Anger itself is not a problem.
It’s not un-spiritual. It’s not something we need to try to avoid in our lives.
The issue is how we work with it. We can choose to use anger as an agent for transformation. We can engage it, leverage its intensity and passion, so that the energy of anger serves us instead of drains us.
Let's talk more about this on today's show and explore the ways in which working with big emotions can have big, positive outcomes in our lives.
Connect with me outside of the show anytime at: marywelch.com where you'll find FREE tools to support your healing journey! <3
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Joan Didion once described Los Angeles's weather as 'apocalyptic' and last week, tragically, that proved true.
On today's Love Notes show we're talking about what it means to live through devastating experiences, the teachings of loss and impermanence and also: the power of love.
I hope you'll tune in and find something to resonate with.
Remember: you can find FREE tools to support your healing journey at marywelch.com. Thank you for being here <3
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Estão a faltar episódios?
Winter is not the time to begin - it's the time to prepare to begin. Knowing the difference helps us set ourselves up for success and avoid frustration or self defeating tendencies.
The closer we live to nature, the better we feel. Each season teaches us how to be. Winter is for pulling inward and taking stock. So let's explore how the new year can be a time of recalibration and appreciation more than hitting the ground running on Jan. 2nd.
I hope you'll enjoy this episode and if you want even more inspiration, check out my latest FREE offering at: marywelch.com <3
Thanks for listening friends!
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Learning the difference between self blame vs taking responsibility for our lives + choices sets us free and enables us to heal for real.
As long as we're stuck in the habit of making things our fault, we are relating to ourselves as victims. This is one of the most painful and limiting ways to live.
Let's talk today about how to shift out of this mindset and embrace a deeper empowerment + sense of purpose so we can feel good and make the most out of our lives.
Thank you for listening today and please visit me at: marywelch.com for more FREE resources to support your healing journey!
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"Being lost and recognizing that we’re lost are two different things.
After realizing that I haven’t been noticing the mountains on my daily commute, I felt compelled to ask: What else am I not noticing?
What other miracles are scattered around my life, waiting to be seen?"
Join me for an intimate conversation about getting older, paying attention and giving up the hustle for peace (at last) - on today's Love Notes podcast.
Thank you so much for being here! Find more tools to support your healing journey at: marywelch.com <3
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Ram Dass said: Faith is not a belief. Faith is what is left when your beliefs have all been blown to hell.
If this is the time you find yourself in, call upon your capacity for faith. As Louise Hay used to say: you don’t have to know how — you just have to be willing.
Let your willingness to trust Life guide you now. Make a mantra out of it: I am willing to trust in the deeper process of Life. Every time you find yourself in the throes of fear, reach for this mantra. It will pull you out.
Join me for this very special Love Notes episode where we discuss the necessity of tending to and nurturing the inner light that dwells in each of us.
And find more tools for your journey at: marywelch.com <3
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On today's Love Notes show, we're sharing spiritual wisdom for difficult times and considering what it means to: "Demonstrate resilience through art, joy, trust and love."
I hope you'll join me for this very special episode - especially if you're in need of a little extra support or inspiration right now.
Find more tools for your healing journey at: marywelch.com <3
Thank you for listening!
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Someone recently shared something beautiful online:
When caught between a rock and a hard place: let me be water.
Being in-between things is one of the most difficult positions for us to bear as humans. But it's also fertile, sacred ground. Something is over but what's next hasn't come through yet. How we wait, relate and contextualize this time in our lives is EVERYTHING.
Today I'm sharing a very personal story about my own in-between time and how I found the self love and compassion necessary to shift out of freeze mode and get back to life in a bold new way.
I hope you'll tune in and find something meaningful to resonate with.
You can find more support for your healing journey 24/7 at: marywelch.com <3
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Being unaware of our beliefs is how we lose alignment with the goals and aspirations we carry for ourselves in our hearts. When we feel disenfranchised or lost it means we’re believing something negative, something discouraging.
Our beliefs are the first place we can go to make the kinds of course corrections that will profoundly improve the experience we’re having inside our lives. Working with beliefs can open our hearts and bring us back into direct contact with our inner light, our guidance.
Tune in to learn more and find other resources to support your healing journey at: marywelch.com <3 thanks for listening!
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Some exciting new research in the field of healing depression has emerged and we're digging into it on today's Love Notes show.
Have you ever thought about the connection between what you SAY + how you FEEL on a daily basis? Turns out replacing a few simple phrases can be life changing - maybe even life saving.
Join us for this important discussion today and find more tools to support your healing journey at: marywelch.com
Thanks for being here! <3
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One of the hardest parts about being human is our tendency to judge our own progress.
Sometimes when things aren't working and the needle isn't budging it's a sign that we're meant to pause and reassess our situation - not just push through.
This is the theme of today's show - which is also a response to an Ask Me Anything question. I hope you'll tune in and find some resonance.
Do you have a question for a coach you'd like feedback or support with? Find my Ask Me Anything form on the homepage of my site: marywelch.com
Thanks for being here! <3
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When it's genuinely impossible to feel joyful, we can still be meaningful.
