
  • Do you find yourself wanting to lose 5-10kg every single year and not knowing why you still haven't lost the weight? ⁣

    Chances are the goals you're setting are missing a piece that's stoping them from sticking. ⁣

    All too often we set goals thinking that we're setting them to better ourselves when in reality, we're setting them to prove to ourselves that we will never achieve them. We fail to realise how goal setting can often form part of a self sabotaging loop which continues to keep us stuck. ⁣

    When you set goals with the intention of wanting to create space for you to grow into, to expand, evolve and shift, suddenly the goal becomes less about the goal and rather the person you need to become in order to see that goal become a reality. ⁣

    With weight loss in particular, we fool ourselves into thinking we will be happier or that we will be more liked by others when we see that magical number appear on the scales. What we are actually seeking in that moment is approval from ourselves. Without self acceptance, we will seek anything that fills us up momentarily with food being a default for a lot of us. ⁣

    What else should you factor in when setting a goal that is going to stick in 2024? Listen and learn; too, our sponsor Proteus has a sweet treat to offer, be sure to check them out using links provided. ⁣

    W: https://proteusnutrition.com ⁣

    IG: @proteusnutrition

  • In this episode, I dive into the intricacies of calculating macros to aid weight management and health enhancement. I underscore the significance of meticulous caloric monitoring, macro comprehension (protein, carbs, fats), and creating a caloric deficit for weight loss. The process entails these steps: 1) Determine Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) using online calculators that consider factors like age, gender, height, weight, and body fat percentage. 2) Compute Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE) by adjusting BMR for activity level. 3) Forge a caloric deficit by consuming 80% of TDEE calories, typically 15-20% less than TDEE. 4) Set protein intake at 1.5g per kg of body weight for muscle maintenance. 5) Calculate protein calories (grams x 4). 6) Gauge carbohydrate intake based on activity (starting at 2g per kg of body weight). 7) Calculate carb calories (grams x 4). 8) Allocate remaining calories to fat. 9) Calculate fat intake (remaining calories ÷ 9). The host underscores precise food tracking and macro alignment with personal goals. The method aims to simplify understanding caloric needs, creating a sustainable deficit, and prioritizing protein to retain muscle while losing fat.

    As always, comment your greatest takeaways and leave your suggestions for future topics. I want to talk about what you want to learn about so leave your ideas on what you would like to learn about next; and be sure to connect with us using the following social media handles. 


    Private VIP Facebook Group: : https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Clubhouse @teamlaurapt

    Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/teamlauraphillips

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurarogersgeneticscoach/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamLauraPT

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2sJx8mqbMhJNbNFPeDlpUe?si=DATzYZ_JRz6nU95kdMiyKw / https://spoti.fi/3Caf7gD


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmugWogtRySgxrXK9KaMXlw

    Tik tok @teamlauraphillips


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  • In this week’s episode of Real Talk, I wanted to unpack the tangible numbers you need in order to lose not just weight but fat and with these numbers in mind, it should be relatively easy to keep the weight off too. 

I get that weight and fat loss can become overwhelming and consuming. Where do you start when one day carbs are the devil and the next, intermittent fasting is all the rage.

    Do you fast and avoid carbs or only avoid carbs after 6 on days that you’re fasting and what do you use for fuel before working out? Do you eat before training or train fasted in which case, do you fast for 16 hours on non training days and eat as ‘normal’ on non fasting days? Where does coffee sit in all of that? Does coffee technically break fasting? 

There is no shortage of mixed messages surrounding fat loss or quick fixes available on the market.

    With that in mind, I wanted to highlight what really needs to be focused on in order to achieve fat loss and yes, for the most part, it’s focusing on these 2 numbers and remaining focused on these 2 numbers before getting shiny object syndrome and turning to other methods or sources. 

    As always, comment your greatest takeaways and leave your suggestions for future topics. I want to talk about what you want to learn about so leave your ideas on what you would like to learn about next; and be sure to connect with us using the following social media handles. 


