The official podcast of the Chalcedon Foundation hosted by Mark Rushdoony, Martin Selbrede, and Andrea Schwartz
Are you ready to shine?! Or does that idea terrify you? If it is the latter, this show is for you.
Here on the Intuitive Life Podcast, we will discuss a wide variety of topics to help you, my dear introverted, yet highly intelligent and gifted friend, better navigate yourself and the world around you.
I’m Sarah Jones and I simplify human consciousness. Which is actually where our emotions, choices, and intuition happen. In particular, as an Intuitive Living Guide, I focus my work on helping you feel more so you can heal and create more.
Here on the podcast, myself and my ever-amazing guests will discuss the challenges and beauty of the human experience to help each of us know how to overcome our struggles and step into our power as co-creators with Jesus Christ in our lives.
Through this podcast you will find out how to observe, learn more about, and feel the unseen world of light within you so you can shine more confidently and comfortably using your unique gifts and talents to serve in the world.
Thank you for being here.
This podcast is neither made, provided, approved, nor endorsed by Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Any content or opinions expressed, implied or included in or with this podcast are solely those of the owner and not those of Intellectual Reserve, Inc. or The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. -
God’s Word, the Bible contains phenomenal wisdom on finances. But unfortunately, most Christians either have limited understanding of God’s financial principles or they have not implemented God’s Truths in managing money.
Это просто две подруги (Руслана и Даша) и их честные, открытые беседы о жизни и Боге без примеси. Ну как кофе без сахара.
Theresa is a Voice Revivalist.
She helps faith based women entrepreneurs who feel voiceless because of trauma, revive their voice to create impact saving money, earning money and growing themselves in community.
She does this with Speaking, Podcasting, Coaching and Daily Pay Revival
'Unleashing Kingdom Voices,' the evolved and vibrant successor to the 'Kingdom Mentor Podcast.' This refreshed and dynamic series is dedicated to sharing voices of hope, information, and transformation.
Whether you're seeking to deepen your understanding of AI or looking to embark on a journey of personal development, this podcast is your go-to source. We're expanding our horizons to bring you a diverse range of topics and inspiring stories that resonate with your quest for growth and identity transformation.
From cutting-edge technological insights, such as AI, to empowering personal narratives, 'Unleashing Kingdom Voices' promises to be a beacon of knowledge, inspiration, and transformation. Stay tuned for episodes that will not only inform but also uplift and motivate you on your journey. -
آواز نجات، عنوان برنامههايی از راديو مژده است که جويندگان حقيقت را کمک میکند تا به نجات و رستگاری مسيحی پی ببرند. در انجيل مقدس نوشته شده: "زيرا فيض خدا ظاهر شده و نجات را در برابر همه قرار داده است." (رسالۀ به تيطس، فصل دوم، آيۀ يازده).
Hey there!!
Welcome to HEY SISSY Podcast. This podcast is a faith based podcast that talks about real faith challenges and day to day life. I have created this space to connect with other faith minded women. These podcasts will always exalt our father in Heaven and give honor and Glory to Jesus. As a married woman and believer in Christ I know that living in these times is hard. So these episodes are to strengthen your faith but also mine. I hope we can be friends ! -
Mesaje biblice, de încurajare și zidire spirituală, rostite de pastorul Dragoș Croitoru. Fiti Oameni | Din pasiune pentru Creator -
Mesaje biblice, de încurajare și zidire spirituală, rostite de pastorul Vasile Hozan. Fiti Oameni | Din pasiune pentru Creator -
Mesaje biblice, de încurajare și zidire spirituală, rostite de pastorul Adi Mocan. Fiti Oameni | Din pasiune pentru Creator -
Mesaje biblice, de încurajare și zidire spirituală, rostite de pastorul Nelu Filip. Fiti Oameni | Din pasiune pentru Creator -
Welcome to The Somatic Gospel Podcast an ongoing conversation about healing and transformation where our past traumas, limiting beliefs, and self-sabotage patterns intersect with the gospel and the power available to us when we begin to flow from our identity in Christ in our lives. Our focus is transformation as a distinction from mere information.
