Chapter 10 (00:35)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Am I anywhere near ‘entering the rest of the Lord’? (01:52)
- How well do I respond to the efforts of others to help me improve? (08:22)
- Is it even possible to have hope despite the dire circumstances in the world and in my own life? (10:53)
Chapter 7 (01:04)
Chapter 8 (04:35)
Chapter 9 (07:57)
Challenge (13:31)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
Estão a faltar episódios?
- Am I always abounding in good works? (02:06)
- Does my faith allow me to see my Saviour? (05:02)
- Do I need to work on accepting forgiveness? (08:54)
Chapter 12 (00:56)
Chapter 13 (08:25)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- What are the promises I make during the Sacrament, and do I keep them? (01:31)
- Do I actually consider the welfare of the souls of others when I have the opportunity to attend church? (07:37)
Chapters 4-6 (00:56)
Challenge (08:59)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Am I too hard on myself for lacking faith? (02:12)
- Do I pray fervently each time I embark on the Lord’s errand? (04:39)
- What are my gifts, and am I using them to benefit others? (06:10)
Chapters 1-3 (00:58)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- How often do I try to prove God wrong, either deliberately or subconsciously? (02:02)
- When unhappy with the results, how often do I still keep doing the same things? (04:36)
Chapter 14 (00:59)
Chapter 15 (03:47)
Challenge (06:30)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- How close am I to achieving a level where Satan has no power over my heart in this life? (01:35)
- Am I what I should be, or do I just act the part when others are watching? (03:47)
- Do I ever intentionally or foolishly neglect a message from God? (06:18)
Chapter 8 (01:05)
Chapter 9 (02:41)
Chapter 10 (03:29)
Chapter 11 (05:01)
Challenge (06:51)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- How well do I cope with any trial? How well do I cope with trials when I cannot see an end? Would I still be able to sing praises to my God regardless? (01:44)- How well do I accept the concept that righteousness does not guarantee freedom from trials? (07:37)
Chapter 6 (01:04)
Chapter 7 (07:01)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Is it always OK to turn everything over to God and wait for Him to solve the issue ? (05:29)
- I believe in His name. Are there signs following me? (11:54)
Chapter 1 (00:57)
Chapter 2 (01:49)
Chapter 3 (05:29)
Chapter 4 (10:15)
Chapter 5 (13:07)
Challenge (14:34)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Would I be happy in heaven if I was able to sneak inover the fence? (04:09)
- Does me feeling happy or unhappy now have anybearing on eternity? (05:54)
Chapter 7 (01:08)
Chapter 8 (02:49)
Chapter 9 (03:37)
Challenge (11:52)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- How excited will I be for the audience to watch the premier of the movie of my life? (02:46)
- Is the Spirit still striving with me? (04:46)
- If a scripture says it will be so, are we always justified in taking it upon ourselves to make it so? (05:56)
Chapter 4 (01:06)
Chapter 5 (02:04)
Chapter 6 (08:25)
Challenge (08:53)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Am I able to use spiritual gifts as often as I like, or are they closer to being missing from my life ? (01`:47)
- Do I add to the joy of others despite the challenges of a modern world ? (04:31)
- If a servant of God urges me, do I embrace wholeheartedly, arouse myself somewhat to vigour, completely ignore, or murmur against? (05:58)
Chapter 1 (01:12)
Chapter 2 (03:45)
Chapter 3 (10:16)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- I sometimes feel anxious to be released from a calling. Is that bad? (02:44)
- If God has the power to do anything, why does He often NOT prevent me from experiencing things I do not like? (05:10)
Chapter 28 (01:01)
Chapter 29 (08:58)
Chapter 30 (10:03)
Chapter 1 (12:39)
Challenge (13:26)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Is it my effort, or Jesus’ atonement that allows access to heaven? (01:24)
- Mighty prayer and mighty fasting. Might I be able to do better in either (or both)? (04:51)
- If I don’t keep a record of my own life, will that impact how I will be judged? (07:40)
Chapter 27 (01:24)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Do I spend enough time preparing before and pondering after important experiences? (02:16)
- I’m sure I have faith, yet my physical ailments are not all healed. So must that mean I do not have enough faith? (03:44)
- Does it happen often enough that I am inspired in what to pray? (11:25)
Chapter 17 (01:06)
Chapter 18 (06:42)
Chapter 19 (11:04)
Challenge (12:51)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Could it be that focusing on possible future events is detrimental to me right now ? (01:04)
- Do I really believe the promise that everyone who asks God WILL receive? (05:13)
- Could I honestly claim to be a light to others? (08:09)
Chapter 13 (01:04)
Chapter 14 (05:13)
Chapter 15 (07:05)
Chapter 16 (09:30)
Challenge (10:11)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Does my usefulness to the Lord affect my longevity in this life? (06:54)
- Does my communication, my speech, meet the Lord’s guidelines? (07:55)
- Wait... I’m not perfect. Should I panic? (11:05)
Chapter 12 (01:01)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Which set of angels are rejoicing over the majority of my current choices? (03:59)- How can I liken “they did cast them all out, that there were none righteous among them” to myself? (06:19)
- I’m striving to be righteous, so do I still need to repent? (08:51)
Chapter 8 (01:11)
Chapter 9 (02:18)
Chapter 10 (10:47)
Chapter 11 (11:59)
Challenge (16:450)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Why is my heart rarely swollen with joy unto tears? (01:39)
- Is it possible to be firm, steadfast, and immovable in any adverse circumstance? (05:59)
- Can understanding about wilful rebellion against God be motivational? (07:21)
Chapter 4 (01:03)
Chapter 5 (04:15)
Chapter 6 (05:04)
Chapter 7 (08:19)
Challenge (11:50)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
- Do I see and acknowledge the miracles in my life? (03:27)
- How often can my reactions actually be wronging myself? (07:45)
- Is there ever a time when fully prepared inaction is the best action? (12:18)
Chapter 1 (01:00)
Chapter 2 (02:55)
Chapter 3 (07:17)
"Liken Scripture - for your soul’s profit and learning" models applying concepts from scripture, selecting a few verses from the current chapter(s) of the "Come Follow Me" home study programme. We invite you like, subscribe, and share the podcast, and to share your thoughts, including through our Facebook page, "Liken Scripture", and our website, likenscripture.com
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