
  • Today, Raven invites us to explore the powerful connection between mind and body and how traditional mindset practices often fall short of fostering true inner peace and transformation. She shares her personal journey, emphasizing how embodiment practices have allowed her to feel safe in her body for the first time, even after years of engaging in mental reprogramming and affirmations. Through this lens, Raven encourages us to dive beneath the surface of our thoughts, likening the mind to the waves of the ocean—always changing but never touching the stillness and depth below.

    Raven challenges us to question how our conditioning and life experiences have shaped our beliefs, particularly those that don’t serve them. “Why,” she asks, “do we remain anxious or stuck, even when we’ve worked on our mindset?” She offers a fresh perspective: instead of merely attempting to rewrite negative thoughts, what if we took those beliefs into the body and discovered where they live? How might your life change if you could access the wisdom buried deep within your unconscious? Would you be willing to explore that dark, mysterious void and trust what you find?

    Key Takeaways from this Episode:
    - [01:16] Mindset vs. Embodiment Work
    - [02:47] Exploring Beliefs and the Body
    - [08:15] Understanding Nervous System Responses
    - [10:16] Embracing the Darkness Within
    - [13:27] Practical Exercises for Deep Healing

    “Trust your body. Trust the darkness within you—it’s not bad or good, it’s where true life springs from.”

    “You are more than your nervous system reactions. There is a greater wisdom inside you that will evolve you beyond your conditioning.”

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • For today's episode, we feature a recent interview between Raven and Sascha Haert, a Human Behaviors Expert and Love & Dating Coach. Their conversation sheds light on the essence of presence, sensuality, and how to cultivate deeper connections, both within ourselves and with others.

    Together, they reflect on how society's conditioning around sex and relationships often leads to dissatisfaction and disconnection. Sascha and Raven share personal anecdotes, offering insights into how individuals, especially men, can tap into their sensitivity, be fully present, and break free from the goal-oriented mindset that permeates modern intimacy.

    They explore how embracing these sacred principles can transform not just the bedroom, but all aspects of life. How can we bring more awareness into our intimate lives? What does it truly mean to be present with a partner? These are some of the questions that linger long after the episode ends.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [01:01] The Importance of Open Conversations About Sexuality
    - [04:26] Understanding Tantra and Sacred Sexuality
    - [11:28] The Role of Presence in Intimacy and Relationships
    - [37.10] Women’s Needs in Sexual Relationships
    - [43.02] Taking Responsibility for Bad Sex and Creating Better Intimacy

    "Sexuality is just another beautiful part of life. It creates the most beautiful thing on the planet, a baby. So why do we keep it behind closed doors?"

    "Presence is the key to everything—whether it’s communication, being orgasmic, or being fully alive. When we’re not present, we’re missing the beauty of connection."

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

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  • In this episode of the Love, Sex, and Freedom podcast, Raven invites listeners into her personal journey with Tantra, revealing how it transformed her life. Growing up with a mystic father, Raven always had a curiosity about the divine and the full potential of the human experience. However, it wasn’t until she stepped into her first Tantra retreat that the teachings resonated deeply, bringing together everything she had felt but could never fully articulate. She explains how Tantra opened her to embrace all of life, including her desires and emotions, as divine expressions, shedding the shame that had once kept her from living fully.

    Raven challenges the common misconceptions of Tantra, which often focus solely on sexuality. She explores the deeper essence of the practice, where the real power lies in embracing presence, aliveness, and embodiment in every moment. From meditative practices to the sacred energy of Kundalini, she asks: What does it mean to live fully awake, honoring both the body and spirit? How can we embrace the fullness of our desires without shame? With these questions, Raven encourages us to dive deeper into our own transformative journeys, where freedom and true empowerment await.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [06:32] Foundations of Tantric Practice
    - [07:43] Meditation as the Gateway to Full Presence in Tantra
    - [12:39] Walking the Path with Integrity
    - [18:24] Opening the Heart
    - [19:54] The Power of Authentic Expression
    - [21:05] Awakening Kundalini

    “Tantra isn’t just about sexuality; it’s about living fully alive in every moment, embracing the divine in all aspects of life.”

    “The journey of Kundalini rising is about awakening to your true power, feeling the life force within you, and allowing it to guide you into deeper alignment with the divine.”

