugo Whyte and James Richardson-May (Health Education Wessex) and lift the lid on the good bits, the bad bits and the stuff they wish they'd known before starting training. Who are they enlisting for desert island survival 🏝️ and who are they taking on in a fight? 🥊 They might not be known for their physical prowess, but that doesn't matter; you wouldn't hit a guy with glasses right?! 🤓
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This episode is all about the kids; Jamie’s got his hands full with his, leaving Assad with André Cardoso Almeida (Health Education West Midlands) marking the entrance of paediatric surgery into the ring. The circle is complete; the apprentice has become the master! First crossing paths in general surgery during CST when Assad was a junior reg, André has motored through training and recently CCT’d.
We chat about:
Surgery on teeny tiny people with teeny tiny organs where losing a few drops of blood 🩸 has an impact on the circulating volume 🫀.Pulling on emotional heart strings 🎻 as a fringe benefit 😏The nerves of steel 😶 lying beneath a cheery exterior 🙂Operating on patients anywhere from a few days 👶 to a few years old 🧒, in different cavities 🫁 and systems.Desert island survival 🏝️Who could they lay the smack down on? 🤼♀️ Surely they wouldn’t? Not in front of the kids!Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
It's tough fitting a podcast around life, training, families, kids and crucially for trainees....ARCP season! As Jeff Goldblum in Jurassic Park so succinctly says "Life...uh...finds a way". And life has very much found a way to intrude in our recording schedule. So whilst we get around to bringing in more specialties into the ring, here's a bit of a catch up amongst old friends. We talk about:
Realising you're past it 👴The scientific methodology in reality TV 🔬Veterinary surgical subspecialties 🔪Surgical souvenirs 🪨🦵Cannibalism (as you do) 🍽️😋👀Feline aortic surgery:
Vezzosi T, Buralli C, Briganti A, Vannozzi I, Giacomelli E, Talamanca GF, Sansoni A, Domenech O, Tognetti R, Surgical embolectomy in a cat with cardiogenic aortic thromboembolism, Journal of Veterinary Cardiology, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jvc.2020.03.002.
Self-cannibalism following traumatic amputation:
Radiohead being their cheery selves:
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This week is the turn of ENT 👂👃🗣️and Assad has roped some old friends into the fray. We’re joined by Kate Hamnett and Joe Stansfield (Health Education North West) as we have at them; the good bits, the bad bits, the clinics (are they good or bad?), vertigo 🎭, bewildering anatomy mixed in with a bit of voodoo 🪄. And as you might expect from a bit of a catch up; we get a bit waylaid and off topic, but there’s plenty there for you to listen to!
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This episode brings the true heavyweights into the arena; we are joined by Zak Cole-Healey and Basim Dawoud (Health Education North West) as we get our teeth into maxfax! There's lots to unpick; what is it that compels a person to do both dentistry AND medicine?! 🎓
How do you afford it?! 💸
So do maxfax deal with teeth or not? 🦷 (tbh we're still not quite sure...) How do they pick up their skills?🧐 As for who they could take in a fight? Soft tissue, orthopaedics 🦴, vascular 🩸 and plastics 🔬 skills, plus the stamina for two degrees?! These guys are truly capable of bringing the pain, and also dealing with the aftermath!
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
And now, a brief pause in our ongoing specialty series. We bring you our halftime show!
Well not really, we have some bits left over from other episodes we want to bring you. Unfortunately, life gets in the way sometimes and whilst we deal with the realities of training and living, sometimes scheduling, recording and editing has to take a backseat. This is still stuff we haven't released, and we will be back to bring the smacketh down in the coming weeks...
Edit: To those that brought this to our attention, thank you and sorry ... Some things are better left unsaid.
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
This time it's personal: today its the turn of vascular, and Assad has roped in a formidable tag-team: Stacie Hodge (who is legitimately solid) and Mo Elkawafi (both Health Education North West) are in the vascular corner. Are vascular just angry psychopaths? Do they just direct all their wrath from blocked bypasses and failed operations at everyone else? What about those IVDUs? We chat about the good bits, the bad bits, and the bits that get thrown in the amputation bin. What do they wish they knew before starting? What are the biggest misconceptions, and finally, who could they take in a fight? Probably anyone if you take an arteriotomy knife to the right spot....
