هذا البودكاست لمساعدتك في رحلة البحث عن معناك الخاص حتى لاتصبح حياتك نسخة مكررة ممن حولك
يصلكم البودكاست عبر حلقات شهرية -
بودكاست نتقابل فيه مع طلاب ملهمين عاشوا وعانوا مع تشخصاتهم النفسية.
يقدم لكم نادي الطب النفسي بجامعة أم القرى بودكاست. -
Research proves that resilience can be learned and developed in anyone. The Real Life Resilience mission is to tell stories of recovery from life's most difficult trauma and provide tools for resilience. Our goal is to help you, our listeners, know how to transform your own life by telling your tough life stories. Life happens and life storytelling transforms it. Find more resources at
مش عيب انك تبقى سترونج اندبندانت، بالعكس
لكن العيب انك متخديش حقك فى العياط على اللى بيحصل فيكى
Mosh strong independent awe..
Aham haga karamty odam el nas, bas momken a3ayat shewaya? -
El Zatoona is a female hosted and written podcast, discussing all life matters and sharing our experiences. we'll talk about love, success, and freedom all whilst laughing about how we have reached this point.
I've always loved to rant, so that's exactly what I'll be doing! Just a girl - in her 20s - lost and trying to find her path in life, and I would loved to have you on this journey!
A bilingual podcast in Arabic and English, specially designed for Arab women with western influences.
Hosted by Nancy and Nesreen, two mothers and friends, who are on a journey of self-discovery and personal growth. They aim to uncover life's complexities sharing stories and insights in a relatable and insightful manner.
In the first season, "Reflections" they will lead you down memory lane, revisiting significant moments in their lives, offering valuable insights and lessons learned. From choosing a life partner to navigating the complexities of being stay-at-home moms and expat life. They will cover topics such as relationships, communication, and boundaries that resonate with the human experience. The season will wrap up with discussions on creating a nurturing environment, forgiveness, and manifesting your dreams.
Join us every Wednesday, and let's sip on some sanity together.
♥ With love,Nancy and Nesreen -
While everyone wants to make themselves and their lives better, it has been hard to find specific, actionable steps to accomplish that. Until now...
Patrick King is a Social Interaction Specialist, in other words, a dating, online dating, image, and communication, and social skills coach based in San Francisco, California. He’s also a #1 Amazon best-selling dating and relationships author with the most popular online dating book on the market and writes frequently on dating, love, sex, and relationships.
He focuses on using his emotional intelligence and understanding of human interaction to break down emotional barriers, instill confidence, and equip people with the tools they need for success. No pickup artistry and no gimmicks, simply a thorough mastery of human psychology delivered with a dose of real talk. -
Archetypal masculinity, relationship polarity, practical philosophy and stuff. With Ruwan Meepagala and sometimes guests. -
Real people having real conversation about real life. All with the objective to evolve your life to a healthy, honest, and happy one. Life & Health Coach Lamaan sits with all different types of people to bridge the communication gap in society.
Making travel more accessible to young people ages 21-35. Travel tips and travel hacks for solo travelers, who love authentic camping, hiking, and cultural experiences.
Some of our travel community's favorite destinations: US National Parks, Costa Rica, Belize, Peru & Machu Picchu, Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Italy, Greece, Thailand, & Bali!
Hosted by Matt Wilson, digital nomad, CEO of Under30Experiences, and author of The Millennial Travel Guidebook: Escape More, Spend Less, & Make Travel a Priority in Your Life. -
A Friendly Mental health podcast that contributes to adding value towards assisting your growth and healing journey towards self-awareness and Emotional Mastery. The main aim of this podcast is to increase the expansion of self-awareness, mental health, and Trauma awareness in Egypt, especially between the Youth to stop "transgenerational trauma" from being inherited from one generation to another. بودكاست صديق للصحة العقلية يساهم في إضافة القيمة نحو مساعدتك في رحلة النمو نحو الوعي الذاتي والذكاء العاطفي. الهدف الرئيسي من هذة البودكاست هو زيادة انتشار الوعي الذاتي ، والصحة العقلية ، والتوعية بالصدمات في مصر ، وخاصة بين الشباب لمنع "الصدمات عبر الأجيال" من التوريث من جيل إلى آخر.
