
  • As we enter this month of transition from the school year to the summer break, we honor parents and caregivers of children of all ages; whether your school-aged children are in currently in daycare, summer camp, or home from college, this episode is for you! Pod-host Vanessa Durrant is both a mother and a licensed clinical therapist with over fifteen years of supporting children, parents, and families. She brings her expertise and empathic perspective on the things that get in the way of parents relating to our children, one another, and ourselves, and getting back to easeful connection.

    In this episode, Vanessa shares from a pragmatic perspective how adults and parents experience stress as well as how children experience stress. Vanessa guides listeners through the process of truly being with parent stress. Only when we spend time on identfying the stressors can we tackle how to problem-solve around it. Vanessa provides insightful interprentation of statistics on parent stress, spending time sitting with the feelings that come up around helping children navigate their very real stress reactions. She discusses the weight of the sometimes heavy responsibility we owe to our little ones while dealing with our own stress, and the collective stress related to the atrocities impacting anyone tuned into what's happening on a global scale.

    Vanessa shares practical suggestions for parents looking to reconnect with themselves, their partners, and children. She highlights the importance of caring for the self in small, practical ways, and cultivating support systems with partners, friends, and even therapists. Tune into this episode to reflect, feel seen, and take stock of the ways you might be experiencing and coping with stress as a parent or caregiver!

  • Join us for a follow-up minisode all about relational attunement! If you haven't had an opportunity to listen to season 2, episode 5, go back and listen to our host and attachment therapist Vanessa Durrant, LCSW-C, share her wisdom about the importance of relational or emotional attunement.

    For this episode, Vanessa is sharing the "how-to" of relational attunement in a practical, 3-step process:

    Tuning Into Non-Verbal Communication Kindly Name What You Notice Offer Validation And Non-Judgemental Support

    Tune in to learn more about these steps and how to practice them in any of your own relationships with others. Happy 'tuning', Tree'ple!

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  • Get nerdy with us for season 2, episode 5 of the Kindred Tree'ple Podcast! In this episode, pod-host and licensed clinical social worker Vanessa shares her expertise as an attachment based therapist to explain the art of relational attunement.

    Vanessa breaks down what relational attunement means, and how it enhances and deepens the human experience. She shares how relational attunement looks in nature to promote surviving and thriving in the animal kingdom, and then helps us to understand how this connection-building skill helps support humanity. Vanessa explains how and why attunement creates easeful connection between people from a neurobiological perspective, and how this supports conflict resolution as it comes up. Vanessa shared what relational attunement is and isn't, and practical steps to foster it in your own relationships.

    We've spent all season long devoted to the topic of relationships, and this episode offers listeners the opportunity to grow their knowledge base on what healthy, connected relationships need to have a strong foundation. This episode helps us all to understand how relationships between individuals help us create a more peaceful, conscious world.

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at


    Follow Vanessa on instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • Join us for another episode this season, focused on relationships! Episode four is about examining our relationship to the collective through the lens of the archetypical nature of tarot theory.

    Vanessa talks with Kindred Tree therapist and tarot practitioner, Anna See-Jachowski, about the themes of the collective card of the year for 2024: Strength (8). Anna and Vanessa discuss the archetypal psychology of Strength, what this card is bringing up for all of us in 2024, and how individuals can engage with the themes of this card in order to be in better relationship to the collective on a global scale.

    In addition to listening to this week's episode, we highly recommend that you go back and enjoy season one, episode seven, which explored the collective card of the year for 2023, The Chariot. Follow us on social media to learn more about upcoming programming at Kindred Tree Healing Center that will help support you in finding your personal Card of the Year for 2024!

