Stephanie talks to David Cui Cui, an engineer turned voice actor who loves doing character work, especially for video games. They talk about how his experience as an avid video game player helps him, the importance of doing what's best for you, and how to better support people of color in the industry.
Website: cuicuivo.com
Instagram: @cuicuivo
Twitter: @CuiCui48
Edge Studio: https://edgestudio.com
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Bo Martin, Jr. a voice actor based in North Carolina, about his slow but steady journey into the voice over industry. They talk about the importance of an accountability group and the value of having great customer service with your clients.
Bo's Website: https://boknowsvo.com
Bo's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BoKnowsVoiceOvers
Bo's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bomartinjr
Bo's Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, TikTok: @boknowsvo
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
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Stephanie talks to Zania Sala, a bilingual voice actor who works in commercial and corporate narration and is the on air promo voice of the Hispanic network, UniMás. They talk about what it's like to be the voice of a network - the volume of work, different styles needed, self direction, and always being on call as well as how being a singer helps in VO.
Zania's Website: zania.net
Zania's Instagram: @zaniavox
Zania's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zaniasala/
Marc Scott's Classes: https://marcscottcoaching.com/shop/
VOPreneur Podcast: https://vopreneur.com
VO Boss Podcast: https://www.voboss.com
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Allegra Verlezza (they/them), a voice actor who works in commercials, explainers, eLearning, politicals, PSAs, audiobooks and more. Allegra is non-binary and shares openly about their experiences in the voice over industry and how we might continue to grow and expand our inclusion of non-binary people. See the resources below if you'd like to learn more!
Supporting Transgender & Gender Non-Conforming Diverse Gender Voiceover Artists - Allegra wrote this: https://www.bluewavevoiceover.com/diverse-gender-voiceover-artists/
The Trevor Project Resource Center: https://www.thetrevorproject.org/resources/
GLAAD Article: https://www.glaad.org/amp/beginners-guide-being-ally-to-trans-people?gclid=CjwKCAjw-8qVBhANEiwAfjXLrqNB6cnlNWyWtRsM7lrKkZECeSnPZFhBGwXRc2ISt4txj1ccx0DC7xoC2isQAvD_BwE
GLAAD Article: https://www.glaad.org/transgender/allies
10 Ways to Step Up to Be an Ally: https://www.stonewall.org.uk/about-us/news/10-ways-step-ally-non-binary-people
Allegra's Website: www.allegraverlezza.com
Allegra's Instagram: www.instagram.com/allegraverlezza
Shut Up and Talk Classes: https://www.shutupandtalk.com/classes/
Frank Verderosa: https://www.frankverderosa.com/book-online
Frank's Episode of this podcast: https://www.stephaniepamroberts.com/podcast/s2-ep-1-frank-verderosa
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Jonathan Tilley, a voice actor, marketing, branding, and social media expert. They talk about Jonathan's experiences as an American voice actor living abroad as well as how he got into teaching fellow voice actors about marketing and some social media ideas and best practices.
Jonathan's Website: https://www.jonathantilley.com
My Content Calendar IG Course: https://www.mycontentcalendar.com
League of List Builders Email Marketing Course: https://www.leagueoflistbuilders.com
Jonathan's Podcast: https://www.jonathantilley.com/podcast
Jonathan's IG Accounts: @jonathantilleydotcom or @mycontentcalendar_ or @leagueoflistbuilders
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Erikka J., a voice actor who works in commercials, corporate narration, video games, and more! Erikka shares her thoughts on her work in politicals, how she balances work and family, and on the shift towards a more inclusive VO industry.
Erikka's Website: erikkaj.com
All Erikka's Socials: @misserikkaj
eVocation VO Conference: https://www.vocationconference.com
VO School Podcast: http://www.voschoolpodcast.com
(Maria's political episode is #54)
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Anna Garduno, a voice actor and voice over teacher. They talk extensively about the techniques and ideas Anna teaches in her class for both commercials and animation and they cover demos as well. This episode is chock full of amazing info so definitely have something handy to take notes!
Anna's Website: www.voiceforward.com
Anna's FB page: https://www.facebook.com/VoiceForward
Anna's Acting Class: https://larrymoss.org
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Dave Droxler, a character voice actor who specializes in creature and animal voices. Dave discusses this side of voice over and animation and we also talk about what it was like to work on a series through the pandemic and the importance of being professional and easy to work with.
Dave's Website: http://www.davedroxler.com
The Long and the Short of It Episode mentioned: https://thelongandtheshortpodcast.com/15-sonder
Jen Waldman Studio: https://www.jws.community
Pete Shepherd: https://humanperiscope.com
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Sophia Cruz, a bilingual voice actor and coach. Sophia works in commercials, eLearning, and audio description which we discuss in detail. They also talk about setting healthy boundaries for yourself in this business.
Sophia's Website: https://www.sophiacruzvo.com
Winning in Voice Over Website: https://www.winninginvoiceover.com
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Tim Heller, a voice actor who works in commercials, animation, and more! Tim also loves to be creative on social media and we talk about putting yourself out there, how he creates characters, and his voice over course.