    Private VIP Facebook Group: : https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Clubhouse @teamlaurapt

    Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/teamlauraphillips

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurarogersgeneticscoach/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamLauraPT

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2sJx8mqbMhJNbNFPeDlpUe?si=DATzYZ_JRz6nU95kdMiyKw / https://spoti.fi/3Caf7gD


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmugWogtRySgxrXK9KaMXlw

    Tik tok @teamlauraphillips

  • When it comes to moving the needle on your health and fitness, there is no shortage of places you can look to begin. From fad diets to HIIT classes and even intermittent fasting, the industry is nine too helpful on providing clues on where to start.

    Given the overwhelm that the abundance of fitness information (though often misinformation) and not to mention marketing, I wanted to break down what you can do that is not only simple, but super tangible too.

    Whether your goal is to build strength, lose weight, tone up increase endurance, get leaner or live a long and healthy life; these 3 metrics are all you need to get started and make a tremendous amount of progress across the board with your health and well-being.

    Please be sure to connect with us using the social media links provided and let us know what your main takeaways are.


    Private VIP Facebook Group: : https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Clubhouse @teamlaurapt

    Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/teamlauraphillips

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurarogersgeneticscoach/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamLauraPT

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2sJx8mqbMhJNbNFPeDlpUe?si=DATzYZ_JRz6nU95kdMiyKw / https://spoti.fi/3Caf7gD


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmugWogtRySgxrXK9KaMXlw

    Tik tok @teamlauraphillips

  • In this week’s episode of Real Talk, I get deep into detail on why people struggle to shift the needle on their goals for years (if not decades). ⁣

    This industry sees it time and time again, the whole January 1 New Years Resolutions who promise themselves that they will for sure this time get the results that they set out to achieve last year and the year before and the year before and usually the year before that too. Interestingly, what we also note is an increase in demand people put on themselves appears to accumulate over time too. In year 1, the goal might be to go for a run once a week, that might stick for 1 month before life ultimately takes over and so there goes that goal for that year. Year 2, the goal becomes to run 3 times a week and again, we see that stick for 1-3 months before travel comes up, you have to move house, a family member has to go to hospital and your routine goes out the door. Year 3, the goal is to compete in a 5km run, year 4 the goal is to compete in 10km, year 5 it’s to do a half marathon and year 6, it’s to complete a full marathon. ⁣

    We think that being more of an ass hole towards ourselves is the solution and it simply is not and it shows in our inability to achieve our goals Monday after Monday (that diet didn’t quite start did it?), month after month and year after year. We become increasingly demanding and strict on ourselves only to find ourselves fluctuating between living life in extremes - ‘all’’ looking like a full on diet where everything including joy is removed and extreme jumps in physical activity levels (verging unhealthy increases); and ‘nothing’ where nothing appears as though we have very good intentions though these intentions only seem to exist in the future where everything maybe, might and definitely should happen. ⁣

    There are other common denominators that I’ve encountered in my 15 years in this industry of people who display this tendency of setting of setting resolutions each year. I’m all for setting healthy goals and in a healthy manner though most people fail to realise that the way they set goals not only sets them up for failure, it too sets them up for more criticism, judgement and comparison of themselves. ⁣

    As always, please be sure to connect with us on the social media platforms below and let us know what your greatest takeaways are. ⁣


    Private VIP Facebook Group: : https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Clubhouse @teamlaurapt

    Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/teamlauraphillips

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurarogersgeneticscoach/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamLauraPT

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2sJx8mqbMhJNbNFPeDlpUe?si=DATzYZ_JRz6nU95kdMiyKw / https://spoti.fi/3Caf7gD


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmugWogtRySgxrXK9KaMXlw

    Tik tok @teamlauraphillips

  • In this week’s episode of real talk we are diving deep with a live training on the mindset shifts you need to make in order to not only shift the body fat but also to keep it off too. 

When I share these insights, I share it having been both myself. Not so long ago, I was nearer to 30% body fat. Now sitting closer to halve that amount, and having kept those 15kg of fat off, I can safely share the invaluable mindset shifts you need to make long term and sustainable change. 

It’s a conversation we don’t discuss enough of - the connection between mental, emotional health and physical health though the connections are profound. 