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at


    Follow Vanessa on instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • Have you ever wondered how the Myers-Briggs Personality Types Indicator (MBTI) can support you into knowing more about yourself and how you may relate in relationships? Join our podhost, Vanessa Durrant, and Kindred Tree Healing Center therapist Daisy, as they take a deeper dive into the MBTI types and how this impacts relationships to self and others. As a certified MBTI practictioner, Daisy brings forward relavent knowledge on how we can utilize our MBTI types as our biggest strengths, and be aware of how they can be our biggest liabilities. Are you curious about the MBTI? Find out more information at https://www.mbtionline.com to take the assessment yourself. If you're interested in being further supported into your MBTI type, reach out to us via our website at www.kindredtreehealing.com!

    Follow Vanessa on instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • This minisode features a guided meditation by our host, Vanessa Durrant. This meditation serves as a supportive companion to episode 1 of this new season; if you’re open to reflecting upon the feelings you’re experiencing as an individual in our collective world, this meditation will help guide you through your thoughts and feelings, by connecting you to self-reflection queries for total mind, body, soul awareness.

  • Season 2, episode 1 is here! Join us this season as we discuss all things relationships! Love is complicated, beautiful, and integral to our lives and wellbeing. This week, podcast host, Vanessa Durrant, touches on how critical it is to be in relationships with others, but also with ourselves, and with the collective world. Her expertise as a licensed clinical social worker, trainer and consultant, in conjunction with her lived experiences inform Vanessa’s wisdom about the importance of interdependence. Vanessa speaks to interdependence and humanity’s survival being intertwined, and how each of us carry some mutual responsibility for one another’s healing. She speaks about current and historical events through both an ancestral and trauma based lens, and the impact of power dynamics and oppression on our communities, but also on our individual nervous system. Vanessa and all of us at the Kindred Tree’ple podcast are inviting all of our listeners to join us in contributing our voices, actions, and intentions towards the greater healing of the world!

  • Meditación Que Puede Usar La Siguiente Ves Que Esté Caminando Afuera

    Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! Enjoy these minisodes featuring practical resources for mental health management all brought to you in Spanish by pod-host Vanessa Durrant, and special guest Silvina Ecthegoyen, LMSW.

    ¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Hispana! Disfrute de estos minisodios que presentan recursos prácticos para el manejo de la salud mental, todos presentados en español por la presentadora Vanessa Durrant y la invitada especial Silvina Etchegoyen, LMSW.

    En este episodio les enseñamos cómo combinar otras maneras de estar consciente en este mundo para su salud mental. Caminar meditando es una manera de manejar el estrés y reflexionar más profundamente. Silvina enseña esta técnica de caminar y meditación. Les prometemos, se van a relajar oyendo esto!

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at


    Follow Vanessa on instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! Enjoy these minisodes featuring practical resources for mental health management all brought to you in Spanish by pod-host Vanessa Durrant, and special guest Silvina Ecthegoyen, LMSW. ¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Hispana! Disfrute de estos minisodios que presentan recursos prácticos para el manejo de la salud mental, todos presentados en español por la presentadora Vanessa Durrant y la invitada especial Silvina Etchegoyen, LMSW. ¿Sabías que el cuerpo y la mente están conectados? Todos mantenemos estrés y trauma en nuestros cuerpos. En este episodio, Silvina enseña una técnica de escaneo corporal del cuerpo que puede ayudar a tomar conciencia de las emociones y adónde están conectadas en el cuerpo. Esta escaneo puede ayudarle a sentirse mejor en el cuerpo después de tener estrés.

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at


    Follow Vanessa on instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! Enjoy these minisodes featuring practical resources for mental health management all brought to you in Spanish by pod-host Vanessa Durrant, and special guest Silvina Ecthegoyen, LMSW. ¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Hispana! Disfrute de estos minisodios que presentan recursos prácticos para el manejo de la salud mental, todos presentados en español por la presentadora Vanessa Durrant y la invitada especial Silvina Etchegoyen, LMSW. En este episodio, Vanessa educa sobre las afirmaciones. Las afirmaciones son una forma poderosa de aumentar el diálogo interno positivo. Estas poderosas frases también se pueden utilizar como formas de apoyar a nuestros hijos. Escuche a este episodio cuando necesite ideas sobre cómo utilizar estas afirmaciones en la vida de su hijo(s)!

