
  • Is Finding True Love After 40 a Myth or Magic?

    Are you ready to rev up your romance after 40 and navigate the thrilling world of modern dating?

    Tune in as The Love Machine fires on all cylinders in an electrifying episode with the dynamic duo, hosts James Preece and Nina Jarnum.

    We're diving into the art of creating irresistible dating profiles, mastering the art of conversation, and breaking free from the shackles of societal expectations.

    Fasten your seatbelts for a journey filled with laughter, candid stories, and invaluable tips on finding that 'delicious grown-up love' that awaits you.

    Whether you're newly single, a seasoned dater, or simply fascinated by the dating universe, this is your ultimate pit stop!

    Join us to discover why every swipe, every message, and every date is an adventure in self-discovery.

    So, cupids-in-waiting, are you prepared to kiss the frogs goodbye and embrace the extraordinary?

    Your heart might just skip a beat - and it's all happening here on "The Love Machine"!

    About Nina



  • Is Your Love Life a Series of Missed Connections and Dwindling Sparks?

    Discover how embracing your flaws can ignite life-changing romance!

    Welcome to The Love Machine, where hearts connect and sparks fly in the realm of romance!

    This week, prepare to be enchanted as our charismatic host, James Preece, is joined by the illustrious dating dynamo, Alexandra Freeman.

    Alexandra is the founder of IntroductionsInc - a leading matchmaking brand.

    Saddle up for a thrilling ride into the heart of holistic dating - where we peek behind the curtain of superficial charm and delve deep into the art of meaningful connections.

    Together, James and Alexandra illuminate the path to self-improvement and the power of embracing your perfectly imperfect self.

    But that's not all — they will uncover the secret ingredients to fostering self-awareness, the magic of core values, and the ever-so-important baby steps towards social butterfly status.

    Want to know how to turn those dreaded embarrassing moments into shining badges of honour? Alexandra's got the tricks up her sleeve!

    Buckle in as we debunk the myths of love prerequisites. Love isn't just for the 'accomplished'; it’s available to everyone, right here, right now.

    Through laughs, insights, and true expert advice, this is one heart-to-heart you won't want to miss.

    Tune in to discover why The Love Machine isn’t just about finding 'The One' — it’s about becoming the best version of you along the way.

    Ready to ignite your dating life? Hit play, and let the transformation begin!

    About Alexandra

    Alexandra Freeman is a matchmaker and dating expert with years of experience in the matchmaking industry. Described by many past clients as radically compassionate and a beacon of self-acceptance and growth, she co-founded her company IntroductionsInc.com in 2010. She is passionate about helping people grow and find successful love lives in any way she can, and was immediately drawn to the matchmaking industry.

    Since starting IntroductionsInc.com over a decade ago, she has facilitated the relationships of dozens of individuals looking for love, and spent countless hours coaching people on self-acceptance, growth and relationships. It is her singular goal to transform the lives of as many people as possible by teaching them how to practice a holistic approach to dating.

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  • Are You Sabotaging Your Love Life Without Even Knowing It?

    Discover the secret to turning self-doubt into unshakeable confidence with lifestyle mentor Katrine Horn.

    n a world where self-criticism can often take centre stage, this episode is a heartfelt guide to embracing who you truly are, flaws and all. Katrine, as a lifestyle mentor and self-love advocate, shares her inspiring journey and practical advice for ushering more love into our own lives.

    Dive in to discover how self-love is not just a concept but a transformative practice that shapes the way we engage with the world. Whether you're single, in a relationship, or navigating the ups and downs of life, this episode is a treasure trove of wisdom for everyone.

    Remember, the first step to loving others well is loving yourself first. Tune in and transform the way you see yourself and your relationships.

    For more insights and to join our journey towards enriched love experiences, click on this episode of The Love Machine Podcast with James Preece and the phenomenal Katrine Horn.

    About Katrine


  • Could Your Last Breakup Be the Best Thing That Ever Happened to You?

    Find out why heartache could be the unexpected key to your happiness.

    Welcome to another heart-mending episode of The Love Machine, where healing and happiness take centre stage!

    Today, host James Preece, the maestro of matters of the heart, joins forces with the phenomenal Evelyn Christine —a relationship and breakup coach whose wisdom shines like a lighthouse for the love-lorn!

    In this episode we dance through the delicate art of thriving after heartbreak.

