
  • This week we focus on teens in the high school years with an extremely seasoned educator, Rabbi Eliezer Rubin. This episode is an absolute must listen, because of Rabbi Rubin's vast vas wisdom and insight into the teenage years, for both parents and educators. 

    You will learn about:

    A new challenge with parenting teens. A fundamental approach towards parenting teens. A fascinating take on the difference between 9/10 and 11/12th graders How to deal with defiance, apathy, Tefillah and so much more at this age. 

    Rabbi Rubin has so many years of experience, and this experience shows throughout this episode, especially at 1 hour 13 min in, with an extremely important take within parenting. I am so excited to share this episode with you, and can’t wait to hear your feedback.

    Rabbi Rubin began his career in Israel, where he studied at Yeshivat Mercaz HaRav before receiving semicha from the Chief Rabbinate of Israel. In addition to teaching many young men and women at Israeli yeshivot and seminaries for their gap year, he served as an officer in Tzahal and as Chaplain of the renowned 13th Brigade (Golani).

    Rabbi Eliezer Rubin is currently the Head of School at The Joseph Kushner Hebrew Academy/Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School in Livingston, NJ, as well as the principal of the high school.

    Prior to leading JKHA/RKYHS, Rabbi Rubin enjoyed an 18-year-long career at the Ramaz School, where he served as Headmaster of both the Lower and Middle Schools, as well as Dean of the Upper School—a distinction that is exceedingly rare in Jewish or secular education. At Congregation Kehillat Jeshurun, his Shabbat shiurim and other lectures routinely attracted scores of enthusiastic teens and adults from all parts of Manhattan. Rabbi Rubin earned two Masters degrees, one in Administration and Leadership from New York University, as well as a Masters in Jewish Studies from Touro College

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  • In this second episode of season two, we focus on Lower School/Middle School children.

    In this episode, you will learn:

    How to deal with technology impacting our children How to children in this stage develop their middos How parents can help children of this age develop a relationship with Hashem Best practices of discipline

    and much more!

    Rabbi Chaim Hagler is the head of school of Yeshivat Noam, one of the premiere yeshiva day schools in Paramus New Jersey.

    If you have a parenting question, please call our new parenting hotline 833-737-1293.

    A reminder to follow the new Instagram @TheJewsNextDor and on Twitter @YairMenchel

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  • In this new season of JEDucation, each episode will focus on a different age/stage. As such, in this first episode of season two, we focus on toddler/daycare aged children. 

    In this episode, you will learn:

    How to facilitate individual expression in your toddlers How to build their confidence How to get toddlers excited about Judaism

    and much more!

    Rabbi Levi Neubort is the Executive Director of Anshei Lubavitch, a popular daycare in Fair-lawn, New Jersey.

    If you have a parenting question, please call our new parenting hotline 833-737-1293.

    A reminder to follow the new Instagram @TheJewsNextDor and on Twitter @YairMenchel                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

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  • In this episode we give you the Spark notes on the whole season, discussing one favorite takeaway from each episode, to help concretize and sum up all of the amazing advice we learned over this past year.

    Looking forward to season two which will be divided by ages, looking at the different developmental stages of children and how that effects our parenting of them.

    To sponsor an episode, please reach out at [email protected] or via our website JEDucation.org

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  • Did you know that that the most important thing you can do as a parent has nothing to do with how you interact with your children, but rather how you interact with your spouse? Rabbi Dr. Yosef Lynn, a marriage and performance coach, who has authored books on marriage and parenting, explains that he has given many classes on chinuch, and they all sound like shalom bayis classes, because when the marriage is healthy, strong and growing, what that does for children is huge.

    Check out more about Rabbi Dr. Lynn at https://www.yoseflynn.com/


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  • Dovid is a writer, a professor, and the podcast host of 1840, an incredible podcast with so much substance to it. Dovid is also the Director of Education of NCSY. In this episode we discuss how to build grit in children, the importance of talking to our children about their feelings and helping them to articulate themselves. Dovid gives an amazing mashal for children’s emotions which really helps to understand children and what they are going through in their formative years. We discuss how social media effects him and his family, the Shabbos culture he has in his home, and the important role children books can have in helping parents to become better as parents. If you are into Dovid’s Top 5 book or column he used to have in Mishpacha, you are in for a real treat. 

