
  • Today's episode is about the European Day of Languages. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some classroom phrases for students. You will also learn how to ask “Could you explain that again?” in Slovak. At the end of this episode is my dialogue about celebrating European Day of Languages.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about the European Day of languages. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some classroom phrases for students. You will also learn how to ask “Could you explain that again?” in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my dialogue about celebrating European Day of languages.

    Slovak lesson
    1. Prepáčte. (I’m sorry. / Sorry.)
    2. Ospravedlňujem sa. (I apologize.)
    3. Prepáčte, že meškám. (Sorry I'm late.)
    4. Nerozumiem. (I don't understand.)
    5. Prepáčte, nepočul som dobre. (Sorry, I didn't hear well.)
    6. Prosím, hovorte pomalšie. (Please speak more slowly.)
    7. Môžete to zopakovať? (Can you repeat that?)
    8. Prepáčte, nie som si istý. (Sorry, I'm not sure.)
    9. Môžem ísť na toaletu / záchod? (Can I / May I go to the bathroom?)
    10. Necítim sa dobre. (I don't feel well.)
    11. Môžem otvoriť/zatvoriť okno? (May / Can I open/close the window?)
    12. Na akej stránke sme? (What page are we on?)
    13. Aká je domáca úloha? (What is the homework?)
    14. Zabudol / Zabudla som domácu úlohu doma. (I forgot my homework at home.)
    15. Mohli by ste to ešte raz vysvetliť? (Could you explain that again?)

    Anna: Tak teda, šťastný Európsky deň cudzích jazykov, všetci! Koľko jazykov si myslíte, že budeme hovoriť do konca dnešného dňa?
    Luca: Toľko koľko potrebujeme na objednanie pizze v každej krajine!
    Sophie: Luca, myslím, že ty už dávno vieš, ako sa povie "pizza" v každom jazyku.
    David: Viete, mali by sme Lucu otestovať. Ako sa po slovensky povie „pizza“, Luca?L: Uh... "Pizza"?
    D: To je pravda! Už si to zvládol.
    A: Dobre, dosť o pizzi. Urobme si jazykovú výzvu. Každý povieme frázu vo svojom rodnom jazyku a ostatní musia uhádnuť, čo to znamená.
    S: Skvelý nápad! Idem prvá. "Je ne sais pas pourquoi je suis toujours fatiguée."
    L: Hmm... nechaj ma hádať. "Neviem, prečo som taká unavená."
    S: Hej, uhádol si!
    D: Sophie, nebolo to také ťažké. Hovoríš to každý deň!
    A: Dobre, som na rade! "Mam ochotę na coś słodkiego."
    L: Myslím, že to znamená: "Chcem niečo sladké!" správne?
    A: Áno! Si si istý, že nevieš po poľsky?
    L: Nie, ale viem, že máš rada sladkosti.
    D: Dobre, teraz ja. "Neviem, prečo mám rád bryndzové halušky."
    S: To je príliš dlhé! neviem!
    A: Myslím, že to znamená: "Neviem, prečo mám rád bryndzové halušky." je to tak?
    D: Správne! A mám ich rád, lebo sú chutné.
    L: Čo sú to tie bryndzové halušky?
    D: Je to slovenské jedlo, ako zemiakové halušky s bryndzou.
    L: To musím vyskúšať!
    S: Luca, myslíš niekedy na niečo iné ako na jedlo?
    L: Len niekedy. Ale jedlo je najlepší spôsob, ako porozumieť jazyku!
    A: Je to jeden zo spôsobov, ako sa ho naučiť!
    D: Pravda, jedlo a jazyk idú ruka v ruke.
    L: Na jazyky, jedlo a priateľstvo!

    02:32 Intro
    02:27 About the Day of languages
    03:23 Fun fact 1
    05:05 Fun fact 2
    07:29 Slovak lesson
    16:42 Dialogue
    20:33 Dialogue with the English translation
    25:55 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the recent changes in Slovak primary schools. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some classroom phrases and words. You will also learn how to say “Pay attention!" in Slovak.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about the recent changes in Slovak primary schools. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some classroom phrases and words. You will also learn how to say “Pay attention!" in Slovak.

    Slovak lesson
    1. Dobré ráno, žiaci / študenti. (Good morning, pupils / students.)
    2. Moje meno je ... (My name is ...)
    3. Som váš nový učiteľ / váša nová učiteľka. (I am your new teacher.)
    4. Myslím, že teraz môžeme začať. (I think we can start now.)
    5. Otvorte si / zatvorte si knihy. (Open / close your books.)
    6. Kto dnes chýba? (Who is missing today?)
    7. Ste pripraveni? / Si pripravený? / Si pripravená? (Are you ready?)
    8. Dávajte pozor. (Pay attention.)
    9. Počúvajte. (Listen.)
    10. Zopakujte. (Repeat.)
    11. Ešte raz. (One more time.)
    12. Povedz to znova, prosím. (Say it again, please.)
    13. Rozumiete? / Rozumieš? (Do you understand?)
    14. Otvorte si knihy na stránke… (Open your books to the page…)
    15. Postavte sa. (Stand up.)
    16. Posaďte sa. (Sit down.)
    17. Poď dopredu. (Come forward.)
    18. Poď pred tabulu. (Come to the blackboard.)
    19. Kto sa hlási? (Who will raise their hand?)
    20. Dajte ruky dole. (Put your hands down.)
    21. Zapíšte si to. (Write it down.)
    22. Prečítajte to. (Read it.)
    23. Kto by chcel čítať? (Who would like to read?)
    24. Prestaňte hovoriť. (Stop talking.)
    25. Máte nejaké otázky? (Do you have any questions?)
    26. Kto pozná odpoveď? (Who knows the answer?)
    27. Povedzte to hlasnejšie, prosím. (Say it louder, please.)
    28. To je správne. (That's right.)
    29. Nie celkom správne. Skús to znova. (Not quite right. Please try again.)
    30. To je na dnes všetko. (That's all for today.)
    31. Toto je vaša domáca úloha. (This is your homework.)
    32. Dnes nie sú žiadne domáce úlohy. (There is no homework today.)
    33. Môžete ísť. (You can go.)
    34. Dovidenia. (Goodbye.)
    35. Dávajte pozor. (Pay attention.)

    Učiteľka: Dobré ráno, žiaci.
    Žiaci: Dobré ráno, pani učiteľka.
    Učiteľka: Moje meno je pani Nováková. Som váša nová učiteľka. Dúfam, že ste všetci pripravení.
    Žiaci: Áno, sme pripravení!
    Učiteľka: Výborne. Myslím, že môžeme začať. Kto dnes chýba?
    Žiak 1: Nikto, pani učiteľka. Všetci sú tu.
    Učiteľka: To je skvelé. Otvorte si knihy na stránke 10.
    Učiteľka: Dávajte pozor a počúvajte. Kto by chcel čítať prvý?
    Žiak 2: Ja, pani učiteľka!
    Učiteľka: Poď pred tabuľu. Prečítaj prvý odsek, prosím.
    Učiteľka: Skvelé! Kto pozná odpoveď na otázku na konci odseku? Kto sa hlási? Áno, Lucia?
    Žiak 3 (Lucia): Myslím, že odpoveď je...
    Učiteľka: Nie celkom správne. Skús to znova.
    Učiteľka: Áno, to je správne. Máte nejaké otázky?
    Učiteľka: Dobre, zapíšte si, čo sme sa dnes naučili. Toto je vaša domáca úloha.
    Učiteľka: To je na dnes všetko. Môžete ísť. Dovidenia.
    Žiaci: Dovidenia, pani učiteľka!

    00:35 Introduction to the lesson
    02:24 Changes in Slovak schools
    04:52 Fun fact
    07:52 Slovak lesson
    22:32 Dialogue
    24:14 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

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  • Today's episode is about the International Day of Programmers. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn a few words from my computer vocabulary. You will also learn how to say “Keep exploring!“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode is my short dialogue about a programmer visiting a school to talk about his work.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about the International Day of Programmers. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn a few words from my computer vocabulary. You will also learn how to say “Keep exploring!“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue about a programmer visiting a school and talking about his work.

