
  • *** Click here to figure out your Manifesting Superpower by taking my brand new quiz!!! *** Show Notes: Rebel CEO Podcast Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the Rebel CEO Podcast, host Breeanna Kay sits down with Kassidy Marie, a multifaceted entrepreneur, photographer, videographer, and professional business and life coach. The conversation unfolds around Kassidy’s unique concept of "Think Week," an intentional retreat designed to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of daily life to gain clarity and direction for both personal and professional growth. Kassidy's inspiring journey from a college basketball coach to a thriving entrepreneur serves as a backdrop for this insightful discussion.

    Throughout the episode, Kassidy elaborates on the profound impact Think Week has had on her life and business. Kassidy advocates the practice of taking regular breaks, emphasizing the importance of setting boundaries and listening to one’s inner voice. Her methodical approach in planning and reflection has led her to significant achievements, including doubling her income and acquiring a dream lake house. Coupled with personal anecdotes and actionable advice, this episode is beneficial for anyone looking to revitalize their career and personal life.

    Key Takeaways: Think Week Concept: Discover the power behind setting aside dedicated time for reflection, planning, and disconnecting from digital distractions. Setting Boundaries: Learn the importance of establishing firm boundaries and maintaining a disciplined approach to managing work and personal life. Strategic Planning: Understand how planning in quarters and setting specific goals can lead to substantial financial growth and personal achievements. Personal Growth: The benefits of spending time alone, focusing on personal empowerment, and listening to one's inner guidance to achieve clarity. Practical Advice for Implementation: Concrete tips on how to start small with Think Week and tailor the retreat to meet individual needs and preferences. Notable Quotes: "For me, what it looked like was my first one was essentially like booking an Airbnb somewhere I love to go. I just turned off my phone and any form of communication for an entire week." - Kassidy Marie "I really just took time to reflect on the year - what went well, what didn't go well, how can I be better? What do I want to change?" - Kassidy Marie "The point of the entire thing is to be bored. Like, you have to figure out, like, what is it in the bored that you're thinking and doing?" - Kassidy Marie "We rely so much on other people and their point of view and their opinions that we don't even know what it's like to listen to our own voice." - Kassidy Marie Resources: Kassidy Marie Co: Instagram Human Design Profiles: Get a free reading on Human Design Decoded (as mentioned by Breeanna). Desktop Wallpaper Organizers - FREE DOWNLOAD Airbnb Igloo in Iceland

    Dive into the full episode for a deeper exploration of how you can integrate the Think Week concept into your life, and stay tuned for more inspiring content from the Rebel CEO Podcast!

    About the Guest:

    Kassidy Marie is an entrepreneur based in Nashville, Tennessee. With a background that spans across photography and videography to life and business coaching, Kassidy blends creativity with strategic insight. She has been in the photography industry for five years and has history as a business and life coach for seven years. Kassidy is also a celebrated podcast co-host of Level the F**k Up and retreat organizer. She's been feature in publications such as People, The Knot, and Southern Weddings. She is known for her transformative coaching sessions and immersive retreats, including the Level Up retreats held internationally.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    REBEL CEO INSTAGRAM: @rebel.ceo.podcast

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com



    Click here to figure out your Manifesting Superpower by taking my brand new quiz!

    In this episode of the Rebel CEO podcast, host Breeanna Kay. sits down with business operations consultant Deb Mitzel to discuss the transformative power of Customer Relationship Management (CRM) systems for small businesses, particularly in creative fields like photography. Deb shares insights from her extensive career and personal journey, emphasizing the importance of integrating solid systems to ensure business success and client satisfaction.

    The conversation speaks on the practical benefits of CRMs, covering how they can streamline operations, save time, and enhance the client experience. Deb offers valuable advice on how to implement CRMs effectively, using her experience with tools like 17hats. This episode is an essential listen for creative entrepreneurs looking to balance their artistry with robust business practices, as well as anyone interested in optimizing their business operations through advanced technology.

    Key Takeaways: Understanding CRMs: A CRM (Customer Relationship Management) system is crucial for managing client interactions, streamlining business processes, and enhancing customer experiences. Automation Efficiency: Automation through CRMs doesn't depersonalize client interactions; instead, it allows for more personalized and timely communications. Workflow Integration: Establishing well-defined workflows within a CRM helps maintain consistency in client experiences and improves operational efficiency. Client Satisfaction: Consistent and proactive communication facilitated by CRMs leads to higher client satisfaction and better conversion rates. Diverse Applications: While discussed primarily in the context of photography, CRMs are beneficial for a wide range of service-based industries. Notable Quotes: "It's taking a client from the start to the finish of their journey with you and giving them the information they need in a way to give them the best experience." - Deb Mitzel "The person who gets [clients] the best information the quickest will have the best chance." - Deb Mitzel "You can really personalize even the automated parts of things." - Deb Mitzel "Having reminders to let them know where they need to be, when what they need to do…People really value that." - Deb Mitzel "My main mission is to help small business owners save time so they can live the life of their dreams." - Deb Mitzel About the Guest:

    Deb Mitzel is a seasoned professional with over 30 years of experience in the automotive industry. Transitioning into the role of a small business operations consultant for creative entrepreneurs, Deb combines her extensive business background with her personal passion for photography to help creative professionals streamline and scale their businesses. She is dedicated to optimizing workflows, implementing effective processes, and enhancing customer experiences, drawing from her background in business operations. Deb is also an ambassador for 17hats, a popular CRM tool.

    Resources: Book your free disovery call with Deb here!!!! Website Deb Mitzel Social Media: Instagram | Facebook CRM Tool: 17hats

    Tune into this episode for actionable insights and practical advice from seasoned professional Deb Mitzel. Stay tuned for more episodes of the Rebel CEO podcast to support your journey towards entrepreneurial success.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    REBEL CEO INSTAGRAM: @rebel.ceo.podcast

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/photographer-crm

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    In this episode, Breeanna is joined by the Rachel Traxler, a seasoned wedding photographer and business coach, who shares her proven strategies for turning inquiries into booked clients, even in a competitive field.

    Rachel dives into her unique "inquiry to income method," explaining crucial steps like customizing responses, understanding client needs, and creating dynamic proposals. For photographers facing a dip in bookings or anyone responding to inquiries, Rachel's expertise offers actionable advice to increase conversion rates and connect deeper with potential clients. Discover Rachel's secrets behind her success in transitioning from a full-time photographer to a thriving business coach while helping others achieve remarkable growth.

    Key Takeaways:

    Customize Your Responses: Personalize initial inquiry responses by identifying and addressing the client's core needs.