    Dovid Bashevkin is the director of education for NCSY, and the Clinical Assistant Professor of Jewish Values at the Sy Syms School of Business at Yeshiva University, where he teaches courses on public policy, religious crisis, and rabbinic thought.  He completed rabbinic ordination at Yeshiva University’s Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological Seminary, as well as a Master's degree at the Bernard Revel Graduate School of Jewish Studies focusing on the thought of Rabbi Zadok of Lublin under the guidance of Dr. Yaakov Elman. He received his doctorate in Public Policy and Management at The New School’s Milano School of International Affairs, focusing on crisis management. Dovid has published four books, Sin·a·gogue: Sin and Failure in Jewish Thought, a Hebrew work B’Rogez Rachem Tizkor (trans. In Anger, Remember Mercy), Top 5: Lists of Jewish Character and Character, and Just One: The NCSY Haggadah. He is the host and founder of 18forty, a new Jewish media site. Dovid has been rejected from several prestigious fellowships and awards.

    Check out Dovid's Twitter feed @dbashideas at https://twitter.com/dbashideas 

    Check out Dovid's website: https://18forty.org/


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  • Alex Fleksher is one of the most real people I have ever met, as you will see during this great conversation which contains so many great nuggets. It is no coincidence that Alex co-hosted the normal frum women podcast, which is now deep meaningful conversations. Alex is a very passionate writer and influencer within the Jewish community and has a very refreshing perspective on education and parenting.

    Mrs. Alex Fleksher is a columnist for Mishpacha magazine, the Co-host of the @dmc.podcast, and the Creative Director of the famous Instagram account @faces.of.orthodoxy. Follow her on Instagram and twitter @Alexfleksher.


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  • "One of the most important things in education is the home you come from becasue you get more from the home than you get from the school."

    This weeks episode is very special and dear to me, as I had the opportunity to sit down with my wife’s grandfather, Zaida, the patriarch of our family. Zaida was a principal in Winnipeg for many years, as well as very involved in Moshava as the Rosh Mosh. It was so special to sit down with Zaida and hear his story of how his parents and him made it out of Europe before the war, and what it was like growing up in the house of immigrants, and the special upbringing he had. We discuss how Zaida got involved in education, and hear many sagely pieces of advice and wisdom from a true educator and father par excellence. You are in for a real treat. Enjoy!

    "I should say my father had a lot to with the Jewish education even though he himself was not an educator, but he insisted we went to Jewish school and learn. He didn’t make a lot, but the first thing he would do would put money towards the education."

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  • Rabbi Menachem Bombach went from being raised in Meah Shearim, in a completely Charedi world, to starting the first Charedi school with secular studies. What inspired Rabbi Bombach to do that? What drove him to want this? The first half of this episode, we will learn the answers to these questions, and hear a tremendous amount of educational wisdom from Rabbi Bombach. In the second half, we discuss how Rabbi Bombach parented, especially when dealing with one of his children going off the derech (as he wrote about in Times of Israel), and how that affected his other children. 

    Rabbi Bombach's article in Times of Israel can be found here: https://blogs.timesofisrael.com/thou-shalt-love-your-child-who-leaves-religion/

    Rabbi Menachem Bombach is a community leader and educational entrepreneur in the Haredi community. He heads the 'Netzach' Haredi educational network, which he founded, and which combines religious and secular studies, and aims to educate students to become observant, Torah-loving Jews who are also prepared for practical life. He also heads the Hasidic girls’ seminary affiliated with the network. Menachem has served as principal of the award-winning 'Le’Zion Be’Rinah' high school; founded the preparatory program for Haredi students at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; and directed the youth department of the Beitar Illit local authority. Menachem studied at the Vizhnitz “Ahavat Yisrael” yeshiva and at the Mir yeshiva, and holds a bachelor’s degree in education from Moreshet Yaakov College and a master’s degree in public policy from the Hebrew University. He lectures in Israel and abroad on education and society.

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  • Do you want to help your children become excited about Torah this Shavuos? Have their own Kabbolas HaTorah? If yes, this episode is for you. We will go through 5 simple, yet important, tips for parents to help their children gain an appreciate for the Torah. 

