From stargazing as a child to helping lead the team which took the first ever image of a black hole, Heino Falcke has only seen his faith and his work as an astronomer as deeply connected. In this episode we talk about his book, Light in the Darkness: Black Holes, the Universe and Us, where Falcke shares more about what creating the image actually consisted of, and some wisdom he picked up along the way. New discoveries will always challenge and redefine our old frameworks of thought, but Falcke shows us that this change is not fundamental, that it is a humbling reminder that our finite knowledge of the infinite God is always partial. Heino Falcke and his team’s image of the black hole at the center of galaxy M87 reminds us of a message from Paul—that we now see through a glass, darkly; then, face to face.
Additional Resources:
See the picture of the black hole hereCheck out Heino Falcke’s bookFind out more about Heino on his website
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Babel, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
This episode originally aired on Dec 9, 2021
In the fall of 2024 198 countries from around the world came together in Azerbaijan, at COP29, to try and find solutions to the climate crisis. While the policy outcomes were disappointing, the stories of people from around the world were inspiring, even if they include a lot of pain and suffering. These stories help to connect us to our neighbors from around the world and these stories can help to reframe how Christians, especially those in America, can think about their role in the climate crisis and how to respond.
Additional Resources:More in depth reporting on COP29 at Carbon BriefKatharine Hayhoe's Global Weirding SeriesChristian Climate Observers ProgramReformed Journal Article by ColinBioLogos Common Question: Why Should Christians Care for CreationBioLogos Animated Video: Why Should Christians Care for Creation (video)Language of God Podcast Series: Creation Groans
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A reflection on what it means to cultivate joy even if you don't feel very merry.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Titan Sound, Vesper Tapes and Glory House, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc. Renditions of In the Bleak Midwinter and Happy Xmas by Jim Stump. The short clip from COP29 is the voice of Juan Carlos Gomez, Panama’s special representative for climate change.
Jim and Colin report on location from Baku, Azerbaijan where they are attending COP29, the United Nations Climate Change conference. In this bonus episode, they briefly describe what COP29 is, why they are there, share a few stories of their own experiences so far and a few clips from interviews gathered from people from around the world.
Christian Climate Observers ProgramsBringing Hope and Prayer to COP29 (Article)
Hope has sometimes been made out to be something we possess, something we hold like a shield to protect us from pain. But Norman wants to recast hope as something we do, and most importantly, as something that is animated by love. He talks through some of the different textures of hope to bring out more of its richness so that it might better form us through times of crisis.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Simon Stevens courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
BioLogos is searching for our next President. Is it you?
Hans Madueme is a Young-Earth Creationist. In this conversation, the goal was not to come to an agreement about the age of the earth but instead to understand one another better, find common ground, and explore the points of disagreement with curiosity and friendliness. Hans explains his views of where the Bible has a clear message and where he sees the limits of science in explaining things that contradict those messages.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Titan Sound courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
After many years working at the very top levels of science and medicine, pursuing knowledge that would lead to better and healthier lives for so many people, Francis Collins started to see an erosion of trust in science, as well as across social and political landscapes. That led him to start wondering about what leads people to trust—in facts, in ideas, in institutions—and to wonder about the nature of truth itself. His new book, A Road to Wisdom: Truth, Science, Faith, and Trust is the result. It is a book that speaks to the deep divisions in society and calls us all to humility and wisdom as we do the work to find common ground.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Nick Petrov, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
The title of Brian McLaren’s new book, Life After Doom, might at first be imposing…that word, “doom" looms large, but there is also life. McLaren has been looking into the face of the climate crisis and has, himself, felt the sense of doom that many people describe when they look into the future. McLaren does not dismiss the seriousness of the problems, nor is he paralyzed by it, but instead imagines the kind of life that is worth living no matter what kind of future will meet us.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Ricky Bombino, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Are you a pastor, ministry leader, or layperson interested in helping the Church engage in creation care and climate change? BioLogos wants to hear from you! We're looking for participants in some upcoming focus groups. Those selected to participate will receive a $25-Amazon gift card as a thank you. See details HERE.
It is hard to care for, protect, or even to mourn those we have no relationship with. We try to develop a relationship with a few creatures that are still among us, even if they are imperiled, to better know and love our world. And we end with a last few thorns…should we attempt to bring back extinct species and how should we think about the future of our own species?