    Evelyn, with her empowering mindset shifting strategies, turns the pain of a breakup into a catalyst for personal growth.

    Discover the inspiring journey that led her to become the breakup guru who’s transforming lives—one healed heart at a time.

    As your trusty guides, James and Evelyn will reveal why you don’t need Cupid rushing you back into the dating scene.

    Instead, they believe in the power of patience and the beauty of rebuilding your foundation to emerge stronger and more confident.

    Is there a secret life after love?

    How soon is too soon to swipe right again?

    Can you really go from sharing your heart to just sharing a cup of coffee with your ex?

    Tune in to this transformative episode of The Love Machine for the answers, a burst of empowering insights, and a dose of James's signature wit!

    About Evelyn

    Evelyn Christine is a life coach working with people after breakups to help them not only regain their independence and sense of self, but also bring their new future to life. Evelyn has served 100s of people around the world, and doesn’t quit until they’re completely satisfied with their life and mindset.



  • Is Your Relationship Lacking Intimacy?

    Discover the transformative power of touch with guest Lyuba Venable on today's episode.

    Welcome to a tantalising new episode of "The Love Machine," where your favourite cupid of conversation, James Preece, dives into the deep end of intimacy and vulnerability with the enchanting Lyuba Venable.

    In this heart-to-heart confessional, Lyuba reveals the intricate dance of opening oneself before tangling with others, sharing titillating tales from her own life where honesty with her husband unveiled new depths to their connection.

    Join us as we explore the transformative power of touch—beyond the bedroom—and unravel the art of building closeness through simple embraces, mindful massages, and the spirited exchange of affectionate affirmations.

    In a world craving genuine connection, Lyuba and James challenge you to redefine the traditional borders of intimacy and dare to be vulnerable.

    Whether you're seeking to reignite the spark in your relationship, or you're eager to understand how to cherish your own emotional landscape, this episode is an empowering guide to living with an open heart.

    Tune in to "The Love Machine," and let James and Lyuba take you on an emotional and enlightening journey that promises to touch you, quite literally, from head to toe.

    Don't forget to wear your heart on your sleeve; it's about to get deeply personal!

    About Lyuba

    Lyuba Venable is a coach, trainer and public speaker. Through her open and vulnerable speaking style, Lyuba leaves audiences inspired, open to honesty, and interested in new possibilities.

    Having learned from Master Mantak Chia, Charles Muir, Somatica and the Human Awareness Institute, Lyuba marries multiple disciplines together in her coaching and workshops. With topics ranging from sex communication to energetic orgasms, participants have a safe, confidential space to share, explore, and learn how to create a juicier sex life and a deeper connection with self.

    Website: lyubavenable.com

  • Are You Sabotaging Your Love Life Without Even Knowing It?

    Discover what key mistakes you might be making with the remarkable insights from Jess Kalsi, the mastermind behind authentic matchmaking

    Welcome to another enthralling episode of The Love Machine, where your favourite relationship savant James Preece spins the cogs of love wisdom!

    Today, we're honoured to host the incredible Jess Kalsi, a dancer turned matchmaker who dances her way through the nuanced tango of modern dating.

    Jess isn't just the author of "Author of Authentic"—she *lives* authenticity and is here to share her dance card of life lessons.

    Ready for a rhythmic routine that balances the bustle of a high-value professional with the soulful steps of finding real love?

    Dive in as we dissect the juxtaposition of online dating's quick-swipe culture with timeless emotional connections and why manifesting Mr or Mrs Right might just be a matter of setting the right expectations.

    Whether you're searching for love, or just love savvy chats, tune in for an episode that's rich with the beat of bold life choices and the grace of heart-to-heart connections.

    Hit play and let’s get the good vibes flowing!

    About Jess




  • Can Self-Love Truly Transform Your Life?

    Discover the secrets Lauren Ainsborough uses to empower visionary women and how it could reshape your relationships too!

    Welcome to another heartwarming episode of The Love Machine, where love isn't just in the air—it's in every beat of our existence.

    This time, our illustrious host James Preece, the ace of hearts in the world of dating and relationships, invites you to join an inspiring conversation with the enchanting Lauren Ainsborough.

    Lauren isn't just any guest; she's an unconditional love alchemist who has been stirring the potion of self-admiration in her cauldron of change, transforming lives with her Self Love Revolution.

    Together, they delve into the magic of embracing your true essence, the alchemy of turning past pains into present power, and the secrets to attracting a life that's not just liveable but lovable to the core.