    Utilize a Five-Step Method: Rachel’s "inquiry to income method" includes lead generation, customized responses, phone calls, tailored proposals, and follow-up strategies.

    Analyze Client Needs: Understand client values by assessing their inquiry details to craft a genuinely engaging response.

    Dynamic Pricing: Employ dynamic pricing strategies based on demand, helping to maximize bookings during peak times.

    Brand Trust: Building a strong brand identity and trust is crucial for maintaining high conversion rates, especially if inquiries are dropping off.

    Notable Quotes:

    "When an inquiry comes into your inbox, figuring out how you want to customize your response to them that makes sense to them."

    "A mistake that I see a lot of people making is...thank you so much for reaching out. I'm so excited. Congrats on your engagement. I love this venue, or this venue's always been on my bucket list. Nothing about that stands out."

    "If you're responding to every single inquiry the same, I mean that's probably a good indicator of maybe why inquiries don't convert for you."

    "Once you get that inquiry, crafting your initial response to customize things and doing a phone call or whatever that next step process, I like to do phone calls."

    "The more you can customize things, the better. The more people feel a part of the process, the better."


    Rachel Traxler’s Instagram: @racheltraxler (Find all coaching, education methods, podcast, and YouTube channel)

    Gold Biz Podcast: Hosted by Rachel Traxler

    Rebel CEO Podcast: Hosted by Breeanna Kay

    Don't forget to subscribe for your weekly dose of entrepreneurial wisdom!

    About the Guest:

    Rachel Traxler is a wedding photographer based in Wisconsin, also known for her expertise as a photography business coach and podcaster for the Gold Biz Podcast. With a heart for serving the creative community, Rachel has coached thousands of photographers, empowering them to significantly increase their pricing, book high-paying clients, grow their teams, and run successful businesses. Her innovative methods and relatable coaching style have set her apart as a leading voice in the industry.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    REBEL CEO INSTAGRAM: @rebel.ceo.podcast

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/boostbookingrates

  • Episode Summary:

    This week, your host Breeanna Kay, talks with Renee Bowen, a highly experienced photographer turned life and business coach. Renee shares her journey from the world of photography to coaching, offering invaluable insights into overcoming limiting beliefs and achieving success as a creative entrepreneur. As someone deeply versed in the psychology of self-improvement, Renee talks about how she helps clients navigate both their professional and personal lives, integrating a blend of neuro-linguistic programming, hypnosis, and other advanced modalities.

    In this episode, Renee dives deep into the common challenges faced by women entrepreneurs, ranging from issues of self-worth to fear of visibility and overextending oneself. Using real-life examples, including a client who revolutionized her pricing strategy and mindset to find more business success, Renee highlights how critical it is to align one's life purpose with business goals. She also discusses practical techniques for reprogramming the unconscious mind to remove emotional and psychological barriers, providing actionable steps for listeners to implement immediately.

    Key Takeaways: Mindset Shifts Matter: Your beliefs about money and self-worth have powerful impacts on your business success. Holistic Coaching: Renee emphasizes a comprehensive approach, focusing on both life and business coaching to offer complete transformations. Unconscious Mind: Learn how to work with your unconscious mind to reframe limiting beliefs and achieve new levels of success. Custom Coaching: Every client is unique, requiring personalized strategies and processes to overcome specific challenges. Hypnosis for Change: Renee discusses the effectiveness of hypnosis in fast-tracking mental and emotional reprogramming. Notable Quotes: "We are going to find proof of whatever we're looking for. That's just how our brains work." – Renee Bowen "I can give you the tools, but if you're not willing to take the action and get your unconscious mind to work for you, it's going to be really hard." – Renee Bowen "When you're ready to ask why is this coming up, that's where the first sign of transformation happens." – Renee Bowen "Every single thing in our life is a mirror. When something shows up, it's a reflection back at us for a reason." – Renee Bowen "People don't buy what you do; they buy why you do it." – Renee Bowen Resources: Website: Renee Bowen Instagram: Renee Bowen on Instagram TikTok: Renee Bowen on TikTok Free Hypnosis Free Brand Audit Free Pricing Video Class About the Guest:

    Renee Bowen: Renee Bowen is a seasoned professional photographer with over two decades of experience specializing in luxury experiences for high school seniors and branding. Leveraging her background in psychology, she has transitioned into a successful life and business coach for photographers and creatives. Renee holds certifications in Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), brain training, neuroencoding, and hypnosis, making her uniquely equipped to assist her clients in achieving transformative results. Her coaching method blends proven strategies with cutting-edge brain science and metaphysical principles, aimed at helping individuals overcome professional and personal obstacles.

    To get the most out of this episode and explore the tools and techniques Renee Bowen shares, don't forget to listen all the way through. Stay tuned and be sure to subscribe to this show for more insightful conversations on the Rebel CEO podcast, where we bring you practical advice and inspiring stories to help you achieve your entrepreneurial dreams!

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    REBEL CEO INSTAGRAM: @rebel.ceo.podcast

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/business-life-coach


    Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the Rebel CEO podcast, host Breeanna Kay, an elopement photographer and videographer, talks with Hayley Fisk about the intersection of passion and profession. Hayley shares her journey from feeling like an outsider in the competitive, hustle-driven fashion industry to finding joy and fulfillment in product and beauty photography. The episode offers a profound exploration of navigating personal happiness in alignment with one's career.

    Hayley Fisk's narrative is a testament to the transformative outcome of embracing one's passions. She opens up about facing challenges such as being treated unfairly at work, confronting a male-dominated industry, and the anxiety and perfectionism that often accompany creative careers. Breeanna and Hayley discuss the importance of community support and the challenges and fears associated with pivoting a career path, even within an established business.

    Key Takeaways: The significance of pursuing a career driven by passion over one solely aimed at financial gain, as underscored by personal anecdotes. The evolving journey of a creative professional, including the importance of pivoting and adapting within one's career path. The impact of mindfulness practices, such as grounding meditation and intention setting, on personal and professional growth. The challenges faced by women in male-dominated industries and the importance of fair treatment and pay equity. Strategies for manifesting dreams and aspirations, including visualization exercises and reaching out to community members for support and guidance. Notable Quotes: "Whatever you choose to do with your career, do something you're passionate about, do something that you love. Don't do something just for the money." - Hayley "There's so much work out there that there's no reason for us to not have a community where we can support each other." - Hayley "Sometimes trusting the discomfort and just kind of surrendering to it and letting go of that control of, like, the how and the when and even the why." - Hayley About the Guest:

    Hayley Fisk is an accomplished commercial photographer based in Los Angeles, specializing in beauty and product photography with a focus on skincare and cosmetics. Celebrating over a decade in the photography industry, Hayley has worked with notable brands like Fenty Skin, Meaningful Beauty and Crepe Erase. Beyond photography, Hayley extends her expertise as a mindset coach through her venture, The Anxious Photog, where she mentors aspiring and established photographers in growing their careers. Her holistic approach to creative work emphasizes strategic, scroll-stopping imagery and upholds the significance of diversity, inclusion, and authentic beauty standards.