    Slovak lesson
    1. programátor / programátori (programmer / programmers)
    2. programovanie (programming)
    3. videohra / videohry (video game / video games)
    4. počítač / počítače (computer / computers)
    5. aplikácia / aplikácie (application / applications)
    6. hádanka / hádanky (riddle / riddles ALSO puzzle / puzzles)
    7. výzva /výzvy (challenge / challenges)
    8. základy kódovania (coding basics)
    9. vytvárať projekty (create projects)
    10. skúmanie, prieskum (investigation, exploration)
    11. Pokračujte v skúmaní! (Keep exploring!)

    Programátor: Ahojte všetci! Som naozaj rád, že som bol pozvaný, aby som sa s vami porozprával o tom, čo robím ako programátor. Viete, čo robí programátor?Študent 1: Robíte videohry!
    Študent 2: Celý deň pracujete s počítačmi!
    Programátor: Obaja máte pravdu! Ale programovanie je viac než to. Je to povedať počítaču, čo má robiť, krok za krokom.
    Študent 3: Takže celý deň len píšete na počítači?
    Programátor: Môže to tak vyzerať, ale je toho oveľa viac. Než začnem písať, musím prísť na to, ako riešiť problémy. Je to ako plánovanie veľkého projektu. Všetko rozdelím na menšie kroky a potom napíšem kód, aby sa to všetko stalo.
    Študent 5: Čo máte na svojej práci najradšej?
    Programátor: Páči sa mi, že môžem vytvárať veci od nuly. Či už ide o novú aplikáciu, nástroj, ktorý pomáha ľuďom, alebo len o to, aby niečo fungovalo lepšie. Je skvelé vidieť, ako niečo, čo som vybudoval, ožíva.
    Študent 6: Je ťažké byť programátorom? (Is it hard to be a programmer?)
    Programátor: Niekedy to môže byť zložité, najmä keď sa snažíte vyriešiť ťažký problém. Ale to je súčasť toho, čo to robí vzrušujúcim. Ak máte radi hádanky a výzvy, tak programovanie je pre vás ako stvorené.
    Študent 7: Môžeme sa stať programátormi aj my?
    Programátor: Určite! Môžete sa začať učiť hneď teraz. Existujú hry a aplikácie, ktoré vás naučia základy kódovania, a keď sa budete zlepšovať, môžete začať vytvárať vlastné projekty.
    Študent 4: To znie úžasne! Ďakujeme, že ste prišli!
    Programátor: Nemáte za čo! Som rád, že sa s vami môžem podeliť o to, čo robím. Učte sa a pokračujte v skúmaní!

    00:33 Introduction to the episode
    02:30 About the Programmers' Day
    03:17 Fun fact 1
    04:57 Fun fact 2
    08:53 Fun fact 3
    09:18 Fun fact 4
    09:53 Slovak lesson
    15:26 Dialogue
    18:20 Dialogue with English translation
    23:16 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about going back to school. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my school supplies vocabulary. You will also learn how to say “Back to school“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode is my short dialogue between mother and her little son about his first day at school.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about going back to school. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my school supplies vocabulary. You will also learn how to say “Back to school“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue between mother and her little son about his first day at school.

    Slovak lesson
    1. školské potreby (school supplies)
    2. školská taška / ruksak / batoh (school bag / backpack)
    3. zošit / zošity (notebook / notebooks)
    4. ceruzka / ceruzky (pencil / pencils)
    5. guma (eraser)
    6. pero / perá (pen / pens)
    7. pastelky (crayons)
    8. fixky (markers)
    9. farebné ceruzky (colored pencils)
    10. pravítko (ruler)
    11. lep (glue)
    12. lepiace tyčinky (glue sticks)
    13. nožnice (scissors)
    14. peračník (pencil case)
    15. obedár (lunchbox)
    16. fľaša s vodou (water bottle)
    17. dezinfekčný prostriedok na ruky (hand sanitizer)
    18. Späť do školy (Back to school)

    Mama: Tak tu sú zošity, perá, ceruzky, guma, pravítko a pastelky. Vilko, aký bol tvoj prvý deň v škole? (So here are the notebooks, pens, pencils, eraser, ruler and crayons. Vilko, how was your first day at school?)
    Vilko: Bolo to úžasné, mami! Hrali sme hry a stretol som nového priateľa menom Leo, plným menom Leonard. (It was wonderful, mom! We played games and I met a new friend named Leo, full name Leonard.)
    Mama: To je skvelé! čo ste ešte robili? (That's great! what else have you been doing?)
    Vilko: Vyfarbili sme obrázok rakety a pani učiteľka nám prečítala príbeh o medveďovi, ktorý chodí do školy. Bolo to vtipné! (We colored a picture of a rocket and the teacher read us a story about a bear that goes to school. It was funny!)
    Mama: Zdá sa, že si sa bavil. (Looks like you had fun.)
    Vilko: Áno, veľmi! Ale nevedel som, kde je jedáleň. (Yes, very much! But I didn't know where the dining room was.)
    Mama: Tak si sa mal niekoho opýtať. (So you should have asked someone.)
    Vilko: Opýtal som sa pani učiteľky a tá mi vysvetlila, že nás tam všetkých odvedie ona, keď bude čas obeda. (I asked the teacher and she explained that she would take us all there when it‘s lunchtime.)
    Mama: To je ešte lepšie. Som taká rada, že si mal dobrý deň. (That's even better. I'm so glad you had a good day.)
    Vilko: Aj ja. Ale ráno som bol veľmi nervózny. Nevedel som, či sa mi tam bude páčiť. (Me too. But in the morning I was very nervous. I didn't know if I would like it there.)
    Mama: A páčilo sa ti tam? (And did you like it there?)
    Vilko: Áno, veľmi. (Yes, very much.)

    00:34 Introduction
    02:31 Going back to school
    07:20 Slovak lesson
    14:18 Dialogue
    16:00 Dialogue with the English translation
    18:53 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the Slovak National Uprising. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn a few new words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to say “I'll try again tomorrow “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find the dialogue between Great-Grandfather and Great-Grandson about events in 1944.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about the Slovak National Uprising. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn a few new words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to say “I'll try again tomorrow “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find the dialogue between Great-Grandfather and Great-Grandson about events in 1944.

    Slovak lesson
    1. povstanie (uprising, rebellion)
    2. vojak / vojaci (soldier soldiers)
    3. partizán / partizáni (partisan partisans)
    4. zbraň / zbrane (weapon weapons)
    5. puška / pušky (rifle rifles)
    6. odvaha (courage)
    7. sloboda (freedom)
    8. bojovať (to fight)
    9. skúsiť (to try)
    10. Zajtra to skúsim znova. (I'll try again tomorrow.)