    So, are you ready to leap from the precipice of old patterns into the liberating waters of self-love?

    Lauren's journey from tangled traditions to finding her soulmate partner is the spark you need to ignite your own revolution.

    Sit back, and let the soothing tones of The Love Machine guide you through stories, strategies, and soulful insights.

    It's more than just an episode—it's the beginning of your most love-filled chapter yet.

    Tune in, transform, and be tantalized by the transformative power of self-love with Lauren Ainsborough on The Love Machine. 🌟❤️

    About Lauren

    Lauren Ainsborough, author of “The Self-Love Revolution,” is devoted to empowering conscious, visionary women. She guides them to make a meaningful impact, find partners who align with their values, and elevate their lives. A lover of music, dance, and nature, Lauren seeks experiences that deepen her connection with life.

    Follow this link to buy her book: https://amzn.eu/d/7i2Ca1g

  • Dating Disasters Or Love Lessons? Unearthing The Humorous And Bizarre World Of Modern Day Dating

    n this episode, we are joined by the delightful Catherine Berra, an author and dating expert, to share some hilarious and bizarre tales from the world of online dating.

    From unexpected encounters and unusual marital situations to the challenges of modern dating and the impact of COVID-19, Catherine and James delve into the complexities and comedic moments of finding love in today's world.

    So sit back and enjoy as we explore the lighter side of life's challenges and embrace the unpredictable nature of dating.

    And don't forget to visit Catherine's website and James's for more delightful content and insights!

    About Catherine


  • Can Love Truly Conquer All, Even When Stigma Stands in the Way?

    Discover how one woman turned her diagnosis into a platform for change and empowerment.

    Get ready to tune into an enlightening episode of "The Love Machine" with your amiable host, James Preece.

    In the spotlight is the candid and courageous Allie Mazur, founder of Beyond Herpes.

    Together, they delve into a topic seldom spoken about but widely misunderstood—navigating dating with a stigmatised health condition like herpes.

    Allie openly shares her journey from diagnosis to empowerment, inspiring us with her commitment to destigmatise this common condition.

    We will uncover the reality behind herpes, discussing everything from the importance of lifestyle choices to the power of self-forgiveness and love.

    As Allie chats about her encouraging approach to education and support through her platform Beyond Herpes, you'll find yourself moved by her story of overcoming shame and embracing life with authenticity.

    And James, with his ever-insightful perspectives, ensures this episode is not just about herpes—it's about kindness, understanding, and finding confidence in the dating world.

    Set the stigma aside and listen in—this episode of "The Love Machine" promises to not only challenge perceptions but also to remind us of the incredible resilience of the human spirit. J

    Join us and be part of a conversation that brings hope, healing, and a hearty dose of reality to life with herpes.

    About Allie

    Allie Mazur is the founder of Beyond Herpes, a company with a mission to bring hope, healing, and confidence to those suffering with a Herpes diagnosis. She is a coach and speaker who empowers people to overcome the fear and shame often associated with herpes.

    As a world traveler, surfer, and nature enthusiast, she inspires others to embrace their one extraordinary life! To inquire about her 1:1 support sessions and group programs, you can reach out to her via her website



  • 🎙️💖 Embrace the Art of Loving Life Solo with Jade Birkin on The Love Machine! 🚤🏝️

    In this landmark 200th episode, dive into a sea of heartfelt wisdom with the dazzling Jade Birkin, who's turned her solo travels into empowering adventures!

    Your charming host, James Preece, celebrates this milestone episode by unravelling the joys and jests of personal journeys.

    Whether it's savouring sunsets in Kos or chuckling over all-inclusive holiday quirks, James and Jade delve into the thrills of self-discovery and the fine art of positive self-talk.

    Get inspired by Jade's transformation from dating expert to charity enthusiast and be tickled by their banter about making every moment count.

    Find out why going it alone can be your ticket to confidence, how to spice up your life with novel experiences, and why the journey to self-empowerment could be just a 'hello' away – even if it's just with the person in the mirror!

    Tune in for laughs, revelations, and that warm fuzzy feeling that comes from being kind to oneself.

    Don't miss out on this jovial jaunt with Jade and James – The Love Machine is the confetti you need for your daily routine! 🎉✨

    Grab your favourite cuppa, get comfy, and hit PLAY now for an episode that's sure to leave you empowered, entertained, and eager for your own adventures! 🎧💕

    About Jade


  • Can Economics Predict Your Relationship Success?