    Resources: Hayley Fisk Photography Instagram: @hayleyfiskphoto The Anxious Photog Website Download The Anxious Photog's Guide to Landing Dream Clients Freebie

    Tune into the full episode for more in-depth insights on aligning your career with your core values and the power of community support. Don't miss out on more empowering episodes from the Rebel CEO podcast, your informative guide to entrepreneurship with a heart.

    Download The Anxious Photog's Guide to Landing Dream Clients Freebie

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    REBEL CEO INSTAGRAM: @rebel.ceo.podcast

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/happiness-driven-career

  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the Rebel CEO podcast, host Breeanna speaks with Molly Ho as she takes us on a deep-dive into the world of Pinterest and its potential as a powerful business tool. The conversation pivots around Molly's professional insights into why Pinterest stands out from other platforms and how it could be the key to unlocking a wealth of traffic and engagement for passionate entrepreneurs.

    Molly Ho shares her journey into Pinterest marketing, dating back to 2018, when she first began to market her digital templates for photographers on the platform. The success she witnessed by achieving top-page rankings on Creative Market stemmed from her adoption of Pinterest, sparking her interest to develop a comprehensive Pinterest course. Throughout the episode, key SEO strategies, content scheduling, and analytics best practices are unpacked, providing listeners with actionable advice to enhance their presence on Pinterest.

    Key takeaways from the episode emphasize the significance of Pinterest as a long-term strategy, the importance of optimizing profiles with keyword research, and more. For creatives, especially photographers, Molly's expert tips on pinning strategies and board management could be paramount in transforming their marketing efforts.

    Key Takeaways: Pinterest as a Search Engine: Molly perceives Pinterest more like a search engine than a social platform, emphasizing the significance of SEO and keywords for successful marketing. Starting with Pinterest Marketing: For newcomers, Molly recommends setting up a business account, optimizing profiles, conducting comprehensive keyword research, and focusing on creating fresh content. The Long-Term Impact of Pinterest: Unlike other platforms, Pinterest works long term, indexing and driving traffic over extended periods, even when not actively managed. Vertical Pins and Clear Texts: The importance of pinning vertical images and ensuring texts on graphics are clear, as this increases the likelihood of capturing users' attention while scrolling. Seasonal and Advance Content Planning: Molly stresses the foresight needed for seasonal content, advocating for planning three to six months ahead for Pinterest indexing to catch up. Notable Quotes: "Even the years when I don't actively pin, I see Pinterest is still driving a lot of my traffic." - Molly "...my mind is always like, okay, what are people actually typing into the search bar." - Molly "Followers don't matter as much on Pinterest because people can find your content anyway without being a follower of your content." - Molly "I see so many names that don't include what they do." - Molly on optimizing Pinterest profiles for better discoverability. "I realized that the ones who have been on Pinterest and weren't consistently pinning in the past, but they perform better, faster than the ones who start completely new." - Molly on the advantage of having an established presence on Pinterest. Resources: Molly Ho's Website: mollyhostudio.com Molly Ho's Instagram: @mollyhostudio

    Tune into this episode of Rebel CEO podcast for insights from Molly Ho on mastering Pinterest and futureproofing your marketing efforts.

    About the Guest:

    Molly Ho is a marketing strategist and manager specializing in assisting service providers, course creators, coaches, and educators with their marketing needs. She has made remarkable strides in enhancing businesses through streamlined marketing, enabling them to concentrate on their core competencies. Her expertise in Pinterest marketing has not only led to significant revenue generation on Creative Market but also to the creation of a course dedicated to helping photographers and creative entrepreneurs leverage Pinterest for their business growth.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com


  • Episode Summary:

    Welcome to the latest episode where our host, Breeanna, charts an inspiring journey and shares the reason behind the podcast name change from Manifesting Photographer Podcast to Rebel CEO. With a refreshing blend of business savvy and spiritual insight, this episode offers listeners a treasure trove of actionable strategies to redefine success and step confidently into their entrepreneurial power.

    Breeanna details the pivotal shift from focusing solely on photography to embracing a broader entrepreneurial identity. She introduces captivating SEO techniques, client experience enhancements, and the unmissable power of networking to reinforce her encompassing theme of empowerment.

    Key Takeaways:

    Embrace your inner rebel to push boundaries and take control of your destiny beyond your initial professional focus.

    Transform your client experience with personalized service, exceeding expectations, and anticipating needs for lasting connections.

    Unlock your business's growth potential with smart SEO strategies and engaging meta descriptions.

    Build and nurture your email list as a direct line of communication and a valuable, long-term business asset.

    Networking is crucial and should transcend transactional interactions for deeper, meaningful entrepreneurial relationships.

    A resonant, consistent brand message and deep business purpose are essential for making a lasting impact and attracting your ideal audience.

    Notable Quotes:

    "Changing my podcast name to Rebel CEO felt like the perfect way to encompass what it is that I think this podcast has been about all along."

    "Crafting an unforgettable client experience is about going the extra mile to understand and meet your clients' needs."

    "SEO is a place where keywords and meta descriptions become your secret weapons in attracting kindred spirits."

    "Your email list is a valuable asset that you own and control."

    "By infusing your business with a purpose that evolves beyond profit margins, you leave a mark on your potential clients."

    Resources: Bree’s Social Media: @breeannakayphotography Breeanna Kay Photography's Website: breeannakay.com Flodesk (Email marketing service): https://flodesk.com/c/manifestingphotographer for a 50% discount on the first year subscription. Shownotes: breeannakay.com/6-business-tips

    Stay tuned for more valuable insights and tips that empower you to embrace your inner CEO and manifest your business' true potential.

    About the Host:

    Breeanna, or Bree, is not only the voice behind 'Rebel CEO' podcast but also a seasoned professional in the world of photography and videography. Bree makes her mark predominantly within the niche of small weddings. Based out of Roberts, Wisconsin, she has built a flourishing photography business over the course of nine years, with eight of those being full-time. Her journey from accounting to photography serves as an inspirational story for many looking to follow their passion. Alongside her photography work, Bree has extended her expertise into the realm of education, aiding other entrepreneurs, small business owners, and individuals seeking spiritual growth through their creative journeys.

