In this episode, the team (Ash, Tor, and Sam) discuss the episode 3x09, Phantoms. Join us as we praise the stunning cinematography and lighting, dissect each character's storyline, and laugh at THE iconic team scene!
00:00: welcome!
4:00: okayyy cinematography
7:30: wraith tech ahhhh! so cool!
11:49: we’re (genuinely) happy with carson's story this ep
17:55: rodney’s a silly guy
23:52: teyla Finally gets something to do🫶🏽
31:16: the emo boy john backstory we’ve been waiting for
42:39: ronon is always being tortured omg
46:23: quick little team scene discussion
In this episode, the team (Ash, Sam and Tor) discuss 3x08, "McKay and Mrs. Miller". Join us as we gush over the Hewlett's crazy sibling chemistry, ponder over the alternate universe versions of our heroes, and hate on Rod.
2:08 First impressions
9:42 Rod
22:27 Jeannie and Rodney
50:15 Does Rodney get forgiven too easily?
51:50 John and flirting (?)
1:02:00 Missing Elizabeth hours
1:03:20 RIP Hermiod
1:05:07 Bechdel test, BTS
1:17:19 Fic Recs
1:27:38 Ratings and goodbyes
Sheppard's Law by Speranza
Just another war story by Domenika Marzione
The Law of Holes by esteefee
Twitter: @jumpingpudpod
Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast
or send us an email at [email protected]
Personal socials
Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover
Sam: @TAEGILUV, instagram.com/taeglluv
Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
Estão a faltar episódios?
In this character bonusode the team (Sam, Tor, and Ash) are joined by special guest Ty to discuss SG-1's Vala Mal Doran. Join us as we take a deep dive into her character and her team and family relations!
00:00 hello and welcome!
02:17 Vala's introduction into the show and Prometheus Unbound
07:46 Vala's change from s8 to s10
15:50 Vala's relationships with the team
31:12 general s9-10 and Vala appreciation
39:17 Vala's family relations
56:54 team daniel vs team cam vs throuple
01:07:49 our top 3 episodes
01:12:47 fic rec corner!
Fic Rec Corner:
Break the Lock by UnabashedBird
pirates and thieves by auburn (links will follow soon)
Unexpected by enigmaticblue
The SGC Guide To Intergalactic Hookups: An Etiquette Manual by bomberqueen17
Find Us On:
Twitter: @jumpingpudpod
Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast
or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
Personal Socials:
Ty: @lesbian_daniel
Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover
Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv
Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
In this episode, the team (Ash, Sam & Tor) discuss 3x07, Common Ground. Join us as we crown John and Todd the new it couple of Atlantis, side eye the Genii, and applaud the team's valiant rescue attempts.
0:55 Genii
13:50 Todd & John/Todd
37:20 Ronon (& Elizabeth)
44:45 Teyla and Rodney
46:55 Elizabeth and Rodney
48:05 Rodney vs Mouse
51:45 Teyla & Elizabeth
1:08:20 John
1:30:00 John/Elizabeth vs John/Teyla
1:35:00 Teylabeth
1;36:25 Bechdel test
1:37:00 BTS
1:43:25 Fic Rec Corner
1:49:25 Rating
Fic Rec Corner:
Iratus Issues by Mavet
Five things John has learned about the Wraith (that he’s not sharing) by Shaded Mazoku (Ashkaztra)
Young as Your Hope by esteefee
Down to the Bones by Leah (Taste_is_Sweet)
Find Us On:
Twitter: @jumpingpudpod
Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast
or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
Personal Socials:
Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover
Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv
Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
This week, the team (Sam, Tor, and Ash) bring to you a special bonusode, in which we discuss the movie that started it all: Stargate (1994). Join us as we discuss the characters, the movies connections to SG-1, and uncover behind the scenes material!
stargate 1994 bonusode
00:00 hello and welcome to this special bonusode!
01:51 our personal histories with the movie
06:54 overall impressions
11:51 James Spader's thoughts on the movie
14:47 Daniel discussion
17:16 Jack O'Neil (with one L!)
24:58 The unfortunate fate of Sha'uri (and Sha're, for that matter) vs. Skaara
37:32 Mr Cunty aka Ra
43:32 the demystification of the goa'uld in SG-1
51:47 Is Atlantis: Lost Empire a better movie? (Sam says yes)
55:17 Would we want a reboot of the movie?
01:09:23 creature facts with Tor
01:13:33 last thoughts and good byes!
Twitter: @jumpingpudpod
Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast
or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
Personal socials:
Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover
Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv
Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
In this episode, the team discuss the episode 3x5, The Real World. Join the team (Sam, Tor, & Ash) as we gush over another Elizabeth episode, talk about the insidious ways of the replicators and speculate about Jack and Elizabeth's relationship.