    Pravnuk: Dedko, môžeš mi povedať niečo o Slovenskom národnom povstaní? Dnes sme o tom hovorili v škole, ale ja som zvedavý na váš príbeh. Vraj ste boli ešte len decko, keď sa to stalo.
    Dedko: Ach, áno, mal som vtedy len 10 rokov. Ale všetko si pamätám, akoby sa to stalo len včera.
    Pravnuk: Porozprávajte mi o tom, prosím! Aké to bolo?
    Dedko: No, bolo to hrozné obdobie, o tom niet pochýb. Nacisti nás mali pod kontrolou a život bol ťažký. Ale niečo bolo vo vzduchu – niečo, čo prinútilo ľudí bojovať. Všetci to cítili. A ja som to cítil tiež. Aj keď som bol len chlapec.
    Pravnuk: Aj vy ste bojovali?
    Dedko: No hej, všetci sme bojovali, ale nie ako vojaci s puškami. Iba sme pomáhali.
    Pravnuk: Ako? Čo ste robili?
    Dedko: Moja mama, tvoja praprastará mama, vedela najlepšie ako pomôcť. Vtedy partizáni, tí statoční muži a ženy, bojovali v horách a nemali vždy dosť jedla. Boli neustále v pohybe, skrývali sa pred nacistami a potrebovali jedlo, aby si udržali sily. A tak sa mama rozhodla, že im upečie chlieb. Robila aj koláče a sušienky. Potom to zabalila, a aj iné veci, také ktoré v horách vydržia.
    Pravnuk: To znie úžasne! Ako sa však partizáni dostali k jedlu?
    Dedko: Tu som prišiel na rad ja. Moja mama nemohla opustiť dom – nebolo to bezpečné. Takže som to nosil partizánom ja. Cestičky cez les som poznal ako svoje topánky.
    Pravnuk: Dedko, nebáli ste sa?
    Dedko: Ach, samozrejme, že som sa bál! Ale bol som aj hrdý. Vedel som, že moja pomoc, aj keď malá, je veľmi potrebná.
    Pravnuk: Akí boli partizáni?
    Dedko: Boli silní a statoční. Niektorí z nich boli veľmi mladí, iní starší. Všetci však mali jedno spoločné: milovali Slovensko a boli ochotní zaň bojovať.
    Pravnuk: Dedko, myslíte si, že to, čo ste urobili, bolo dôležité?
    Dedko: Áno, chlapče. Nebolo to len o chlebe. Išlo o to ukázať, že sme v tom všetci spolu. Bolo to ako to, čo hovorili partizáni: „Odvaha nie vždy reve. Niekedy je to tichý hlas na konci dňa, ktorý hovorí: ‚Zajtra to skúsim znova‘.“

    00:37 Introduction to the episode
    02:37 About the uprising
    08:36 Fun fact
    12:26 Slovak lesson
    16:23 Dialogue
    20:23 Dialogue with the English translation
    26:52 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about Bardejovské Kúpele and its attractions. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to ask “What is the entrance fee? “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about Bardejovské Kúpele and its attractions. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to ask “What is the entrance fee? “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my dialogue about visiting the open-air museum of folk architecture in Bardejovské Kúpele.

    Slovak lesson
    1. najstarší skanzen (the oldest open-air museum)
    2. chudobný roľník (a poor peasant)
    3. dobový nábytok (period furniture)
    4. hospodárske stavby (economic buildings)
    5. sýpka / sýpky (granary / granaries [grén ry])
    6. stodola / stodoly (barn / barns)
    7. technické zariadenie (technical device)
    8. drevené kostolíky (wooden churches)
    9. historické objekty (historical objects)
    10. základné vstupné (basic entrance fee)
    11. Aké je vstupné? (What is the entrance fee?)

    Klára: Ahoj Melánia! Bola si na dovolenke? Tak dlho som ťa nevidela!
    Melánia: Ahoj Klára! Nie nebola, iba som mala veľa práce. Avšak minulý vikend som navštívila Skanzen v Bardejovských Kúpeľoch. Bola som úplne očarená!
    K: Aha! Počula som, že je to najstarší skanzen na Slovensku.
    M: Áno, otvorili ho už v roku 1965 a je skutočne úžasné. Na ploche 1,5 hektára tam majú 24 objektov z 18., 19., a 20. storočia. Predstav si, videla som dom chudobného roľníka z dediny Frička z roku 1887. Bol to taký malý domček, ale bol krásne zariadený dobovým nábytkom.
    K: To musí byť zaujímavé. A čo ešte tam mali?
    M: Boli tam aj hospodárske stavby ako sýpky a stodoly. A majú tam aj technické zariadenie na výrobu súkna a unikátne vrtné zariadenie na výrobu drevených vodovodných rúr. Predstav si, to zariadenie je poháňané vodou a časť je ešte z 18. storočia!
    K: To znie fakt zaujimavo. A čo tie drevené kostolíky, že vraj su tam dva?
    M: Presne tak! Drevený kostolík z obce Zboj je dominantou celého skanzenu. Postavili ho v roku 1706. A potom je tam ešte drevený kostolík z Mikulášovej, postavený v roku 1730. Predstav si, dodnes sa tam konajú gréckokatolícke bohoslužby!
    K: To je super! Musím sa tam ísť pozrieť.
    M: Vieš, čo bolo najlepšie? Celý skanzen je zariadený dobovým nábytkom a náradím. Cítila som sa, akoby som sa vrátila o dve storočia späť.
    K: Mam rada historické objekty. Aké je vstupné?
    M: Základné vstupné je 2 €, zľavnené pre dôchodcov a študentov 1,50 € a deti platia len 1 €. Oh, a otvorené je od utorka do nedele, pondelky sú len pre vopred ohlásené skupiny.
    K: To je celkom prijateľné.
    M: Hej. A vieš, čo ma tam ešte pobavilo? Keď som bola v dome toho chudobného roľníka, vedľa nás prešla skupinka detí a jedno z nich sa spýtalo: „Oni tu fakt žili bez Wi-Fi a televizora?“ Skoro som sa rozosmiala.
    K: Haha, to je skvelé! Ďakujem za tip, určite tam zájdem.

    00:33 Introduction
    02:33 About Bardejov Spa healing springs
    05:15 Fun fact 1
    06:20 Fun fact 2
    07:10 Fun fact 3
    10:44 Slovak lesson
    15:49 Dialogue
    19:28 Dialogue with English translation
    25:46 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the Bardejov Spa in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn new words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to say “That’s fun!“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my dialogue about Bardejov spa.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about the Bardejov Spa in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn new words from my dialogue. You will also learn how to say “That’s fun!“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my dialogue about Bardejov spa.

    Slovak lesson
    1. liečivé kúpele (healing baths)
    2. historický pomník (historical monument)
    3. spomienkový ceremoniál (memorial ceremony)
    4. dobové kostýmy (period costumes)
    5. náučný chodník (educational trail)
    6. kúpeľný areál (spa complex)
    7. liečivý prameň (healing spring)
    8. relaxačná prechádzka (a relaxing walk)
    9. múzejný apartmán (museum apartment)
    10. zaujímavé predmety (interesting subjects)
    11. perfektné suveníry (perfect souvenirs)
    12. To je zábavné! (That's fun!)

    Silvia: Ahoj Alex! Počul si o Alžbetinom dni v Bardejovských Kúpeľoch?
    Alex: Alžbetin deň? Čo je to?
    S: No, je to super akcia, kde si pripomínajú cisárovnú Alžbetu Rakúsku. Veď vieš, Sisi! Návštívila Bardejovské Kúpele a bola úplne nadšená. Každý rok je tu na jej počesť celý deň plný zábavy.
    A: To znie zaujímavo! Povedz mi o tom viac.
    S: Tak najprv je pri jej pomníku spomienkový ceremoniál a potom sa môžeš prejsť so "Sisi a Františkom Jozefom" v dobových kostýmoch. Je to ako návrat v čase. Plus, je tu vzdelávací chodník s názvom "Sisi a jej zastávky", čo je pekná 2,3 km prechádzka po kúpeľnom areáli.
    A: To znie úžasne! Určite som za relaxačnú prechádzku.
    S: Presne! A ak máš rád históriu, je tu aj Sisin múzejný apartmán so všetkými druhmi zaujímavých predmetov. Vstup stojí len 1 euro.
    A: Pekné! A čo jedlo? Vieš, že som gurmán.
    S: Máš šťastie! Reštaurácia hotela Alexander zvyčajne ponúka "Fialkové menu" inšpirované obľúbenými jedlami Sisi. Možno budú mať aj fialkovú tortu s kávou. A nezabudni na “Zmrzlinový pohár Sisi” a “Alžbetinu kávu”. Plus, vždy je tu klasická viedenská káva s jablkovou štrúdľou a vanilkovou zmrzlinou.
    A: Mňam! Presvedčila si ma. Ako sa tam dostaneme?
    S: Je to super jednoduché. Do Bardejova môžme ísť vlakom alebo autobusom. Potom z Bardejova do kúpeľov pravidelnou autobusovou linkou.
    A: Znie to ako plán. Som určite za! Niečo iné, čo si mi zabudla povedať?
    S: Obyčajne v "Sisi obchode" pri recepcii hotela Alžbeta si môžeš kúpiť skvelé suveníry, ako pamätné mince, medailóny a dokonca repliky pohára, z ktorého Sisi pila.
    A: Perfektné suveníry pre perfektný deň! To je super!
    S: No hej! A naviac, predstav si, ako sa my prechádzame po kúpeľoch ako šľachta.
    A: Ha-ha! My, ako šľachtici! To je zábavné!

