VBS is one of the largest, most exciting events of the year. Churches should do everything possible to keep children safe while they are learning about Jesus. In Part 2, Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia discuss recreation safety, training for volunteers, allergy policies, and much more!
#kidmin #preschoolministry #childrensministry #vacationbibleschool #safetyandsecurity #policyandprocedures #training #allergies #specialevent
VBS is one of the largest, most exciting events of the year. Churches should do everything possible to keep children safe while they are learning about Jesus. Listen in on Part 1 today as Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia discuss insurance policies, check-in systems, and drop off and pick up ideas.
#kidmin #preschoolministry #childrensministry #vacationbibleschool #safetyandsecurity #checkin #dropoff #pickup #specialevent
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The next episode in the Two Truths and a Lie series, join Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia as they discuss the common misconceptions about curriculum in children's ministry. The importance of creating a curriculum guide, how to choose the most effective material for your ministry, and the pros and cons of writing your own lessons are just some of the topics in today's conversation.
#kidmin #preschoolministry #childrensministry #curriculum #biblestudy #curriculumguides
Join Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia today as they have a discussion with Dr. Teresa Roberts, author of the book Raising Disciples: Guiding Your Kids into a Faith of Their Own. Dr. Roberts shares how to guide children into a deeper understanding of their faith, how to use questions well in our discipleship of children, understanding spiritual formation, and what to do when kids ask the hard questions.
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #discipleship #spiritualformation #biblestudy
Teresa Roberts is Professor of Ministry and Christian Formation, Program Director of Children’s Ministry, and a vice president at Ozark Christian College. She is an expert in children’s spiritual formation training with more than 30 years of ministry experience.
Dr. Roberts holds a Master of Arts in Family and Youth Ministry, a Master of Divinity, and a Doctor of Ministry. She serves in children’s ministry at Carterville Christian Church where she attends with her husband and step-daughter.
Website: www.DrTeresaRoberts.com
Email: [email protected]
Book available: all major booksellers
NavPress (publisher)
See "Related Sites and Resources" for the free 8-week Parenting Discipleship Curriculum/Small Group Guide
Join Dr. Val today (since the snow storm in Florida left her flying solo on the podcast) as she shares a portion of the breakout she and Dr. Virginia led at the Children's Pastors Conference. Dr. Val discusses the importance of creating a Roadmap to Biblical Literacy in our children's ministries and how it can help us teach children the Word of God more effectively.
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #biblical literacy #teachingtheBible #christianeducation #biblestudy
Join Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia today as they discuss their time at the Children's Pastors Conference in Orlando, FL. Hear all about the breakouts, worship time, keynotes, and info that make CPC not only fun but so informative and helpful to children's ministry!
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #cpc25 #unfading25 #conference
Join the celebration - part 2!! It's the 100th episode (well technically this is Episode 101) and Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia are talking about 100 things they love about Children's Ministry. There were so many things it had to be broken into two episodes. Listen in as they talk about favorite games, favorite resources, and so much more!!
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #administration
Join the celebration!! It's the 100th episode and Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia are talking about 100 things they love about Children's Ministry. Listen in as they talk about favorite games, favorite resources, and so much more that it will take two episodes to get it all in!!
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #administration
Welcome friends! Join our conversation today as we start a new series we are calling Two Truths and a Lie. There are so many common misconceptions about Children's Ministry and in this series we will be talking about the things people believe about KidMin and discuss how they are not always true. In today's episode we talk about some common misconceptions about Volunteers and Recruitment.
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #volunteers #recruitment #administration #scheduling
In today's podcast, Dr.Val and Dr.Virginia discuss the final topic in their series on Learning Styles. Based on research done many years ago on Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner, learning styles help teachers focus on the way children naturally learn. This week they share the characteristics of Verbal Learners and give examples of activities that will help teach biblical concepts to students through activities focusing on words.
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #education #learningstyles #verballearners #teachers #Bibleactivities #relationships
This week Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia talk about daily Time Management - sharing how they schedule their week to be able to focus on the important and not let the urgent take over their days.
#kidmin #preschoolministry #childrensministry #timemanagement #planning #administration
Bloom's Taxonomy is a framework that can help teachers develop educational goals. In Part 2, Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia continue to discuss how Bloom's Taxonomy can help you create goals for your ministry, develop curriculum, choose material, and create a positive learning environment for your preschool and children's ministry.
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #administration #curriculum #bloomstaxonomy #biblicalliteracy
Bloom's Taxonomy is a framework that can help teachers develop educational goals. In today's episode, Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia discuss how Bloom's Taxonomy can help you create goals for your ministry, develop curriculum, choose material, and create a positive learning environment for your preschool and children's ministry.
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #administration #curriculum #bloomstaxonomy #biblicalliteracy
In Children's Ministry we seem to move from one very busy season to the next - and we are getting ready to head into one of the most busy seasons of the year - not only for our ministry but also with our friends and family. Join Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia as the discuss seeking wisdom while finding time to do all that needs to be done.
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #wisdom #seasons
Welcome friends!! In today's podcast, Dr.Val and Dr.Virginia discuss the next topic in their series on Learning Styles. Based on research done many years ago on Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner, learning styles help teachers focus on the way children naturally learn. This week they share the characteristics of Relational Learners and give examples of activities that will help teach biblical concepts to students through working with others.
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #education #learningstyles #relationallearners #teachers #Bibleactivities #relationships
Warning: Just letting you know upfront that this episode might not be suitable to listen to with the kids around.
If you have worked with kids for very long in church you know the stories…Rahab, David and Bathsheba, Philip and the Ethiopian, the Virgin Mary. These are the stories with challenging words that are hard to describe to children. In this episode, Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia discuss ways to define difficult words and how you can answer those hard questions in a classroom setting.
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #administration #biblestudy #difficulttopics
Fall is underway and our schools are fully into the new year. This week Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia discuss ways our churches can partner with the schools in our community and share the love of Jesus with faculty, administration, and our kids!
#kidmin #preschoolministry #childrensministry #schools #community #missionprojects
It is that time of year again…leaves are falling, temperatures are dropping, and pumpkin spice is everywhere…your church's fall event is just around the corner!! Dr. Val and Dr. Virginia discuss creative ways to share the gospel with your community during this important event.
#kidmin #preschoolministry #childrensministry #outreach #evangelism #fallfestival #trunkortreat #sharingthegospel
Dr.Val and Dr.Virginia continue their series on Learning Styles. Based on research done many years ago on Multiple Intelligences by Howard Gardner, learning styles help teachers focus on the way children naturally learn. This week the KidMin Doctors talk about the characteristics of Logical Learners and give examples of activities that will help teach biblical concepts to students through order and logic.
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #education #learningstyles #logicallearners #teachers #Bibleactivities
Our episode today is Part 2 of our interview with Rev. Kayla Smith, the Associate Director of Reach Hurting Kids Institute and the Pastor of Intergenerational Discipleship at Trevecca Community Church of the Nazarene. Kayla shares about her work with Trauma-Informed Children's Ministry and gives some great advice with how we can reach hurting kids in our churches.
#kidmin #childrensministry #preschoolministry #classroommanagement #traumainformedchildrensministry
Rev. Kayla Smith is the Associate Director of Reach Hurting Kids Institute and serves at Trevecca Community Church of the Nazarene as Pastor of Intergenerational Discipleship. She spends most of her time tagging along on her five-year-old's adventures. Kayla draws from her background in leadership and special education to empower churches to embody Christ's love to every child. She leads workshops, trains children's and youth teams, and consults with leaders about trauma-informed practices in the Church.
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