    People often think they lack willpower when in fact, they lack an awareness of their emotional responses to stress, anxiety, fear, confrontation, discomfort. Our habits are repeated behaviours and our behaviours are responses to our thoughts and feelings. Until we address our thoughts and feelings, we stand no chance at long term change including though not limited to weight loss.


Enjoy and let us know what your greatest takeaways are; please be sure to connect with us on the following platforms: 

    Private VIP Facebook Group: : https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Clubhouse @teamlaurapt

    Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/teamlauraphillips

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurarogersgeneticscoach/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamLauraPT

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2sJx8mqbMhJNbNFPeDlpUe?si=DATzYZ_JRz6nU95kdMiyKw / https://spoti.fi/3Caf7gD


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmugWogtRySgxrXK9KaMXlw

    Tik tok @teamlauraphillips

  • It’s all well and good to have a vision board and to want to use it to help you manifest the life of your dreams though I can’t help but feel that life doesn’t quite go according to said vision board because of how we choose to use it. 

If your relationship with your vision board and manifestation process ends at the ‘dreaming’ phase, chances are, you’re not going to move the needle on what you’re looking to create. 

My conversation with Shubhra Venneti who works as an astrologer-Akashic reader and hypnotherapist reveals where people slip up and why. Turns out, a lot it comes down to your relationship with your life and your vision. Much like with weight loss/fat loss, if you’re seeking to lose weight because it sounds good or because you feel you should want that for yourself, then you actions will hold you back because you yourself have a goal that is out of alignment with your true desire. 

True desires can be challenging to ascertain when you live in a fast paced life and you’re left with little time at the start or end of each day to connect with your own thoughts though that could be the most powerful piece of what’s missing to your manifestation method. 

Please be sure to connect with Shubhra below using the following links and enjoy: 

Instagram: @shiftwithshubhra 

Website: www.shubhravenneti.com

    Reach out directly via: [email protected]

  • In this week’s episode, we dive into pertaining to stubborn fat.

    It appears to be a topic of conversation lately “Laura, how do I get rid of this stubborn fat from my back/stomach/thighs? It just doesn’t seem to want to shift?!” I get it, fat from my inner thigh moves at a glacial pace and frustration doesn’t even cut it when I consider how many damn squats, deadlifts, lunges etc that I have done over the years and yet it’s still seemingly very comfortable there. 

Does stubborn fat require different treatment to ‘normal’ fat? You’ll have to listen to find out though there are many factors to consider when trying to create body composition change. 

    All too often we sense that our problems such as stubborn fat are unique and diving a little deeper, how do we define ‘stubborn’ ? Typically the results we see speak to the consistency in how we live e.g. are you proactively looking after your health Monday - Thursday and ‘slacking off’ Friday, Saturday and Sunday or are you consistent Jan 2 - mid year summer holidays and then terribly inconsistent with diet and exercise for 4-8 weeks every mid year?

    To be totally honest, most people are not consistently consistent enough to see the changes they want and there is only so much we can do about genetics. If you’ve always noticed weight or fat to be slower to move from one area than another, that’s not about to change and anyone who tells you otherwise does not understand genetics. 

    This is not to say that stubborn fat cannot be lost though there are certain aspects to consider and some of those are outside of your control - best we focus on what you can control; listen to learn what these factors are so that you can start to see the shifts you are seeking! 

    Please connect on the following social platforms and let us know what your main takeaways are.

    Private VIP Facebook Group: : https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips
Clubhouse @teamlaurapt

    Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/teamlauraphillips

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurarogersgeneticscoach/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamLauraPT

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2sJx8mqbMhJNbNFPeDlpUe?si=DATzYZ_JRz6nU95kdMiyKw / https://spoti.fi/3Caf7gD


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmugWogtRySgxrXK9KaMXlw

    Tik tok @teamlauraphillips

  • In this week’s episode I speak with, not gonna like she is a bit of a girl crush of mine, Dr Jay Lee Nair who is a renowned sport and performance psychologist in South East Asia. Her niece area is working with perfectionists, and she is the author of the book “Good Sport” - How to Support and talk to Young Athletes Before During and after the Game. ⁣⁣