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Today we welcome plastics into the fray, and we're joined by Dan Lazenby and Henry de Berker (Health Education North West). We try and get to the bottom of what makes plastics plastics: are they biding their time to make a fortune in private practice? Are they low-key obsessive compulsive about the things that the rest of us don't care about? Is this an inherent or learned trait? We've heard they're a flamboyant bunch, but are the rumours true?! Do they in fact possess surgical superpowers? We delve into this and more, as we aim to scratch beneath the surface. As for who they could beat in a scrap, they maintain they're lovers not fighters, but their strategy is credible and they're not afraid of taking on multiple specialties!
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Cock rings and banjo strings.... This episode has it all!
Probably our most NSFW episode to date, but what were you expecting from urologists?!
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Happy first birthday to us! 🥳 And as a little birthday present to you all, we are releasing probably the funniest episode(s) we've done. This episode heralds the entrance of urology into the arena, and we're joined by some friends across the country! Today we have our guests formed entirely from listeners; Mahmoud Nosseir and Michael Ahn (Health Education West Midlands) are gonna talk to us about the highs and lows of urology, the best bits, the worst bits, and the dirty bits. Very quickly we descend into puerile penile jokes, and the humour goes straight into the toilet...
And, as urologists are all too aware of, the stories are the only thing flowing freely! We talk about the things they wish they'd known, which specialty they could cheat on their own with, and who they could take in a fight? To be honest, with these stories, they could take everyone; the rest of us would be collapsed in a heap, incapacitated with laughter...
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Today is the day we welcome orthopaedics into the ring! And just like John Cena, they're hench, well-dressed and look good behind the camera. Plus, you can't see them (out of hours anyway!)
We're joined by orthopods extraordinaire (and returning guest) Rich Unsworth and Azhar Din (Health Education North West) who started out from the same humble beginnings but fought tooth and nail (pun intended) to get into specialty training, and make it through to the end.
We find out from them about the best and worst things in orthopaedics and if orthopods truly misunderstood? We also discuss the things they wish knew before starting, like the grind, the bottlenecking and the fellowships. Lastly we find out how they fancy their chances against everyone else in a hypothetical brawl...all that limb traction gotta come in handy some time right?!
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Loud, angry, trash-talking, on the warpath. Not to be messed with. That’s how many have described Steve Austin (the namesake of this episode) but it also seemed quite fitting for general surgery.
‘And that’s the bottom line, cuz Stone Cold said so!’
We’re joined by Caitlin Jordan and Adeeb Rehman (Health Education North West- Mersey) as we talk about: the best bits of general surgery; the worst bits; the things they wish they knew before, and crucially for this Smackdown….who they could take in a fight…
RCS England - General Surgery https://www.rcseng.ac.uk/careers-in-surgery/trainees/foundation-and-core-trainees/surgical-specialties/general-surgery/
BMJ - The complete guide to becoming a general surgeon
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
We're back, and this season we're bringing the smackdown!
We're drafting our friends, colleagues and listeners to tell us why they love the job they do, and why it's the best bit of surgery.
We're pitting all the different specialties against each other in a sort of Royal Rumble free-for-all to find out who reigns supreme.
Which surgical specialty is the most respected? What specialty do people secretly wish they did? Which specialty could take all the others in a fight?
And... like wrestling, it's scripted, it's theatrical, it's here mostly for entertainment. Also, just like John Cena, you can't see us.
Surgical hunger games: https://www.reddit.com/r/doctorsUK/s/dnjQE7VjwH
Plastics getting stabby: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9158927/Top-plastic-surgeon-56-charged-attempting-murder-ex-colleague-surgeon-65.html
Email us: surgicalcareersnw@gmail.com
Twitter: @NW_surgical (www.twitter.com/NW_surgical)
Reddit: u/surgicalcareersNW (www.reddit.com/u/surgicalcareersNW)
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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