    00:33 Introduction to the episode
    02: 28 About Bardejov Spa
    04:53 Fun fact 1
    06:59 Fun fact 2
    10:51 Slovak lesson
    16:10 Dialogue in Slovak
    19:31 Dialogue with the English translation
    25:14 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the town of Bardejov in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my sightseeing vocabulary. You will also learn how to say “Thank you for the suggestion“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode is my short dialogue about sightseeing Bardejov.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about the town of Bardejov in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn some new words from my sightseeing vocabulary. You will also learn how to say “Thank you for the suggestion“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue about sightseeing Bardejov.

    Slovak lesson
    1. Radničné námestie (Town Hall Square)
    2. stredoveká rozprávka (a medieval fairy tale)
    3. meštiansky dom (burger house)
    4. špicatá strecha (pointed roof)
    5. socha kata (statue of the executioner)
    6. stará freska (old fresco)
    7. drevený oltár (wooden altar)
    8. zaujímavý artefakt (interesting artifact)
    9. stredoveká zbraň (medieval weapon)
    10. ľudový kroj (folk outfit/dress)
    11. Ďakujem za tip. (Thank you for the tip/suggestion.)

    Jana: Ahoj, Marek! Počula som, že si bol cez víkend v Bardejove. Aké to bolo?
    Marek: Ahoj, Jana! Bardejov je úžasný! Musíš tam ísť. Pripomína mi to stredoveké rozprávky.
    J: Vážne? Čo všetko si tam videl?
    M: No, začali sme na Radničnom námestí. To je fakt nádhera! Tie farebné meštianske domy, všetko ako z pohľadnice.
    J: Počula som, že tam majú aj sochu kata. To musí byť desivé.
    M: Áno, tá socha je fascinujúca! Stojí priamo pred goticko-renesančnou radnicou a Bazilikou sv. Egídia. Kat bol vtedy fakt rešpektovaná osoba. Ale zároveň sa ho všetci báli. Myslím, že by som si dal pozor, aby som s ním neprišiel do konfliktu!
    J: Haha, určite! A čo tá bazilika? Je taká pekná, ako hovoria?
    M: Je ešte krajšia! Vo vnútri sú úžasné fresky a drevené oltáre. Pripadal som si ako v nejakom historickom filme.
    J: To znie super. A čo si ešte videl?
    M: Šarišské múzeum bolo tiež skvelé. Majú tam veľa zaujímavých artefaktov z regiónu. Od stredovekých zbraní až po ľudové kroje.
    J: Skvelé! Určite si to nenechám ujsť. A čo jedlo? Skúsil si niečo typické slovenské ?
    M: Samozrejme! Bryndzové halušky sú moje obľúbené, ale tento raz som si dal domáce pirohy. Boli veľmi chutné. Musíš to vyskúšať.
    J: Mňam, už sa mi zbiehajú slinky. Takže, Marek, ešte raz. Keď pôjdem do Bardejova, čo nesmiem vynechať?
    M: Hmmm, určite Radničné námestie, sochu kata, Šarišské múzeum, Baziliku sv. Egídia a jej vežu so zvonom. Je z nej nádherný výhľad. A nezabudni na pirohy.
    J: Jasné, Marek! Ďakujem za tipy. Už sa nemôžem dočkať, až to všetko uvidím na vlastné oči!
    M: Nemáš začo, Jana! Bardejov ťa určite očarí tak ako mňa. Uži si to!

    00:34 Introduction to the episode
    02:30 About historical Bardejov
    05: 36 Fun fact 1
    10:53 Fun fact 2
    12:36 Fun fact 3
    13:59 Slovak lesson
    18:37 Dialogue in Slovak
    21:25 Dialogue with the English translation
    26:58 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the past tense of the Slovak verbs like stáť (to stand), ísť (to go), brať (to take), prať (to wash/do laundry), vedieť (to know), vziať (to take), minúť (to spend). Then you will practice them in short sentences. You will also learn how to say “I knew that“ in Slovak.

    Episode notes
    Today we are going to look at some verbs that belong to the group 5. For example: stáť (to stand), ísť (to go), brať (to take), prať (to wash/do laundry), vedieť (to know), vziať (to take), minúť (to spend), and so on. Then you will practice them in short sentences. You will also learn how to say “I knew that“ in Slovak.

    1. The Past Tense of the Verb stáť (to stand)
    stál som/ stála som(I stood stali sme (we stood)
    stál si / stála si (you stood) stali ste (you stood)
    stál / stala / stalo (he, she, it stood) stali (they stood)

    2. The Past Tense of the Verb ísť (to go), but also odísť (to leave), prísť (to come)
    išiel som / išla som (I went) išli sme (we went)
    išiel si/ išla si (you went) išli ste (you went)
    išiel / išla / išlo (he, she, it went) išli(they went)

    6. The Past Tense of the Verb vedieť (to know, to have knowledge)
    vedel som/ vedela som (I knew) vedeli sme (we knew)
    vedel si / vedela si (you knew) vedeli ste (you knew)
    vedel / vedela / vedelo (he, she, it knew) vedeli (they knew)

    7. The Past Tense of the Verb minúť (to spend)
    minul som / minula som(I spent) minuli sme (we spent)
    minul si / minula si (you spent) minuli ste (you spent)
    minul / minula / minulo (he, she, it spent) minuli (spent)

    1. Minulú sobotu ma kamarát pozval na jeho svadbu. (Last Saturday, a friend invited me to his wedding.)
    2. No dobre, ale čo si oblečiem? (Okay, but what do I wear?)
    3. Stál som pred otvorenou skriňou. (I was standing in front of an open wardrobe / closet.)
    4. Bol som v panike. (I was in a panic.)
    5. Už dlho som nič nepral. (I haven't washed anything in a long time.)
    6. Vzal som veľký kôš na prádlo. (I took a large laundry basket.)7. Hodil som do neho to najpotrebnejšie. (I threw the most necessary things into it.)
    8. Išiel som do práčovne a začal prať. (I went to the laundromat and started washing.)
    9. Pral som a pral som, až kým som neminul všetky mince. (I washed and washed until I used up all the coins.)
    10. Napriek tomu som vedel, že to stačilo. (Nevertheless, I knew it was enough.)
    11. Vedel som to. (I knew that.)

    00:37 Introduction to the episode
    02:55 Slovak lesson
    18:49 Short sentences
    19;43 Short sentences with the English translation
    22:12 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today we are going to look at some verbs from the forth group: niesť , viesť, viezť, spať, stretnúť, vidieť, sedieť and conjugate them in the past tense. You will also learn how to ask “Who was it?“ in Slovak.

    Episode notes
    Today we are going to look at some verbs from the forth group. For example: niesť (to carry), viesť (to lead), viezť (to drive), spať (to sleep), stretnúť (to meet), vidieť (to see), sedieť (to sit). Then we conjugate them in the past tense so you can practice them in short sentences. You will also learn how to ask “Who was it?“ in Slovak.

