The Chelsea FC Podcast That Doesn’t Take Itself Too Seriously | #1 in Canada 🇨🇦 | New Episodes Every Monday & Friday 💙
Enquiries/Opportunities: [email protected] -
Welcome to The Sweeper, the world football podcast made in association with FIFA+. Join Lee Wingate and Paul Watson every second Wednesday as they bring you the best headlines from across the football world and tell you the stories that you won't hear elsewhere.
Whether it’s a Greenlandic club withdrawing from the championship to go reindeer hunting, scuffles on the sidelines in the Vatican City’s league, a team in Turkmenistan who win every game, or turtles stopping play on Ascension Island, The Sweeper has you covered!
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Audio editing: Ralph Foster & Tom Middler
Graphic design: The Gentlemen Creatives
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Þátturinn eru um allt sem tengist Arsenal. Upphitun fyrir leiki, kaup sölur, sagan, fyrrverandi leikmenn og viðtöl.
Blákastið er podcast þáttur tileinkaður stuðningsmönnum og áhugamönnum um Chelsea Football Club á Íslandi
Handboltaþáttur Stöðvar 2 Sport.
The Orignal Multi Fan Podcast & Fan Channel's Weekly Podcast taking a detailed look at the Premier League's Top 6 Clubs. We delve into the latest news, match reactions & transfer rumours. We are famed for leaving no stone unturned and our motto is no echo chambers.
Þáttur um ítalskan fótbolta þar sem farið er yfir helstu listkúnstir hverjar umferðar í Serie A. Umsjónarmenn Punkts og basta eru þeir Árni Þórður Randversson, Þorgeir Logason og Björn Már Ólafsson.
Interviews with ex-players, managers and people associated with Manchester City - in full, from the Blue Moon Podcast.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcast um helstu viðburði líðandi stundar. Heitustu umræðuefni íþróttanna sem eru í brennidepli hverju sinni. Boltaíþróttir, aðalega ensku og íslensku deildirnar, bikarkeppnir og að sjálfsögðu Meistaradeildina.
Umræður og viðtöl um allt milli himins og jarðar, t.d tónlist, bíla og allt sem viðkemur litrófi mannlífsins. -
Discussions and match analysis for Newcastle United Football Club, from Australian based NUFC fans.
Current professional footballer, Kyle McLagan, interviews other professionals about their career paths and contracts. Detailing individual journeys through football from youth days to first contract to current contract. Providing real life examples and information to prepare you for your own career.
Herzlich Willkommen auf dem RADIO REGENBOGEN SPORTPLATZ! Endlich hat die 2.schönste Nebensache der Welt eine Heimat im Netz.
Unsere Sportreporter Francesco Romano und Markus Schulze bringen dich mit Witz, Charme und großem Expertenwissen einmal pro Woche auf den neusten Stand in Sachen SPORT im Südwesten.
Neben den aktuellsten Nachrichten aus unserer Sportredaktion liefern zusätzlich unsere Sportreporter exklusive Interviews mit Spielern, Trainern und Verantwortlichen. Sie nehmen Euch mit in die Kabine, auf die Trainerbank und ganz nah ans Spielfeld.
Wir sprechen über alle Sportarten, nicht nur Fußball und diskutieren über das Zitat der Woche, den Verein der Woche, haben immer einen exklusiven Gesprächsgast berichten über all die Themen und Geschichten, die Sportliebhaber interessieren.
Der RADIOREGENBOGEN SPORTPLATZ ist eine Gemeinschaftsproduktion von REGENBOGEN ZWEI und RADIO REGENBOGEN mit unseren Sportreportern: Francesco Romano, Markus Schulze, Antti Soramies, Arne Bicker, Alexander Daub, Inga Stracke und viele mehr. -
2 guys who enjoy football shirts chat about the shirts they love, the shirts they hate and the football shirts that evoke some wonderful footballing memories.
Hlaðvarp um íþróttir og íþróttahetjur samtímans. Minni spámenn, áhugaverðar sögur og umdeild atvik. Umsjón: Hinrik Wöhler.
- Lof, last og hugmyndir - [email protected]
- Intro & Outro - Jungle House -
Iceland football interviews in English. Hosted by @FotboltiLucas.
Bræður bulla, blaðra og babla um ALLT!
A Tottenham Hotspur conversation with supporters based in New England - United States. Come On You Spurs!
Völlurinn á Símanum Sport
Talks with football players, coaches and fans to share their stories and opinions on debates