  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the Manifesting Photographer Podcast, host Breeanna sits down with Emily Kim, a brand photography expert and business educator, to discuss the ins and outs of blogging for SEO. The conversation highlights Emily's journey from her roots as an Apple software engineer to developing her own flourishing brand photography business that thrives on Google leads and referrals. Listen in as Emily shares her strategic approach to content creation and her insights on utilizing blogging as a tool for long-term business growth.

    Emily discusses the significance of consistent blogging, the importance of strategic content placement on your website, and the power of storytelling in your posts. She emphasizes how she achieved top Google rankings by focusing on key phrases and blogging all her sessions. Furthermore, Emily provides actionable tips on how creative entrepreneurs can enhance their blogs, utilize Pinterest, and ensure their websites are primed for conversions.

    The pair explore various aspects of SEO and blogging, including Emily's top tips for impactful online presence. They dive into the importance of proper image sizing, strategically using keywords, and maintaining an up-to-date portfolio through blogging. This episode is packed with practical advice for both beginners and established creatives that aim to improve their SEO game.

    Key Takeaways: Blogging consistently with strategic content can lead to top Google rankings and generate leads through Google and referrals rather than social media algorithms. Including your service and location above the fold on your website, along with resizing images for faster load times, are crucial for SEO. By blogging every session, creatives can create an ever-evolving portfolio and provide endless content for SEO, social media, and newsletters. Storytelling in blog posts should focus on how the photographer addressed client goals rather than just sharing client stories. Designing your website for conversions is just as important as blogging for SEO – it must lead potential clients to take action. Notable Quotes: "I committed to once a week blog posts […] you really just have to start and get your blogs out into the world." "SEO stands for search engine optimization. […] all it means is how people find your website on Google." "I treat my blog like my ever-evolving portfolio. And if you're blogging all of your sessions, then you really have endless content." "The time of writing these beautiful novellas of your couple and their love story is really over." "What our ideal clients want to know is what did you, as the photographer, do for your clients?" Resources: Emily's Website Social media handle: @emilykim.co Free Facebook group for photographers: Profitable Creatives Free Website Audit Checklist

    Tune in to the full episode for an in-depth understanding of SEO-optimized blogging for photographers and creative business owners. Emily’s expertise can drastically change the way you approach your online presence and website traffic.

    About the Guest:

    Emily Kim is an ex-Apple software engineer turned creative business educator based in Boston, MA. Over the last five years, she’s built a multi-six figure brand photography & videography business.

    Now, Emily is combining her business expertise from her MBA, corporate experience at Apple, and her years of experience in photography to coach other photographers & creative business owners on how to build sustainable, profitable businesses.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/seo-photographers

  • Episode Summary:

    In this engaging episode, you get an inside look at part of a coaching call with guest Kate, to lay out a foundational plan that bridges business, photography, and spiritual growth. The conversation is a treasure trove for listeners wanting to leverage email marketing for their photography business, touching upon platforms, list-building strategies, and the importance of segmentation.

    After a brief introduction to Kate's background and preferences, including her inclination towards the Flodesk email marketing platform, Breeanna systematically breaks down the steps to kick-start an email marketing journey. She emphasizes the first crucial step – building an email list. Using organic social media reach and strategic promotions, Breeanna lays out methods for growing an engaged community.

    The conversation then shifts to nurturing new-found email subscribers. Breeanna outlines the importance of a well-structured nurture sequence—emails delivered in a specific cadence post-signup—to establish a rapport with the audience. This sequence, she argues, should inspire, educate, and entertain, ultimately moving subscribers through the know-like-trust process.

    Key Takeaways:

    Segmentation is Key: Differentiating your email lists into photographer clients and potential photography clients is essential for targeted marketing.

    Nurturing Leads to Conversion: Implementing a nurture sequence helps in converting subscribers into potential clients by building a relationship based on trust and value.

    Flodesk as a Platform: Flodesk is recommended for its aesthetic and user-friendly interface, making email marketing manageable and visually appealing.

    Diverse Acquisition Channels: Utilize various channels like social media, digital products, and collaborations to grow your email list effectively.

    Educate, Don’t Sell: The initial series of emails should not be sales-focused but should provide value to establish credibility and build a solid foundation for future sales.


    50% off Your First Year of Flodesk: Click here to get the discount!

    Katelyn Kristine Photography Website Katelyn Kristine Photography Instagram

    Engage with these insights and more by listening to the full episode of the "Manifesting Photographer Podcast." About the Guest:

    In this episode, the coaching call is with Kate, a rising talent in the realm of photography. Although she has not yet embarked on email marketing, Kate's background includes nonprofit work and a keen interest in photography-related business development. She's now looking into expanding her reach through email campaigns and is ready to dive into the marketing aspect of her craft.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/email-marketing

  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the Manifesting Photographer Podcast, host Breeanna dives into a conversation with Ali.

    Ali's journey from a photographer to a wedding venue owner is a testament to her entrepreneurial spirit and eye for opportunity. The openness with which she discusses the strategic and emotional considerations of her business expansions offers valuable insights. By intertwining personal anecdotes and professional advice, the show not only inspires aspiring photographers and entrepreneurs but also provides practical tips for navigating the complexities of business growth, investment, and vision realization.

    Key Takeaways:

    Ali emphasizes the importance of being flexible and open to pivoting one's business plans in response to changing circumstances.

    Starting a wedding venue presents unique challenges, including zoning issues and liquor laws, requiring diligent research and contingency planning.

    The aesthetics of a venue from a photographer's perspective can significantly impact the quality of the resulting event photography.

    Ali encourages couples to be intentional in their venue search, considering both the appearance and functionality of the space for their big day.

    Notable Quotes:

    "Along with that, just being prepared for plans to change and welcome the idea of pivoting."

    "I definitely want people to understand about our wedding venue; it's not just a barn venue. It is so much more."

    "Your venue sets the scene for your entire day, even your entire wedding, so it's important that you love the space, but that you also think about it in terms of your photos."

    "As you know, with starting a photography business, it's a lot of work in those first couple of years."


    Ali Lockery Photography: Follow Ali's photography business @alilockerykemp on Instagram.

    Salr and Stone: Discover more about Ali's wedding venue business with her husband Sam @selmerandstone on Instagram.

    A Space Studio: Check out the studio rental space co-owned by Ali @ASpaceMadison on Instagram.

    We encourage you to listen to the full episode for a deeper dive into Ali's journey and glean more profound insights into the melding of business acumen and creative passion. Stay tuned for more inspiring content from the Manifesting Photographer podcast, where business, photography, and spiritual growth meet.