    #1 - It Starts With Us

    #2 - How to Make Torah Exciting

    #3 - Sacred Time

    #4 - Celebrate

    #5 - The Real Definition of Chinuch

    Listen to this episode to elaborate on these 5 fundamental tips. Enjoy!

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  • Adolescence. Maturation. Emotional Turbulence. Family Values. And Much More. JEDucation gets into the teenage mind with Rabbi Micah Greenland, the International Director of NCSY is here. 

    "It's really about recognizing that each teen is on their own journey and appreciating and recognizing that"

    Rabbi Micah Greenland is the International Director of NCSY, a position he assumed in 2013, after serving for twelve years as Regional Director of Midwest NCSY. During his tenure as International Director, NCSY has dramatically increased its reach and impact, nearly doubling the numbers of participants in weekly events and summer programs, as well as doubling the organization's fundraising revenue.

    Rabbi Greenland is an alumnus of Fasman Yeshiva High School/Skokie Yeshiva, of Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh, and of Yeshiva University. He holds rabbinic ordination from RIETS, as well as a Master's degree in Jewish Education from the Azrieli Graduate School, and he is a sought after speaker on a variety of Jewish topics, especially in the fields of outreach and informal Jewish education. His vision and integrity in leading NCSY have earned him the respect of the staff and the lay leadership of the movement, and he has additional ambitious goals for the organization moving forward. In addition to his professional work in NCSY, Rabbi Greenland serves on the Board of Education of Arie Crown Hebrew Day School in Chicago and is past president of the Chicago Rabbinical Council.

    Check out Rabbi Greenland's Op-Ed in USA Today that he mentioned in the episode here: https://www.usatoday.com/story/opinion/2021/10/04/faith-based-teen-engagement-can-foster-better-relationships/5944518001/

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  • How can we raise children who are more respectful? How can our education system fix the lack of respect in our children? Mrs. D’vorah Miller, an educator, author, and mentor, answers these questions and more, with perspective and tips to help our children be more respectful. As Mrs. Miller explains, “when I request that my child say something respectfully, I am not being mean, I am giving them the opportunity to be better” because “Sometimes were going to say things to them that will be make them uncomfortable and thats ok”.

    Mrs. Miller has been teaching children and adults about Judaism, relationships, self-esteem, and spirituality for over thirty years across four continents. She has edited several books, published articles, and posted videos on effective parenting and personal growth based on Torah teachings. Most recently, she published a book called Up to God with Mosaica Press.

    D’vorah served as assistant to the Regional Director and Alumni Coordinator for New England NCSY. D’vorah and her husband, Rabbi Shmuel Miller, served as a rabbinical couple of Ohr Somayach synagogue in Cape Town, South Africa, and she was Director of Jewish Studies at Irvine Hebrew Day School in Orange County, California.

    At present, D’vorah designs curriculum, teaches, and mentors educators for Ikaron, an Orange County–based Hebrew school, as well in St. Louis at Epstein Hebrew Academy and Torah Prep. She holds a Judaic studies teaching certification from Bnot Chayil College in Jerusalem, Israel; a general teaching certification from New South Wales Board of Education in Sydney, Australia; and a certification in therapeutic counselling from MST College in London, England.

    Mrs. Miller's article on raising respectful children can be found here: https://jewishaction.com/family/parenting/bringing-up-a-mensch-how-to-raise-respectful-children/

    #Raisingrespectfulchildren #respect #expectations #parentyourchildrennotbefriendthem #parentingadvice #parentingtips#Podcast #Jewishpodcast #newpodcast #Torah #newepisode #Jew #Jewish

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  • Does the idea that parenting is like being a CEO resonate with you? If it does, then this episode is for you, and if you are not sure what a CEO does and how that can relate to parenting, then this episode is for you. In this conversation you will learn about what Rabbi Steven Burg, the CEO of Aish, arguably the most inspiring and effective organization at bringing Torah to Jews of all backgrounds, does in his job, and his takes on parenting, and how being a CEO is exactly like parenting. Rabbi Burg calls the Shabbos table קדוש קדושים and explains how to make it that. Rabbi Burg shares a strong idea he learned from a Mormon, the change he would make to our school systems, and much more. Make sure to listen till the end for the final message of Rabbi Burg.