This is episode three of a three-part series.
About the series: Extinction might seem to be a pretty simple idea: a species goes out of existence. But a deeper exploration reveals all kinds of thorny questions. What is a species anyway? Is extinction a natural part of the development of life that leads to new life or is it something that should be mourned and stopped? What will happen to our own species? These are only a few of the questions we follow on a journey of creatures here and gone.
Learn more about the series and about our guests here.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Vesper Tapes, Trending Music, Babel, Immersive Music, Full Frontal Audio, and Cosmo Lawson, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
We look to present times to see how extinctions are actually happening and what we know about them and we explore the work of biological conservation to protect species. Then we return to the question of how to feel about extinction, comparing modern day and historical extinctions and adding a few more layers to the question.
This is episode two of a three-part series.
About the series: Extinction might seem to be a pretty simple idea: a species goes out of existence. But a deeper exploration reveals all kinds of thorny questions. What is a species anyway? Is extinction a natural part of the development of life that leads to new life or is it something that should be mourned and stopped? What will happen to our own species? These are only a few of the questions we follow on a journey of creatures here and gone.
Learn more about the series and about our guests here.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Remember the Future, Ricky Bombino, Northern Points, Simon Stevens, Oakvale of Albion, and Vesper Tapes, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Extinction is a familiar idea for almost everyone, but it wasn’t long ago that no one would have thought a species could go out of existence. We explore this history of the human understanding of extinction, and then we go much further back in history, to explore how extinction has played a role in the development of life over hundreds of millions of years leading to our world today.
This is the first episode in a three-part series.
About the series: Extinction might seem to be a pretty simple idea: a species goes out of existence. But a deeper exploration reveals all kinds of thorny questions. What is a species anyway? Is extinction a natural part of the development of life that leads to new life or is it something that should be mourned and stopped? What will happen to our own species? These are only a few of the questions we follow on a journey of creatures here and gone.
Learn more about the series and about our guests here.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Evan MacDonald, High Street Music, Northern Points, Nathan King, Babel, Ballian De Moulle, Paradiso Music, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
The story of evolution is often centered around genes and randomness. More and more, scientists are finding that culture is also a driver of evolution. When we explore how humans have both emerged from an evolutionary process and contribute to it, we begin to understand ourselves differently. This new understanding will ultimately lead us to a deeper relationship with God.
In this episode, we follow researchers who set out to explore four different ways in which culture and evolution interact and how they might inform our theological ideas about what it means to be human and how we relate to God: Play, Imagination, Morality, and Purpose. Thanks to our guests: Michael Burdett, Andrew Jackson, Vicki Lorrimar, Nathan Lyons, and Megan Loumagne Ulishney. (See their bios)
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Vesper Tapes, Babel, Northern Points, and Nick Petrov, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Join a conversation about this episode on the BioLogos Forum.
When the wind is just right, on a small beach in Titusville, Florida, horseshoe crabs crawl out of the water and onto the beach to lay their eggs. Jim and Colin joined up with two marine biologists—Bob Sluka who works with A Rocha, a Christian conservation organization and Margaret Miller, a coral biologist who works with SECORE International—and three A Rocha interns to survey the horseshoe crabs. That experience began an exploration into paying attention to many of the creatures that surround us, extending hospitality, and learning from the creatures, even from the ocean itself, about how we might better worship the creator of it all.
This episode was originally aired on April 27, 2023
Additional Resources:
Learn about A RochaDo your own nurdle huntAtlantic Article about Synthetic alternatives to LALRadiolab Episode about Horseshoe Crabs
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The climate crisis often leads people to feelings of grief, despair, and fear. With the of help faith leaders, climate activists, artists and teachers from around the world we explore some of the emotions that result from an awareness of the climate crisis. And consider how naming and accepting the grief and sorrow that many people are feeling can also be a path toward hope.
Featured guests: Heather McTeer Toney, Marinel Ubaldo, Madeleine Jubilee Saito, Dr. Malinda Berry, Hannah Malcolm, Robynn Bliss, and Lowell Bliss. And thanks to Nangula Kathindi and Christopher Douglas Huriwai for their recorded testimonials, used in the episode. Check out the link here to find more resources from these guests.