    About the Guest:

    Ali, a multifaceted entrepreneur and business owner, brings a wealth of creativity and passion to her various roles. As a wife and new mother to Millie, she balances family life with her professional endeavors. She is the owner of Ally Locker Photography, specializing in weddings and motherhood photography. In addition, Ali co-owns a studio rental space in Madison, known as Space Studio, catering to creatives and offering a versatile setting for various events. Her latest enterprise, along with her husband, is Salr and Stone, an ambitious wedding venue project located in Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, that showcases her flair for unique and elevated event experiences.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/selmerandstone

  • Episode Summary:

    In this insightful episode of the Manifesting Photographer Podcast, host Breeanna sits down with past bride and now entrepreneur Hanna to discuss the journey from employee to full-time business owner. Listeners are treated to a behind-the-scenes look at Hanna's professional life, as she candidly shares the experiences that shaped her career trajectory.

    The core of the episode unfolds as Hanna opens up about her bold leap from a human resources position into the wedding and event planning industry, as well as running her own gifting company. Their conversation dives into the challenges and triumphs of building a business from the ground up, navigating pricing strategies, and coping with the infamous imposter syndrome. The episode brims with real-world advice, inspiring anecdotes, and the pivotal moments that led Hanna to reassess and align her business endeavors with her personal passions and goals.

    Key Takeaways: Starting a Business: Take the initiative to seek mentorship and community support, as it can be instrumental in navigating the early stages of entrepreneurship. Overcoming Imposter Syndrome: Embrace your unique qualities and ensure your business genuinely reflects your identity, rather than mirroring others’ actions. Scaling a Business: Quality should take precedence over quantity, and it's okay to scale back or re-evaluate services as the business evolves. Making Tough Decisions: It's vital to have a supportive network that encourages and reassures you when making big, life-changing decisions. Client Relations: Be selective with discounting services for portfolio-building, but make strategic choices that cultivate the future growth and direction of your business. Notable Quotes: "Community over competition is huge, and being able to have someone that you can kind of go to for all those questions really, really helped me get to where I am." "I always told myself that I wanted to wait to quit my full-time job until we had a house or until we felt more comfortable." "I started the business because I loved client gifting in my wedding planning business and that's what made me realize my true passion for gifting." "I booked my first five people that inquired with me, and I thought I was set… I really didn't have a ton of time to shadow other planners and see how they handled things on the wedding day, which is something I wish I would have done." Resources: Hanna Marie Events Website: hannamarievents.com (sign up for email list through the pop-up box for a free wedding checklist) Sage & River Gifting Website: sageandrivergifting.com (sign up for email list for a 15% discount on first order)

    Dive into the full episode for a dose of motivation and insightful discussions that shed light on the realities of leaving a secure job to pursue a dream in the entrepreneurial world. Stay tuned for more episodes that merge the worlds of art, business, and personal growth in such a resonating way.

    About the Guest:

    Hanna is an accomplished professional with a diverse career background. She served in the Army National Guard as a human resources specialist, nurtured a five-year tenure at Culver's, and completed a bachelor's degree in business management. Recently, she transitioned from her HR role to fully dedicate herself to her entrepreneurial endeavors. Hannah is the proud owner of Hannah Marie Events, a wedding planning company, and Sage and River Gifting, a curated gift box business. She's also a passionate dog mom and Taylor Swift fan, with a knack for decision-making and a people-pleasing persona.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/going-fulltime

  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the "Manifesting Photographer" podcast, host Breeanna engages with July, a past bride turned creative entrepreneur. July’s journey unfolds, revealing the transformation from a burnout engineer to a wedding industry innovator who found solace and balance in her creative outlet.

    July's narrative is inspiring as she speaks on the challenges of navigating a predominantly male industry and the pivotal moments of her professional development. She candidly discusses the societal expectations, parental skepticism, and the pervasive need to prove oneself in the field of engineering. Concurrently, July crafts a success story by overcoming these obstacles and harnessing her creative instincts in her avant-garde wedding content creation business, delivering behind-the-scenes magic that couples treasure.

    Key Takeaways: July's career trajectory showcases a transition from engineering to wedding content creation, seeking fulfillment outside of her day job. Embracing one's authenticity in the face of industry stereotypes, July pushes for representation of gender and race in STEM fields. The importance of finding a support system, like Engineering Gals, for women in engineering to navigate the challenges of entering a male-dominated space. July’s content creation business focuses on capturing intimate, behind-the-scenes moments of weddings that clients cherish shortly after their special day. The conversation sheds light on the reality and importance of diversity in STEM, debunking myths around hiring based on diversity quotas. Notable Quotes: "I truly believe that engineering is just fancy, expensive arts and crafts." – July speaks to the creative aspects of the engineering field. "I think you really have to be authentic to yourself and who you are." – July’s advice on pursuing a career in a field that may not align with societal norms. "Engineering Gals. It's not my page. I don't run it. It's a friend of mine. But there's a whole community of people out there that will post there and you can find other people to talk to so you're not alone in this." – July mentions a valuable resource for women in engineering. Resources: July’s personal Instagram: @julyfolzaye July’s wedding content creation Instagram: @PearlAndCoralStudio Engineering community on Instagram for support and motivation: @engineeringgals

    Tune in to the full episode to journey with July through her transformational story, that not only highlights the bold intersection of art and engineering but also offers a refreshing look at weddings through the lens of content creation. Subscribe and stay connected for more episodes that inspire growth, blend business savvy with creativity, and provide spiritual insights.

    About the Guest:

    July is a multifaceted professional straddling the worlds of engineering and creative entrepreneurship. With a foundational background in civil engineering earned in 2016 from the University of California, Irvine, she has varied industry experience ranging from CFL, automotive, to aerospace, where she currently excels as a data scientist. In parallel, July has established a niche within the wedding industry as a content creator, leveraging her passion for creative pursuits to forge a unique path that marries her engineering expertise with her artistic flair. Despite facing industry bias, July has proven to be a trailblazer—a testament to her resilience and skill.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/celebrating-differences

  • Episode Summary:

    Welcome to another engaging episode of the 'Manifesting Photographer' podcast with your host Breeanna as she dives into the rejuvenating concept of "New Girl Energy." In this solo episode, Breeanna shares personal insights on how to revitalize your business and spirit by recapturing the essence of that initial vibrancy and excitement one has when starting a new venture.

