With everything going on in life and the world—especially in the wake of the elections here in the U.S.-- emotions are rising and, in a lot of cases, communication is breaking down or has been cut off completely.
In this episode I share the steps I took to reclaim my peace after receiving an unexpected (and upsetting) message from someone on the other side of the political aisle the morning of my birthday.
While I am a big proponent of having difficult conversations, sometimes the conditions for having those conversations just aren’t present. In that case, you’ve got to figure out your own way forward…and that’s exactly what I had to do.
In this episode I’m sharing what I did to do preserve my peace in an undesirable situation after getting that activating text.
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
In this episode I share a resource that was given to me by my therapist to help those struggling in the aftermath of the California wildfires find therapeutic support. The devastation and loss that has resulted from these fires is without question impacting our mental health. Especially in a crisis, it can be difficult and frustrating trying to find professional therapeutic support.
LAReviveLink.com is a list-serve updated almost daily that provides a list of mental health providers, therapists and nurse practitioners who currently are accepting new clients and who may also have slots available on a sliding scale or pro bono basis. Click this link to find out more: LAReviveLink.com
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
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I have no adequate words to describe the horrific disaster Los Angeles is currently facing. The devastating fires in Los Angeles have impacted thousands of individuals, families and businesses.
Below are links to some of the organizations to which you can donate in support of those affected by the fires:
American Red Cross: Shelter, food, emotional support, and health services for displaced residents.
Los Angeles Regional Food Bank: Distributing meals and resources to wildfire survivors.
World Central Kitchen: Providing fresh meals to displaced families and first responders.
United Way of Greater Los Angeles: Supporting long-term recovery efforts and providing immediate response resources.
SAMHSA Disaster Distress Helpline: Mental health and counseling support resource.
California Fire Foundation: supporting firefighters’ families, and anyone else impacted by the fires
Anti-Recidivism Firefighter Fund: supporting incarcerated firefighters battling the Los Angeles wildfires.
Pasadena Senior Center: Providing resources and support for senior citizens affected by the Eaton fire
I will be taking a break from podcasting for a while but in the meantime you can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
Change of plans, folks. I was originally going to share with you about my recent roommate reunion & my first foray into the arena of self-driving cars but…much like my ride in the driver-less car…things took a turn outside my control. In this episode I share a bit about that instead.
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
Happy New Year, all! I hope you’ve had a lovely start to your year. So far are off to a much better start compared to last year. Here’s hoping we continue on that trajectory!
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
As the sun sets here in California,
my heart is filled with gratitude and appreciation for another birthday/Christmas season with my sandwich. My dad turned 89, Linny turned 19 and we got to share another Christmas together.
Wishing all my friends celebrating, a very happy first night of Hanukkah. Blessings, love & joy to you all!
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
To those who are celebrating, Merry Christmas from my sandwich to yours!
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
One of the sayings that sums up the idea that there’s always gonna be stuff going on is, “Life be lifin’!”
In this episode I share about my experience last week that proved to me that’s not always the case.
It’s my hope that this cautionary tale will inspire you to make the extra effort to connect with someone been meaning to.
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
Wishing you and yours a very happy holiday season!
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
I spent the week before Thanksgiving in Mexico City with my Happiness School friends. My decision to go came at the last minute fueled by a desperate desire to escape my post-election funk.
It was quite fortuitous that our studies that week focused looking more closely at the ways we look at the world and the steps we can take to reframe negative perspectives.
In this episode you get to come to class with me and hear what I shared with my Happiness Friends about my decision to go to Mexico.
You will also hear from my illustrious professor, Dr. Tal Ben-Shahar, renown psychologist and pioneer in the field of Positive Psychology, best-selling author and the creator of this Happiness Studies program. I am inspired each and every time I hear him speak!
You can learn more about Dr. Ben-Shahar and our Happiness Studies program at talbenshahar.com
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
Hey Sandwich Zoners! For those of you celebrating, Happy Thanksgiving! I am busy whipping up my contributions for our Thanksgiving family feast but I'll be back after the holiday to fill you in on all that's been happening--including telling g some tales from my adventure to Mexico City with my Happiness School friends.
Til then...take good care & go out and do something that brings you joy!
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
To say I've really been struggling in the aftermath of the election is a ginormous understatement. I've had to really hunker down and isolate in an effort to settle my system.
Thankfully, I've got some amazing people in my life to help me talk though it. Today, you get to hear from one of them—Dea Tennancour.
