Dansk Film Podcast er en podcast der tager sig kærligt af danske film, danske tv-serier, dansk filmmusik, teater og danske skuespillere.
Vi kommer i dybden og bestræber os på at komme både foran og bag kameraet og fortælle historier som ikke er hørt før. Fra dem der var med eller andre som har gode historier at fortælle. Vi har også nyheder, anmeldelser og mange andre spændende ting.
Dine værter er Thomas Sode & Danni Jørgensen.
Husk at følge os på Facebook:
Og at abbonere på Itunes store:…/…/dansk-film-podcast/id1124154396 -
Samtaler med forfattere om det at skrive. Vi taler hver måned med en ny forfatter om den kreative proces, arbejdsmetoder, karriere, branche, psykologi, skriveblokader, idéudvikling, plot og struktur, tips & tricks. Vært er Palle Schmidt, forfatter og tegneserieskaber.
The official podcast of The Last of Us - critically-acclaimed winner of over 200 Game of The Year Awards - offers an immersive experience that blends dynamic conversations and the cinematic storytelling that changed gaming forever. Featuring writer and creative director Neil Druckmann, Part II co-writer Halley Gross, stars Troy Baker, Ashley Johnson and Laura Bailey as well as other talents and visionaries who brought the games to life, The Official The Last of Us Podcast will take listeners through the groundbreaking journey of Part I and the making of the highly-anticipated Part II.ESRB RATING: Mature 17+ with Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Nudity, Sexual Content, Strong Language, Use of Drugs
Brian house talks all about making a business out of making things. Occasional guests and lots of advice.
Welcome to Mastering the Knits with Natalie and Alicia, inspiring each other to go outside our comfort zones to master our crafts. Our goal is to connect, inspire, and encourage each other as we take on the Master Knitter Program. We also want to build a community and connect with other fiber artists and those taking the Master Knitter journey!
Disneyhjørnet er en podcast af to disneyfanatikere, der gerne vil dele deres kærlighed til Disney - en klassiker ad gangen.
Vi vil i hver episode tage fat på en disneyklassiker, hvor vi vil anmelde den og snakke om filmen helt generelt. Vi starter selvfølgelig med disneyklassiker film nummer 1 og så videre derfra. -
Jennifer Rosbrugh hosts discussions on fabrics, patterns, techniques, special guest interviews, and sewing motivation to help you in your historical costuming journey and inspiring joy in your creative life.
Two northern craft beer lovers exploring the ins and outs of the industry, with slight profanity throughout.
Fotopodcast med nyheder, inspiration og diskussioner om alt fotografisk
Exploring the the way new technology can help you make fantastic photos
Learn Japanese language goodness every day, 365 days a year with Manga Sensei.
Manga Sensei breaks down complicated Japanese grammar and simplifies it so that anyone can understand it in 5 min or less every Monday through Friday.
Join us and learn the world’s best language. On the weekend we also get to interview master Japanese speakers, teachers, language hackers, Japanese businessmen, and translators to give you the tips and tricks that everyone, from the first day Japanese learner to the advanced speaker can all learn from.
This podcast is great for people studying for the JLPT (Japanese Language Proficiency Test), people interested in Japanese grammar and semantics, masters of the trade who might want to learn something new, or just want to get started. We got you.
よろしくお願いします! -
Museum Confidential is a behind-the-scenes look at museums hosted by Jeff Martin. The show is a co-production of Philbrook Museum of Art and Public Radio Tulsa. New episodes every two weeks.
Idiot’s Array is a Star Wars podcast hosted by Alan Zaugg, Mark Sutter, and Ryder Waldron. We bridge the Star Wars galaxy, from the movies to the comics, the novels to Star Wars Rebels and The Clone Wars. On Idiot’s Array we discuss Star Wars in a fun and intelligent way. We’d be honored if you’d join us at the Sabacc table!
Contact us:
Twitter: @idiotsarraypod
Email: [email protected]
Facebook: Idiot’s Array
Alan: @jedizaugg
Mark: @MarkESutter
Ryder: @RyderWaldronDDS -
Five games for Doomsday is a show in which people are thrust into a cabin in the woods but can only take five of their games with them. Which will they choose?
Become a supporter of this podcast: -
Laura is a news editor who works the night shift. Join her as she burns the midnight oil to sneak in some stitches. Show notes can be found at
In addition to long form narratives like Godsfall and The Dungeon Rats, RPGs are amazing at creating limited-run podcasts. This is the central idea behind Neon Rival Presents. Starting with Tomb of Annihilation, we will continue to explore various stories across multiple universes.
Firefly Podcast: Balls and Bayonets Brigade is a realplay podcast in the Firefly 'verse using the Margaret Weis Productions Firefly RPG Cortex Plus system.
The world's only media podcast™. Support the show on Patreon! Have You Seen This? BONUS episodes
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.