
  • In the episode, "The Start-Up Story of a Theater Company: An Interview with Alan Lutwin, President of Westchester Collaborative Theater (S6, E4)," Alan shares the journey of Westchester Collaborative Theater (WCT), located in Ossining, NY, a new play development company that incubates new works for the stage. By drawing in actors, writers and directors, WCT combines creative resources to bring original plays to fruition. Members participate in a lab process where, several times a month, new plays are read and critiqued. As the first time the work has been seen, plays workshopped in labs help forge the link between artists and the audience and community. Alan explains that as a public medium, a play needs to be tested and read in front of an audience to know what you have. After 14 years, WCT has become much more than a space to develop new theater pieces, but labs are still the core of the company.

    Alan shares the journey of the startup, how it began, what keeps it going, and how it has grown. Today WCT has branched into holding space for all sorts of creative performances and happenings, such as jazz nights, comedy nights and theater classes. Alan offers advice on how to start-up a creative space in other communities, especially those suburbs already surrounding metro areas where theater is thriving only miles away, but is sometimes lacking in the nearby surrounding suburban communities.

    To purchase tickets for upcoming events or to find out more about Westchester Collaborative Theater go to: https://www.wctheater.org/

    Follow WTC on Insta: https://www.instagram.com/wctheater914/

    #theatercompany #startup #culture #playwrights #communityarts #mentalhealth

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  • In the episode, “The A.W.A.R.E. Project and Crisis Taking Center Stage, with Crisis Counselor, Carlito Cabelin (S6 E3),” Carlito shares his personal journey on both sides of the mental health system. After his own positive experience in an outpatient program after a personal crisis, Carlito does not prosecute the system, but rather sheds light on what interactions with program and staff actually work and provide healing.

    As an Employee-ownership industry executive, he balances his time as a NJ Certified Disaster Crisis Counselor and Mental Health Peer Support coach. Now, as a first responder for people in crisis, Carlito offers his ears and empathy to those who struggle as they call into his Crisis Text Line. He poses the point that everybody is in crisis in some way and gives his insight into what trauma and resilience look like.

    Carlito shares his involvement with the A.W.A.R.E. project, which stands for: Are We Aware Of Religious Experiences, and describes it as a movement changing the current paradigm from pathologizing spiritual experience to normalizing it. Connecting with other first responders to share training programs, and working in partnership with Janet Werner on a docuseries and movie, Carlito continues to pave the way for new voices and experiences to be heard by mainstream ears.

    To follow Carlito Cabelin:


    Or contact Carlito Cabelin at ccabelin@gmail.com

    Follow on Facebook: Rethinking Mental Health Facebook

    Follow on Linkedin: (7) A.W.A.R.E. (Are We Aware Of Religious Experiences): About | LinkedIn

    #religiousexperience #areweaware #hotline #firstresponder #mentalheatlh #suicide

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  • In the episode, "Exploring Subconscious Architecture with Manex Ibar, Shaman, Mystic and Founder of Sphinx Code" (S6, E2), Manex shares his personal journey in discovering his shamanic path and how others can too. Manex points out that many who are tribal shamans, were initiated by those already on the path, unlike many in Western cultures, who are often considered psychotic.

    Manex speaks about his channeled system of the Sphinx Code and how it can help others find their unique path and also shares about the science and spiritual perspective of the psychedelic revolution and what plant medicine can teach us.
    Manex shares stories of others who have come into their own states of illumination through taking the shamanic path and brings to light how these ancient practices have a deeper technology that many of the modern world overlooks. Manex has an amazing gift with channeling wisdom from the other side and has astute clarity on this intriguing topic that he feels is his life purpose to share.

    Shaman Manex Ibar, a Mystic renowned for his transformative work as a spiritual guide, healer, and teacher. With a deep focus on reconnecting with nature's wisdom and unlocking our innate consciousness, Manex offers psychic clarity and practical techniques to illuminate individual paths toward realizing one's highest potential. From everyday individuals to prominent figures like doctors, CEOs, and celebrities, Manex has empowered a diverse range of clients, drawing upon his initiation into the Lakota medicine tradition at the age of 16 and wisdom gleaned from 12 master teachers across various lineages, including Tibetan Bon, Shoshone, and Algonquin traditions.