00:00 hello and welcome and first impressions
4:28 before i sleep vs. the real world
13:12 the fucked up mind games of the replicators
17:25 Jack and Elizabeth
29:02 we learn so! much! about Elizabeth, her family, and her past!
48:56 did they reveal the deal of the episode too soon?
53:51 John's role in Elizabeth's dream
57:14 the team and elizabeth (or lack thereof)
01:14:13 we just looove how Elizabeth fought in this episode
01:19:42 Bechdel test, bonus material, fic rec corner and polls!
01:35:50 episode ratings and good byes!
Take Me Home by stargatelover https://archiveofourown.org/works/51176644
Colorado Springs Vacation Guide by tigerpen https://archiveofourown.org/works/1114175/chapters/2243596
Gateworld interview with Torri Higginson: https://www.gateworld.net/news/2006/08/the-real-weir/
Twitter: @jumpingpudpod
Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast
or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
Personal socials:
Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover
Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv
Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
In this (very special 50th) episode, the team (Ash, Tor, and Sam) discuss the episode 3x05, Progeny. Join us as we deliberate over the reappearance of the replicators, go on another infamous ancient rant, and declare our everlasting love for these characters!
00:00 introduction!
1:25: do we like this episode or hate it? (yes)
7:40: oh no we have Questions
12:55: the ancients can’t stop ruining things
19:30: our complicated thoughts on the replicators
30:39: yay for setting up the star drive !!
32:07: teyla were you silent or SILENCED
38:39: brainstorm session
41:27: bitchy john our beloved
47:37: ronon hive we are eating soo good this ep
51:28 the team moments mean the world to us <3
55:51: random little elizabeth moments we loved!
59:24 shenanigans galore (thank u mcshep)
1:04:39: we just love these characters sm
1:07:24: bechdel test, behind the scenes, fic rec corner, ratings & goodbyes!
FIC REC CORNERCardiogenesis (The Heart of the Matter) by kisahawklin: https://archiveofourown.org/works/257216#main
Blind Justice by Sholio: https://archiveofourown.org/works/23918896
Twitter: @jumpingpudpod
Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast
or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
Personal socials:
Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover
Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv
Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
In this episode, the team (Tor, Sam, and Ash) discuss the episode 3x04, Sateda. Join us as we talk about more Wraith lore and explain why this is probably one of The best Stargate Atlantis episodes ever.
Sateda Timestamps00:00 Welcome!01:52 another great opening scene!03:57 Rodney is once again the butt of the joke (pun intended) but it works out in this episode!07:38 verdict concerning the new uniforms: hot.10:42 everyone on Atlantis has Ronon's back <331:08 the horror element in the wraith is back and it's fantastic42:24 the aesthetic of Sateda and Ronon and Maleena parallels55:09 why John and Teyla's scene is one of the best scenes everrrr01:05:49 Jason's influence on Satedan culture and Ronon&Rodney's unspoken bond 01:18:21 Bechdel test, behind the scenes (featuring an expansion of the jpp canon regarding the Wraith), and Fic Rec Corner01:34:17 Ratings & goodbyes
Belonging by LtLJ (https://archiveofourown.org/works/7442)
Twitter: @jumpingpudpod
Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast
or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
Personal socials:
Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover
Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv
Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
In this episode, the team (Ash, Sam, and Tor) reluctantly discuss 3x03, Irresistible. Join us as we try not to cringe at every interaction, laugh at the occasional good scene, and debate the sudden appearance of the gate bridge!
00:00: introduction
1:13: worst episode of atlantis so far
13:00: let john punch people!
18:28: quick yaoi break
21:44: the ronon of it all
25:37: gate travel between galaxies is a thing wow
31:32: the good and the bad of teyla & rodney’s friendship
34:09: vanessa james in atlantis!
36:36: fine yes this ep is comedy gold
38:25 is this technically a carson ep
40:52: star trek did it better (yeah we said it)
44:58: the girls deserve better
56:00: the bechdel test, behind the scenes (another rant) fic rec corner, and ratings lol.
FIC REC CORNER: Canada Likes It On Top by busaikko: https://archiveofourown.org/works/218517
Twitter: @jumpingpudpod
Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast
or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
Personal socials: Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover
Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv
Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
We are back with our regular episodes! Join the team (Sam, Tor & Ash) as we discuss the episode "Misbegotten" and talk about the absolute terrifying choices the Atlantis team makes here, dewraithified humans, beautiful team moments, and more!