    Slovak lesson
    1. The Past Tense of the Verb niesť (to carry)
    niesol som / niesla som (I carried) niesli sme (we carried)
    niesol si / - la si (you carried) niesli ste (you carried)
    niesol / - la / - lo (he, she, it carried) niesli (they carried)

    5. The Past Tense of the Verb stretnúť (to meet)
    stretol som / stretla som(I met) stretli sme (we met)
    stretol si / stretla si(you met) stretli ste (you met)
    stretol / stretla / stretlo (he, she, it met) stretli (they met)

    7. The Past Tense of the Verb sedieť (to sit)
    sedel som / sedela som (I sat) sedeli sme (we sat)
    sedel si/ sedela si (you sat) sedeli ste (you sat)
    sedel / sedela / sedelo (he, she, it sat) sedeli (they sat)

    Short sentences
    1. Ahoj, miláčik. Kde si bol včera večer? (Hello, darling. Where were you yesterday evening?)
    2. Bol som doma. Spal som. Prečo? (I was at home. I was sleeping. Why?)
    3. Moja kamarátka ťa videla v jej susedstve. (My friend saw you in her neighborhood.)
    4. Naozaj? (Really?)
    5. Naozaj. Vraj si sa na jej ulici stretol s nejakou ženou. (Really. Apparently you met with a woman on her street.)
    6. Nepamätám sa. (I do not remember.)
    7. Vraj si jej niesol kabelku a viedol ju k tvojmu autu. (Aparently you were carrying her purse and leading her to your car.)
    8. Ááááh, ona myslela tamtú ženu. (Aaaah, she meant that woman.)
    9. Hej, tamtú ženu, ktorú si potom niekde viezol. Kto to bol? (Yeah, that woman, who you were driving somewhere. Who was it?)
    10. To bola moja mama a viezol som ju k lekárovi. (It was my mom and I was taking her to the doctor.)
    11. Kto to bol? (Who was it?)

    00:37 Introduction to the episode
    02:41 Slovak lesson
    19:41 Slovak sentences
    20:36 Slovak sentences with English translation
    22:39 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today we look at the third group of slightly irregular verbs: žiť, piť, šiť, priať (si), smiať sa (laugh). You will also learn how to ask “What do you think?” and “Would they live well?” in Slovak.

    Episode notes
    Today we look at the third group of slightly irregular verbs. For example: žiť (to live), piť (to drink), šiť (to saw), priať (si) (to wish for), smiať sa (laugh), and so on. Then you will practice them in short sentences. You will also learn how to ask “What do you think?” and “Would they live well?” in Slovak.

    Slovak lesson
    1. The Past Tense of the Verb žiť (to live)
    žil som / žila som (I lived) žili sme (we lived)
    žil si / žila si(you lived) žili ste(you lived)
    žil / žila / žilo (he, she, it lived) žili (they lived)

    4. The Past Tense of the Irregular Verb jesť (to eat)
    jedol som / jedla som (I ate) jedli sme(we ate)
    jedol si / jedla si(you ate) jedli ste (you ate)
    jedol / jedla / jedlo (he, she, it ate) jedli (they ate)

    7. The Past Tense of the Verb zasmiať sa (to laugh)
    zasmial som sa / - a som sa (I laughed) zasmiali sme sa (we laughed)
    zasmial si sa / - la si sa (you laughed) zasmiali ste sa (you laughed)
    zasmial sa / - la sa / - lo sa (he, she, it laughed) zasmiali sa (they laughed)

    Short sentences:
    1. Ujo Fero mal dobrý život. (Uncle Fero had a good life.)
    2. Žil si ako veľký pán. (He lived like a great gentleman.)
    3. Jedol iba panské jedlá a pil tie najlepšie vína. (He ate only fancy food and drank the best wines.
    4. Ujo Fero nebol pán, ale veľmi šikovný krajčír. (Uncle Fero was not a lord, but a very skilled tailor.)
    5. Šil pre pánov, ale aj pre dámy. (He sewed for gentlemen, but also for ladies.)
    6. Šil pre veľkých, ale aj pre malých. (He sewed for the big ones, but also for the little ones.)
    7. Ujo Fero bol dobrý človek a vždy dobré robil. (Uncle Fero was a good man and always did good.)
    8. Vraj, len jedno zlé urobil, že sa neoženil. (Apparently, the only thing he did wrong was that he didn't get married.)
    9. Ujo Fero si prial dobrú manželku a dobré deti. (Uncle Fero wished for a good wife and good children.)
    10. Dobre by si žili a veselo sa smiali. (They would live well and laugh happily.)
    11. Čo si myslíte, žili by si dobre? (What do you think, would they live well?)

    00:36 Introduction to the episode
    02:44 Slovak lesson
    21:34 Slovak sentences
    22:35 Slovak sentences with English translation
    25:29 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the conjugation of the second group of the Slovak verbs that are slightly irregular in the present tense. You will also learn how to ask “Did they invite you to a party?” in Slovak.

    Episode notes
    In the Season 5 you learned how to conjugate the Slovak verbs that are slightly irregular in the present tense. In the last episode, we looked at the first group, the verbs with ending -ovať in the infinitive, and conjugated some of them in the past tense. Today we look at the second group. For example: pozvať (to invite), hádzať (to throw), písať (to write), česať (to comb), plakať (to cry), stať sa (to become), and so on. Then you will practice them in short sentences. You will also learn how to ask “Did they invite you to a party?” in Slovak.

    Slovak lesson
    1. The Past Tense of the Verb pozvať (to invite)
    pozval som / - la som (I invited) pozvali sme (we invited)
    pozval si / - la si (you invited) pozvali ste (you invited)
    pozval / - la / - lo (he, she, it invited) pozvali (they invited)

    7. The Past Tense of the Verb stať sa (to become)
    stal som sa / - la som sa (I became) stali sme sa (we became)
    stal si sa / - la si sa (you became) stali ste sa (you became)
    stal sa / - la sa / - lo sa (he, she, it becames) stali sa (they became)

    Now, let’s practice a few sentences:
    1. Včera som pozval kamarátov na večeru. (I invited my friends to a restaurant.)
    2. Boli sme veľmi hladní. (We were very hungry.)
    3. Objednali sme si štyri chody. (We ordered four courses.)
    4. Nemal som peniaze to zaplatiť. (I didn't have the money to pay for it.)
    5. Kamaráti sa nahnevali. (Friends got angry.)
    6. Hádzali do mňa zvyšky jedál. (They threw food scraps at me.)
    7. Plakal som a prosil, aby prestali. (I cried and begged them to stop.)
    8. Sľúbil som, že peniaze im vrátim. (I promised to pay them back.)
    9. Podpísal som zmluvu, že to už viac neurobím. (I signed a contract not to do it again.)
    10. Podali sme si ruky a stali sme sa znovu kamarátmi. (We shook hands and became friends again.)
    11. Pozvali ma na záhradnú party. (They invited me to a garden party.)
    12. Pozvali ťa na párty? (Did they invite you to a party?)

    00:35 Introduction to the episode
    02:48 Checking your homework
    04:43 Conjugation of the 2nd group verbs
    16:39 Short sentences in Slovak
    17:23 Short sentences with English
    19:41 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the conjugation of the some irregular Slovak verbs in the past tense. Then you will practice them in short sentences. You will also learn how to ask “Did you travel abroad?” in Slovak.

    Episode notes
    Today, we are going to look at the first group of slightly irregular verbs, that is: the verbs with ending -ovať in the infinitive, and conjugate some of them in the past tense. For example: cestovať (to travel), raňajkovať (to have breakfast), obedovať (to have lunch), oslavovať (to celebrate), vinšovať (to wish), pracovať (to work), ďakovať (to thank), and so on. Then I will use them in short sentences. You will also learn how to ask “Did you travel abroad?” in Slovak.