    Through channeling and personal encounters with nature's elements, such as surviving lightning strikes, Manex simplifies complex spiritual concepts, facilitating transformative experiences with spirit consciousness. As the visionary founder of Sphinx Code, he leads the charge in pioneering the science of subconscious architecture, revolutionizing approaches to personal growth and enlightenment for seekers worldwide.

    Learn more about Manex on his website:

    Discover your Sphinx Code: https://sphinxcode.com/

    Manex Ibar's essential oils have a very powerful effect on helping get out of depression/oppression (number 2 oil for energy is especially helpful) www.frequence.life

    Follow Manex at:





    #mentalhealth #plantmedicine #shamanicjourney #sweatlodge #sphinxcode

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  • In the episode, "An Interview with Delicia Niami, Author of Kissing Asphalt: On Trauma, Healing, and Resilience (S6 E1)," Delicia joins the show sharing her 3 part memoir series, Resilient AF. The first book in the series, Kissing Asphalt: The Courageous True Story of One Child's Unbreakable Spirit—From Kidnapping & Abuse to Self-Love, tells the story of her early years within a traumatic set of experiences many might not have bounced back from. At the early age of 7, Delicia experienced being kidnapped by her own dad and brought to Bagdad Iraq.

    Through all the trauma, Delicia shines light on the energy of growing up as a member of Generation X-- the culture of no phones and limited check up by parents--highlighting her deep interest in the GoGos and her adventures in weed culture. Her courage in sharing her ongoing dealings with molestation and how that colored her relationship with intimacy and relationships provides hope for anyone who experiences such violation.

    Delicia’s second book, Not My Circus, chronicles the goings-on inside the courtroom dealing with her mother’s murder, while Book 3, The Queen of Silver Linings, shares Delicia’s healing journey using a variety of alternative modalities. Delicia uncovers a resilience within and offers a restorative view of how to keep moving forward in the face of such obstacles.

    For anyone who has struggled with childhood trauma, Delicia’s unflinching journey through darkness and back to light will resonate. She has decided to share her story publicly in hopes that it will serve as a guide to the many who have suffered in silence and continue to struggle against the daunting weight imposed by childhood trauma.

    Buy Delicia's book on Amazon or choose her Audiobook

    Learn more about Delicia on her website: https://kissingasphalt.com/

    #mentalhealth #trauma #recovery #resilientAF #livedexperience #kidnapping #plantmedicine #kissingasphalt #notmycircus #generationx #molestation

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  • In the episode, "Journeys Beyond the Frontier: On Treating and Interacting with Psychosis, A Conversation with Psychiatrist Mark Ragins (S5, E17)" I connect with Mark at the ISPS Conference at the University of Delaware where he was giving a talk, on the subject of psychosis and how those who suffer with it are treated by the medical field. Mark has a humanistic and compassionate approach when dealing with those who are sometimes the most feared and avoided characters in the area of mental illness, those with severe mental illness (SMI), and particularly psychosis. He invites in a new paradigm of relating to these patients, and views them as people, not diagnoses. In his embracing of using personal narrative to tell one's own story, he unveils a certain path to get to the healing: making meaning of own's own life in their own words.

    Learn more about Mark at: markragins.com

    Mark Ragins, MD was the Medical Director for 27 years at the Mental Health America Village in Long Beach, California, an award-winning model of recovery based mental health services, before leaving in 2017 to become the only campus psychiatrist at CSULB and in 2022 joined the Department of Health Services mobile clinics and street medicine teams working with homeless people on the streets throughout LA county.

    His recent book, Journeys Beyond the Frontier: A Rebellious Guide to Psychosis and Other Extraordinary Experiences, is based on the true stories of more than 30 years of clinical work with some of the most underserved and difficult to engage people in our community. A true pioneer and leader of person-centered, recovery-based psychiatry, Mark has also won a number of awards in his field, including the American Psychiatric Association’s Arnold Van Amerigan Award in Psychiatric Rehabilitation, the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association’s John Beard award for his outstanding lifetime contribution to psychiatric rehabilitation, and National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) California’s recovery practitioner of the year.