    It seems odd that until now there hasn’t been an episode on perfectionism and yet it is so super relatable with the Superstars I have a great pleasure and privilege in working with. Often, we see in high achievers, the tendency to want to try and get everything right the first time and in the instances where this doesn’t pan out as perfectly as we had perhaps wanted or intended, we let shit hit the fan almost undoing all our efforts as a means to prove that we will never be perfect. The role of perfectionism playing a part in self sabotaging cycles needs to be talked about more and more. Our hang ups with wanting to get everything ‘right’ and being attached to that outcome leaves us in a fairly binary situation and you know, it’s kind of really hard to be perfect (in case you hadn’t noticed) and that’s why so many of us go through life not being accepting of being imperfect but punishing ourselves for not being perfect. That lends itself to a fairly exhausting life and toxic relationship we develop with ourselves. ⁣⁣


    Dr Jay Lee breaks down the 3 fears all perfectionists have - do you know what they are and can you identify how they may appear in your life? Would love to know what connects and resonates with you. Turns out, there are plenty of powerful ways in which we can leverage perfectionism to our advantage even ‘hacking’ our way to success by using elements of perplexing and puzzling trait. I think what’s important to understand here is that as much as we can logically understand that nothing can be perfect, and as much as we may still suffer even knowing that, the self judgement that there ensues is also something to work through. Another common phrase I hear from the high achieving women I work with is “I KNOW that I should/should not aim for perfection and yet I still do in the following ways…” This highlights the emotion that ought to be connected with in order to make sense of the perfection that may appear in your life as it can have different origin stories for different people; usually applying more logic doesn’t help and this is where a professional can help you get ‘un-stuck’ and create the shifts you are seeking. ⁣⁣


    If you can recall from the episode on procrastination, we know that perfectionism is one of the 5 emotional sources of procrastination so if you can relate to not getting shit done because it needs to be ‘perfect’ all the time, then that’s the next episode you will want to hear. ⁣⁣


    Dr Jay-Lee and myself are planning an event centred around ‘perfectionism’ in August 2023, if you’re interested, please be sure to comment so that we can keep you in the loop. ⁣⁣


    May thanks to Dr Jay-Lee again and please be sure to get a copy of her book and connect with her using the following links: ⁣⁣



    Instagram: @jaylee_nair ⁣⁣


    Linktree: https://linktr.ee/drjaylee

  • In this weeks’ episode of Real Talk, I speak with psychologist Beata Justkowiak and it feels like a long overdue conversation given how long we have been in similar circles and following each other on social platforms.

    I wanted to catch up and speak on the topic of overwhelm after being inspired by one of her Instastories as I felt it captured what a lot of us experience on a regular basis - feeling that our emotional capacity to on the brink of collapse.


It would seem that the faster pace of Singapore with a larger work focus, has, at time, made it challenging especially for those who are from abroad to cope with the intensity of life, often left feeling overwhelmed and as though they are in a constant state of reaction. When we operate from the sympathetic nervous system for prolonged periods, our overwhelm can lead to a sense of feeling burnt out and needing a holiday whilst equally having no desire to plan one. 

Though stress can be helpful and even healthy within reason, understanding what this looks like for each person is critical in keeping an emotional equilibrium of sorts so that you feel you are able to manage normal day to day stress without small blips along the way skyrocketing stress levels. The secret to operating from a state of thriving rather than coping? You will have to listen and find out though Beata’s response was a nice surprise. 