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • In this transformative episode, Raven takes us on a personal journey of discovering the power of surrender and trust in the face of life’s uncertainties. She shares a pivotal moment in her life when she left behind a well-paying job, stepping into the unknown world of Tantra despite the many doubts and fears that filled her mind. Raven recalls the intuitive pull that led her to a deeper calling, a calling that eventually became her life’s work. From hesitant beginnings to trusting the synchronicities of life, Raven illustrates how surrendering to the heart can lead to an expansive and fulfilling path, even when logic seems to disagree.

    Raven’s experiences highlight the inner conflict many of us feel when navigating between the familiar and the unknown. “Why do I want the house?” she asks, reflecting on her conditioned beliefs about security and happiness. As she let go of societal expectations and leaned into her intuitive guidance, life gifted her with unimaginable synchronicities and abundance. Her story begs the question: What is holding you back from fully trusting in your heart’s desires? Can you let go of the fear of scarcity or failure, and instead, open yourself to the vast possibilities that life has to offer?

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [00:29] Embracing the Unknown: Beyond Logic and Comfort Zones
    - [01:02] Discovering Tantra and the Path to Healing
    - [04:16] The Leap of Faith: From Corporate to Tantra
    - [09:43] Challenges and Rewards of Following the Heart
    - [12:58] Navigating Relationships and Personal Growth
    - [21:25] Daily Practices for Spiritual Awakening

    “I’ve learned through following my heart and surrendering to something greater than the mind that everything always works out in the most synchronistic, unbelievable ways.”

    “If your why isn’t for happiness, then it’s not worth it.”

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • In this episode of Love, Sex, and Freedom, Raven and Tara delve into the deeply transformative practice of embodied manifestation. They invite us to step beyond surface-level affirmations and vision boards and move into a fully embodied experience where manifestation isn’t just about thinking the right thoughts but becoming the person who already holds and lives their desires.

    Raven offers a profound perspective on the connection between the nervous system and our ability to manifest. She explains that without addressing the unconscious beliefs held in the body, no amount of positive thinking will bring lasting change. Instead, she shares the power of combining thoughts with a deep somatic understanding—allowing the body to release past tensions and fully feel into the reality of what we desire. Whether it’s attracting love, financial abundance, or peace, Raven invites us to not only visualize but to embody the person who naturally attracts these experiences.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [02:04] The Tantric Approach to Manifestation
    - [04:30] Combining Positive Affirmations with Felt Sense
    - [10:15] Guided Practice for Manifestation
    - [36:26] Manifesting Relationships
    - [36:35] Manifesting Wealth
    - [55:30] Slowing Down and Embracing Spaciousness

    “Manifestation isn’t just about thinking the right thoughts, it’s about becoming the person who naturally attracts what you desire.”

    "It wasn’t until I embraced the tantric approach and understood the role of the nervous system that I truly started manifesting the life I wanted.”

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • In this episode, Raven discusses the essence of devotion and the profound journey to transcend the illusion of separation. She invites us to reconnect with sacred practices that lead to a state of oneness with consciousness, reminding us true devotion is found in remembering our divine nature. Raven guides us through the subtle realms of reality, exploring practices like mantra, yantra meditation, and deity worship—not merely as routines, but as sacred pathways that lead us beyond the mind’s distractions and into the profound spaciousness of being.

    We are encouraged to reflect deeply on our own spiritual practices. How can we surrender to the mystery of life without the need to control it? Can we find joy in our sadhana, not as a means to an end, but as a loving devotion to our true selves? Raven challenges us to embrace the spiritual journey, not for the sake of achievement, but for the pure love of remembering who we truly are—divine beings immersed in the bliss of unity.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [00:29] Understanding Tantra and Devotion
    - [02:26] Practices for Transcendence
    - [06:46] Experiencing Divine Connection
    - [08:14] Exploring Duality and Oneness
    - [09:26] Living in a State of Surrender
    - [13:33] Daily Devotion and High-Frequency Living

    “Living Tantra is a path of devotion, devoted to remembering that separation is an illusion.”

    “Lovemaking is a meditation when we bring awareness to it, merging duality to go beyond it.”

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • In today’s episode, we feature a recent Instagram Live recording where Raven and Tara explore the transformative energy of the Lionsgate Portal. With the energies of the star Sirius, the Sun, and the Earth in alignment, this moment offers a potent opportunity to shed old patterns and birth new, more aligned ways of being. Raven’s profound insights into how we can step through these universal portals—whether astrological or personal—are both grounding and expansive, reminding us that true change comes not just from intellectual understanding but from deeply embodied practices.