    This episode reveals all!

    In this episode, join James Preece, as he delves into the intriguing intersection of love and economics with guest Rebecca Grun von Jolk.

    Discover how economic insights can revolutionise the way we think about finding love and enhancing our relationships.

    From long-distance dating to the changing dynamics of modern romance, this podcast is filled with laughter, wisdom, and plenty of heart.

    Get ready to fall in love with dating all over again.

    Tune in now!

    About Rebekka


  • Would You Like To Meet More Singles in Real Life?

    Welcome to another exciting episode of "The Love Machine" podcast with your host, James Preece, the renowned international dating and relationships coach.

    Today, we have a fantastic guest, Sophie Ziegler, the creator of the exclusive invite-only dating club, The Otto Connection.

    Together, they discuss the challenges of socializing, making connections, and the importance of genuine interactions in today's world.

    From creating a relaxed environment for singles to meeting challenges in remote locations, they cover a wealth of topics, including the innovative approach of Otto Connection and the future plans for expanding its reach.

    So, sit back, relax, and get ready to join the conversation about love, connections, and embracing life with passion!


    Links for the Otto Connection



  • Are You Ready to Learn How to Build Unstoppable Dating Confidence?

    In this episode, we're joined by the incredible Victoria Icenhower, the Self-Love Scientist, as we delve into the captivating world of confidence, self-acceptance, and attracting the perfect partner.

    Get ready for an eye-opening conversation about embracing your true self, overcoming challenges, and finding love in unexpected places.

    So, grab your cup of tea, sit back, and join us for an inspiring and engaging discussion about love, relationships, and embracing life to the fullest!

    About Victoria



  • Are You Embodying Your True Feminine or Masculine Energy? Discover Why It's Crucial For Your Relationships And Personal Growth

    Welcome to The Love Machine podcast with your host, James Preece!

    Get ready for an eye-opening episode as James sits down with the captivating Sandy Sembler to explore the fascinating world of masculine and feminine energies in relationships.

    From setting boundaries to understanding our deepest desires, they delve into the dynamics of love, trust, and personal growth.

    You won't want to miss their insightful discussion on how to navigate the complexities of dating and relationships with courage and curiosity.

    Get ready to be inspired and entertained as The Love Machine takes you on a journey of self-discovery and connection.

    About Sandy

    1. Art of Energy Quiz >>

    2. Embodied Softening Meditation >>

    3. SheRISES Course >>

  • Is Autoimmune Disease Ruining Your Love Life?

    In this episode, James is joined by the extraordinary Xenia Brandstetter, a former finance pro turned autoimmune health coach.

    Get ready to dive deep into the fascinating world of autoimmunity and relationships as Xenia shares her incredible journey from bedridden to symptom-free living.

    Discover how she navigated the rocky terrain of self-discovery and found the perfect balance between love and health.

    From conquering disordered eating to maintaining intimacy with an autoimmune disease, Xenia leaves no stone unturned.

    ! It's time to unlock the secrets of love in the face of autoimmune challenges. Let's roll!

    About Xenia

    https://www.xeniabrandstetter.com/ :

    Her website where you can find and download her free document ‘Surviving to Thriving with Autoimmune Disease’


    Booking link for a free private coaching session for the first 5 listeners

  • Are You Ready to Discover the Secrets of Finding Love Again after 40?

    In this episode, James is joined by special guest Joan Nwoso, a dating and relationship coach with a focus on guiding women in their 40s as they re-enter the dating scene after divorce.

    Together, they delve into the importance of examining belief systems around relationships and marriage, the significance of mindset shifts in dating, and the impact of personal growth on attracting a nurturing relationship.

    Joan's personal journey to address dissatisfaction in her life and her strategies for finding love again are sure to resonate with many go-getting women seeking a second chance at love.

    So, sit back, relax, and get ready to learn and be inspired as James and Joan share valuable insights on love, self-improvement, and living a happier, more fulfilling life!

    About Joan

    Second Chances At Love ebook - datingwithjoan.com

    Website - joannwosu.com

    Facebook group - https://www.facebook.com/groups/272080392332733

    Instagram - instagram.com/joan_nwosu

    Second Chances Podcast - https://open.spotify.com/show/3XkFZNhdEMXo9ZikNZVmFZ?si=784b9323f4a2431c

  • Is Conscious Parenting the Secret to Building Stronger Families?