Please be sure to connect with her using the links provided and explore your own emotions and emotional skills using the workbooks kindly provided by Beata herself: 


    Instagram https://www.instagram.com/energising_goals/

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/EnergisingGoals

    YouTube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC6v8sW-BF936xlquwXiFgiw

    Spotify https://open.spotify.com/user/31kvnpdnejzsyngsvvm32y7wmidq?si=15563b7a6b774131&nd=1

    Website https://www.energisinggoals.com/

    Getting UN-stuck Worksheet https://drive.google.com/file/d/127pL9p35ugWFyWeOKbOGg96eOeR7jqDU/view?usp=share_link

  • This week’s episode of Real Talk is audio used from a live training on how you can avoid that mid year summer weight gain which is a very common experience amongst most of us! Female founders, business owners and C Suite execs don't have time to be losing 5kg (often on top of the existing 5kg they are trying to lose) after their summer break especially when they have more than enough to deal with as it stands. ⁣

    One of my favourite ways to address and mitigate weight gain is to fill up at breakfast time - who doesn't love a breakfast buffet?! For me, 'fill up on fibre first' has been a tried and tested approach. I am yet to see this not work for myself and the Superstars I work with. What does this mean? When you're scanning the breakfast buffet, we want to identify where the salad bar and veggies sit and fill your plate with a generous portion before heading to the other parts of the buffet. For me, this sets the tone for the day starting with an intentional and filling meal high in micronutrients i.e. vitamins and minerals. Why is this important? You don't have time to be sick on your holiday yet it's common for the body to fall ill when travelling due to the different climate, bacteria, viruses and generally speaking, it's one of the few times when the brain and body can process all the stress and what has compiled mentally and emotionally since the start of the year. ⁣

    Moving on from fibre, you want to keep the theme of satiation i.e. feeling of fullness by ensuring you eat a generous portion of protein! The benefit of protein is that it keeps you fuller for longer as it makes its way further down the digestive tract before being broken up, aids in muscle building but more importantly, retention. When you are not lifting as much weight or as often, it is imperative that you go out of your way to keep as much muscle mass as possible and protein is key in this. Eggs are a great and easy option for breakfast buffets, I like myself an omelette with vegetables that way you get the best of both worlds - protein and fibre. Often there will be stir fry options too which provide both protein and fibre. Additionally, tofu and legumes are great vegetarian options which are often available. When in doubt, I will have a protein shake with water or milk and fill up on salad/veg. ⁣

    Enjoy the episode and please be sure to leave use your main take aways in the comments section and be sure to connect with us on the links below:

    Private VIP Facebook Group: : https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Clubhouse @teamlaurapt

    Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/teamlauraphillips

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurarogersgeneticscoach/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamLauraPT

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2sJx8mqbMhJNbNFPeDlpUe?si=DATzYZ_JRz6nU95kdMiyKw / https://spoti.fi/3Caf7gD


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmugWogtRySgxrXK9KaMXlw

    Tik tok @teamlauraphillips

  • In this week’s episode of Real Talk, I give you the nitty gritty details of what you can get to grab and go when you’re passing by your local convenience store that is going to fill you up without spilling into your caloric budget.

    I get that you’re always on the go and being able to meal prep or stop to perfectly plan your next meal or snack is not always a luxury that you have. When in a pinch, thankfully, there are several high protein, low calories options in your local corner shop.

    When looking for a snack you want to ensure you’re getting at least 10g of protein; this is critical in keeping you feeling full for longer so that you don’t find yourself reaching for crisps at 4pm. These days, conveniences stores are stocking healthier and healthier and higher protein options and the good news is that there are several to choose from which I go into detail in this recording from a live training.

    Additionally, there are several excellent pre workout snacks you can find to fuel your performance during training. Personally, I use and rely on these snacks from my local 7/11 on a regular basis - nothing wrong with convenient food when you’re intentional about your choices.

    Enjoy and be sure to connect with us on all platforms using the following:

    Private VIP Facebook Group: : https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Clubhouse @teamlaurapt

    Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/teamlauraphillips

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurarogersgeneticscoach/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamLauraPT

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2sJx8mqbMhJNbNFPeDlpUe?si=DATzYZ_JRz6nU95kdMiyKw / https://spoti.fi/3Caf7gD


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmugWogtRySgxrXK9KaMXlw

    Tik tok @teamlauraphillips

  • If your strategy going into a log haul flight is to chug down as much water as you possibly can before security confiscates all your liquids exceeding 100ml then you will want to listen up because in this week’s episode of Real Talk, we go in depth with regards to how you can properly prepare for long haul flights.