    As you listen, you’ll be invited to reflect on the patterns in your life that are no longer serving you, especially those inherited from your lineage. How have these patterns shaped your life? And are you ready to let them go? Through guided breathwork, visualization, and the ceremonial invocation of energies, Raven and Tara create a sacred space where you can safely explore these questions and begin to release what no longer serves you.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [02:00] Embracing Change and Letting Go of Patterns
    - [04:39] Entering the Ceremonial Space
    - [05:31] Guided Breathing and Visualization
    - [12:08] Releasing Old Beliefs and Patterns
    - [27:58] Invoking New Energies and Intentions
    - [32:03] Commitment to Personal Transformation

    “Feel the courage of a lion and the innocence of a child as you release what no longer serves you.”

    “Shift your allegiance from the mind to the body; it’s through this alignment that true liberation is found.”

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • In this episode, Raven explores the journey of authentic self-expression and the challenges that come with it. She begins by discussing how our ability to express ourselves is often shaped by how our parents responded to us as children. Raven asks us to reflect: “How did your parents react to your truth, your tears, your vulnerability?” These questions help uncover the roots of our fears and how they influence our adult lives, often holding us back from being fully expressive.

    As the conversation unfolds, Raven shares her own struggles with vulnerability, especially in relationships. She highlights the importance of not holding back and addressing the “elephant in the room.” Raven asks, “What would happen if you expressed your true feelings in the moment, without fear?” She encourages us to embrace the power of being fully seen and heard, reminding us that true freedom comes from expressing our deepest selves, even when it feels uncomfortable.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [02:00] Impact of Parental Responses on Expression
    - [09:04] Releasing Fears Through Breath and Sound
    - [10:36] Connecting Current Fears to Childhood Beliefs
    - [16:19] The Importance of Difficult Conversations
    - [25:31] The Role of Vulnerability in Relationships
    - [30:11] Techniques for Authentic Expression

    “Authentic expression, free from the constraints of the mind, is the most potent way to connect with our inner truth and with others.”

    “True freedom and authenticity arise from embracing and expressing our deepest selves, no matter how uncomfortable it might feel.”

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • Welcome to the Love, Sex, and Freedom podcast! Today's episode comes from a recent Instagram Live where Raven and Tara discussed the emotional journey of navigating breakups. They both open up about their personal experiences, offering heartfelt guidance on how to truly feel every stage of the grieving process. From the initial shock and denial to the raw anger and deep sadness, they remind us of the importance of embracing every emotion fully.

    As you listen, take a moment to reflect on your own experiences with breakups. How have they helped you grow and deepen your connection to yourself? Raven poses a powerful question: “What if we approached our grief with the same openness and reverence as our moments of bliss?” She encourages us to see breakups not as failures, but as opportunities for profound personal awakening and growth. Whether you’re experiencing a recent breakup or reflecting on past relationships, this episode provides the support and insights you need to navigate the tender terrain of your heart.

    Key takeaways from this episode:

    - [01:56] Understanding the Grieving Process

    - [04:12] The Importance of Silence After a Breakup

    - [23:20] Staying Friends and Letting Go

    - [29:49] Embracing Relationship Challenges

    - [33:40] Navigating the Friend Zone

    - [36:51] Manifesting Joyful Relationships

    - [42:47] Embracing Pain and Pleasure


    “Trust your intuition, trust your body. My mind was justifying and head-fucking myself, but my body was like, ‘It couldn’t open to be a yes to the relationship.’”

    “When we’re transitioning out of such a deep intimate relationship, it’s really shocking to the nervous system, to the heart, to the tenderness."

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • Welcome to the Love, Sex, and Freedom podcast, in this episode, we explore the nuances of authentic expression and discovering your soul’s purpose. Raven guides us through the importance of connecting our breath with sound, creating a deeper, more authentic experience of pleasure and presence. She emphasizes the significance of understanding our triggers and reflections, offering a path to align with our true purpose by clearing internal resistances and embracing our unique gifts.

    As you listen, contemplate what brings the most meaning to your life. Raven invites us to question: “If you were going to die in two years, what would you be expressing as a soul?” She encourages us to look beyond societal conditioning and external validations, to feel into what genuinely ignites our passion and joy. Whether it’s creating art, nurturing a family, or exploring the world, your purpose is intertwined with what feels most meaningful to you.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [00:34] Exploring Authentic Expression Through Sound
    - [03:25] Understanding Purpose and Authenticity
    - [06:56] Navigating Triggers and Relationships
    - [11:27] Embracing Challenges and Meaning in Life
    - [17:47] Aligning with Your True Essence


    "It’s not your power that you’re afraid of. It’s the death of your identity that you’re afraid of and everything that you identify with.”