    Slovak lesson
    1. the Verb cestovať (to travel)
    cestoval som / cestovala som (I traveled) cestovali sme (we traveled)
    cestoval si / cestovala si (you traveled) cestovali ste (you traveled)
    cestoval / cestovala / cestovalo (he, she, it traveled) cestovali (they traveled)

    2. the Verb raňajkovať (to have breakfast)
    raňajkoval som / - la som (I had breakfast) raňajkovali sme (we had breakfast)
    raňajkoval si / - la si (you had breakfast) raňajkovali ste (you had breakfast)
    raňajkoval / -la /-lo (he, she, it had breakfast) raňajkovali (they had breakfast)

    3. the Verb obedovať (to have lunch)
    obedoval som / - la som (I ate lunch) obedovali sme (we ate lunch)
    obedoval si / - la si (you ate lunch) obedovali ste (you ate lunch)
    obedoval / - la / - lo (he, she, it ate lunch) obedovali (they ate their lunch)

    Short sentences
    1. V júni som mal narodeniny. (My birthday was in June.)
    2. Chcel som cestovať do zahraničia. (I wanted to travel abroad.)
    3. A tak som cestoval po Európe. (And so I traveled around Europe.)
    4. Raňajkoval som vo Viedni. (I had breakfast in Vienna.)
    5. Obedoval som v Mníchove. (I had lunch in Munich.)
    6. Večeral som v Saltzburghu. (I had dinner in Salzburg.)
    7. Ale oslavoval som v Bratislave. (But I celebrated in Bratislava.)
    8. Ďakoval som všetkým, ktorí mi želali šťastné narodeniny. (I thanked everyone who wished me a happy birthday.)
    9. Niektorí sa pýtali „Cestoval si do zahraničia?“ (Some asked "Did you travel abroad?")
    10. Cestovali ste do zahraničia? (Did you travel abroad?)

    00:39 Introduction to the episode
    02:43 Slovak lesson
    03:23 Overview of the Slovak past tense
    05:35 Review (Test) of some Slovak verbs
    09:28 Conjugation of some Slovak verbs in the past tense
    19:03 Short sentences
    21:52 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about summer vacation at grandma's. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn Locative case of Slovak neuter nouns in plural. You will also learn how to say “Summer vacation“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few short sentences with neuter nouns in the Locative case for your practice.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about summer vacation at grandma’s. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn Locative case of Slovak neuter nouns in plural. You will also learn how to say “Summer vacation“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few short sentences with neuter nouns in the Locative case for your practice.

    Slovak lesson
    1. auto / autá / v autách (in the cars)
    2. okno / okná / pri oknách (by the windows)
    3. mesto / mestá / v mestách (in cities)
    4. lietadlo / lietadlá / na lietadlách (on airplanes)
    5. múzeum / múzeá / v múzeách (in museums)
    6. vajce / vajcia / na vajciach (on eggs)
    7. ovocie / ovocia / pri ovociach (by fruits)
    8. srdce / srdcia / o srdciach (about hearts)
    9. vysvedčenie / vysvedčenia / na vysvedčeniach (on grades certificates)
    10. štúdium / štúdia / o štúdiach (about studies)
    11. dievča / dievčatá / o dievčatách (girl / girls / about girls)
    12. vtáča / vtáčatá / o vtáčatách (bird / birds / about birds)
    13. dieťa / deti / o deťoch (child / children / about children)
    14. oko / oči / o očiach (eye / eyes / about the eyes)
    15. ucho / uši / o ušiach (ear / ears / about the ears)

    Short sentences:
    1. Nezabudnite skontrolovať všetky sedadlá v autách. (Don't forget to check all the car seats.)
    2. V lete sú v mestách vždy vyššie teploty. (In the summer, temperatures are always higher in cities.)
    3. V zime je na lietadlách niekedy námraza. (In the winter, there is sometimes ice on the planes.)
    4.Sliepka sedela na vajciach. (The hen sat on the eggs.)
    5. Lekár chcel rozprávať iba o zdravých srdciach. (The doctor only wanted to talk about healthy hearts.)
    6. Aké známky budú na vysvedčeniach? (What marks/grades will be on the report cards?)
    7. Chlapci vždy pozerajú po pekných dievčatách. (Boys always look for pretty girls.)
    8. Deti sa v škole učili o cudzokrajných vtáčatách. (Children learned about foreign birds at school.)
    9. Viera vždy rozpráva o svojich deťoch. (Viera always talks about her children.)
    10. Mal/Mala si klapky na očiach? (Were you blindfolded?)
    11. Mal/Mala si klapky na ušiach? (Did you have earplugs in your ears?)

    Leto na dedine
    1. Dedina je to miesto kde žije stará mama.
    2. Dedina je krásna príroda a čerstvý vzduch.
    3. Dedina má tie najkrajšie vône.
    4. Dedina je vôňa sena.
    5. Tu je každý ako jedna veľká rodina.
    6. Tu má každý kút mimoriadnu atmosféru.
    7. Dedina má žiarivý východ slnka.
    8. A ružovo-oranžový západ slnka.
    9. A bezkonkurenčná hviezdna obloha.
    10. Dedina je obraz nekonečného priestoru a bezstarostnej slobody.

    00:33 Introduction to the episode
    02:30 Information about the upcoming bonus episodes
    03:23 About summer vacation
    04:25 Fun fact 1
    04:45 Fun fact 2
    09:52 Slovak lesson
    17:51 Short sentences
    21:31 Short sentences about the summer vacation
    24:50 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about the Rusyns in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn the Locative case of Slovak feminine and neuter nouns in plural. You will also learn how to ask “Do they serve food in cafes? “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few short sentences for your practice.

    Episode notes
    Today, I continue talking about the Rusyns in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn the Locative case of Slovak feminine and neuter nouns in plural. You will also learn how to ask “Do they serve food in cafes? “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a few short sentences for your practice.

    Slovak lesson
    1. matka / matky / o matkách (about the mothers)
    2. sestra / sestry / pri sestrách (at my sisters)
    3. chodba / chodby / na chodbách (in the hallways)
    4. dedina / dediny / po dedinách (across or down the villages)
    5. kniha / knihy / v knihách (in the books)
    6. kačka / kačky / o kačkách (about ducks)
    7. sesternica / sesternice / o sesterniciach (about the female cousins)
    8. stanica / stanice / na staniciach (at the stations)
    9. ulica / ulice / po uliciach (on the street)
    10. nemocnica / nemocnice / v nemocniciach (in the hospitals)
    11. dlaň / dlane / na dlaniach (on the palm – hand palm)
    12. miestnosť / miestnosti / v miestnostiach (in the rooms)
    13. jedáleň / jedálne / pri jedálňach (by the dining rooms)
    14. kaviareň / kaviarne / o kaviarňach (about a coffee houses)
    15. kancelária / kancelárie / v kanceláriach (in offices)

    Short sentences
    1. Po chodbách behajú deti. (Children are running down the hallways.)
    2. Zlé správy sa šírili po dedinách. (Bad news were spreading through the villages.)
    3. Rozprávame o mojich sesterniciach. (We are talking about my female cousins.)
    4. Na niektorých staniciach majú aj reštaurácie. (There are also restaurants on some
    5. V reštauráciach nie je klima. (There is no air conditioning in the restaurants.)
    6. Po uliciach vlaky nechodia. (Trains do not run on the streets.)
    7. Na malých lodiach nie sú motory. (There are no engines on small boats.)
    8. V nemocniciach pracujú lekári a sestričky. (Doctors and nurses work in hospitals.)
    9. V kanceláriach je vždy neporiadok. (There is always a mess in offices.)
    10. Podávajú jedlo v kaviarňach? (Do they serve food in cafes?)

    00:34 Introduction to the lesson
    02:29 Information abo the end of the season
    03:23 About the Rusyns in Slovakia
    07:08 Fun fact 1
    07:47 Fun fact 2
    15:10 Slovak lesson
    22:06 Short sentences
    28:20 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today, I’m talking about the Rusyns and Rusyns’ Day in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn and practice the locative case of Slovak masculine nouns in plural. You will also learn how to ask “Who are the Rusyns? “ in Slovak.