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at


    Follow Vanessa on instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • Happy Hispanic Heritage Month! Enjoy these minisodes featuring practical resources for mental health management all brought to you in Spanish by pod-host Vanessa Durrant, and special guest Silvina Ecthegoyen, LMSW. ¡Feliz Mes de la Herencia Hispana! Disfrute de estos minisodios que presentan recursos prácticos para el manejo de la salud mental, todos presentados en español por la presentadora Vanessa Durrant y la invitada especial Silvina Etchegoyen, LMSW. En este episodio, hablamos sobre la técnica de 5-4-3-2-1. Después de un trauma o momento estresante, es normal experimentar recuerdos recurrentes, ansiedad y otros síntomas incómodos. Esta técnica puede ayudar a que cada persona pueda poner los pies sobre la tierra. Esto puede ayudar a controlar estos síntomas negativos y cambiar su atención de los pensamientos abrumadores, memorias o preocupaciones y volver a enfocarse al momento presente.

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at


    Follow Vanessa on instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • Episode 20 is here to support all of us through the end of Mercury retrograde, seasonal shifts, and other big transitions! Our host and Vedic astrology scholar, Vanessa Durrant, guides us through her knowledge of the Vedic sciences to help us understand why we might feel life’s difficulties in a more intense way at this time.

    Vanessa shares her wisdom of how to truly be with the difficult emotions that can come up during times of struggle. She shares practical tips for coping with challenging emotions that can be easily added to your self-care routines. Both her expertise as a psychotherapist and her healer’s heart are what make Vanessa’s guidance and support on the Kindred Tree’ple Podcast so inspiring and powerful! Tune into this episode if you’re looking for tangible steps you can take to improve your emotional wellbeing, as well as inspiring perspective on how the cosmos and nature are a reflection of our collective lives.

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at


    Follow Vanessa on instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • In this episode of the Kindred Tree’ple podcast, host and child development expert Vanessa discusses all the back to school SOS support you will need! She spends some time normalizing how challenging it is to start a new school year for children and parents alike. She discusses 3 important science backed strategies for supporting your children into an easeful back to school transition. If you’re a caregiver to a child, this episode is for you! Vanessa provides an empowering and insightful perspective on making sure children feel supported in the school environment and through any tough transitions. Whether your child is neurodivergent, highly sensitive, or neurotypical, the information covered will leave you with a fresh outlook on how to be the best support to your child!

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at


    Follow Vanessa on instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • Welcome back for Episode 18 and another seasonal deep dive with our certified Ayurveda enthusiast and podcast host, Vanessa Durrant! This episode details specific ways in which we can all welcome a shift in elemental, holistic living.

    Vanessa offers her insights on the Pitta dosha, and practical advice around how we can make shifts in our daily living tasks to live rhythmically, rather than in opposition to this fiery summer season. From exercise and eating habits, to mindset shifts that support cooling, gentle, and healthy choices for your life- Vanessa shares it all!

    Find out summer time grocery list and recipes recommendations here Living Intentionally in the Summer months: Ayurveda to the rescue!

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at


    Follow Vanessa on instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • Gather ‘round, Tree’ple! We’re back with an episode for parents and caregivers as they help their children cope with the stress of big transitions that come with summer!

    Join our host, Vanessa Durrant, and co-host Anna See-Jachowski as they share an in-depth discussion of how children experience transitions from school to the summer routine of camps, vacations, lessons, and more free time. As an expert in child development and mental health, Vanessa lends her expertise as a licensed psychotherapist to share tips for improving the quality of life for children and caregivers as they move through these summertime challenges. Vanessa and Anna, who is also a licensed therapist working with children and parents, give simple guidelines for adjusting the summer routine so that children get the connections they need to thrive.