هنا نصنع مجتمع التنوير، مجتمع المحبة والتسامح، مجتمع يعيش بقيم عليا بأسماء الله الحسنى
Join Brandon Stover, founder of Plato University, as he questions everything in life to challenge the way you think. Every change in the world starts with one person. Through narrated essays and intellectual interviews, this podcast will equip you with practical philosophies, new perspectives, and modern understandings of global issues so that change can start with you. It will help you to become a more critical thinker, find purpose in your life, and discover why you would want to take action in changing the world.
"They push the human race forward, and while some may see them as the crazy ones, we see genius, because the people who are crazy enough to think that they can change the world, are the ones who do." - Steve Jobs -
سلسلة من المنتجات التي تهدف لتحسين جودة حياتك وصحتك وعلاقاتك 🧩
مناقشة بعض قصص الحب، والقضايا، والعقبات، والفرص للاستفادة من كل قصة علاقة، والحديث عن كيفية البقاء إيجابيًا في كل موقف تجلبه لنا الحياة! كيف تقف في كل مرة تطرد فيها الحياة أي شخص مع كل قصة حب! والأهم من ذلك، أن نحب أنفسنا في المقام الأولDiscussing some love stories, issues, obstacles, and opportunities to benefit from each relationship story, talking about how to stay positive with every situation life brings up to us! How to stand up every time life kicks anyone down with every love story! And most importantly, to love ourselves in the first place.Listen to Shway Mn Kel Shi on Podeo, Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, Castbox and many more.استمعوا ل شوي من كل شي على بوديو و كافة تطبيقاتكم المفضلة
اهلا بكم في توب توك تايم بودكاست. شاركونا حوارات عميقة حول تطوير الذات، وتعرف معنا على مختلف المواضيع الأخرى ولا تنسوا أن تشاركونا ارائكم.
نقتفي أثر التجارب في شخصيات ضيوفنا في حوارات تلقائية نسبر خلالها أغوارًا عنهم لم يُظهِرها صوتهم من قبل
تتخذ حلقاتنا مسارات حوارية في إطار التجارب الشخصية والرأي والمعرفة، فتصلكم نظرة شاملة في جوانب مختلفة تقترب من اهتماماتكم؛ لنثير الأسئلة ونُشعِل فتيل الفكرة ونستدعي الإلهام
نتحدث عن:
ريادة الأعمال
نمط الحياة
علم النفس
الموارد البشرية
علم الاجتماع
الصحافة -
Schön das Du mich gefunden hast!
In meinem Podcast zeige ich dir, wie Du bewusst deinem Leben eine neue Richtung gibst und das Veränderung dein bester Freund ist.
Dieser Podcast ist eine Mischung aus Tools für Dich, dass Leben aus einer anderen Perspektive zu betrachten.
Höre faszinierende Geschichten von Menschen, die mutig neue Wege gegangen sind, ihre Lebensperspektiven verändert haben und ihre Leidenschaften verfolgen.
Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß beim Hören und umsetzen.
Der Podcast hat Dir gefallen, dann würde ich mich über ein Feedback und ein Like von Dir freuen.
Lieben Herzens Gruß
Nähere Infos findest Du hier -
Hello everyone! It's your local dating coach & matchmaker, Jean-eva Dickie. I originally started in the industry of love to introduce singles to one another in the hopes of watching my newly created couples gallivant through life together. It didn't take long for reality to kick me in the face! Most of the time, an introduction isn't enough. For the majority of us the slightest mental block is holding us back from finding that amazing romantic partner that is perfect for us. Just a little mindset shift, and coaching can make all the difference! On this podcast, I'll be sitting down and chatting with single men and women to discuss their experiences in the dating world and how they can improve moving forward. Check out my Patreon page for more in-depth dating lessons!