    Long haul flights are more taxing on the body than we realise and not only do we have to adjust to the change in time zone, we have to do our best to function with lower oxygen uptake, compromised circulation, poor on board food choices, terrible postures and a whole lot more. Let’s not make life more challenging than what it needs to be, have a game plan before and after your flight by taking notes to this week’s episode so that you can hit the ground running running on energy rather than fumes. With several small tweaks and proactive planning, the transition from flight to new time zone can be a whole lot easier allowing you to maximise work output and minimise recovery.

    Enjoy the episode and connect with us on the following platforms:

    Private VIP Facebook Group: : https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips
Clubhouse @teamlaurapt

    Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/teamlauraphillips

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurarogersgeneticscoach/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamLauraPT

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2sJx8mqbMhJNbNFPeDlpUe?si=DATzYZ_JRz6nU95kdMiyKw / https://spoti.fi/3Caf7gD


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmugWogtRySgxrXK9KaMXlw

    Tik tok @teamlauraphillips

  • In this week’s episode, I share my own weight and fat loss journey in audio form - this audio is from a live training sharing insights on how I created my own physical transformation. Though I’ve written ad nauseam about my own weight loss journey, I wanted to offer the opportunity to share more in a live format. It should be noted that I was not a personal trainer nor a sports nutritionist when this chapter of my journey began and finding the right health care professional to help me address my condition that was inhibiting my physical performance was a journey in and of itself.

    We can be quick to make assumptions about the ‘fit and happy’ people we see on social media whilst having absolutely no idea what their journey entailed and what they lost and learned along the way. To this day, it continues to be a series of self evolution cycles that I go through to not only keep what I’ve worked for but to continue to build on what I’ve built both physically and mentally.

    You truly don’t know how good you can feel and that’s often why so many people settle for feeling like sh*t; I had no idea how good it felt to wake up without a chronic inflammatory condition until I couldn’t walk to the bus stop without being out of breathe and in severe pain.

    Know that navigating chronic illness can be an incredible emotionally draining journey and one that can leave you feeling lonely and with little direction with regards to where to turn or who to turn to next. It was one of the worst best things that ever happened to me, it meant I lost swimming as a sport and had the great privilege of rebuilding my body and my self identity.

    Enjoy and be sure to connect with me using the following:

    Private VIP Facebook Group: : https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Clubhouse @teamlaurapt

    Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/teamlauraphillips

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurarogersgeneticscoach/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/teamlauraphillips

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/TeamLauraPT

    Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/show/2sJx8mqbMhJNbNFPeDlpUe?si=DATzYZ_JRz6nU95kdMiyKw / https://spoti.fi/3Caf7gD


    YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmugWogtRySgxrXK9KaMXlw

    Tik tok @teamlauraphillips

  • I get it, you are beyond stretched when it comes to your schedule. You work 14+ hour days often with 3 or more time zones combined with frequent travel thrown in there for good measure. When it comes to your health, it often feels like an afterthought and you know it cannot keep slipping to the bottom of your priority list because there will come a point when you know you will be forced to make it a priority but WHEN and HOW to slide this amongst everything else is a constant source of stress. Nothing crushes the confidence of a high achiever faster than not being able to figure something out - you pride yourself on being able to figure everything out.

    Let me break down what is truly worth your time if you are trying to take positive action in making health the undercurrent to how you live your busy boss babe life. These are the simplest of tips and tricks that you can use and incorporate into your life with the press of an ‘order now’ button, heck, you can even outsource some of these items to your assistant and perhaps that’s another tip worth including - get yourself a very competent assistant who knows when and how to take control of the steering wheel so that you can get your steps up, chug some water down and breathe before the next meeting. This audio is from a live training and please keep your eyes and ears out for more. If you want to catch the training live so that you can ask questions and pick my brain on all topics related to Female founder health, ensure you connect with me on the below platforms so that you can be the first to find out about these live online events. Enjoy!