    "What’s your unique flame? What’s your unique essence? And do you have the courage to follow that no matter what?”

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • Join us for today's episode as Raven explores the importance of vertical masculine energy, which provides the necessary stillness and meditational awareness for true inner peace, as opposed to the more commonly understood horizontal masculine energy that is action-oriented.

    Raven explains the consequences of imbalances in these energies, such as the societal misunderstanding of masculine energy leading to burnout and emotional detachment in men, and excessive emotionality or chaos in women. Raven shares examples of how these imbalances manifest in relationships and personal well-being and speaks to the importance of both energies coexisting within us to achieve wholeness and true inner peace.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [01:47] The Importance of Vertical Masculine Energy
    - [02:40] Balancing Masculine and Feminine Energies
    - [03:56] Healthy Masculine and Feminine Dynamics
    - [04:57] The Role of Masculine Energy in Relationships
    - [07:46] Masculine Energy and Motherhood
    - [09:10] Invisible Partnerships in Relationships

    Quotes from the Episode:
    "Without the vertical masculine, you’re always going to be searching outside of yourself for a savior, an enemy, happiness, fulfillment."

    "We need this coexistence of energies because if you’re in the expression of balance, you’re not going to be very attractive to the opposite sex since you’re not polarized in one energy."

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • Today's episode features a recent Instagram Live between Chantelle and Tara, where they discuss the intricate web of limiting beliefs surrounding money, wealth, and abundance. They explore how our spiritual practices can integrate with our financial lives to create a harmonious balance that nourishes both our souls and our bank accounts.

    Chantelle shares her transition from a life of frugality to one of abundance, emphasizing the importance of honoring the feminine desire for beauty, comfort, and richness. Also, Tara reflects on her upbringing, which was marked by conflicting parental influences on money, and how she reconciled these through spiritual practice and embraced the flow of abundance.

    Together, they highlight the significance of recognizing and reshaping our unconscious beliefs about money, stressing that it is not merely a material necessity but a powerful energy that can lead to profound personal growth and fulfillment. By tapping into our inner wisdom, we can shift our mindset from scarcity to abundance, from fear to trust, and from limitation to infinite possibility.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [06:30] Raven's Story: Overcoming Dual Parental Influences
    - [10:01] The Power of Mentorship
    - [13:00] Identifying and Releasing Limiting Beliefs
    - [17:00] Embracing Abundance and Luxury
    - [21:30] Manifesting Financial Freedom
    - [25:00] The Role of Gratitude and Generosity

    Quotes from the Episode:
    - "The more money I spend on what truly nourishes me, the more money that comes to me."
    - "Manifesting from a place of needing security is different from manifesting from a place of expansion and joy."

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • Have you ever wondered how to balance the masculine and feminine energies within your relationship? Or how to navigate the complexities of shame and communication with your partner? In this episode, which features a snippet from a recent Living Tantra retreat, Chantelle answers these questions and explores how we can foster deeper connections with ourselves and those closest to us.

    She shares examples of how she and Matisse improved their communication and maintained polarity in their relationship by stopping shame from creating a divide between them. By understanding and honouring each other's strengths and mastering the art of holding space without judgment, we can all create more loving and fulfilling relationships.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [00:28] Navigating Relationship Conflicts
    - [01:18] Healthy Masculine and Communication
    - [04:05] Understanding Triggers and Childhood Influences
    - [05:31] Embracing Partner's Strengths
    - [07:48] Maintaining Polarity in Relationships
    - [10:59] Trust and Surrender in Relationships

    Quotes from Episode:
    "The most important thing is that you both have an intention and a capacity to come back to love."

    "Cultivating your own healthy masculine energy is about holding space for your own emotional body without judgment."

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • In this episode of the Love, Sex, and Freedom podcast, Raven explores the heart chakra, also known as Anahata, and how this energy center can be tapped into as a source of love for oneself and others, as well as compassion, empathy, and forgiveness. Raven guides us on how to awaken and release the heart space, a vital step toward reclaiming our true personal power and experiencing profound freedom.