    Episode notes
    Today, I’m talking about the Rusyns and Rusyns’ Day in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn and practice the locative case of Slovak masculine nouns in plural. You will also learn how to ask “Who are the Rusyns? “ in Slovak.

    Slovak lesson
    1. muž / muži / o mužoch (man / men / about men)
    2. brat / bratia / o bratoch (brother / brothers / about brothers)
    3. dedo / dedovia / o dedoch (grandfather / grandfathers / about grandfathers)
    4. ujo / ujovia / o ujoch (uncle / uncles / about uncles)
    5. otec / otcovia / o otcoch (father / fathers / about fathers)
    6. turista / turisti / o turistoch (tourist / tourists / about tourists)
    7. hrdina/ hrdinovia / o hrdinoch (hero / heroes / about heroes)
    8. dom / domy / o domoch (house / houses / about houses)
    9. strom / stromy / o stromoch (tree / trees / about trees)
    10. kvet / kvety / o kvetoch (flower / flowers / about flowers)
    11. koberec / koberce / o kobercoch (carpet / carpets / about carpets)
    12. kraj / kraje / o krajoch (region / regions / about regions)
    13. nôž / nože / o nožoch (knife / knives / about knives)
    14. lev / levy / o levoch (lion / lions / about lions)
    15. pes / psy / o psoch (dog / dogs / about dogs)
    16. vlk / vlci / o vlkoch (wolf / wolves / about wolves)
    17.zajac / zajace / o zajacoch (hare / hares / about hares)
    18. delfín / delfíny / o delfínoch (dolphin / dolphins / about dolphins)
    19. žralok / žraloci / o žralokoch (shark / sharks / about sharks)

    Short sentences
    1. Ženy sa sťažovali o svojich mužoch. (Women complained about their men.)
    2. Nechcem rozprávať o ujoch. (I don't want to talk about uncles.)
    3. Domáci sa rozprávali o turistoch. (The locals were talking about tourists.)
    4. Autá parkovali hneď pri domoch. (Cars were parked right next to the houses.)
    5. Vtáci sedeli na stromoch. (The birds were sitting on the trees.)
    6. Vidličky sú hneď tam pri nožoch. (The forks are right there next to the knives.)
    7. Poznáš príbeh o Dalmatínskych psoch? (Do you know the story about Dalmatian dogs?)
    8. V škole sme sa učili o žralokoch. (At school we talked about sharks.)
    9. Snívalo sa mi o delfínoch. (I dreamed about dolphins.)
    10. Vieš niečo o Rusínoch? (Do you know anything about the Rusyns?)
    11. Kto sú Rusíni? (Who are the Rusyns?)

    00:34 Introduction to the episode
    02:23 Information about the end of season
    03:16 About the Rusyns' Day in Slovakia
    11:41 Fun fact
    15:34 Slovak lesson
    24:25 Short sentences
    26:40 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about Bratislava Forest Park in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn Locative case of Slovak neuter nouns in singular. You will also learn how to ask “Have you been to Slovakia?“ in Slovak.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about Bratislava Forest Park in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn Locative case of Slovak neuter nouns in singular. You will also learn how to ask “Have you been to Slovakia?“ in Slovak.

    Slovak lesson
    1. auto / v aute (car / in the car)
    2. okno / pri okne (window / by the window)
    3. mesto / o meste (city / about the city)
    4. lietadlo / na lietadle (plane / on the plane)
    5. vajce / o vajci (egg / about the egg)
    6. ovocie / na ovoci (fruit / on fruit)
    7. srdce / v srdci (heart / in the heart)
    8. vysvedčenie / na vysvedčení (report card / on the report card)
    9. dieťa / o dieťati (child / about the child)
    10. dievča / pri dievčati (girl / with the girl)
    11. zviera / o zvierati (animal / about the animal)
    12. mača / o mačati (little cat / about a little cat)
    13. vtáča / o vtáčati (little bird / about a little bird)
    14. oko / v oku (eye / in the eye)
    15. ucho / na uchu (ear / on the ear)
    16. brucho / v bruchu (abdomen / in the abdomen)
    17. Chicago / v Chicagu (Chicago / in Chicago)
    18. Kongo / pri Kongu (Congo / near Congo)
    19. letisko / na letisku (airport / at the airport)
    20. Slovensko / na Slovensku (Slovakia / in Slovakia)
    21. Nemecko / v Nemecku (Germany / in Germany
    22. rádio / v rádiu (radio / on the radio)
    23. Tokio / v Tokiu (Tokyo / in Tokyo)
    24. Bilbao / pri Bilbau (Bilbao / near Bilbao)
    25. video / na videu (video / on video)
    26. štúdium / o štúdiu (study / about the study)
    27. múzeum / v múzeu (museum / in the museum)
    28. gymnázium / na gymnáziu (at the gymnasium)
    29. laboratórium / pri laboratóriu (laboratory / at the laboratory)

    Short sentences:
    1. V aute bolo veľmi horúco. (It was very hot in the car.)
    2. Vlado má hudbu v srdci. (Vlado has music in his heart.)
    3. Na vysvedčení budú samé jednotky. (There will be all As on the report card.)
    4. Chlapec bol celý deň pri svojom dievčati. (The boy was with his girl all day.)
    5. Mám niečo v oku. (I have something in my eye.)
    6. Na Slovensku rozprávame po slovensky. (In Slovakia, we speak Slovak.)
    7. V rádiu je zaujímavá relácia. (There is an interesting show on the radio.)
    8. Študoval som na gymnáziu. (I studied at the gymnasium high school.)
    9. Boli ste na Slovensku? (Have you been to Slovakia?)

    00:34 Introduction to the episode
    03:27 Fun fact 1
    04:30 Fun fact 2
    07:36 Slovak lesson
    23:55 Short sentences
    30:10 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about an old tradition called “Opening of the springs” in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn Locative case of Slovak feminine nouns in singular. You will also learn how to say “I don’t know anything“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a short story about the opening of the springs.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about an old tradition called “Opening of the springs” in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn Locative case of Slovak feminine nouns in singular. You will also learn how to say “I don’t know anything“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a short story about the opening of the springs.

    Slovak lesson
    a) The locative case of feminine nouns ending in a hard consonant:
    1. matka / o matke (about the mother)
    2. sestra / pri sestre (at my sister's)
    3. chodba / na chodbe (in the hallway)
    4. dedina / po dedine (across the village)
    5. kniha / v knihe (in the book)
    6. kačka / o kačke (about a duck)

    b) The locative case of feminine nouns ending in a soft consonant:
    7. sesternica / o sesternici (about the cousin)
    8. stanica / na stanici (at the station)
    9. ulica / po ulici (on the street)
    10. nemocnica / v nemocnici (in the hospital)
    11. kuchyňa / pri kuchyni (by the kitchen)
    12. kúpeľňa / v kúpelni (in the bathroom)
    13. loď / na lodi (on boat)
    14. miestnosť / v miestnosti (in the room)
    15. dlaň / na dlani (on the palm – hand palm)
    16. jedáleň / pri jedálni (by the dining room)
    17. kaviareň / o kaviarni (about coffee house)
    18. kancelária / v kancelárii (in office)
    19. Mária / o Márii (about Mary)

    Short sentences:
    1. Kde je telefón? Telefón je na chodbe. (Where is the phone The phone is in the hallway.)
    2. Kade ide sprievod? Sprievod ide po dedine. (What way is the procession going?)
    3. O kom rozprávate? Rozprávame o mojej sesternici. (Who are you talking about? We are talking about my cousin.)
    4. Kde ma budeš čakať? Budem ťa čakať na stanici. (Where will you wait for me? I will wait for you at the station.)
    5. Kto ide po ulici? Môj priateľ ide po ulici. (Who is walking down the street? My friend is walking down the street.)
    6. Kde je Daniel? Daniel je v kúpeľni. (Where is Daniel? Daniel is in the bathroom.)
    7. Ako bolo na lodi? Na lodi bolo fajn. (How was the ship? It was fine on the boat.)
    8. Kde sú oznamy? Oznamy sú pri jedálni. (Where are the announcements? Announcements are by the dining room.)
    9. Je šéf v kancelárii? Áno, je v kancelárii. (Is the boss in the office? Yes, he is in the office.)
    10. O kom je ten príbeh? Je o Márii. (Who is the story about? It's about Mary.)
    11. Neviem nič o tej kaviarni. (I don't know anything about that coffee house.)
    12. Neviem nič. (I don't know anything.)