    This is JEDucation, where it’s all about raising from and passionate Jewish children.


    Click here to join the JEDucation whatsapp group for JEDucation updates: https://chat.whatsapp.com/C6Kh6uUC7RpALRxKtB45pZ

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  • We are back with the final episode of the Pre-Pesach series with the creator of That Jewish Moment, Sari Kopitnikoff, who brings her educator mentality and creativity to whatever she does, and Pesach is no exception. Sari discusses what her Pesach workshops consist of, her favorite theme, part of the seder, and highlight of her seder from growing up, and much more. Hear about Seder baseball, keeping answers to 6 words or less, and other ways to gamify your seder.

    #Pesach #Preparation #Educatortips #gamifylife #sederbaseball #Parentingtips #Pesachexpert #sederexpert #parentingadvice #education #JEDucation #Sedernight #seder #Pesachprep #failtoprepareispreparingtofail #prep #Jewishpodcast #newpodcast #Torah #newepisode #Jew #Jewish

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  • How does the king of Pesach prepare for his seder? How does he run his seder? How did Rabbi Yechiel Weberman become the king of Pesach? From beginning until end, this episode is full of so many amazing perspectives and tips that will answer these questions and much much more. Make sure to listen till the very end for Rabbi Weberman’s final message which has a crucial perspective on the Pesach seder and our prep for it.

    #Pesach #Preparation #Perspective #Expert #Parentingtips #Pesachexpert #sederexpert #parentingadvice #beabeliever #believeinGod #education #JEDucation #Sedernight #seder #Pesachprep #failtoprepareispreparingtofail #prep #Jewishpodcast #newpodcast #Torah #newepisode #Jew #Jewish

    If have questions and if have any ideas of what you would like to hear, please reach out to us at JEDucation.org. We really appreciate the feedback and ideas gotten so far and look forward to being able to continue to give you great JEDucation advice.

    Did you hear the news? There is now a JEDucation Whatsapp group to be able to stay on top of the latest updates, episodes, videos, and ideas. Click here to join: https://chat.whatsapp.com/C6Kh6uUC7RpALRxKtB45pZ

    As always, a reminder to give a rating on apple podcasts, follow us on Instagram and twitter, and to subscribe to our mailing at JEDucation.org if you’d like to receive updates of when a new episode comes out.



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  • What is behind each step of the seder? What messages are there to take from them? Yair Daar, an experienced educator who currently works at Yeshivat He’Atid in Teaneck, NJ, answers these questions from an educators perspective, as well 5 lessons learned from being a teacher that can help parents enhance their seder. Be sure to listen till the end for Yair’s hot take on Afikoman presents.

    Check out this recording of one of Yair's seder presentations - https://youtu.be/tYxzC2X37GM

    #Pesach #prep #sederprep #makeitmeaningful #education #JEDucation #Sedernight #seder #Pesachprep #Jewishpodcast #newpodcast #Torah #newepisode #Jew #Jewish

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  • Want to make your Seder awesome, but don’t have much time? Mrs. Kaminetsky gives us many simple ways to make the seder meaningful and fun, by taking an educational approach. With ideas like שאל אביך ויגדך, and buying slipcovers for chairs, this episode is a great way to enhance your Pesach experience.

    Mrs. Elisheva Kaminetsky is the Principal of Judaic Studies at SKA, HALB’s High School for Girls. Mrs. Kaminetzky is a mentor and advisor to alumni, a kallah teacher and an adult lecturer, and has given workshops and shiurim on Pesach, focusing on the teaching component of the night.

    This week's podcast is sponsored by Cedar Market.  Located in Teaneck NJ, Cedar Market is your one stop shop for all your Pesach needs, whether you're home or going away, you'll be sure to find exactly what you need!

    To sponsor an episode, reach out to us at JEDucation.org

    If have questions and if have any ideas of what you would like to hear, please reach out to us at JEDucation.org. We really appreciate the feedback and ideas gotten so far and look forward to being able to continue to give you great JEDucation advice.

    Click here to join the JEDucation whatsapp group for JEDucation updates: https://chat.whatsapp.com/C6Kh6uUC7RpALRxKtB45pZ

    As always, a reminder to give a rating on apple podcasts, follow us on Instagram and twitter, and to subscribe to our mailing at JEDucation.org if you’d like to receive updates of when a new episode comes out.