    Private VIP Facebook Group: : https://www.facebook.com/groups/lauraphillipsvip

    Clubhouse @teamlaurapt

    Instagram account: https://www.instagram.com/teamlauraphillips / @teamlauraphillips

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/laurarogersgeneticscoach/

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  • I get it, you're probably not about to get more sleep in terms of duration of sleep and as it stands, it's already a push to get the 6 or so hours that you manage to squeeze into your already overflowing schedule. It may surprise you to know that whilst there are vitamins and minerals that are key in optimising energy levels, there are several mindset shifts we can create in order to feel more energised at the click of your fingers too. ⁣

    In this week's episode, we are again taking the audio from a live training I recently did on all that contributes to energy. From masculine vs feminine energy, flow states, vitamins, minerals, systems and structure and everything in between, you have to know that you can in fact create the energy you want when you want it by realising that it's possible to do so. ⁣

    All too often we find ourselves feeling drained from long haul flights, 14 hour work days, dealing with incompetent people and not having sufficient time to fuel ourselves before the next big meeting and whilst that can all contribute to feeling low in energy, there's a tonne more that we can do to increase energy too. ⁣

    Tune in to find out more about how you can push for that 15th hour of work long after the caffeine has worn off without needing to reach for another one. ⁣


  • Part 2 episode - In this week’s episode of Real Talk, we talk about a very real and relatable experience many of us (if not all) have encountered at some point in the gym - feeling intimidated. It might surprise you to know that even health and fitness professionals and those who have spent 10s of 1000s of hours still find themselves feeling this way at times.

    There’s something about it which can lend itself to both nerves, excitement and a sense of “Holy hell, do I belong here?!” The grungy music, the clanging of the cast iron plates, the grunting, the sweat, the swearing, the rawness of a space such as a gym can be very off-putting and I can totally understand why. As intense as an environment of this nature can be, it’s important to realise that we all have a common denominator which is that we come to the gym to better ourselves in our own way and that’s hugely powerful.

    Initially, a fitness space can seem overwhelming and foreign but please, do not let that put you off returning. You can work to overcome the initial emotion and find your place and even your tribe in such a space. People are most often friendlier than their resting gym face - that for sure is true for me!

    Remember that people are usually more preoccupied with their phone or their own insecurities to notice you and if you’re unsure of how to use a piece of equipment, the best people to learn from are probably those super experienced people to your left and to your right. Health and fitness professionals such as Aiden and myself are ALWAYS more than happy to help people in fact, we love it when people ask questions and when we can be of service. It’s never an inconvenience and if it makes it easier for you to return to them gym tomorrow or the next day then by all means, ask away.

    Though the initial hurdle can feel like climbing Everest, it is well worth working through when you consider the benefits on the other side not just physically but mentally, emotionally and from a social and community health standpoint too. The spotlight effect will trick you into thinking that people are looking at you, again, if that person is me, I’m most likely staring into the distance considering what my next meal will be; and if you want the gym to be less ‘scary’ start by creating that change and smile at someone or even say ‘hello’. You get to influence how you experience difference environments and the simplest way to overcome that initial hurdle is to introduce yourself to those around you and while you’re at it, you might as well learn from them because they got to where they are by doing it for a long time. The only difference between them and you is time. It’s hardly fair to compare your day 1 to their 10th, 15th, 20th year of training - it’s a totally different chapter and remember, we have all had our first day in the gym, we have all had to start from somewhere and very rarely is that every with a super low body fat %’ and a 6 pack with an enormous amount of confidence.

    Enjoy and please be sure to connect with Aiden using the links below:

    Instagram: @aidenberenger_coaching

  • In this week’s episode of Real Talk, we talk about a very real and relatable experience many of us (if not all) have encountered at some point in the gym - feeling intimidated. It might surprise you to know that even health and fitness professionals and those who have spent 10s of 1000s of hours still find themselves feeling this way at times.

    There’s something about it which can lend itself to both nerves, excitement and a sense of “Holy hell, do I belong here?!” The grungy music, the clanging of the cast iron plates, the grunting, the sweat, the swearing, the rawness of a space such as a gym can be very off-putting and I can totally understand why. As intense as an environment of this nature can be, it’s important to realise that we all have a common denominator which is that we come to the gym to better ourselves in our own way and that’s hugely powerful.