    The teachings in this episode provide practical steps to seamlessly weave these practices into our daily lives, cultivating a deeper connection with our innermost selves and enhancing our overall well-being. By embracing these tantric practices, we can dissolve emotional blockages, open ourselves to new possibilities, and fully embrace our authentic, divine selves.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [00:28] Understanding the Heart Chakra and Living as Love
    - [02:06] The Role of Shame in Relationships
    - [02:25] Personal Reflections and Parenting Lessons
    - [03:29] Navigating Communication and Shame in Relationships
    - [09:13] Practical Exercise: Embracing Shame

    Quotes from Episode:
    “The heart chakra, Anahata, is not just about love for others; it’s about cultivating compassion, empathy, and forgiveness for ourselves."

    "When we lead with love, we create a ripple effect that touches everyone around us."

    Links from Episode:

    Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/ Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.comUpcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/
  • In today's episode, Raven breaks down self-will, willpower, and the unconscious conditioning that shapes how we think and act. She opens up about her own journey of peeling back the layers of conditioning inherited from her parents and how she's learnt to connect with her true self.

    This episode is like a roadmap for figuring out the difference between willpower and self-will, discovering your true 'why,' and making changes that really reflect who you are at your core. Raven explains that true self-will isn't about force or control—it's about aligning with your deepest truths and by understanding and working through the conditioning we've inherited, we can find a more authentic and empowered way to live.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - Understanding Unconscious Conditioning
    - Willpower vs. Self-Will
    - Connecting to Your 'Why'
    - Personal Growth and Change
    - Navigating Relationships and Self-Expression
    - Daily Practices for Self-Discovery

    Quotes from Episode:
    "Any change that's not making you more of who you are is not a change that you want to make."

    "Whatever you see, whatever you can believe can actualize. People have done way more miraculous things than expand into a space of 'I can live a really relaxed life and prioritize myself'."

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • What comes to mind when you think of "power"? Maybe status and money. In today's episode, Raven redefines true power, showing how it goes beyond the desire for control and is actually rooted in genuine vulnerability and emotional authenticity.

    Raven explores how power is often misunderstood as being synonymous with status and control, which can lead to shadow behaviors like aggression. Instead, true power comes from the ability to be genuinely and authentically present with our emotions. This involves practicing deep listening, holding space for oneself and others, and peeling away superficial layers to reveal deeper truths. By understanding and working through the different layers of the emotional body, we can find a more authentic and powerful way of living.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [02:15] The Role of Vulnerability in Power
    - [03:18] Holding Space and Deep Listening
    - [07:12] Rewiring Your Association with Power
    - [10:58] The Importance of Self-Responsibility
    - [16:35] Embracing Discomfort for True Growth
    - [24:09] Living Authentically and Facing Fear
    - [31:41] Conclusion and Final Thoughts

    Quotes from Episode:

    "Power without vulnerability really goes into shadow and often turns into aggression and power over.

    "Imagine what your life would look like if your expression was focused on truth and trusting truth, rather than on how others are going to react."

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • How much pleasure do you allow in your life? This may seem like a simple question, but for most people who are stuck in the everyday grind, taking the time to be fully present and actually experience joy in their lives can be a foreign concept.

    Experiencing joy is essential to the human experience, and our happiness and well-being are dependent on it. So why do we often prioritize completing tasks, working, and keeping ourselves busy instead of focusing on pleasure? In today's episode, Raven shares how we can invite more pleasure into our lives, both inside and outside the bedroom, and how this can transform not only the way we navigate the world but also serve as a means to regulate the nervous system.

    Simple acts like laughter, connecting with nature, or engaging in physical activities can dissolve stress and bring us a sense of fulfilment and peace.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [01:20] Exploring Pleasure Tolerance
    - [02:54] Pleasure Beyond the Bedroom
    - [04:14] The Importance of Foreplay and Connection
    - [06:13] Prioritizing Pleasure in Life
    - [10:22] Balancing Pain and Pleasure
    - [15:25] Techniques for Enhanced Lovemaking
    - [26:54] Expanding the Definition of Lovemaking

    Quotes from Episode:

    “No matter what kind of day I had, as soon as I would reconnect with Dusty, my horse, and go for a ride in nature, everything would just disappear.”

    "Pleasure is the best nervous system regulator."

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • Today's episode is the latest in the series of Raven and Tara's Instagram Lives, and the topic of conversation is the often misunderstood and judged emotion of anger. The key takeaway from this episode is Raven's simple but powerful message: "anger can feel good." This idea encourages us to shift our perspective on anger. Rather than viewing it as purely negative and destructive, we are shown how anger, when expressed in healthy ways, can be harnessed as an empowering life force.