Check out more BioLogos resources on creation care and the environment here.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Ballian De Moulle, Robert Meunier, Kyle Booth, Sirus Music, Justin Breame, & MS Elyas, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Join a conversation about this episode on the BioLogos Forum.
The church has had a complicated relationship with mental health. Research shows that 1 in 5 adults experience mental illness in a given year and yet 66% of pastors talk about mental health in sermons only once a year or less. In the episode we break down what exactly mental illness and mental health are, what is happening in the brain, and how the church can respond in ways that help us all to be healthier individuals and begin to build a more understanding, empathetic and healthy community.
This episode was originally aired on December 8, 2022.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Tiny Music, Lift Music, Magnetize Music, Sirus Music, Pink Marble and Vesper Tapes, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Find Resources on Mental Health
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Camille Dungy is a poet, and it is with a poet’s close attention that she reflects on the interactions between humans and the greater-than-human world. In the conversation, Camille talks about how she came to her connection to the greater-than-human world, about the need to include family and home in nature writing and about the definition of a weed and how good cultivation often requires hands-on management. She ends by reading a poem from her collection, Trophic Cascade.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Titan Sound, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
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Francis Collins and Kizzmekia Corbett-Helaire are both renowned scientists and both of them played special and important roles during the pandemic. In this conversation, the two of them remember some of the key moments in the scientific development of the COVID vaccine and talk about the many years of scientific work that prepared the way. They also discuss how their faith plays a role in their motivation for doing science and Kizzmekia talks about the challenges of running a science lab at Harvard as a woman, a person of color, and a mother.
This conversation was recorded live in Raleigh, North Carolina at our National Faith and Science Conference.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Klimenko Music, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
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The science of evolution has caused friction for many Christians. And science does pose some challenges to the way people have been taught to think about their faith, but those challenges don’t have to lead to a decision to reject faith—or to reject the findings of science. In fact, understanding science can lead to a deeper faith.
Jim Stump, host of Language of God has a new book coming out—The Sacred Chain: How Understanding Evolution Leads to a Deeper Faith. In this series Jim walks through three of the challenges posed by science.
The challenge of pain and suffering is a crucial tension and one that has vexed people for millennia. Without solving the problem, we can at least break it down and see how a world which includes pain and suffering is also a world in which creatures might have the capacity to become morally mature.
Featuring clips from previous conversations with Bethany Sollereder and Simon Conway Morris.
This is the third of a three part mini-series.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Vesper Tapes and Ricky Bombino, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Join a conversation about this episode on the BioLogos Forum.
The science of evolution has caused friction for many Christians. And science does pose some challenges to the way people have been taught to think about their faith, but those challenges don’t have to lead to a decision to reject faith—or to reject the findings of science. In fact, understanding science can lead to a deeper faith.
Jim Stump, host of Language of God has a new book coming out—The Sacred Chain: How Understanding Evolution Leads to a Deeper Faith. In this series Jim walks through three of the challenges posed by science.
The challenge of the time explores the long time spans of the earth and the universe and what it means about being a human loved by God in the here and now. Featuring clips from previous conversations with John Walton & Makoto Fujimura.
This is the second of a three part mini-series.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Babel, Nick Petrov, & Vesper Tapes, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Join a conversation about this episode on the BioLogos Forum.
The science of evolution has caused friction for many Christians. And science does pose some challenges to the way people have been taught to think about their faith, but those challenges don’t have to lead to a decision to reject faith—or to reject the findings of science. In fact, understanding science can lead to a deeper faith.
Jim Stump, host of Language of God has a new book coming out—The Sacred Chain: How Understanding Evolution Leads to a Deeper Faith. In this series Jim walks through three of the challenges posed by science.
The challenge of the Bible asks how we can continue to affirm the Bible as inspired and authoritative if the human authors believed incorrect things about the world. Did God correct their cultural-bound beliefs, or work through them, as God has always worked with imperfect people?
Richard Middleton joins Jim for the second part of this episode to talk about biblical inspiration from the perspective of a bible scholar, and the episode features clips from a previous episode with Philip Yancey.
This is the first of a three part mini-series.
Theme song and credits music by Breakmaster Cylinder. Other music in this episode by Vesper Tapes, courtesy of Shutterstock, Inc.
Join a conversation about this episode on the BioLogos Forum.
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