    Initially, a fitness space can seem overwhelming and foreign but please, do not let that put you off returning. You can work to overcome the initial emotion and find your place and even your tribe in such a space. People are most often friendlier than their resting gym face - that for sure is true for me!

    Remember that people are usually more preoccupied with their phone or their own insecurities to notice you and if you’re unsure of how to use a piece of equipment, the best people to learn from are probably those super experienced people to your left and to your right. Health and fitness professionals such as Aiden and myself are ALWAYS more than happy to help people in fact, we love it when people ask questions and when we can be of service. It’s never an inconvenience and if it makes it easier for you to return to them gym tomorrow or the next day then by all means, ask away.

    Though the initial hurdle can feel like climbing Everest, it is well worth working through when you consider the benefits on the other side not just physically but mentally, emotionally and from a social and community health standpoint too. The spotlight effect will trick you into thinking that people are looking at you, again, if that person is me, I’m most likely staring into the distance considering what my next meal will be; and if you want the gym to be less ‘scary’ start by creating that change and smile at someone or even say ‘hello’. You get to influence how you experience difference environments and the simplest way to overcome that initial hurdle is to introduce yourself to those around you and while you’re at it, you might as well learn from them because they got to where they are by doing it for a long time. The only difference between them and you is time. It’s hardly fair to compare your day 1 to their 10th, 15th, 20th year of training - it’s a totally different chapter and remember, we have all had our first day in the gym, we have all had to start from somewhere and very rarely is that every with a super low body fat %’ and a 6 pack with an enormous amount of confidence.

    Enjoy and please be sure to connect with Aiden using the links below:

    Instagram: @aidenberenger_coaching

  • In this week's episode of Real Talk, we have Ahmed Eideh back on the show to share some real insights on cholesterol! ⁣

    This topic is super misunderstood - even for myself; it turns out that there are more important metrics to look at than just HDL and LDL in isolation. Who knew?! ⁣

    Truly this has been another eye-opening episode from Ahmed and the age of question of whether egg yolks are good or bad for your cholesterol comes up for discussion. The final verdict on egg yolks may just surprise you. ⁣

    Another helpful insight on cholesterol relates to fertility. The role of cholesterol is critical with everything that relates to hormones and it got me thinking "How many people have tried to conceive whilst unknowingly having a cholesterol problem?" We may never know for sure though if you've been trying, it would be worth exploring your cholesterol levels to understand what role that could be having on your chances of success. ⁣

    As with many areas of health, hormones determine a whole lot - think of hormones as the start of a line of dominoes and when we optimise hormone health, more often than not, several other areas of health start to change positively. ⁣

    ⁣Please enjoy and be sure to connect with Ahmed using the links provided and let us know what topic you'd like to hear us discuss next!

  • In this week’s episode of Real Talk, we speak with an incredibly intelligent powerhouse of a woman, Viktoriia Iakovleva, who is a Research Fellow at Cancer Science Institute of Singapore; she holds a MD (medical degree) and PhD degree in Medicine. Soon after encountering her account on Instagram, it became very clear that she really knows what she is talking about; and that is exactly why I wanted to get her take on a hot topic which is artificial sweeteners. ⁣

    It has been across all headlines recently with all too much misinformation which I wanted to shed light on and bring clarity to. You may think that erythritol is an artificial sweetener or is that an assumption we have made? ⁣

    Several health risks have been linked to artificial sweeteners but have they? What does the science reveal with regards to observed and studied health risks vs what we have seen or interpreted in the media? It begs the question: “Do we really know what we think we know about sweetens and are they all artificial?” The answer might just surprise you. ⁣

    We already have so many misconceptions with regards to nutrition, if there his one less items to be concerned about, we ought to know about it. Be sure to listen and learn about the real dangers to your health as we unpack the bigger picture in this equation and it’s not probably not what you think. ⁣

    Please be sure to connect with Viktoriia on Instagram using the following handle: @talking_health_ ⁣