    From her small-town roots in Rice Lake, Wisconsin, to her bold pivot from accounting to photography, Breeanna walks thhrough her professional timeline, underscoring the transformative power of pursuing what one loves. She further speaks on the importance of maintaining that foundational "New Girl Energy" throughout your journey, candidly discussing the ebbs and flows of her own business and how she rekindled that initial spark. The episode is rich with practical tips framed around the cultivation of a growth-oriented mindset, leveraging creativity, and aligning with one's true passions and purpose, all meticulously interwoven with Breeanna's own narrative of rediscovery and reignition.

    Key Takeaways: "New Girl Energy" refers to the excitement, confidence, and curiosity in starting something new and can be a catalyst for growth at any stage in your business. Mindset shifts embracing abundance and a growth mindset can significantly impact one’s success and ability to overcome challenges. Understanding and aligning with one's passions and purpose provide direction and motivation, fostering a more fulfilling professional path. Taking bold steps and nurturing professional relationships can lead to new opportunities and personal growth within your industry. Notable Quotes: "New girl energy is that feeling of fresh excitement, confidence and curiosity that comes with starting something new." "When you're in a season where you want to grow, it's important to bring that new girl energy and not just sit around waiting for things to come to you." "Shift your perspective and embrace an abundance versus a lack mentality, everything changes." "By offering my services and creating collaborative opportunities, I found a win-win situation." Resources: Bree’s Social Media: @breeannakayphotography Breeanna Kay Photography's Website: breeannakay.com Picktime Collaboration Mention: (breeannakay.pic-time.com/referral) Free Ten-Day Romanticized Life Challenge: (breeannakay.com/10daychallenge)

    Immerse yourself in the full episode for a more comprehensive understanding of how to harness New Girl Energy in your own life and keep the creative fires burning. Stay tuned for more episodes from the 'Manifesting Photographer' podcast to inspire and guide your entrepreneurial journey and spiritual growth.

    About the Host:

    Breeanna, or Bree, is not only the voice behind the 'Manifesting Photographer Podcast' but also a seasoned professional in the world of photography and videography. Bree makes her mark predominantly within the niche of small weddings. Based out of Roberts, Wisconsin, she has built a flourishing photography business over the course of nine years, with eight of those being full-time. Her journey from accounting to photography serves as an inspirational story for many looking to follow their passion. Alongside her photography work, Bree has extended her expertise into the realm of education, aiding other entrepreneurs, small business owners, and individuals seeking spiritual growth through their creative journeys.

  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the Manifesting Photographer Podcast, Breeanna talks with Tarah Elise, a dynamic and passionate photographer and entrepreneur. Tarah shares her personal journey of discovery and growth in the creative business world, highlighting the pivotal moments that shaped her career and led her to empower other women through photography and education.

    Tarah dives into her transition from a diverse photography career toward focusing on areas that particularly resonate with her current stage of life, such as motherhood and women's branding photography. Furthermore, Tarah discusses 'The Purposeful Pivot,' where she applies her hard-earned knowledge and experience to guide other women in crafting and benefiting from passive income streams. Throughout the conversation, Tarah stresses the importance of pursuing one's own passions, staying true to oneself, and finding financial freedom and flexibility through innovative business models.

    Key Takeaways: Tarah emphasizes the importance of being passionate about your business endeavors as key to growing and achieving success. The episode explores Tarah's transition from wedding photography to her current focus on empowering women through various photography services and educational resources. Tarah talks about 'The Purposeful Pivot,' her initiative to help women create passive income by utilizing their expertise to create digital products. Despite severe health challenges during pregnancy, Tarah maintained her commitment to her clients while recognizing the need for passive income streams for a better work-life balance. You can start small with passive income and let it grow over time, regardless of the size of your audience or initial success. Notable Quotes: "The more you put into it, the more you can eventually make. As long as you're passionate about it, just do your thing." "There's always going to be somebody that's looking for exactly what you're putting out into the world, and that's important to remember." "I think it's the creative brain… I am constantly onto the next, onto the new idea, chasing passions, which can be a good and a bad thing." "You really are only going to go far if you can just stay in your lane, keep your head down, keep your blinders on, don't get so worried about what other people are doing, and just do what you feel called to do." Resources: Tarah's Instagram profiles: @tarahelisephoto and @thepurposefulpivot The freebie mentioned for starting passive income strategies: available through the link in @thepurposefulpivot Instagram bio

    Explore these insights and more by tuning into the full episode of the Manifesting Photographer Podcast. Stay connected and keep listening for more thought-provoking content and inspiration from creative professionals like Tarah Elise.

    About the Guest:

    Tarah Elise is a skilled photographer from the Mankato, Minnesota area where she also pursued her education and shined as a college basketball player. With over a decade of experience, Tarah has successfully built her business, initially focusing on seniors and weddings before venturing into boudoir photography. Following the birth of her son in 2021, she retired from wedding photography and rebranded as 'Woman by Tara Elise,' where her work is dedicated to empowering women through motherhood, boudoir, and branding photography. In addition to her photographic pursuits, Tarah has also founded 'The Purposeful Pivot,' a platform committed to helping women create passive income through digital products that align with their passions and expertise.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/passive-income

  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the Manifesting Photographer Podcast, host Breeanna welcomes Madi Simat, the founder of Simat Social Club, to share her journey of fostering a welcoming community through various events in the Minnesota region. This conversation dives into Madi’s personal shift from seeking inclusion to being the one providing opportunities for connection and social growth. The dialogue moves further to discuss the challenges and breakthroughs associated with building a social club, fighting social anxiety, and the profound importance of saying "yes" to new experiences.

    Madi details the ideation and mission behind Simat Social Club, emphasizing the transformative experience of overcoming social anxiety and stepping into new opportunities. The club aims to unite people, encouraging personal growth and collective well-being through enriching experiences and events that invite individuals to connect and network. Madi also shares her personal experiences and accomplishments, underscoring how her endeavors align with her faith and desire to meaningfully contribute to the community.

    Throughout the discussion, Madi offers actionable advice for finding and fostering community, impressing upon the value of authenticity, intentionality, and active participation in creating inclusive spaces. The episode wraps up by exploring Maddie's future aspirations for the club, touching upon plans such as the anticipated "hot girl walk club" and Bible study groups, inviting everyone to partake in these inclusive, judgment-free gatherings.