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at


    Follow Vanessa on instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • Pod-host Vanessa Durrant is joined by fellow psychotherapists and Latinas, Silvina Etchegoyen and Daisy Lopez-Duke. In this episode, they share their stories of immigration, reflecting on the impact this transition has made on their identities and life experiences! Vanessa, Silvina, and Daisy reflect on how their family systems have experienced challenges, have had to cultivate patience when met with a lack of awareness, and learned to weave deep love of their country of origin with their experience of living in North America.

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at www.kindredtreehealing.com

    Follow Vanessa on Instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • Licensed psychotherapists Vanessa Durrant and Anna See-Jachowski lend their expertise to a topic that has been requested often by listeners: understanding the Highly Sensitive Person, or, HSP. They’re breaking down what it means to be on the sensitivity spectrum, and how we come to understand it as a basic, fixed human trait. This episode discusses the magic and challenges of being, parenting, and/or supporting a an HSP or a highly sensitive child (HSC).

    Vanessa and Anna speak to what the research is saying about the importance of navigating adversity and supporting the positive life experiences of folks who are HSP/HSC. They then get to dig deep about how to cultivate the superpowers of HSPs, big and small, and the magic of these world-altering change-makers!

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at www.kindredtreehealing.com

    Follow Vanessa on Instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

    Check out these links for more evidence-based research about spectrum of sensitivity.

    The first academic paper on the concept of sensory processing sensitivity: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/9248053/ An empirical study on the spectrum of sensitivity in children: https://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi=10.1037%2Fdev0000406 An observation of HSCs and their responses to parenting quality in early childhood: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31414847/
  • The Kindred Tree’ple Podcast is so excited to introduce a new person into our community of Tree’ple: Brandon Chapman, dreamer, business owner, and passionate parent! Tune into this episode to hear Brandon in conversation with pod-host and child development and mental health expert, Vanessa Durrant.

    Together Vanessa and Brandon discuss how to acknowledge and live in mindfulness of our “human-ness” with the people around us, while also fostering our own dreams and visions, and those of our children! They discuss everything from business-ownership to parenting, and what it means to show up in these roles as people of color in a divisive world.

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at www.kindredtreehealing.com

    Follow Vanessa on Instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • Host Vanessa Durrant, LCSW-C, follows up on our last episode about Change by diving deeper into the source of Chaos! She offers beautiful intuitive insights regarding working with the chaos of our life as the catalyst for deeper healing.

    Vanessa invites listeners to reflect on how chaos impacts us, and makes some important distinctions between the chaotic ebb and flow we all experience, versus chronic chaos. She offers deep, thought-provoking distinctions about how chronic chaos differs in the lives of those who walk through life without systemic privileges.

    Vanessa guides us through specific critical questions we should ask ourselves to detect the origins of chaos in our lives. She shares radically honest reflections as well as active embodiment practices for releasing control and establishing more trust and flow in our lives.

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at www.kindredtreehealing.com

    Follow Vanessa on Instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing

  • The paradox of change, and the process of healing are extremely similar. Join our Tree’ple Pod host, Vanessa Durrant, licensed therapist and clinical social worker, as she explores how these concepts work in tandem! Vanessa notes how, despite this being a great time of year to contemplate change and healing, society doesn’t necessarily support sustainability in these areas of growth.

    Vanessa provides expert guidance from her years as a therapist and healer as she guides listeners through the 5- stage Change Theory Model, and provides insights about how important accessibility and readiness is to our humanity, and thus our capacity for change. Vanessa shares a supportive perspective with listeners by asking questions to self-reflect on. She extends an invitation to tap into our intuition, or, the trust we extend to ourselves.

    Vanessa always has a way of deepening into these theoretical concepts by providing practical tips, food for thought, and the gentle normalization we need to apply these bigger concepts to our day to day lives- and episode 13 gives us Tree’ple just that!

    Learn more about Vanessa and the Kindred Tree Healing Center team at www.kindredtreehealing.com

    Follow Vanessa on Instagram at @thekindredhearthealer & @kindredtreehealingcenter

    Catch our latest Facebook posts https://www.facebook.com/kindredtreehealing