We find meaning by finding the present moment. The irony is that we're never actually in any other moment! But our minds would have us believing otherwise.
Let's untangle this tangle together today and learn some sacred tools for opening our hearts and planting our attention right here, right now. It's where the magic is.
You can find more resources to support your healing journey at: marywelch.com
Thank you, as always, for being here <3
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One of the big epiphanies that's surfaced for me, on the verge of turning 50, is that I'm a lot less resilient than I used to be. Which means I don't have the ability to fake how I'm feeling, what I can handle or how fast I can push myself.
Instead, I've been experimenting with what it means to embrace slowing down. I'm not rushing anymore to transform the negative. Even when it hurts, it's meaningful.
Join me for more insights and reflections - as well as a favorite quote from a favorite author - on today's Love Notes show <3
Thanks for being here and, as always, you can find more tools to support your healing journey at: marywelch.com
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On today's show, I'm sharing some personal writing about attending a back to school event during one of the most difficult times of my life... and how some hidden graces and epiphanies appeared (when least expected).
I hope you'll tune in and find something here to resonate with.
I'm teaching an IRL mindfulness meditation class in NY's beautiful Hudson Valley right now. Learn more + find FREE resources to support your healing journey at: marywelch.com
Thank you for being here <3
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We have to keep an eye on the Ego when it comes to healing. If we're not careful, the quest to feel better becomes the quest to BE better. Better than another. Better than the Self we're constantly trying to strong arm into some kind of perfection. All in the name of "healing" or self improvement.
It's a relief to remember that we don't have to make "work" out of healing. It can be easeful. We can surrender and make just as much progress as we might have through more forceful efforts.
Tune in for more on this topic and remember: you can ask me questions, join my IRL meditation group and find FREE tools for your healing journey at: marywelch.com
Thanks for listening! <3
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A "bad mood" isn't something that manifests randomly in us. Bad moods are always connected to emotional pain. We create them by reinforcing specific, negative thoughts and feelings until that painful state is entrenched.
Imagine if we walked around saying: "I'm in pain right now" instead of "I'm in a bad mood."?!
The Ego wouldn't allow for this - it's too vulnerable. Too honest.
A bad mood is harder to penetrate. There's room to hide there.
But if we hide out too long in our bad moods they become our temperament. We lose the light. The sweetness. The curiosity. The capacity to laugh at ourselves. The capacity to say: 'I don't even know why I'm like this; I've lost the plot. I've committed to this role and I need to be set free.'
We're diving into all of this on today's episode - I hope you'll join the convo and as always, thank you for being here!
Find more support for your healing journey at: marywelch.com <3
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Your Ego will ruin your life if you’re not mindful.
One of the most effective ways to hold it in check, and break free from its tyranny, is to recognize that our inner, unconscious commentary ABOUT what is happening is not the same thing as what’s ACTUALLY happening. It’s interpretation - and interpretation is not the same as capital T truth.
When we’re able to bring some spaciousness, some quiet observation to our own inner experience, we find that there are many nuances to a single feeling. Anger is often connected to sadness. And bad moods are almost always about some kind of pain in us that isn’t getting the acknowledgement or attention it requires.
There is much to know about a single feeling and when we put in the effort to explore and understand ourselves in these ways, we become our own allies. We heal.
Join the conversation on today's Love Notes episode to learn more! And find lots of tools to support your journey at: marywelch.com <3
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For many of us, hope feels dangerous, despair feels (tragically) familiar and we try to manage the rollercoaster of them both by avoiding disappointment.
But chronically downshifting our hope in order to manage disappointment leads to a dead life.
Louise Hay used to famously say: "You don’t have to know how, you just have to be willing."
That's all I'm asking of you today - the willingness to let these ideas enter your consciousness and begin to potentially shift your relationship with feeling your own feelings. This is the first step. Let's take it together!
Find more resources to support your healing journey at: marywelch.com
Thanks for listening!
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One of the reasons we struggle in our relationships is because we settle for broad strokes and foggy understandings of what we're actually feeling or needing from one another.
Precise language changes everything. It empowers us. It arms us with the tools to heal what's not working and affirm new ways forward.
Join us for a deep chat and a fresh perspective on some common pain points in our most important relationships - including the one we have with ourselves!
And find more tools to support your healing at: marywelch.com <3
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Ram Dass taught: when you fall from the path, that's still the path.
There's tremendous wisdom and truth in this - which is lost on us too often - because we're tangled up in our own Egos, judging our lives/choices as good or bad, right or wrong. When we feel good, we're on our path. When we feel bad, we're off it.
But what if ALL of our experiences, good and bad, are part of our path? What if it's impossible to fall off it?
If everything we go through in our lives is meant to teach and expand us, right and wrong no longer factor into our understanding of ourselves. We are free to focus on authenticity and meaningfulness instead.
Tune into today's Love Notes episode and go deeper with this theme - there's lots more to uncover : )
You can find more tools and inspiration for your healing journey at: marywelch.com
Thanks for listening <3
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