In our fourth episode, we are joined by Tom Wright. Tom is the president and chief executive officer of the Regional Plan Association (RPA), the nation’s oldest independent metropolitan research, planning, and advocacy organization. He is a frequent public speaker and commentator on regional governance, economic growth and development, transit investments, and other policy issues. In his 20+ years with RPA, he has participated in many key initiatives, including the historic Civic Alliance to Rebuild Downtown New York following the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks; the campaign to create a mixed-use district at Manhattan’s Hudson Yards; the protection of the New Jersey Highlands; and a vision plan for the City of Newark. Previously, Tom was deputy executive director of the New Jersey Office of State Planning, where he coordinated the production of the New Jersey State Development and Redevelopment Plan. In January 2020, Governor Phil Murphy appointed Tom as the Chairman of the New Jersey State Planning Commission. In this episode, we focus on the R.P.A as an institution as well as the current state and future of the New York City transit system.
In our third episode, we are joined by Skylar Bisom-Rapp. Skylar is a Senior Associate at Practice for Architecture and Urbanism (PAU) where he has worked on projects ranging from storefront cultural spaces to neighborhood-scale masterplans. Skylar was formerly a member of the adjunct faculty at Columbia University’s Graduate School for Architecture, Planning, and Preservation. In this episode, we cover a variety of topics from the PAU NYC "Not Your Car" proposal to what a city should be, who it should serve, and why they exist...
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(This episode is only available in Spanish) En nuestro segundo episodio, nos acompaña René Bolado. René es consultor independiente experto en proyectos de transformación del espacio público y privado a partir de principios de funcionalidad, estética, identidad cultural y responsabilidad ambiental. Cuenta con más de 20 años de trayectoria en el sector gubernamental y privado ocupando diversos cargos de alta dirección como responsable del diseño e instrumentación de proyectos urbanos estratégicos en materia de rehabilitación del espacio público, movilidad e innovación en la Ciudad de México. En este episodio, cubrimos una amplia gama de temas, desde la forma urbana de la ciudad de México hasta el transporte público.
In our first episode, we are joined by Mariane Jang. She is a transportation and urban planning consultant currently based in New York City. This episode predominantly focuses on Marianne's work with the non-profit 100 Resilient Cities. We cover what it means to be a resilient city as well as what a resilient transportation system looks like. We also touch on other topics like how cars shape the urban landscape and the 15-minute city concept.