Tim's Website: www.TimHellerVO.com
Tim's Voice Over Course: https://timhellervo.com/store/category/course
All Social: @TimHellerVO
Discord and OpenSea: VoiceOverGuy
Other Episodes Mentioned: S1E1 Maria Pendolino and S2E5 Andrew Keltz
Other Podcast Mentioned: Talkin' Tunes with Rob Paulsen
Tom Aglio (Direct Marketing): https://www.tomaglio.com/coaching
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Debra Sperling, a renowned voice actor and voice over coach. She's voiced everything from national commercials to in show narrations and countless promos. She's also a passionate teacher and her class, "Authenticity in Voice Over" helps students discover their unique, authentic voice and bring it to the mic.
Debra's Website: https://www.debrasperling.com/about
Debra's Class: https://www.debrasperling.com/coachingteaching
Instagram: @DebraSperlingVO
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Rachel Slotky, a voice actor and casting director who works a lot in dubbing. They talk about what dubbing is and some of the current issues surrounding rates and fair pay as well as what she looks for when casting this genre.
During the episode Rachel mentions usage and to clarify, in animation contracts initial usage is also known as "initial exhibition" and is included in the session fee, any use or distribution beyond that is handled with residual payments. In the conversation, she uses the term "usage" in reference to anything beyond initial exhibition since it is a term that more listeners may be familiar with working in commercial VO. Most nonunion animation contracts are structured as a full buyout.
Rachel's Website: https://www.rachelslotky.com
Socials: @RachelSlotky on Twitter and Instagram
GVAA Rate Guide: https://globalvoiceacademy.com/gvaa-rate-guide-2/
A good link/resource is the Coalition of Dubbing Actors website, specifically this is the link to the "standards" page which has great info! https://codaunite.com/industry-standards/
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Welcome to Making It To The Mic! I'm kicking off Season 3 with this official trailer.
Everyone has to start somewhere right? In voice over, there are so many places to start and paths to travel down. On this podcast I interview a variety of voice actors from different backgrounds about how they got their start. We focus on what it was like in the early days of their career, how they found their way in the voice over industry, and what steps they took to create the careers they have now.
Hosted by Stephanie Pam Roberts, a musical theatre actress turned voice actor who made it to the mic over 10 years ago. Stephanie built her career from the ground up working mostly from her home studio with jobs she booked on her own. Since then she’s grown her business and has voiced everything from national commercials to corporate projects to kids apps, and more!
Don't forget to follow and subscribe so you don't miss an episode!
Stephanie talks to David Toback, fellow voice actor and creator of the amazing resource the GVAA Rate Guide. This rate guide has become the gold standard for non union rates and should be bookmarked and referenced often! David shares the story of how the rate guide came to be, how to use it, and his thoughts on rates and negotiation in general.
GVAA Rate Guide: https://globalvoiceacademy.com/gvaa-rate-guide-2/
David's Socials: @davidtoback
David's Website: www.davidtoback.com
David's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidtoback
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Robert Graham, a manager who just started his own company called LG Talent Management. They talk about how things have changed when it comes to the role of a manager and how he's looking to bring change in the form of a positive work environment in his office and a positive and open relationship with his clients.
Robert's Website: https://www.lgtalentmanagement.com
Robert's Instagram: @lgtalentmanagement and @_robertgraham
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Paula Gammon Wilson, Owner/Director of Pepsqually VO and Sound Design, Inc. She is an award-winning Voice Over Performance Director, Casting Director, and Producer primarily focused on children's content. Stephanie and Paula take a deep dive into how to make your character auditions stand out, what it's like to work in dubbing internationally, and what she looks for in her actors.
-Paula's Website: https://www.pepsqually.com
- Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Pepsqually-VO-and-Sound-Design-1006880152697846
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Andrea Beane, co-founder and owner of the talent agency AB2. Andrea and her partner Angelina run all aspects of the agency and strive to be the agents they wish they had had. Stephanie and Andrea talk about script analysis, finding authenticity in your reads, finding human connection in the business and more.
Angelina's Episode: https://www.stephaniepamroberts.com/podcast/season-2-episode-3-angelina-bruno
AB2 Website: http://ab2talent.com
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Andrew Keltz, a speech language pathologist who specializes in voice and upper airway disorders. They discuss the importance of vocal health in general, when to seek help and who to see if you feel something is off, simple tips for staying healthy, and much more.
Eboni's episode from Season 1: https://www.stephaniepamroberts.com/podcast/episode-12-eboni-fondren
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Saul Blinkoff - Disney animator, producer, voice director, inspirational speaker, and podcast host! Saul shares the incredible story of his journey to becoming a Disney animator and they also talk about what it's like to be in the booth with some voice over greats.
Saul's Website: saulblinkoff.com
Saul's Instagram: @saul.blinkoff
Saul Blinkoff on FB and Clubhouse
Saul's Podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/life-of-awesome/id1546988218
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
Stephanie talks to Angelina Bruno, co-founder and owner of the talent agency AB2. Angelina and her partner Andrea aim to be the agents they wish they had. They talk about the actor/agent relationship, what she looks for when submitting talent to the casting director or client, and how specificity in your reads is the key to authenticity.
AB2 Website: http://ab2talent.com
Making It To The Mic Website: www.makingittothemic.com
Instagram: @stephaniepamrobertsvo
Email: stephanie@stephaniepamroberts.com
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