Episode 186 - Barging in a room - In this episode of the Kinky Frame of Mind podcast, Don and Syn catch you up on all their happenings. This week's topic is from a Facebook post talking about newbies at a recent event and how to handle a couple situations. Don and Syn share a few of their thoughts about what to maybe do.
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Episode 185 - Chasing that next thing - In this episode of the Kinky Frame of Mind podcast we get to hear about Don and Syn's happenings. Don's rope weekend in Tulsa and the latest hotel party. This episode we look at a Facebook post about not being able to keep a regular partner and we look at a few things that might be hindering you. Are we chasing the wrong that that does not fit us or them?
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Episode 184 - Why do you have that Rule - In this episode of Kinky Frame of Mind Don and Syn talk about all the stuff going on in their lives and things coming up in this new year. This week's topic is about rules, why we make rules and what is going on when we make rules. do we make rules out of anger, fear, jealousy or whatever.
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Episode 183 - Getting the most bang for our buck (choosing the right event) - In this episode of Kinky Frame of Mind podcast Don and Syn talk about all the Holiday fun and NYE. This week is topic is about choosing the right event for you. We talk about thing to think about when looking at and choosing events.
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Episode 182 - When your partner is done In this episode of Kinky Frame of Mind, Dona and Syn talk about all their happenings. Thye talk about their Memphis trip for Syns bday and much more. This episode's topics is about a Facebook post about a partner wanting to be done with the lifestyle and how to handle and navigate that
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Episode 181 - Be a good person, simple rule! - In this Episode of the Kinky Frame of Mind, Don and Syn catch us up on what is going on between going to the club OKC for Halloween or having their hotel party. Then the topic this week talks about how we handle getting no showed on a date. Don saw a FB post of a guy that was not a good person to an date that did not show up
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Episode 180 = Rope Jam and How to prepare for an event - In this episode of Kinky Frame of mind Don and Syn talk about moving their kid out, trips to kc and Rope Jam. This week's topics is tips on being prepared for a major event
Episode 179 - Don’t give up - In this episode of Kinky Frame of Mind Don and Syn talk about getting used to having extra people in the house and their trip to Dallas. This weeks topic is about a couple that had a bad first encounter and might be done cause of it
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Episode 178 -Get off your butt - In this episode of the Kinky Frame of Mind Don and Syn talk about everything that has been going on in life. Multiple people moving into the house, Don's mentor died, just busy busy stuff. Don shares about his mentor and the loss and impact of that. This weeks topic is about finding your partner a date of play partner.
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Episode 177 - She chose him really!! - In this episode of the Kinky Frame of Mind Podcast we catch up on all the exciting stuff happening in Don and Syn's life. This weeks topic comes from a Facebook post Don say. It looks at a guy who fells he needs to tell a past FWB red flags about her partner. We discuss a lot of sides of this topic and share or experience and views.
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Episode 176 - Jb and Scarlet discuss first big Event - In this episode of Kinky Frame of Mind podcast. We have JB and Scarlet in the studio again and we are taking a look at their first major Event the OKC pool party. So we just a newbie view of the 20th Anniversary Pool Party
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Episode 173 - What do we say to get the F#ck out if here again = In this episode of Kinky Frame of Mind, Don and Syn discuss their happenings and all their fun. This weeks topic is talking about calling safe word to leave a play session. They talk about is the safe word the best thing for or should they have another type of phrase.
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Episode 175 - Pool Party OKC recap - In this episode of Kinky Frame of Mind we discuss the Club OKC Pool Party.
Episode 174- Hey I need a date night!! Please listen In this episode of the Kinky Frame of Mind Podcast Don and Syn talk about what is going on. Don talk about classes in OKC and local Dungeon Party. This weeks question is about making time for our partner and not making excuses or reasons to not do what our partners need.
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Episode 173 - What do we say to get the F#ck out if here again = In this episode of Kinky Frame of Mind, Don and Syn discuss their happenings and all their fun. This weeks topic is talking about calling safe word to leave a play session. They talk about is the safe word the best thing for or should they have another type of phrase.
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Episode 172 - Your First Scene In this episode of Kinky Frame of Mind Don and Syn talk about their trip to Colorado and then Don talks about his eye surgery. Then this weeks topics is a Facebook post about their first impact scene and not being happy with how it went. So we talk about important thing in scenes.
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episode-171-a-sickness-running-rampant In this episode of Kinky Frame of Mind podcast Don and Syn talk about their happenings. This weeks topics is about being wide eyed and open to things going on around you in the lifestyle. See who is housing consent violators. Also being aware of other things going on in the community around you. When we make consent a priority we can stop the sickness
Episode 170 - Oh, where do i begin. In this Episode of Kinky Frame of Mind, we get to hear about all the happening in Don and Syns life, They talk about Syn's Denver trip and their Hotel Party. In this weeks topic they take a look to help beginners in the lifestyle know what to go and where to start.
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Episode 169 - What's your Time frame - In this episode of Kinky Frame of Mind Don and Syn do the recap of Spring Rope Jam and all the kinky sexy stuff they have been up to. This weeks topics is about time frame for play at parties.
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Episode 168- Rule misleading
In this Episode of Kinky Frame of Mind - Don talks about his Air BnB stay and the Bidet. They talk about Dons Birthday party. The we talk about if someone tells you a rule then proceeds to not do it
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Episode 167 - Labels for me? In this Episode of Kinky Frame of Mind Don and Syn talk about being sick and their dates and family time. This weeks topic is about labels in the lifestyle and how we use them wrong or just want to create labels to create labels.
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