    00:33 Introduction to the episode
    02:31 About the tradition “Opening of the springs”
    08:26 Slovak lesson
    19:45 Short sentences
    22:55 Story about “Opening of the springs” (in Slovak)
    24:35 Translation of the story (in English)
    25:43 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about name Julia in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn Locative case of Slovak animate (living) masculine nouns in singular. You will also learn how to ask “Do you like talking?“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a Slovak song about Julia.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about name Julia in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn Locative case of Slovak animate (living) masculine nouns in singular. You will also learn how to ask “Do you like talking?“ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a Slovak song about Julia.

    Slovak lesson
    1. lekár / o lekárovi (doctor / about the doctor)
    2. hrdina/ o hrdinovi (hero / about the hero)
    3. učiteľ / o učiteľovi (teacher / about the teacher)
    4. spisovateľ / o spisovateľovi (writer / about the writer)
    5. fotograf / o fotografovi (photographer / about the photographer)
    6. brat / o bratovi (brother / about brother)
    7. ujo / o ujovi (uncle / about uncle)
    8. otec / o otcovi (father / about father)
    9. chlapec / o chlapcovi (boy / about the boy)
    10. herec / o hercovi (actor / about the actor)
    11. Peter / o Petrovi (Peter / about Peter)
    12. pes / o psovi (dog / about a dog)
    13. srnec / o srncovi (male deer / about a deer)
    14. vrabec / o vrabcovi (sparrow / about a sparrow)
    15. ďateľ / o ďaťľovi (woodpecker / about a woodpecker)

    Short sentences:
    1. Počúvam správy o lekárovi. (I’m listening to the news about the doctor.)
    2. Rozprávame sa o učiteľovi. (We are talking about the teacher.)
    3. Čítate o spisovateľovi. (You are reading about a writer.)
    4. Mama hovorí o otcovi. (Mom talks about dad.)
    5. Nepoviem jej o bratovi. (I won't tell her about my brother.)
    6. Novinári píšu o hercovi. (Journalists write about the actor.)
    7. Neviem nič o Petrovi. (I don't know anything about Peter.)
    8. Rozprávka je o chlapcovi a o psovi. (The story is about a boy and a dog.)
    9. Poznám porekadlo o vrabcovi. (I know the saying about a sparrow.)
    10. Radi rozprávate o hrdinovi? (Do you like talking about a hero?)
    11. Radi rozprávate? (Do you like talking?)

    Júlia si čarovná (Karol Konárik, 1979) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sjN71q9FjZo

    Pyšná bábika,
    Prelud, čo z rúk mi stále uniká,
    Chvíľu dieťa, chvíľu dospelá,
    Si ty – Júlia.
    Dievča z obrázku,
    Vidím, že stvorená si pre lásku.
    Čo si ty už dávno vedela,
    Dnes viem i ja.
    Júlia, si slnko v sieti,
    Júlia si čarovná.
    Snáď len dúha v očiach detí,
    Krásou sa ti vyrovná.
    /: Kruh mojích lások je uzavretý,
    Tam dávno vládneš už jedine ty.:/

    Malá koketa,
    Šťastie je vratké ako ruleta.
    Chvíľu dieťa, chvíľu dospelá,
    Si ty – Júlia.
    Dievča z plagátu,
    Vidím ťa záhadnú i usmiatu.
    Čo si ty už dávno vedela,
    Dnes viem i ja.
    Júlia, si slnko v sieti,
    Júlia si čarovná.
    Snáď len dúha v očiach detí,
    Krásou sa ti vyrovná.
    /: Kruh mojích lások je uzavretý,
    Tam dávno vládneš už jedine ty.:/
    Júlia, si slnko v sieti,
    Júlia si čarovná.
    Snáď len dúha v očiach detí,
    Krásou sa ti vyrovná.

    00:34 Introduction
    02:29 About Julia
    03:09 Fun fact 1
    04:49 Fun fact 2
    05:15 Fun fact 3
    06:32 Slovak lesson
    13:10 Short sentences
    22:18 Slovak song about Julia
    24:15 Translation
    25:56 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC

  • Today's episode is about St. Sophia and Žofia’s Day in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn Locative case of Slovak inanimate masculine nouns in singular. You will also learn how to ask “Will you help me? “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find my short dialogue between two students.

    Episode notes
    In today's episode, I’m talking about St. Sophia and Žofia’s Day in Slovakia. In the Slovak lesson, you will learn Locative case of Slovak inanimate masculine nouns in singular. You will also learn how to ask “Will you help me? “ in Slovak. At the end of this episode, you can find a very short dialogue between two students.

    Slovak lesson
    a) masculine inanimate nouns ending in a hard consonant:
    1. dom / v dome (house / in the house)
    2. strom / na strome (tree / on the tree)
    3. les / pri lese (forest / by the forest)
    4. obchod / v obchode (shop / in the shop)
    5. obraz / na obraze (picture / on the picture)
    6. hrad / pri hrade (castle / near or at the castle)

    b) masculine inanimate nouns ending in a soft consonant:
    7. Dunaj / v Dunaji (Danube / in the Danube)
    8. počítač / na počítači (computer / on the computer)
    9. stroj / pri stroji (machine / at the machine)
    10. kost / na kosti (bone / on the bone)
    11. nož / na noži (knife / on the knife)
    12. koš / pri koši (basket / at the basket)

    c) masculine inanimate nouns ending in consonants -g, -k, -h, -ch:
    13. kemping / v kempingu (campsite / in the campsite)
    14. vrch / na vrchu (top or hill / on top)
    15. stolík / pri stolíku (small table / at the table)
    16. vzduch / vo vzduchu (air / in the air)
    17. sneh / na snehu (snow / on the snow)
    18. vlak / pri vlaku (train / by the train)

    Valér: Kde si bola včera, Erika? Zastavil som sa v internáte, ale nebola si tam. (Where were you yesterday, Erika? I stopped by the dorm, but you weren't there.)
    Erika: Poobede som bola na tréningu a potom v obchode. Čo si chcel? (In the afternoon, I went to practice and then to the store. What did you want?
    V: Potrebujem napísať úlohu na počítači. Môj počítač nefunguje. Pomôžeš mi? (I need to write an assignment on the computer. My computer is not working. Will you help me?)
    E: Jasné, poď dnu. Môj počítač je na stole. Aj myš je tam. (Sure, come in. My computer is on the table. The mouse is there too.)
    V: Kde je myš? Nevidím ju. (Where is the mouse? I can't see it.)
    E: Niekde tam, na zošite alebo na vrchu tých papierov. (Somewhere there, on a notebook or on top of those papers.)
    V: Našiel som ju, bola pri koši na papiere. (I found it, it was by the wastepaper basket.)

    Phrase for today: Pomôžeš mi? (Will you help me?)

    00:34 Introduction to the lesson
    02;33 About Sophia / Žofia
    09:00 Fun fact
    09:58 Slovak lesson
    22:10 Dialogue
    23:24 Dialogue with the English translation
    26:04 Final thoughts

    If you have any questions, send it to my email [email protected]. Check my Instagram https://www.instagram.com/bozenasslovak/ where I am posting the pictures of what I am talking about on my podcast. Also, check my website https://www.bozenasslovak.com

    © All copywrites reserved to Bozena O Hilko LLC