A weekly show from the authors of Each episode we will have an in depth conversation on a particular video game related topic.
Two ladies who travel a lot… talk about it briefly.
Romance authors and consummate travelers Gail Carriger & Piper J Drake dish tips, tricks, gadgets, and horror stories on traveling by land, air, and sea.
We get there, so you don’t have to. -
Jäikö jotain kuulematta Radio Novan Aamun Aki Linnanahteen ja Minna Kuukan jutuista? Ei hätää, Radio Novan Aamun Jälki-istunto auttaa! Tolkullista puhetta tolkuttomaan tyyliin. Kuuntele juuri silloin, kun sulle sopii!
Marijuana is legal in Washington, DC for recreational and medicinal purposes. Hallelujah! We're going feature high humor! Welcome to The District Of Cannabis® Marijuana Ringtones Show.
Sweet Hangs With Strangers From the Internet
Tohtorin Tarinat -podcast rakentuu puheliaan nuoren lukiolaispojan ajatusten ja kiinnostusten ympärille. Jaksoissa Veeti Salenius käsittelee monipuolisesti erilaisia aiheita kuten videopelejä, ajankohtaisia asioita ja valokuvausta. Ota siis kuppi kahvia käteen ja istu alas kuuntelemaan, mitä Veetillä on kerrottavana tänä perjantaina.
AHAA Podcastissa kolme parasta kaveria keskustelevat ajankohtaisista asioista ja ilmiöistä tyylillä, johon vain parhaat kaverit pystyvät. Välillä studiossa on mukana keskusteluissa myös mielenkiintoisia vieraita. Liity mukaan Atson, Jollen ja Sampan kaveriporukkaan, ja naura meille tai meidän kanssa. Kunhan naurat! Uudet jaksot julkaisemme aina torstaisin. Meihin saa yhteyden sähköpostitse [email protected] tai Instagramissa @ahaapodcast
A show about creativity in the gaming sphere and the lives of the people that make the stuff you enjoy playing or watching or listening to. Filled with laughs and lively conversation. Hosted by Danfinity!
Podcasting about the end of the world as we know it and we feel fine.
Take the path less travelled with Monocle’s Robert Bound as your guide on ‘The Road Ahead’ with Audi. This month we tour Hawaii, California and the Scottish Highlands. Stay tuned for more trips to Paris and Chiang Mai in June.
2-wöchiger Podcast für Brettspieler, die sowohl das Spiel in der Gruppe als auch das Solospiel schätzen!
Kostenlose Musik auf -
Dominique Music Diva is a born empathetic, intuitive, astrologer, psychic, spiritual, musical, healer, numerologist, magick makin', occultist, advisor, counselor, coach & of course, root throwin' witch. Born in NYC (unfortunately, as she would say) & raised by southerners (where she'd rather be) since a child has always been aware of her abilities as a lil child in Harlem NY. Encouraged by her mother & grandma she was freely allowed to express her artistic & witchy abilities.She grew up on Charmed, Xena: Warrior Princess, The Craft, Eve's Bayou, Sabrina The Teenage Witch, Practical Magic, I Dream of Jeannie & Bewitched; shows she still watches. She was even I Dream of Jeannie and the Queen of Hearts for Halloween once or twice & seeing Harry Potter sealed her fate for the fact that she knew she was indeed a witch. She got her first Ouija board at 10 & tarot deck at 13 & started practicing, reading astrology, mythology & history books from her neighborhood library.Her friends in junior high & high school would accompany her to local Botanica's and take trips to Greenwich Village & the East Village to all the best witchy shops in Manhattan - like Other Worldy Waxes, Enchantments and so forth. ‘’I feel like this is a part of my life purpose’’ to teach others about esoteric knowledge, alternative religions, and be a vessel to channel my powers for others (Spoken like a true mystic.) Hence the start of my podcast to bring my voice to the Witch, spirituality community. Listen to her voice & hilarious stories about her black ass witchy life in New York.
A blog about life as a knitter, mindful maker, and wilderness dweller
Join itmeJP and a rotating group of awesome people to talk about... Well absolutely anything and everything!
Caravan-lehden podcastissä puhutaan leirintämatkailusta ja matkailuajoneuvoista. Ääneen pääsevät niin mielenkiintoiset asiantuntijavieraat kuin myös vaihtelevat karavaanaripersoonat tarinoineen ja näkemyksineen. Ohjelman juontaa Caravan-lehden päätoimittaja Pauli Salokangas.
The Secret Podcast from Brake Magazine is deep dive podcast that is initially recorded for our Patreon supporters. In each episode we explore subjects from the world of dirtbikes, adventure and travel and motorcycle riding. Each episode is topical, where we'll pose a question and then break it down with expert guests. It's our goal to bring something to each episode that makes us and you think, inspires you and ultimately makes riding bikes and exploring life a little better.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
We explore controversial ethical issues about video games (e.g. what should be censored), in video games (e.g. what counts as cheating), and in video game design (e.g. what works to make a game morally interesting). Your hosts are Shlomo Sher, Ph.D. (Philosophy Professor and Video Game Ethicist) and Andy Ashcraft (Veteran Video Game Designer and Professor).
20-30-40 -podcastissa asiat laitetaan mittasuhteisiin kaksikymppisen Ida-Liinan, kolkyt ja risat Alinan ja nelikymppisen Tuomaksen kanssa. Millaista rakastuminen on kaksikymppisenä? Voiko perheellinen jahdata unelmiaan vai onko pakko valita vakaa toimeentulo ja ysistä viiteen -arki? Miltä seksielämä maistuu nelikymppisenä? 20-30-40 -podcast on rohkeaa keskustelua tunteista, rakkaudesta, työstä, kuolemasta ja kaikesta merkityksellisestä. Vanhat jaksot on äänitetty ja julkaistu vuonna 2019-2021. Podcastin uudet jaksot löydät PodMe Premiumista. Ota meidät seurantaan Instagramista @kakskytkolkytnelkyt.
The best true ghost stories as well as personal spooky encounters, by your spirited host Jennifer, as she takes your through her own haunted history and her otherworldly journey as an spirit medium. Join her as she connects the spooky…and the spiritual. Jennifer narrates her favorite discovered ghost stories with atmosphere and flare. Hear tales of ghostly omens, shadow people, terrifying Ouija board sessions, the Hat Man, child ghosts, poltergeists, and more as the series progresses! Jennifer herself has lived in many a haunted house, and openly shares her own experiences from the scary and spooky to the curious and unexplained. As a professional medium and witch, she warmly shares her insights into spirituality and the paranormal. Learn how she became a spirit medium and professional psychic and hear specific events about her paranormal life. She encourages all who listen to share in the marvel of this world with an open mind and heart, and loves the thrilling chills a good ghost story offers. Have a seat in the séance parlour. Let’s get spooky!
Julkalendar podcast om O helga natt, Joulukalenteripodcast Oi jouluyöstä.