We explore neuroscience, somatic experiencing, polyvagal theory, psychology, mysticism, and neuro-theology and how awareness practices support us to become embodied and transformed into the eternal image of love so that we become healed people who heal people.
This podcast is what happens when the therapeutic and healing power of the gospel and somatic inner work meet one another.
If you want transformation in your relationship with God and yourself, your spouse, family and friends, and your purpose in life, then this podcast is for you. -
Welcome to Upstander 2.0
An Upstander is defined as a person who speaks or acts in support of an individual or cause, particularly someone who intervenes on behalf of a person being attacked or bullied.
Our goal is to share Christ-centered conversations that will uplift men of colour from around the globe to grow from childhood to manhood to parenthood.
Join your hosts Takudzwa Andrea, Thomas Kambadzi & Richard Green each week as we explore topics that will equip us to be Upstanders for God in this modern age. -
Християнська Відкрита Академія (ХВА) – це освітній проєкт, спрямований на поширення цілісного біблійного світогляду та формування лідерів для суспільної сфери. Важливою складовою проєкту є мережування християн заради реалізації практичних програм, що втілюють біблійні цінності в різних аспектах життя та сприяють відбудові України.
На фоні повномасштабного вторгнення Росії в Україну ХВА стала частиною Міжконфесійної ініціативи «Християни для України», мережі християнських лідерів різних конфесій, об’єднаних з метою спільної діяльності для пошуку та реалізації біблійної моделі розвитку та відродження українського суспільства, зокрема на фоні війни. -
Appunti di viaggio, piccole note di speranza
Condividi insieme a noi un momento di spensieratezza.
Ci sono argomenti che colpiscono oggigiorno, scopri e commenta insieme a noi quale sarà il prossimo tema. Buon viaggio! e che Dio ti benedica!
Diventa un supporter di questo podcast: -
Welcome to the G. W. Arthur Ministries Podcast, where we dive into the heart of Christ's teachings and bring the Word to life!
If you're a member of the Church of God, seeking a profound, Christ-centered journey, you've found your spiritual home. Join Dr. George Wilfred Arthur, a Bible Teacher and Conference Speaker, in conversations that unfold the transformative power of God's Word.
Explore the virtues and excellences of Christ with us. Our mission is clear – to raise and equip individuals, bringing them into the consciousness and revelation of Christ's finished work.
In each episode, we'll demonstrate the love and power of Christ, sharing insights that will guide you to your allotted inheritance in Him. This podcast is your source for spiritual growth, revelation, and a deeper connection with God.
Expect a weekly dose of divine transformation, designed for the busy yet eager believer. These episodes provide a concise yet powerful exploration of biblical truths, ensuring you don't miss a moment of spiritual insight.
Subscribe now, embark on this Christ-centered journey with us, and let the Word of God restore integrity, purpose, and life in your spiritual walk. Your transformation begins here! -
La palabra griega Kurios significa señor, maestro, amo, dueño. Somos un recurso bilingüe que proclama el señorío de Cristo.
The Greek word Kurios means lord, teacher, master, owner. We are a bilingual resource that proclaims the Lordship of Christ. -
Welcome to the official page of Apostle Joseph Mintah. Apostle Joseph Mintah has been called with a mandate to reach, disciple, equip and release the younger generation in the End Time Harvest. Through this teaching of the Word, Healing, Deliverance and Declarations, the power of God has transformed many lives.
Привіт друзі, мене звати Гоцуляк Андрій і я автор подкасту «Чому ти зміг?» Я ріс без тата. Зараз чогось досяг, щось отримав і до чогось дійшов, але деякі питання так і залишились питаннями. З часом я почав розуміти, що мені не вистачає відвертих чоловічих діалогів для розвитку і росту. «Чому ти зміг?» – це не просто програма про чоловіків. Це розмови про те, наскільки схожими є випробування у нашому житті, і наскільки по-різному ми реагуємо на них. Разом із гостями намагаємось розібратись, що хоче сказати нам Бог через певні ситуації, яких не уникнути, навіть якщо ти відомий музикант чи пастор великої церкви.