00:00 Hello and welcome!
01:59 What a mess...
03:31 we still feel bad for Michael
11:12 what was the intention of the writers when they wrote this episode?
14:42 atlantis' feelings about the wraith humans
20:27 why does rodney have to press the button o.0
23:56 carson's position in all this
26:44 elizabeth please get involved.
37:59 how much of a threat are the wraith actually at this point?
42:50 despite everything, we looove the team and character moments <3
53:30 despite everything we love elizabeth and so does everyone on atlantis
57:45 teylabeth crumbs!!! + Teyla appreciation <3
58:56 wow john, wow...
01:06:05 more small (and big!!!) character moments <3
01:12:10 shout out to our man Hermiod
01:19:59 Bechdel test, behind the scenes and fic recs!
01:29:47 what if the atlantis team went to comic con?
01:33:35 final thoughts
FIC REC CORNER:The Bridge is Love by Mira: https://archiveofourown.org/works/161905
Basingstoke Con SGA Write Club 2024: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Basingstoke_Con_SGA_Write_Club_2024FIND US ON:Twitter: @jumpingpudpod Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast or send us an e-mail at [email protected] Personal socials: Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargateloverAmerican Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
Join us for another bonusode as the team (Sam, & Tor) ask the amazing Ash all about her Stargate experience at Basingstoke Comic Con 2024!
David Blue & cast at Stonehenge: https://www.tiktok.com/@4davidblue/video/7367370853383818539?_t=8mFmjpFyXuR&_r=1
Basingstoke Comic Con 2024 Stargate Atlantis Panel: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MWkhzcaMtQ0&ab_channel=SheDigsitUK
Teylabeth Fanart by kira-nerys-rocks on Tumblr: https://www.tumblr.com/kira-nerys-rocks/675019831902420992
Teylabeth Fanart by kira-nerys-rocks on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/justanotherfangirl/
FIND US ON:Twitter: @jumpingpudpod Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast or send us an e-mail at [email protected] Personal socials: Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargateloverSam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
This week, the team (Ash, Sam, & Tor), discuss the second half of season 2. Join us as we give our unfiltered opinions, highlight some of our favorite things about the season, and answer some comments and questions you’ve asked us!
00:00: introduction (and disclaimer lol)
2:23: favorite episodes!
7:43: quick little intermission to discuss michael lol
9:56: ok back to our favorite episodes!
20:07: favorite character arc???
27:40: overall thoughts on this season lol
31:45: we try really hard to praise this season
35:13: bechdal test
38:14: answering feedback & goodbyes!
Red Sands by kristen999: https://archiveofourown.org/works/5716741/chapters/13171015
FIND US ON:Twitter: @jumpingpudpod Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast or send us an e-mail at [email protected] Personal socials: Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargateloverSam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
In this episode, the team (Ash, Sam and Tor) discuss the Season 3 opener, 3x01 "No Man’s Land." Join us as we gush over Elizabeth, laugh at John's Sheppardisms, and crown Rodney/Ronon the greatest Stargate yaoi of all time.
2:50 Now this is a premiere!
10:40 Elizabeth is the coolest
40:18 John/Michael
54:00 John’s infamous one liners
55:33 Ronon/Rodney our new favourite slash pairing??
1:04:00 The Boys as a trio
1:07:00 John’s flashback
1:10:40 Zelenka
1:12:06 Goodbye orion
1:15:36 Wait… this is a 3 part finale?
1:18:16 RIP wraith queen
1:20:58 Rodney uses limewire for nefarious purposes
1:22:00 Bechdel test
1:22:13 Behind the scenes
1:28:48 Fic rec corner
1:33:13 Ratings and goodbyes!
Lorne: Season Three by Domenika Marzione
Three Hundred and Sixty-Four by sardonicsmiley
Twitter: @jumpingpudpod
Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast
or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
Personal socials:
Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover
American Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv
Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com -
In this episode, the team (Tor, Sam and Ash) discuss the season 2 finale "Allies." Join us as we laugh over Hermiod's total unbotheredness, fangirl over Radek, talk about confirmed monsterfucker John Sheppard, and much more.