    Key Takeaways: Madi Simat details her personal growth and how she shifted her focus from being invited to creating her own community through Simat Social Club. She emphasizes the club's mission to facilitate connection, socialization, and enriching experiences for personal and collective growth. Madi shares the profound impact of saying "yes" to opportunities and how it can open doors and lead to overcoming personal challenges like social anxiety. The conversation offers practical advice for those seeking community and how to take leadership in building relationships and inclusive spaces. Simat Social Club is evolving and invites the local community to get involved in future events, fostering a space where everyone is welcome and feels seen. Notable Quotes: "Instead, I changed the mindset into I'm going to be the one to ask others to do things. I'm going to be the one to create that community." "Life is better when you enjoy what you do." "Everyone deserves community and everyone struggles with it at one point in their life, and I want to be and create a space where they can come and just feel all the love." "Creating a place that doesn't feel fake. Everyone is just genuine." Resources: Simat Social Club Instagram: @simatsocialclub Madi's personal Instagram: @madisimat

    Listen to the full episode to hear Madi dive deeper into her inspiring journey and the transformative power of community and self-belief.

    About the Guest:

    Madi Simat is an inspiring figure based in the Twin Cities, Minnesota area who is actively creating a vibrant community through her innovative initiative, the Simat Social Club. Beyond her entrepreneurial endeavors in building community through hosted events and workshops, Madi has also pursued a degree in digital marketing at Concordia St. Paul, and part-time study in cosmetology. Besides academics, she works as a part-time nanny and models alongside her husband, underlining her multifaceted talents and commitment to numerous personal interests.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/creating-community

  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the Manifesting Photographer podcast, host Breeanna is joined by Cassidy, a past wedding client and skilled therapist, for a conversation on mental health and entrepreneurship. We dive into the challenges faced by creative business owners, specifically photographers, and the significance of setting boundaries to avoid burnout. This discussion is not just about coping with the saturated influx of mental health content on social media platforms but also about integrating holistic approaches to wellbeing into one's personal and professional life.

    Cassidy brings to light the nuanced struggles creatives face, from hustling in a post-COVID era to the intricacies of client relations and appointment cancellations. She offers practical advice on boundary setting and discusses how re-aligning entrepreneurial pursuits with personal values can rekindle passion and prevent burnout. The episode continues to unpack the importance of routine check-ins on personal goals and introduces Cassidy's upcoming workbook designed to reconnect individuals with their personal values to achieve success.

    Key Takeaways: Mental health challenges have been exacerbated post-COVID, with individuals finding it hard to distinguish work-life boundaries. Cassidy specializes in treating drug and alcohol addiction, recovery, and "hustle anxiety," catering to a core demographic ranging from the ages of 20-35. The episode emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries in creative businesses and provides strategies to manage client expectations and avoid burnout. Cassidy introduces her upcoming workbook, which facilitates goal setting aligned with personal values and encourages periodic self-reflection. Incorporating holistic self-care practices including diet, exercise, and nature immersion can significantly impact mental health and contentment. Notable Quotes: "Boundaries are meant for us to use to protect our energy, our space, and our values." "We don't achieve the goals and intentions we set out to do when they're not connected to what our values are right now." "We are accountability humans. We just do best when either we're being competitive with the person next to us or competitive with ourselves." "Ultimately the business is the representation of where we're at personally as much as it is professional." Resources: Minnesota Clinic for Health and Wellness website Cassidy's Instagram: @hot.dish.topics Money Abundance Journal by Breeanna

    Listen to the full episode to gain more insights from Cassidy, whose experience and passion for holistic mental health practices truly resonate in today's hustle-driven world. Stay tuned for more empowering content from the Manifesting Photographer podcast.

    About the Guest:

    Cassidy is a licensed professional clinical counselor (LPCC) and licensed alcohol and drug counselor (LADC) with a demonstrated commitment to holistic mental health. She currently practices as an independent contractor at a clinic in New Brighton, within the Twin Cities area, where a variety of services ranging from talk therapy to acupuncture is offered. With nine years of clinical experience, Cassidy specializes in drug and alcohol addiction and recovery, as well as treating individuals struggling with "hustle anxiety," including people-pleasers, go-getters, and perfectionists. Additionally, she has a specific focus on the age group of 20 to 35.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com


  • Episode Summary:

    In this podcast episode, Breeanna welcomes Kelly, an accomplished photographer and filmmaker, to discuss the richness of the photography industry and the growth opportunities for emerging photographers. Opening with Kelly's thoughts on abandoning the scarcity mindset, the conversation dives deep into actionable advice for individuals seeking to establish themselves in the competitive but abundant field of wedding photography.

    Kelly shares her experiences of transitioning to full-time photography, emphasizing the value of mentorships and workshops. She delves into how fostering connections with industry leaders and harnessing a sense of community over competition can significantly influence a photographer's journey. The conversation then shifts towards the collaborative nature of working with second shooters and how one can approach these relationships for mutual growth and client satisfaction.

    On the business side, Kelly reflects on the importance of setting goals and overcoming the fear and scarcity mindset. Breeanna and Kelly discuss the psychological strategies behind goal setting and the impact of a supportive network. The entrepreneurial spirit threaded throughout Kelly's narrative is a testament to the evolving mindset towards abundance and mutual success in a creative career.

    Key Takeaways: Adopt an abundance mindset in the wedding photography industry as there is ample work for everyone. Investing in mentorships and workshops is crucial for growth and connecting with industry leaders. Effective networking and considering peers as inspiration rather than competition fosters both personal and professional development. Preparing extensively and mastering one's craft are vital in combating imposter syndrome and positioning oneself as an expert. Setting clear, written goals and regularly reviewing them significantly increases the likelihood of achieving them. Notable Quotes: "Success flows where your energy and focus go." "I want to find someone who I would invest in them, and then in turn, they would invest in me." "The best way to fight imposter syndrome and fear and scarcity mindset is with extensive preparation." "When you put in the hours for education…you feel more prepared, you show up more abundantly." Resources: Kelly's Insta: @kellymour__ Kelly’s website: kellymour.com About the Guest:

    Kelly is a seasoned photographer and filmmaker with a specialty in luxury destination weddings. Having entered the photography and wedding industry approximately four years ago, Kelly has now spent a year and a half fully immersed in full-time photography. Her background includes nearly a decade in the corporate world with experience as an event planner in New York City and work that required extensive travel and adaptability to dynamic situations. Inspired by her own wedding experience and the exemplary work of her photographers, Kelly shifted her career path to pursue her passion, creating inspiring and breathtaking visual stories for couples around the world.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/scarcity-mindset

  • Episode Summary:

    In this heartfelt episode of the "Manifesting Photographer Podcast," host Breeanna delves deep into the delicate topic of grief and loss, a theme that has greatly influenced her life. She sets the stage for a candid and intimate discussion, inviting listeners to explore the nuances of mourning and the journey towards healing. Breeanna bravely shares her own confrontation with grief, recounting the losses that have shaped her, most notably the traumatic event of losing her sister Audra in 2019.

