Join us on this spooky tale brought to us by our friends at Scary Stories for Creepy Kids! https://open.spotify.com/show/0zgH2UDxYspvIQOF58VL0P?si=A6QDzQRRQxG5jI7uwafxzg ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Ever wish you could magically go somewhere in an instant? ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Have you ever felt like a superhero? Have you ever saved the day? ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Bubba just learned how to swim and so he gets to visit the aquarium and meet new friends! ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Mister Matt provides an update on past episodes ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Join us in calming down our bodies while learning some cool giraffe facts! ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Join us for this throwback to from 2022! Camping can be quite the adventure! ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
My family and I took a trip to the National Zoo in Washington DC - come join us as we explore and learn about different animals, and even hear some BIG CAT ROARS!! ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Bubba has never met a dinosaur before and he can’t contain his excitement! ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Who doesn’t like a good surprise game of hide and seek? Join Bubba and friends as they play on the Stephens family farm! ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Join us on this week’s Story from the Stacks! Have you ever surfed before? Bubba and new vacation friend Maya learn how to ride the waves! ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Bubba plays his first game of basketball and learns some important lessons! ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Come along on our first bilingual adventure in this Story from the Stacks! Bubba travels to El Salvador to visit family and on a boat trip, helps a shark in need! ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Why not learn another language… in SPACE! ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Listen to the episode of my best selling first published book here in this Story from the Stacks! Find out what happens to Bubba when he yucks his family’s yum at dinner time and goes to bed without eating! ——— Want to track a real animal and get a cool bracelet too? Support Fahlo’s conservation efforts here https://bit.ly/481OFp1 and use my promo code MATTRUIZSTUPI20 for 20% off!
Don’t worry, this discount doesn’t lessen their financial support for preserving wildlife 😊 -
Have you lost any teeth yet? No, really lost them? Can’t find them? Join Bubba and his friend on the playground when Bubba loses his first tooth!
What happens when you can’t sleep? Find out what happens when Bubba has some trouble sleeping!
Learn about the salmon’s life cycle as Bubba helps keep a new friend safe!
This ‘Story from the Stacks’ chronicles Bubba and his family’s visit to the zoo where he meets his new friend William!
Learn all about winter weather along with Bubba and his family as they are treated to a special performance!
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