Dea is an amazing human! She and I serendipitously met in Dallas during my career exploration adventure in 2023. In a sea of about 1400 people, we met and instantaneously clicked. It was "friend at first sight". Little did I know that shortly after our chance encounter we’d find out we had an unbelievably extraordinary connection in common.
Dea Tennancour, BSN, RN, MA is a fierce advocate for wellbeing, for learning to cultivate self-care and love as a mighty Life path to travel, especially in the times we find ourselves living in. With her extensive nursing background in community practice and end of life care, she has also practiced and studied Five Element Chinese medicine for many years. She is the founder of a new health and wellness coaching venture called Cause Wellbeing where she specializes in collaborating with and coaching folks from all walks of life, particularly those who are caregivers, those undergoing life transitions, and those simply wanting to improve their wellbeing at any stage or condition of life.
Dea's website is currently under construction but will be coming soon. In the meantime, you can reach her via email at: [email protected]
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
I've spent the past week sitting with a slew of intensely undesirable feelings. I have been more than tempted to rail against that which I have no power to change and those who chose it. Somehow, I managed to resist that temptation and eventually captured a few thoughts that are suitable to air. That's what you get this week.
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
As a matter of self-preservation I am going off the grid and immersing myself in solitude for the next little bit. In this episode I share with you how I'll be taking care of myself on Election Day and beyond. I hope you will do whatever it is you need to do to take care of yourself, too.
Please VOTE.
Please take gentle care of yourself.
Feel your feelings.
And please...do whatever tiny thing you can to bring a little joy to the world today.
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
Last week I nearly lost myself in the doom and dread of the upcoming election. Thankfully, something somewhere flipped a switch in me giving me the strength to resist curling up in the fetal position and pick a better path. This week I tell you all about it.
Please, please, please do your part, make your voice heard...VOTE!!!
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
After taking a bit of a break last week I'm back and contemplating some of life's big questions. In this episode I talk more about my joyful journey in Happiness School and why we need to question the questions we've been asking ourselves. I also share with you three of the questions that are guiding me right now on my transformational journey in life.
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
Though it goes against my perfectionistic grain, I'm just not feeling the podcast inspo this week and am taking a little pause. Catch ya next week!
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
In today's episode I'm sharing a little bit about what I learned this week in Happiness School. It's all about stress and the mindset we have about it.
Here's the link to the Kelly McGonigal TED Talk How To Make Stress Your Friend I refer to in this episode. Talk a listen and see if it changes your mind about stress.
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
This week I share about my most recent personal growth workshop, how I ended up there and the ways it validated many of the decisions I've made over the last year.
Many of those decisions were painful ones. Yet for me the pain of idling in discontent was far worse than taking the painful step of daring to do something different.
In this week's episode I reflect on making the tough decision to leave my career and the synchronicities that preceded that decision.
Click here to listen to the episode where I tell my Dallas story that I refer to in this episode.
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
It's not always easy to know what to do or say to support someone who's struggling with their mental health. In today's podcast you will meet Lauren Cikara, Vice President of School Mental Health for Active Minds.
Active Minds is a leading non-profit organization dedicated to promoting mental health awareness and providing resources for mental health support, with an emphasis on mobilizing youth and young adults. With a mission to reduce stigma and encourage open conversations, Active Minds is a pivotal force in fostering a supportive mental health community.
Click the links below to learn more about Active Minds:
Website: www.activeminds.org
Learn how to help a friend: asktohelp.com
Newsletter Sign Up: activeminds.org/newsletter-sign-up/
Read their blog: activeminds.org/blog/
Facebook: facebook.com/activemindsinc
Instagram: instagram.com/active_minds/
TikTok: tiktok.com/@active_minds
Twitter: / active_minds
Linkedin: / active-minds-inc
The mission of Active Minds goes to the heart of this podcast and why I talk about mental health and suicide prevention. Programs like the ones offered by Active Minds can provide life-saving support to kids suffering from mental health challenges. To add your support to this important mission please consider donating to Active Minds. Your gift today empowers young adults to change the conversation about mental health in their communities-- providing hope and saving lives.
Donate Now!
As we close out National Suicide Prevention Awareness month this is a small step you can take to make big difference in the lives of our kids!
You can follow me on Instagram at: @karen.e.osborne
Click on this link to join Club Sandwich (the LITSZ Private Facebook Group): LITSZ_Club_Sandwich
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