    Breeanna provides a recollection of her family's losses and how she navigated them inadequately at times. With a profound understanding gained through her sister's passing, she offers insights into healthier approaches to handling loss, including allowing oneself time for reflection, participation in rituals and traditions, and the importance of honoring loved ones in ways that promote continued personal growth. She also addresses listeners who might be in a supporting role, offering guidance on how to be there for someone experiencing the pain of loss.

    Key Takeaways: Embracing the Grief Journey: Breeanna shares her transformative personal experiences with loss, starting with family tragedies in her youth and culminating in the life-altering event of her sister's untimely death. Honoring Loved Ones: Creative ways of remembering and celebrating the lives of those who've passed, such as continuing birthday rituals and integrating remembrances into life's milestones. The Navigating Process: Learning to maintain a balance between honoring past relationships and living in the present without being held back by grief. Supporting Others in Grief: Insights into how to be a supportive friend to someone who is grieving, emphasizing the need to let those affected by loss steer their healing process. Personal Growth: Understanding that the best tribute to lost loved ones is to live to one's fullest potential, even amidst deeply felt absences. Notable Quotes: "The best way you could have honored my life was to fully live yours." "I chose to keep some memories for myself." "The best way you could have honored me, now that you'd seen how easily life can be taken away, was to choose to truly live, to learn what it means to feel alive." "They want you to be happy. And if they can truly see what you're doing down here, aren't you going to honor them better by being the best human and the best person that you can be?" About the Host:

    In this episode, Breeanna shares her personal and profound experiences by sharing an story of loss from her personal life. Breeanna is not just the host of the "Manifesting Photographer Podcast," but she also brings her personal journey of navigating grief and finding healing into the spotlight. Breeanna is a wedding photographer with a passion for business, photography, and spiritual growth.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com

    MANIFESTING PHOTOGRAPHER PODCAST SHOWNOTES: breeannakay.com/navigating-grief

  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode of the Manifesting Photographer podcast, Aleece Rose shares her journey from the fast-paced wedding industry to the world of functional health and wellness. Breeanna, the host, creates a personal narrative that engages listeners as Aleece unpacks the consequences of our culture's obsession with quick fixes and the importance of understanding our body's intricate hormone cycles.

    Diving into the effects of stress and hormones on individuals, especially those in the creative industry, Aleece and Breeanna discuss common health issues, such as the 'wedding hangover,' a term that encapsulates the intense physical and emotional exhaustion experienced after working at weddings. Aleece emphasizes the significance of addressing underlying causes rather than just symptoms, revealing her transformative health journey through functional medicine and advocating for its benefits over conventional approaches.

    Key Takeaways: Functional medicine focuses on finding the root cause of health issues, whereas western medicine often targets the symptoms. Aleece's approach involves a holistic consideration of nutrition, stress reduction, detoxification, and supplementation. Lifestyle changes such as managing stress and having proper nutrition, particularly during event days, can significantly improve health outcomes and reduce the occurrence of the 'wedding hangover'. Understanding hormone cycles and syncing one's business and creative efforts to these cycles, a process called "cycle syncing," can boost productivity and well-being. Aleece offers a 30-day hormone reset calendar and a guide for those transitioning off of birth control, providing valuable resources for individuals looking to rebalance and improve their health naturally. Aleece’s story is a testament to the potential of personalized functional health programs, as she overcame her health struggles by identifying and addressing the deeper issues within her body over time. Notable Quotes: "We are the culture of instant gratification, instant everything… I had to really step back and put myself in check that I spent ten to 15 years getting my body in this particular awful state." "The functional world is going back. Right. We're trying to find the why behind the issue where the original malfunction started." About the Guest:

    Aleece Rose is an entrepreneur and the CEO and founder of Health Designed, a company that she started with her husband, who is a physician assistant. With a background in the wedding industry, Aleece pivoted towards healing and wellbeing after encountering her own significant health challenges. As a functional practitioner, she now dedicates her time to offering personalized, one-on-one health programs to address clients' health concerns through functional labs, programs, and supplements.

    Resources: Health Designed Company Website: healthdesigned.co Aleece Rose’s Instagram: @lifebyaleece

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com


  • Episode Summary:

    In this episode, host Bree interviews Andi Alleman, the founder of Oui We Studio and a believer in intuitive business strategy and manifestation. Andi shares her journey from working in the beauty industry to starting her own education company and building a clean beauty brand. She explains the concept of manifestation and how it can help both as a human and as a business owner. Andi provides practical tips for practicing manifestation, such as making detailed lists and surrounding yourself with people who expand your thinking. She also discusses the importance of releasing and shares a fire ritual for letting go of limiting beliefs.

    Key Takeaways: Manifestation is the process of aligning your thoughts, actions, dreams, and feelings to attract new possibilities and create the life you desire. Practicing manifestation can help you unblock subconscious limiting beliefs and create new neural pathways for success. Making detailed lists of what you want to manifest and what you want to release is a simple yet powerful practice. Surrounding yourself with people who expand your thinking and inspire you can help you believe in what's possible and attract new opportunities. Practicing rituals, such as fire rituals, can be a powerful way to release limiting beliefs and create space for new manifestations. Notable Quotes: "Manifestation is when something shows up in your life that you're able to really embody in a way that perhaps you weren't necessarily thinking of before." - Andi Allimon "When your thoughts, your actions, your dreams, your feelings begin to align in a new way, you may begin to attract new things into your life." - Andi Allimon "In order to grow your business in a way that you can feel really aligned to, you've got to be in that manifestation mindset and do that inner work." - Andi Allimon "Make a list and get really detailed about it. Put your big dreams on there and also the small things that would bring you joy." - Andi Allimon "Get around people that expand your thinking, that inspire you, that make you believe that if they can have this life, why can't you?" - Andi Allimon Resources: Oui We Studio Andi on Instagram The Unschool by Andi Alleman Podcast Andi's 8 Step Guide to Manifestation Magic Bree's Free Printable Money Abundance Journal

    Listen to the full episode to gain valuable insights into manifestation, intuitive business strategy, and practical tips for incorporating these practices into your life and business.

    About the Guest(s):

    Andi Alleman is the founder of Oui We Studio, an education company that focuses on infusing intuitive thinking and strategy into business and personal development. With a background in the beauty industry, Andi has extensive experience in sales, education, marketing, and branding. She is also in the process of building her own clean beauty brand called Casa Noon. Andi is passionate about helping others build businesses they are excited about and believes in the power of manifestation and intuition in achieving success.

    BREEANNA KAY'S INSTAGRAM: @breeannakayphotography

    BREEANNA KAY'S WEBSITE: breeannakay.com