The time comes when you have to take off your kiddy pants and put on a big pair of Dad Pants.
This is a show for dads to celebrate dad things, and to try and be the most daddy dads we can.
FOLLOW THE DAD-PANTS SOCIALS - Search for us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.
Hosted by:
Stuart Buckland
The Pants Panel:
Matt Barry
Rich Ellis
Ben Wiggins
Produced and edited by Stuart Buckland.
This is an Angry Chimp podcast.
Artwork by Just Dandy
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Nuestro propósito es mirar la maternidad desde todos los ángulos, descubriendo el lado A y lado B, transitando en episodios todos los aspectos que pueden estar rodeando éste tiempo de gestar y criar, mirando las luces y las sombras, entendiendo que esta transformación puede empezar instantáneamente o no, y que puede durar toda la vida.
Voice actress Manami Tanaka, who holds EIKEN Grade 1, presents the program called "Let's look overseas through English!"
We'll read English e-mails and introduce English idioms that you can use tomorrow.We are looking for “e-mails written in English" from our listeners.
Even if you don't understand English, you can use a translation site!
Please feel free to send them to us.*Please send them to us using the mail form on the Channel "Manami Tanaka The world is your oyster".*We may use your email in this program.
Manami Tanaka The world is your oyster Web Site
※メールは、ニコニコチャンネル『田中真奈美 The world is your oyster』のメールフォームからお送りください。
※いただいたメールは、ニコニコチャンネル『田中真奈美 The world is your oyster』でも紹介させていただきます。あらかじめご了承ください。
ニコニコチャンネル『田中真奈美 The world is your oyster』番組サイト -
I am a Certified Life Coach who helps moms embrace the relief that comes from finding emotional freedom around your child’s future. I have had a child die, I have a child who lives with anxiety, and I have a child who lives with a life-threatening allergy.
I used to go at facing this all alone. Until I found a life coach who would help me process all of the fear I was having about my children’s futures. I got certified so I can help YOU.
I know the worry.
I know the fear.
I know the stress that feels like it will never end.
I know the sleepless nights where worst case scenarios run over and over in your brain. Not just about your child’s survival, but also about just simply making it through tomorrow. I know the strain it can put on a marriage and relationships in your life.
I’ve felt the crippling anxiety waiting for the doctor to give me life-altering news.
I know the pain of sitting in the back of an ambulance with my child in anaphylaxis.
I know the aching need to help your child who can’t breathe due to their anxiety of stepping out of the car.
I know how you feel. I have been able to process these fears and figure out REAL steps forward for me and my children. Yes, my children as well. The tools I continue to learn and teach them have helped my son with anxiety finally stay in the classroom when he is taking a test. I have learned how to teach my other son with a life threatening allergy to stay calm when he is faced with his allergen, and stand strong when he is the only one at an event NOT eating the dessert. I have used these tools to process losing my first son, and look back on the woman who went through that with so much respect and love.
We have each found real steps that are propelling us towards a better future. There will come a day when you don't spend every moment in fight mode, ready to run away and hide from the next problem. There will come a day when you can Embrace Relief. Join me on this journey to embrace the relief that comes from finding emotional freedom around your child’s future-and your own. -
Mi nombre es Gabriel F. Federico, Lic. en Musicoterapia y especialista en el método Bick de observación de lactantes, trabajo hace 30 años acompañando embarazadas y familias con bebés y niños con desafíos en su desarrollo, y te invito a conocer mi podcast “Caminos de Crianza”. Aquí recorro distintos temas relacionados con el embarazo, el nacimiento, el puerperio, la mater-paternidad, la crianza, los tratamientos y la educación de los niños y las niñas en diferentes contextos. También hablo de inclusión, de discapacidad, de prevención de accidentes, de mi profesión la musicoterapia aplicada, el desarrollo de la sexualidad en la niñez, la evolución del concepto de infancia a lo largo de la historia y muchas otros temas más. Comparto charlas con profesionales de la salud, de la educación y de otras disciplinas que aportan sus miradas respecto a las infancias actuales. Si te interesa profundizar en estos temas porque estás por convertirte en mamá o papá, si te estás formando para ayudar a otros, si sentís que la crianza te representa un desafío, si sos un/a profesional que quiere adquirir herramientas nuevas o conocer puntos de vista diferentes, podés visitar mi página web o seguirme en mis redes sociales donde me encontrarás como @GabrielFFederico (Instagram y Facebook). Esto lo hago con muchísima pasión y un placer enorme porque amo la infancia y estoy convencido de que conocer nuestro pasado y presente nos permite proyectar un futuro mejor.Para poder continuar este proyecto puedes colaborar [](
بودكاست “حكايات ماما روزا” هو مغامرة ساحرة ومبتكرة للأطفال تجمع بين التعليم والتسلية في قالب مشوق ومرح، يقدم هذا البودكاست مجموعة من القصص الملهمة والتعليمية للصغار، مع التركيز على قيم مثل الصداقة، الحب، والمغامرة، مع تنوع القصص والمواضيع التي تلامس قلوب الأطفال وتشعل خيالهم الواسع، يعزز “حكايات ماما روزا” التفاعل بين الأطفال والقصص، مما يعمل على تنمية مهارات الاستماع والتخيل لديهم.
