To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Annual: a plant that typically lives for a year or less
Biennial: a plant that typically lives for two years
Perennial: a plant that typically lives for multiple years
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Direct transmission: occurs when a pathogen is transmitted to a new host by physical or close contact
Virulence: the degree of damage a pathogen causes its host
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Migration: The seasonal movement of a population of animals from one area to another.
Prevailing winds: Winds in a particular area that blow in a particular direction.
Thermal: An upward current of warm air.
Lift: A force that counteracts the weight of an object and holds it in the air.
Flyway: A route regularly used by lots of migrating birds.
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Act of God: A natural disaster that is outside of human influence or control, such that no one will be held responsible for the resulting damages.
Reasonable precautions: The ordinary or usual precautions that a person would take to prevent damage from a natural disaster.
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Domesticated animal: a species of animal bred by humans over generations to become nonreactive and gain characteristics suitable for life as a farm animal or pet
Tame animal: an individual animal raised in a way that it has become less dangerous and frightened of people
Feral animal: an animal that escapes from captivity or domestication (& regains some similar & some different characteristics compared to its pre-domesticated state)
"Fight or flight": an instinctive physiological response to a threatening situation that readies a creature to either to resist forcibly or escape
Limbic system: the brain’s “panic button” - a system of nerves and networks near the bottom of the cortex that controls basic emotions (e.g. fear, pleasure, anger) and drives (e.g. hunger, sex, dominance)
Telencephalon: the most developed and anterior part of the forebrain, consisting chiefly of the cerebral hemispheres, and the brain region that shrinks most in domesticated animals
Domestication: a sustained multigenerational, mutualistic relationship in which one species (e.g. humans) assumes a significant degree of influence over the reproduction and care of another species (e.g. cows) in order to secure a more predictable supply of a resource of interest (e.g. milk/meat/traction), and through which the domesticated organisms gain advantage over individuals that remain outside this relationship (e.g. aurochs, which went extinct), thereby benefitting and often increasing the fitness of both species involved
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Spiracles: External respiratory openings on insects
Carboniferous Period: The time period from 359-299 million years ago when the Earth’s oxygen levels increased rapidly.
Square-Cube Law: A mathematical principle that describes the relationship between area and volume.
Buoyancy: An upward force exerted by a fluid that opposes the weight of an immersed object.
Phytoplankton: Microscopic plants eaten by krill and other zooplankton.
Baleen: A filter-feeding system inside the mouth of some whales.
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Sex chromosome: A chromosome involved in determining the sex of an individual.
Cloaca: A posterior orifice that serves as the only exit for the gastrointestinal, urinary and genital tracts.
Mutation: An alteration in the DNA sequence that makes up a gene.
Sexually-selected Trait: A trait based on a mutation that confers a reproductive advantage.
BMP4: A protein whose presence halts the growth of bird penises in the egg.
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Bioprospecting: the systematic search for and development of new sources of chemical compounds, genes, micro-organisms, macro-organisms, and other valuable products from nature.
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Pseudopenis: a structure that resembles a penis but is developmentally (and functionally) different
Masculinization: the process by which female genitalia is made to appear more like male genitalia
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Annual plant: living for a year or less, perpetuating itself by seed
Perennial plant: living for several years
Polyculture: the simultaneous cultivation or exploitation of several crops or kinds of animals
Natural systems agriculture: cropping systems based on processes found in nature
Agroforestry: land use management that combines the cultivation of trees/shrubs with crops/pasture to create more productive and sustainable land-use systems
Alley cropping: planting agricultural crops between rows of trees or shrubs
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MinuteEarth is produced by Neptune Studios LLC
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Moon: a natural satellite of a satellite of a star.
Satellite: A celestial body orbiting a larger celestial body.
Orbit: The path followed by one object revolving around another object under the influence of gravity.
Barycenter: The center of mass that two or more bodies orbit around.
Binary System: A system in which two similarly sized object orbit the same barycenter.
Hydrostatic equilibrium: Roundness that occurs when gravity is balanced by a pressure gradient force.
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Inverted relief: a topographic feature, such as an old riverbed, that has reversed its elevation relative to other features.
Duricrust: a hard mineral crust formed at or near the surface of soil in semiarid regions by the evaporation of groundwater.
Geomorphology: the study of the physical features of the surface of the earth and their relation to its geological structures.
Exhumed paleochannel: a remnant of an inactive river or stream channel that has been either filled or buried by younger sediment, and then subsequently uncovered by erosion.
Erosion: the action of surface processes, including wind and water, that move dirt and rock from their original location to some other place.
Capillary action: the tendency of a liquid in a capillary tube or absorbent material to rise or fall as a result of surface tension.
Mineral precipitation: when dissolved compounds in a solution bond together to form a solid (a simple example is how dissolved sodium and chloride ions come together to form salt as water evaporates)
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To learn more about this topic, start your googling with these keywords:
Solar window: a window that functions like an ordinary window but also generates power like a solar panel
Nanoparticle (also called nanopowder or nanocluster or nanocrystal): a microscopic particle with at least one dimension less than 100 nm. These tiny objects often have characteristics that differ from larger versions of the same material.
Quantum dots (QD): tiny nanoparticles of some kind of semiconducting material, only several nanometers in size, so small that their optical and electronic properties differ from those of larger particles. The QDs embedded in solar windows can absorb radiation largely in short wavelengths and re-emit in longer wavelengths; useful for capturing solar energy and successfully transferring it to the solar cells on the edges of the pane.
Total internal reflection: a phenomenon in which a wave hits a medium boundary at such an angle that it doesn't pass through to the other side
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