    #mentalhealth #mentalillness #psychosis #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #unhoused #homelessness #substanceabuse

    Please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com
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  • In the episode, "The New Language of Neurodiversity, Decolonization, Depathologization: On Location at the ISPS Conference with Six Voices on a Mission (S5, E16)," I go on location to connect with The International Society for Psychological and Social Approaches to Psychosis (ISPS), which is a pioneering organization with almost 70 years of advocating for transformative psychosocial understandings and approaches to psychosis that restore personhood, dignity, and well-being. The weekend-long conference held at the University of Delaware from October 27th-29th gathered clinicians, researchers, advocates, and people with lived experience, who are deeply invested in advancing psychological and social approaches to “psychosis,” while moving beyond frameworks of deficit and disease.

    Connecting with a community of likeminded individuals, who recognize that the mental health system needs transformation beyond the biomedical paradigm was a riveting experience. In the following interview, I speak with six speakers at the event who give a message of hope and hold a more humane vision for an alternative mental health paradigm.

    Vesper Moore is an indigenous political activist, leader, organizer, public speaker and educator in the psychiatric survivor and Disability Rights Movements. Vesper has brought the perspectives of mad, labeled "mentally ill," neurodivergent, disabled people and survivors to national and international spaces. Vesper works with both the US government and the United Nations in shaping strategies around trauma, intersectionality, and disability rights.

    Dr. Calvin Chatlos is professor of psychiatry at Rutgers Robert Wood Johnson Medical School in New Jersey, with certification in adult, child and adolescent, and addiction psychiatry. Dr. Chatlos has presented at national and international conferences and is a distinguished life fellow of the American Psychiatric Association and a distinguished fellow of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.

    Since 2007, Sean Blackwell has been researching and teaching about the spiritual dimension and healing potential of bipolar disorder. His book, "Am I Bipolar, or Waking Up?," published in 2011, describes his own bipolar awakening, subsequent hospitalization, and complete recovery in 1996. Follow Sean on YouTube or at his website: bipolarawakenings.com.

    Oryx Cohen is the Chief Executive Officer of the National Empowerment Center. He serves as president of the board for the Massachusetts Transformation Center and We R H. O. P. E., and is a master Emotional CPR trainer. Oryx co-produced and is a subject in the award-winning social action documentary Healing Voices, which was released in April 2016. You can follow his message on Instagram and on Tik Tok @ NECempowers.

    South African Joshua Roberts combines his lived experience, with his Bachelors of Psychology and Masters in Theology to create a synergy between the inner / outer worlds. He's the COO of Inspired Mind Mental Health and works with NAMI and the National Empowerment Center. Josh's website is: InspiredMindMentalHealth.com Follow Josh on: Instagram, LinkedIn or YouTube.

    Mija Bradford is a clinical therapist working in private practice since she graduated from Northwestern University Counseling Program in 2021. At six, Mija was introduced to the subtler energies in life and answered the healer's calling. Mija comes from a lineage of Africa

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  • In the episode, "An Interview with Tanya Frank, Author of Zig-Zag Boy: A Memoir of Madness and Motherhood (S5, E15)," Tanya lends her powerful voice to the show, sharing her insight and experience with the mental health industry. Tanya’s association with the mental health system began in 2009 when Zach, Tanya’s son, was diagnosed in 2009 after his first episode with hearing voices. Both Zach and Tanya were not happy with the treatment offered, and Tanya opens up about his forced drugging and coercive hospitalization, as well as the alternative treatments that lent hope and relief.

    Tanya also shares differences and similarities in mental health approaches to treatment between the US, the UK, and other nations that are moving onto a more compassionate path, who utilize programs such as Open Dialogue and the Soteria Network. Tanya acts as an advocate for families with experience of psychosis and stresses the importance of such support. While she acknowledges the power of the institution, she sees a new revolution emerging, consisting of a growing movement of critics of the status quo, as more people come forward to share their own stories and challenge the current paradigm. Tanya’s compassionate perspective and courageous heart gives hope to all who have lost faith in a system, that for so many survivors, not only proved unhelpful but aggressively harmful. Tanya’s book is so beautifully written with honesty, rawness, and openness, and her presence on the podcast is equally moving and enlightening.