    #Pesach #keepitsimple #education #JEDucation #Sedernight #seder #Pesachprep #failtoprepareispreparingtofail #prep #Jewishpodcast #newpodcast #Torah #newepisode #Jew #Jewish

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  • What type of Pre-Pesach person are you? Did you already begin your planning, or does the mention or thought of Pesach stress you out? Regardless of which type you are, there is one aspect of Pesach prep which does not need to be stressful or anxiety provoking, and is something we all need to do, as Mrs. Sharon Richter describes in this episode - the prep needed to make the seder a joyous and meaningful experience. Mrs. Richter takes us through the necessary steps to do the seder right, along with various practical tips and Medrashim and ways to make the words of the Hagaddah come alive, as she does for so many in her spiritual sparks workshops that she presents around the country, to help parents enhance their children’s Shabbos and yuntif experiences.

    #Pesach #Pesachprep #failtoprepareispreparingtofail #prep #Jewishpodcast #newpodcast #Torah #newepisode #Jew #Jewish

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  • This episode is a special purim edition episode where we talk to Mrs. Sorah Shaffren, someone who brings temendous ruach and simcha to the many roles she is involved in, about how to bring simcha and ruach into our homes, how to internalize the simcha and what to do when not feeling the simcha. We talk about Purim being a time of simcha, and how to make it extra meaningful for our children, and how to navigate some of the areas which could bring some challenges. Throughout the conversation, besides for hearing and seeing Sorah’s enthusiasm and koach she has, one of the main themes that kept coming up was how much she empowers her children to be part of the decision process of Purim and Shabbos and many other areas. 

    Mrs. Sorah Shaffren is a Judaic Studies teacher at Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey, and spends her summers as the Program Director at Camp Dina. She is also the Director of Meorot, an all girls production of dance and song in Bergen County that benefits NCSY summer programs. Mrs. Shaffren brings her talent for singing and playing guitar to women’s programs throughout the Jewish Community, as well as being a simcha motivator at bat mitzvah’s. She is featured as a songwriter on the past album of her brother Mordechai Shapiro, and is featured on his upcoming (soon to be released!!) album as well. 

    If have questions and if have any ideas of what you would like to hear, please reach out to us at JEDucation.org. We really appreciate the feedback and ideas gotten so far and look forward to being able to continue to give you great JEDucation advice.

    Did you hear the news? There is now a JEDucation Whatsapp group to be able to stay on top of the latest updates, episodes, videos, and ideas. Click here to join: https://chat.whatsapp.com/C6Kh6uUC7RpALRxKtB45pZ

    As always, a reminder to give a rating on apple podcasts, follow us on Instagram and twitter, and to subscribe to our mailing at JEDucation.org if you’d like to receive updates of when a new episode comes out.


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  • “Patience is the most important midah one needs to work on to have a successful marriage” - Find out how this important quote from this week’s episode with Rav Neuberger is connected to parenting, and many more important topics.

    Rav Neuberger is a Rosh Yeshiva at YU, as well as the Rav of of Congregation Beth Abraham in Bergenfield, N.J. Rav Neuburger is widely regarded as an authority on issues related to marital relationships and the purity of the Jewish home. He offers his services to help young men train for married life and prepare to build a proper Jewish home built on Jewish law and spirit.

    #podcast #Jewishpodcast #newpodcast #parenting #parentingtips #parentingadvice #jewisheducation #education #tefillah #growth #unconditionallove #torah

    If have questions and if have any ideas of what you would like to hear, please reach out to us at JEDucation.org. We really appreciate the feedback and ideas gotten so far and look forward to being able to continue to give you great JEDucation advice.

    Did you hear the news? There is now a JEDucation Whatsapp group to be able to stay on top of the latest updates, episodes, videos, and ideas. Click here to join: https://chat.whatsapp.com/C6Kh6uUC7RpALRxKtB45pZ

    As always, a reminder to give a rating on apple podcasts, follow us on Instagram and twitter, and to subscribe to our mailing at JEDucation.org if you’d like to receive updates of when a new episode comes out.

    Check it out on Youtube: https://youtu.be/COpQBF6-duw here

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