    In today's episode, we delve into the world of conscious parenting with the insightful Ionit Sabatello, a love and relationship healer.

    Together, they explore the journey of conscious parenting, highlighting the significance of creating a nurturing family environment.

    From embracing self-compassion to setting healthy boundaries in the digital age, they share valuable insights on fostering emotional safety for children while recognising the importance of ongoing communication and learning from our little ones.

    Join us as we uncover the essence of conscious parenting and self-love, and explore the beautiful intricacies of raising emotionally intelligent and self-aware children.

    About Ionit

    Ionit Sabatello is a global Love and Relationship Healer and an Award-Winning Spiritual Mentor who helps women to transform relationships dynamics with the power of awareness, and shift energetically and emotionally from their past experiences in relationships that hold them back from living the life they desire.


  • Are You Letting Negative Self-Beliefs Sabotage YOUR Dating Life?

    Find out how Laura Artero can help YOU break free from self-sabotage and find love on this episode of The Love Machine!

    We delve deep into the fascinating world of self-sabotage and self-doubt in relationships with the incredible hypnotherapist, Laura Artero.

    In this eye-opening episode , Laura reveals her powerful techniques to transform your inner critic into your biggest cheerleader.

    Discover how to overcome negative thought patterns, find self-acceptance, and awaken true love within.

    Get ready to recharge your love life, boost your confidence, and unlock the secrets to creating meaningful connections

    She also runs a short guided meditation to help anyone listneing.

    Prepare to be inspired, and let The Love Machine guide you towards a life filled with love and happiness.

    About Laura

    Laura loves the mind and its power and she’s been helping clients struggling with self-sabotage for years. After feeling the liberation of overcoming her own inner obstacles, her dream is to guide as many people as possible into this very liberating feeling of finally being free to be who they want to be. From her background in hypnotherapy, NLP coaching and mindfulness she created a unique method to make your inner critic your strongest ally; instead of a combative approach, this powerful method opens peace talks that overcome obstacles at their root




  • Can Wealth Determine the Success of Your Love Life? Find Out Now!

    n this episode, we have the pleasure of welcoming Felicity Steiner, a renowned relationship coach who delves into the fascinating connection between wealth and healthy relationships.

    From discussing the dynamics of wealth in relationships to sharing stories about finding love after divorce, James and Felicity explore the intriguing world of dating and relationships, offering valuable insights and advice.

    As they touch on the age-old debate of who should pay on a first date and the impact of wealth on partner expectations, they provide thought-provoking perspectives on modern romance

    About Felicity

    Felicity Steiner is a Relationship & Dating Expert & Coach for Professional, Ambitious Individuals globally.

    Currently located on the French Riviera.

    Over 10 yrs experience in the health & coaching industry. Former Osteopath D.O.

    FB group - Elite Love & Relationships (available trainings & resources for all)


  • Can Embracing Your Feminine Energy Unlock the Key to Deeper Connections with Men?

    Step into a world of love, connection, and playful femininity with our captivating guest, Lylian Toscano, on this episode of The Love Machine!

    Join your host, James Preece, as he delves into the exploration of breaking free from societal expectations and embracing your true, playful self.

    Discover the secrets to igniting your feminine energy and creating deeper connections with men.

    From captivating conversations about dating to tips on enhancing your online presence, we've got it all covered.

    Prepare to be enchanted as we unlock the realm of sensuality, radiance, and the art of flirtation.

    Get ready to dive into a world where love and self-discovery intertwine and listen to Lylian's empowering wisdom and charming anecdotes.

    Trust us, you won't want to miss a moment of this enlightening episode!

    About Lylian

    Lylian is a dating and relationship coach who specializes in feminine energy. She understands the deep desires and pains of modern single women. As a dating and relationship expert, she focuses on amplifying feminine energy to its fullest potential. Lylian empowers women to harness their inherent magnetism, ensuring they not only attract but also sustain the connection with their ideal partner. With her meticulously crafted programs, she offers a transformative journey, healing barriers and paving the way for genuine love and intimacy. Step into your power and let Coach Lylian guide you to the love you deserve..


    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/lyliantoscano/

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@lyliantoscano

    Facebook https://www.facebook.com/lyliantoscanopage/

    Youtube https://www.youtube.com/c/LylianToscano