    To buy Tanya's book, go to:

    Tanya Frank gained her MFA in Creative NonFiction at the University of California, Riverside. Her debut book, ZIG ZAG BOY: MOTHERHOOD, MADNESS & LETTING GO (Spring 2023) was an editors pick in the New York Times Review of Books. Tanya currently lives in London where she teaches and mentors writers with lived experience of psychosis. Her work has appeared in The Guardian, The Telegraph, The New York Times, The Washington Post and in various literary journals. She is the recipient of a 2022 Develop Your Creative Practice Award from the Arts Council England.

    To learn more about Tanya, go to her website at: https://www.tanyafrank.com/
    or follow her on Twitter: @TanFrankUK

    #mentalhealth #mentalillness #psychosis #bigpharma #forceddrugging #livedexperience #psychsurvivor #forcedhospitalization #schizoaffective #DSM #ZigzagBoy

    Please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com
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  • In the episode, "The Vision and Voice of Janet Werner: The Documentary, the Movie, the Movement (S5, E14)," Janet joins the show to share her message on spiritual emergencies shedding light on the spiritual side of mental health, and specifically, the spiritually transformative experiences that often get misdiagnosed as mental illness.

    Forty-four years ago while in her master’s degree program Janet had an astonishing mystical experience which turned into a spiritual emergency and resulted in being misdiagnosed as Bipolar, involuntarily hospitalized and required to take Lithium against her will. Twenty-five years later in 2005, Janet had another spiritual awakening, which was immediately pathologized given the prejudice from her former misdiagnosis. She was again involuntarily hospitalized, misdiagnosed as Bipolar and coerced into medication against her will. She is now speaking out to raise awareness of the spiritual side of mental health and specifically the DSM V code entitled "Religious or Spiritual Problem": V62.89.

    Janet shares her personal journey with spiritual emergency, and how that has brought her to where she is today-- the leader of a global team of mental health experts, who are developing a docuseries (Breaking Open, Breaking Down, Breaking Through) and a mainstream feature movie (Calling God to the Witness Stand).

    Janet Werner is an independent entrepreneur and the President of U Have My Word LLC (www.UHaveMyWord.com) since 1988, which is a corporate consulting firm specializing in large scale system change. She is also the founder of a Meaningful Media that Matters in Mental Health project and Her mission is to ease the journey through change, transition and on to transformation, within and around the mental health system.

    Along with her team she is leading an initiative to include spiritual competency in the 988 first responder training. Janet is also partnering with her team to establish a coalition of religious & spiritual leaders in New Jersey for the purpose of including these resources in mental health crisis support and patient care when hospitalized.

    #bigpharma #spiritualemergency #mentalhealth #mentalillness #forcedhospitalization

    To learn more about Janet and her projects, go to:
    Calling God to the Witness Stand™ -

    Video sample of Calling God to the Witness Stand (2) Calling God to the Witness Stand PR Media - YouTube

    Rethinking Mental Health Facebook

    Media that Matters Facebook

    Janet’s story recorded at Rutgers University Assessing for Spiritual Emergency | Spiritual Emergency

    Janet's book: N.O. Spells No. Y.E.S. Spells Yes.: Maybe So? It's Got to Go!: Werner, Janet: 9781945853098: Amazon.com: Books
    Spoken word art:
    07 Resume Track 7 Call Me Crazy Maybe...Just Don't Drive Me To Mental Hill - YouTube

    YouTube live on 988:
    YouTube live on Psych Rights:

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  • In the episode, "On the Polycrisis with Mark McCormack: Psychiatric Coercion, Hegel, A.I. and Saving Humanity (S5, E13)," Mark begins with sharing his intimate experience with psychiatry and its oppressive structure. A peaceful protestor of 20 years, while on a hunger strike protesting the polycrisis, Mark describes how the institution overtook his life through forced hospitalization and a list of human rights violations. He speaks of his pressing class action lawsuit, which holds accountable the mental health care system in Canada with potential to go global.