يأخذكم بودكاست “حكايات ماما روزا” في رحلة مليئة بالمفاجآت والمغامرات الشيقة، حيث يقدم تجارب تعليمية مستندة على قصص واقعية وخيالية تساعد الأطفال على التعرف على العالم من حولهم، يشجع هذا البودكاست الأطفال على التفكير الإبداعي والتعبير عن أنفسهم من خلال تفاعلهم مع القصص الملونة والأصوات الجذابة.
لا تفوتوا فرصة الاستمتاع لحكايات ماما روزا، واستعدوا لتجربة تعليمية ترفيهية فريدة من نوعها ستجعل أطفالكم ينتظرون بشوق كل حلقة جديدة!
من إعداد وفاء أبو حمودة وتقديم ضحى عبيدات وهديل القضاة تحت إشراف وتدريب عبيدة فرج الله ومن إنتاج راديو النجاح الذي يضمن جودة عالية للبودكاست وتقديم معلومات دقيقة وموثوقة.
تابعونا على إنستغرام
تابعونا على تويتر
تابعونا على فيسبوك
تابعونا على ساوند كلاود
إدعمونا على BuyMeaCoffee -
Designed to modern day Mamas, discussing the evolving consciousness around parenthood
Tipo raro de epilepsia
Un espacio para compartir experiencias de vida entre las mujeres que inician o continúan la aventura de ser mamás.
Hay temas que son difíciles de abordar con los hijos y Dar el Primer Paso es una propuesta del Colegio Inglés para comenzar esas conversaciones. A través de entrevistas con especialistas de distintas áreas, se compartirá información de actualidad que facilite el diálogo y la apertura entre jóvenes y adultos.
We have kids and it’s like we’re expected to know what to do or want not to do with a different kid in a whole different world. Aaron White has spent over 21 years working with children and their parents to help them solve various problems from toddlers having tantrums to teenagers being violent in the home. Aaron White gives parents practical tips for when their kids start talking... back.
Listen, as Aaron shares his silly stories and down-to-earth tips to help in this crazy world of parenting -
Welcome to The Confident Parent podcast where we discuss how to escape the burnout cycle and survival mode.
I teach you how to build a baseline of regulation in a way that makes sense and finally understand how to work with your nervous system.
Let's talk about the beauty and hardships of motherhood. It's time to take responsibility and start creating better daily habits to combat the never-ending stimulation that comes with parenting.
As an experienced occupational therapist and coach, I guide women on a journey using a holistic approach, addressing all parts of ourselves—even the unconscious parts we try to ignore.
Pola RetRadio - nia komuna lingvomedio
El podcast de Formula Groups. Donde hablamos de Marketing para emprendedores, pequeños y medianos negocios y siempre de forma popular. No va a ser apto para sensibles ni para estructurados eruditos del Marketing porong4.
طمأنينة على شكل موجات صوتية تهطل بالكلمات الدافئة على النفوس المرهقة والأرواح المجهدة -
Dog Stuff! Brought to you by two friends who are veterans in the industry. Stick around, we'll teach you some sh!t.
بودكاست انرلايت | Inner Light
من تقديم نوف حكيم ونور عزوني، يطرح مواضيع متعددة الأبعاد تخاطب العقل، الروح، الجسد والمشاعر بعيداً عن التكلف والمثالية، واضعاً في عين الاعتبار التركيبة الفريدة للمجتمع العربي والخليجي.
نساعدك خطوة بخطوة، تعيش حياة أوسع… -
Sparkids en conjunto con Appleboy Productions y PHD. Susana Pérez Barrera crearon un ciclo de podcast brindando informacion acerca de niños con altas habilidades/superdotación y sus familias que hasta hoy no tenían un lugar de referencia en el cual encontrar las herramientas necesarias para formar parte del sistema social y educativo.
Eric Payne, a divorced dad and retired marriage & fatherhood blogger, tells the comedic tale of his "Chapter 2" — having to start life over brand new after a divorce he didn't want.
What Does Starting Over Mean?
Although "free” for the first time in 15 years, Eric has years of baggage and a stubborn desire to hold on to the past which initially keeps him stuck as he tries to move in a world way different than the one where he first met his ex-wife in the year 2000. From one-night stands to ghosting to online dating, to mental anguish and heartbreak to the self-care that is required of a 40+, divorced Black man and father in America, Eric tackles it all with fearless transparency, vulnerability, and a refreshing sense of humor — especially when it comes to making fun of himself.
It's transparent, it’s raw, it’s funny, it’s messy, and it’s hopeful, but most of all it’s proof that second chances do in fact exist for us when life doesn’t go as planned. Tune in for the exploits, especially the failures — there are plenty along the way on his journey of trying to find love again and discovering himself in the process.