In this episode Mike and Romario talk with Patrick "faultedform" about his favorite deck Oops all Spells, we go into details about the different versions and cards choices. Later in the episode Jared joins us for some great small talk!
Jared got new appliances, Mike did stuff with his son, Romario's dad moved into house (temporarily!!), we all still playing combo.
MTG Talk (26:00)
Estão a faltar episódios?
Did you know McDs was selling Mc Nuggies for a $1?
Also some end of the year thoughts on the format and Legacy Super Qualifier results.
Happy New Year Y'all!
MTG Talk (22:36)
Flashing lights can trigger seizures, Christmas, NY Giants suck Falcons not so much, Beseech Storm is cool, dredge might be well positioned. I think this about covers the EP.
MTG Talk (30:25)
Big ban announcements, what are our expectations for the new meta, losers and winners, decks we will be playing, etc.
MTG (10:25)
EW Eu recap, some more ban talk and lots of small talk.
MTG Talk (23:45)
The stars have aligned again, we are all casting dark rituals, things are good.
MTG (17:00)
In this episode we talked about our experience at Eternal Weekend, results, current meta, opinion on bans and by the way Mark Strassman is our guest for this special episode (nice)
In this episode we talked about the Anuraag showdown challenge, decks we are testing for EW and of course plenty of small talk.
Mike split more challenge finals, Anuraag hosts an awesome online event, Jared likes Rishadan Port and Romario is still stormin'
MTG Talk (19:00)
ANT? Merfolk? uh Dredge? what year is this?
MTG Talk (17:37)
We talked about our testing for EW and how ancient tomb decks have been doing well in the last few online events.
MTG Talk (17:17)
Jared saved some people, Romario thinks anyone can be in the Italian mob and Mike liked to watch his dad play Nintendo 64, oh we also talked about legacy and a bit of vintage.
MTG Talk (23:11)
Eric just won the most recent "FNM Challenge" playing the coolest tempo combo deck in the format, also some EW and legacy meta talk.
MTG Talk (15:29)
In this episode Mike and Romario talk about their experience playing in the last showcase challenge and what they expect of some of the cards released on MTGO from the fallout set.
We talked about the changes made to the prizing on MTGO, some Necro in modern and more UB things.
MTG Talk (25:00)
Jared and Romario talked about the recent 4season and European Legacy Masters event, also taking a break from mtg and goblins. While Mike enjoys a cruise with his family.
MTG Talk (18:30)
We discussed some the decks playing with psychic frog, Jared's recent top 8, Nadu and some Strawberry Shortcake.
MTG Talk ( 19:42)
We talked about the recently B&R, no surprises for legacy, WoTC announces the date for the next one, showcase challenge results and some of the decks we will be playing in this post grief legacy.
MTG Talk (12:00)
In this episode we talk about our experience playin in the BCDL weekend!
MTG Talk (22:50)
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