    Mark also reveals his passion behind the German philosopher, G.W.F Hegel, whose work may pave the way to creatively and strategically confront head on the polycrisis, which includes climate change, artificial intelligence, and Crispr technology, among others. With the coming AI age and possible reality collapse in our future, Mark addresses the oncoming mental health crisis or possible mass psychosis that may emerge. He believes incorporating Hegel’s philosophy into A.I. research on alignment issues, may help create a benevolent AGI-- the only outcome with which humans can co-exist. Hegel arrived just before modern psychiatry took a more reductionist road, and returning to his holistic and spiritual philosophy may hold the answer for our future. Mark believes in this path so whole heartedly, that he has called out for experts in their fields to unite and claim as a team the upcoming 6 Nobel prizes to legitimize the seriousness of the situation we are currently facing today existentially.

    Mark McCormack is a philosophy enthusiast at the University Of Alberta. He is passionate about social justice and led a group named Make Poverty History for many years. His studies have ranged across all religions and systems including the German philosopher G.W.F Hegel. After a few thousand hours studying the Science Of Logic, Mark believes there is a way to create a peaceful revolution and New World Spirit for society which would require transformation of the mental healthcare system. Having gone on a hungerstrike as part of a union initiative of Uber drivers, Mark discovered deep fissures in the system which allowed his human rights to be violated in several ways. His goal now is to make this peaceful revolution a reality to address the escalating mental health crisis arising from reality collapse as the polycrisis continues.

    #polycrisis #artificialintelligence #realitycollapse #mentalhealth #mentalillness #Hegelianswhowanttochangetheworld #livingphilosophy #Nobelsurprize


    Nobel Surprize (10 hour No Cree Council)


    Follow Mark at:

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/peacefulrevolution23

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mmccormack23/

    Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/@spiritpeacefulrevolution3523

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  • In the episode, "On Location in NYC: Believing in Yourself with Ballet Dancer and Podcaster Michelle Williams (S5, E12)," Michelle and I reconnect to do another podcast on location in NYC. Born and bred in California, Michelle hits the streets of NYC to reclaim her original dream of living as a professional dancer. She shares what kept her believing in herself and how she stayed the course toward manifesting her dream.

    Michelle and I also share our stories of lived experience with the mental health industry--from being forced on debilitating meds to having our closest friends and family lose faith in our abilities.

    After suffering from an eating disorder and seeing how the psychiatric institution dismissed her concerns around the psych meds’ side effects, she turned to alternative modalities of natural healing in everything from energy medicine to healing through food. Michelle is also the podcast host and creator of "MacroMagic With Michelle," where she helps her listeners achieve greater personal freedom, health, happiness and peace through her MACRObiotic perspective.

    To listen to our podcast recorded last year titled, "Natural Medicine: Holistic Healer Michelle Williams Shares a Journey of Alternative Healing (S4 E9)," go to: https://www.buzzsprout.com/1462411/11131458

    Follow Michelle on IG @the_freedom_fairy
    website: https://thefreedomfairy.com/
    YouTube: @The Freedom Fairy

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    Connect: Instagram: @ jengaita
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  • In the episode, "Exploring the Healing Power of Laughter with Barry Taylor, Founder of Laugh Therapy (S5, E11)," Gelotologist and accredited Laughter Therapist, Barry Taylor joins the show and shares the beneficial healing benefits laughter can produce. Using techniques in the area of laughter therapy, Barry pulls from his background as a former English and drama teacher to bring play into programs and workshops that facilitate an uplifting change in our state of mind, which can ultimately aid us in our mental health. When we laugh, activation of positive chemicals that make us feel safe, lift our mood, and make us relax, creates within us an altered perspective allowing us to manage our difficulties a little better. Barry reminds us that we can use these techniques as a complementary therapy and that we have this infinite access within us, which can be part of our toolchest of healing coping skills. Barry's mirthfulness and sense of humor is contagious, and his extensive research in this area shows how important such a simple tool like laughter can be.