00:00 welcome to the jumping puddles podcast!01:53 how do we feel about this finale? spoiler alert: not too thrilled07:31 Teylabeth crumb!08:46 oh hey the Athosians still exist!10:34 so this plan... at least they are being idiots about it as a team12:19 ronon's on-boardness with the plan17:13 teyla's (missing) involvement in the decisions of this ep26:23we have issues with carson's involvement in all this29:47 the team is really not shining this episode, including carson42:34 we heart zelenka!46:42 wraith talk!54:28 Elizabeth's and John's brief views on the situation01:01:59 Rodney & Hermiod: sass level 300001:09:17 we are becoming ronon/rodney shippers <301:11:30 Ronon/Elizabeth crumbs!01:12:43 Teyla and Michael01:14:12 what if the daedalus was destroyed at the end of the episode01:21:32 CGI appreciation <301:22:43 the team's in time out now01:26:54 Bechdel test & behind the scenes01:32:50 fic rec corner & polls*01:37:01 Ratings and good byes!
*the poll was: How do you feel about Michael?
Kept By Ourselves In Silence And Apart by The SPike (thespie21) https://archiveofourown.org/works/20418089
FIND US ON:Twitter: @jumpingpudpod Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast or send us an e-mail at [email protected] Personal socials: Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargateloverAmerican Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
In this episode, the team (Ash, Sam and Tor) discuss 2x19, Inferno. Join us as we praise the cast's chemistry, debate the Daedalus as a Deus Ex Machina, and make fun of the Ancient's architectural choices.TIMESTAMPS:00:00 Welcome!1:30 Is it a strange penultimate episode?8:30 Elizabeth22:35 Teyla & Ronon 35:20 John & Rodney57:18 Why are the Ancients like this?1:06:37 Does this episode qualify as Daedalus Ex Machina1:13:22 Hermiod cameo!
1:14:42 Chuck & Zelenka
1:19:30 Bechdel Test
1:20:00 Behind the Scenes
1:27:00 Fic Rec Corner
1:31:38 Ratings and Goodbyes
FIC REC CORNER:The Miracle Worker by Hth https://archiveofourown.org/works/469069The Pure Sec of It by chellefic https://archiveofourown.org/works/325236FIND US ON:Twitter: @jumpingpudpod Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast or send us an e-mail at [email protected] Personal socials: Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargateloverAmerican Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com, preacherboyd.tumblr.com
In this episode the team (Sam, Tor and Ash) discuss 2x18 "Michael." Join us as we giggle over random moments, debate the team's questionable morals, and analyze the strange (but compelling) dynamic between teyla and michael!
00:00 welcome!
1:46 the team are WAR CRIMINALS (why though)
5:28 we debate some good ol’ morals
18:25 the psychological torture of michael
22:02 atlantis season six novels discussion! 24:09 rodney Thoughts
29:02 different perspectives oooo
35:38 carson’s part in this mess
38:37 what was the plan guys (+ very long john debate)
49:48 why was ronon even here lol
50:59 teyla & michael’s relationship mwuahah
1:04:47 HOW IS THE TEAM SO BAD AT THIS (aka michael’s villain origin story)
1:11:17 silly funny details to lighten the mood lol
1:20:07 bechdal test, behind the scenes, random rant about stargate origins, fan fiction rec, and goodbyes!
The Language of Hard Nouns by Siria https://archiveofourown.org/works/8533
People Are People (Except When They're Wraith) by eleveninches https://archiveofourown.org/works/26307
Twitter: @jumpingpudpod
Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast
or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
Personal socials:
Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover
American Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv
Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com -
In this episode the team (Ash, Sam & Tor) discuss 2x17, "Coup D'Etat." Tune in as we talk about this episode's (suprisingly!) well balanced A and B plots, Ronon's comedic timing, and lament the Zelenka backstory we were supposed to get in this episode and then never got. Ever.
00:00 Introduction05:00 Overall Impressions04:18 Elizabeth Appreciation Hour14:10 The team is ZPM-whipped20:18 Rodney is the team's security blanket ("why is he going on combat missions???" "'cause we LOVE him.")22:20 Teyla and Ronon B plot29:50 Lorne!41:11 Rank John's nemeses01:19:28 Bechdel test01:20:35 Behind the scenes01:27:55 Fic Recs01:29:25 Grace Under Pressure Poll01:31:15 Episode Rating
FIC REC CORNER:Five Devices They Really Shouldn't Have Initialized by Domenika Marzione
FIND US ON:Twitter: @jumpingpudpod Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast or send us an e-mail at [email protected] Personal socials: Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargateloverAmerican Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com
In this episode the team (Sam, Tor and Ash) discuss 2x16 "The Long Goodbye." Tune in as we talk about John being allergic to feelings, Torri's award deserving acting, and the many different ways this episode could have been made (better).