    Raven explains how recognizing the first signs of anger can prevent it from escalating into something harmful and when it’s allowed to move through the body, this powerful emotion can transform us from feeling victimized to feeling empowered.

    Raven and Tara share various healthy ways to connect with and release anger. From breathing exercises to physical movements like pillow beating, these techniques help us integrate anger into our lives and stay connected to our primal energy.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [02:34] - The Power of Feeling and Expressing Anger
    - [08:03] - Practical Exercises to Integrate Anger
    - [11:38] - The Importance of Setting Boundaries
    - [20:23] - Connecting Anger to Past Experiences
    - [25: 10] - A Daily Anger Practice

    Quotes from Episode:
    “Anger is the energy that creates the most harm of all of the emotions because it can turn to violence. And yet it's also the energy that can bring the most life force and vitality.”

    “The biggest gift that owning my anger gave me is boundaries. Just feeling that primal energy and realizing there's a little girl here that I need to protect."

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • Welcome back to another episode of the Love, Sex, and Freedom podcast. Today's episode features a recent conversation that Raven and Tara had on Instagram Live, where they discuss the hugely important and often overlooked art of clear communication. Mastering this skill and being able to say how we feel and what we want (and don't want) can have a huge impact on our lives, and nowhere is this more apparent than in romantic relationships. Raven's own journey from feeling stifled and blocked in previous relationships to today, where she is able to express her needs without fear, is evidence of how clear communication can unlock the confident woman within.

    Raven shares the three key practices that have supported her in communicating confidently: feeling the depths of her emotions before speaking, steering conversations towards what she wants rather than what she doesn’t, and trusting the body’s signals over the mind’s analysis.

    Tara and Raven also discuss the powerful role that breathwork can play in grounding us and how this can enable healthier communication. So if you're looking for ways to have more mindful communication and a deeper understanding of yourself and others, this episode is for you.

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [09:48] Exploring Nonverbal Communication and Its Impact
    - [14:16] Embracing Vulnerability for Deeper Connection
    - [18:49] The Paradigm Shift: Embodying Authentic Expression
    - [23:51] Practical Steps Towards Embodied Communication
    - [30:33] Navigating Emotional Dynamics in Relationships
    - [37:35] Exploring Sexual Communication and Desires
    - [42:11] Understanding and Communicating Personal Needs
    - [43:47] The Impact of Communication on Personal Growth and Relationships

    Quotes from Episode:

    “Vulnerability requires letting go of pride and risking rejection. It's not easy, but shamelessly owning what we're upset about, desiring, or needing creates safety for ourselves and fosters compatible relationships”

    “You're only as needy as your unmet needs.”

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/

  • Hey everyone, welcome to this episode of the Love, Sex, and Freedom podcast! Today, we’re going to talk about some of the challenges we face when we have stuck energy and how hard and soft trauma impacts our nervous system. It’s really interesting to see how traditional masculine teachings can sometimes be limiting when it comes to this. But don't worry, we'll explore how masculine and feminine principles can coexist beautifully, and can empower us to live a life filled with bliss instead of constant struggle.

    Raven will share some personal stories and experiences, along with guided meditations, to help you discover what a bliss-filled life looks like for you. We’ll discuss practices that support emotional release and help cultivate a non-judgmental presence. These tools are amazing for embracing your true power, balancing your internal energies, and fostering healthier relations

    Key takeaways from this episode:
    - [00:26] Unlocking Emotional Freedom Through Tantra
    - [03:25] Embracing the Feminine Approach to Healing
    - [05:12] The Power of Acknowledging and Feeling Emotions
    - [26:17] Healing and Reparenting Our Inner Child
    - [37:41] The Dance of Masculine and Feminine Energies
    - [40:20] Creating Safety and Connection in Relationships
    - [43:06] Embracing Self-Responsibility and Inner Union

    Quotes from Episode:
    “When you have that safety within yourself, you won't tolerate someone treating you like shit anymore because you're not treating yourself like shit. You won't tolerate someone abandoning you because you're no longer abandoning yourself. You won't tolerate someone not listening or respecting you because you're listening and respecting yourself.”

    “Life wasn't meant to be a struggle. We are wired for bliss. You are fundamentally worthy of a life that's fucking amazing and when those struggles come, when you're living in alignment, they're just there to show you where even more expansion is possible.”

    Links from Episode:
    - Tanta 101: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/elementor-63692/
    - Embodied Awakening Academy: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com
    - Upcoming Living Tantra Retreats: https://embodiedawakeningacademy.com/ltrglobal/