TIMESTAMPS:00:00 Hello and welcome01:47 everyone's initial thoughts on the episode03:51 we love the cold opening and discuss TV in the stargate universe (earth is just weird)08:07 we never got the whole team going to Earth :( so we make up a quick thing ourselves to compensate10:30 Caldwell is back! with continuity!16:22 the imprinting scenes and John's allergicness to feelings23:17 the John/Elizabeth dynamic that this episode creates28:56 what exactly is Phoebus' and Thalan's deal? and is this episode too serious? The what ifs of it all 36:59 Rodney shooting at John: funny or not? we have mixed feelings42:11 Torri's acting in this ep is everything, actually. Sad that it wasn't as Elizabeth, tho.54:50 why do the men (in particular john) get all the emotional impactful scenes? and why are they setting up this weird love triangle (love corner?) between elizabeth-john-teyla?01:01:43 When was the last time Teyla and Elizabeth interacted? Spoiler alert: it's been a while01:03:15 how we would have incorporated John's and Elizabeth's perspective into the episode 01:10:53 we're not happy with Caldwell is treating everyone here01:15:40 we're team rodney but also could rodney handle command of Atlantis & all the ways SGA could have handled command of Atlantis if Elizabeth had to go the way she did01:29:12 Teylabeth crumbs!01:33:09 let's talk about the continuously terrible treatment of Teyla's character (and women in general)01:52:12 Hey Lorne! Hey Carson!01:54:28 Poor Ronon :( he's way too trusting 01:56:22 Bechdel Test and Behind the scenes02:06:30 Fic corner!02:12:01 Ratings and good byes!
FIC REC CORNERRoadside Attractions by auburn: https://archiveofourown.org/works/71583844,739 Ways to Eat a Hamburger by Minervacat: http://minervacat.stormwerks.net/gates/sga/hamburger.htmlThe Difference Engine by copperbadge: https://archiveofourown.org/works/568453/chapters/1017585
SHOW NOTESMiller's Crossing Deleted Scene: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ETU2OF0aGg SGU Cast interview (the part Sam talked about is in Part 3): https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL40mFr6JB3qZnOmXsJtkr1Jn4wG7-_CvU&feature=shared
Twitter: @jumpingpudpod
Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com
Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast
or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
Personal socials:
Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover
Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv
Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com
In this episode the team (Ash, Sam, and Tor) discuss 2x15 "The Tower." Join us as we lose our minds trying to make sense of the strange character decisions, our dislike of the set design, and the shocking lack of lore!
00:00 introduction!
1:47 how do we feel about this episode? (spoiler alert we hate it)
5:22 the shows principles are on full display here (ew)
12:24 mischaracterization? Bad writing? Both!
24:30 so john sucks (but at least he’s pretty <3)
33:07 nice directing! the set design on the other hand …
37:13 s2 is definitely the weakest
43:44 more ranting about the terrible story (sorry)
49:04 tavis was fun though!
52:28 elizabeth? where are you ??
55:02 some little things we liked
59:40 why we feel so disconnected from carson
1:08:26 bechdal test, behind the scenes, fic rec corner, ratings, and goodbyes!
FIC REC CORNER: Hamlet Never Saw This Coming by Domenika Marzione (domarzione) https://archiveofourown.org/works/372724
FIND US ON: Twitter:
@jumpingpudpod Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast or send us an e-mail at [email protected]
Personal socials: Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargatelover Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com -
In this episode the team (Ash, Sam, and Tor) discuss 2x14 "Grace Under Pressure." Join us as we lament early 00s misogyny, gush over Hewlett and miss Teyla and Ronon.
TIMESTAMPS:00:00 Introduction01:10 Overall Impressions04:01 Early 00s misogyny17:25 The parts of Rodney hallucination!Sam represented21:40 Rodney and Zelenka BFFs35:00 Elizabeth and Sheppard: insane cop, insaner cop?46:00 Sheppard's "secret" nerdiness52:20 People sacrificing themselves for Rodney and how that effects him01:04:36 Gushing over David Hewlett01:07:29 Gushing over Rodney's whale01:15:39 Atlantis is a polyglot city!01:19:38 Bechdel test01:20:30 Behind the scenes01:27:41 Fic Recs01:31:15 Epiphany Poll01:31:54 Episode Rating
FIC REC CORNER:Very, Very Improbable by laceymcbain
Light Through Water by goldleaf1066
We have lingered by trinityofone
A rational universe by xparrot
FIND US ON:Twitter: @jumpingpudpod Tumblr: jumpingpuddlespodcast.tumblr.com Instagram: instagram.com/jumpingpuddlespodcast or send us an e-mail at [email protected] Personal socials: Ash: stargatelov3r.tumblr.com, instagram.com/stargateloverAmerican Sam: @TAEGlLUV, instagram.com/taeglluv Tor: @mckaysrodney, rodneymckays.tumblr.com
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