    Founder of a UK based organization called ‘Laugh Therapy’, Barry designs bespoke programs (both live and virtually) for business teams, health and social care, charities and support groups, education, and individuals who want to achieve greater wellbeing and success by exploring the therapeutic effects of humor, play and laughter.
    If you would like to learn more about the therapeutic benefits of laughter or are interested in a virtual workshop for your workplace, group or just personally, visit www.LaughTherapy.LOL - or you can email direct at info@LaughTherapy.LOL where Barry will respond personally and provide a discount for anyone using the phrase ‘Not As Crazy As You Think’ in their enquiry.

    Follow Barry on social media at:

    Please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com
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  • In the episode, "Global Sustainability Through Healing Our Collective Trauma with Benjamin Casteillo, founder of New World Together (S5, E10)," Benjamin begins with sharing his spiritual emergency beginning in 2004, which involved the forcible, inhumane treatment of the psychiatric institution. After going deep into inner realms, Benjamin realized he needed to change his direction. In 2017, Benjamin Casteillo made the bold decision to leave behind a successful corporate career as a senior manager and expert consultant. His goal was to concentrate on finding solutions to the pressing global issue of sustainability, with a special emphasis on discovering and addressing the hidden root causes of the problem with human centered solutions. This decision marked the beginning of an intense and enlightening journey of consciousness awakening and expansion, leading to numerous realizations.

    In 2019, he founded New World Together, an independent project that focuses on transdisciplinary research and education. Today, Benjamin is dedicated to sharing groundbreaking knowledge that expands human consciousness and catalyzes deep system change toward desirable and sustainable futures for all. Through conferences, workshops and training programs, his goal is to empower individuals and communities to be part of the solution in a meaningful and fulfilling way.

    Benjamin opens up about what these root causes are to unsustainability, and describes how it encompasses more than just ecology and the environment. He suggests that humanity is simply unconscious of these drivers and that we must make the collective unconscious conscious. He speaks about how our cycles of primal survival are now outdated with the oncoming technological exponentials heading our way in our modern age of artificial intelligence. With increasing technologies, more psychological stress has been added to our lives, and many deal with this through denialism. Benjamin describes factors that are affecting sustainability starting from the Great Acceleration, to scientific reductionism, and our obsession with hoarding resources through capitalism. Humans have become rivals of each other, instead of uniting as a community to deal with the unresolved collective trauma of our species, but Benjamin's message of hope reminds us we still have time to make a difference.

    To learn more about Benjamin Casteillo, go to his website at: https://newworldtogether.com/
    Follow him on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/benjamin.casteillo/
    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/benjamin-casteillo/

    #sustainability #greatacceleration #colonization #denialism #capitalism #mentalhealth #mentalillness #psychiatricharm #forceddrugging #unresolvedtrauma #AIrevolution

    Please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com
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  • In the episode, "On Nutrition, Exercise, and Emotional Fitness with Author and Fitness Expert David Greenwalt (S5, E9)," David shares his wisdom on overall health after being in the business for over 30 years . David discusses how along with nutrition and activity, emotional fitness is a crucial component to maintaining your fitness goals long term. Involving self-awareness, self-regulation, social connections, and feeling authentically good, strengthening our emotional fitness can change our lives. David also points to the latest studies regarding ultra-processed foods and their link to depression and anxiety. A health coach to the core, David shares advice on how to squeeze in the most basic essential exercise even into the busiest schedule.

    David Greenwalt is a Certified Health Coach, fitness expert, and author of the book, “The Leanness Lifestyle.” Formerly a police officer, gym owner, competitive state-level body builder, and powerlifter, in 1997, at age 32 and a body weight of 235 pounds, David discovered an evidence-based approach for getting off his own 50 excess pounds and keeping it off for 25 years and counting. Since 1999, through his company Leanness Lifestyle University, David has been helping student members, from every walk of life, lose excess fat, keep the muscle and manage this crazy life.

    Buy his book on Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Leanness-Lifestyle-David-Greenwalt/dp/0971819807
    Learn more about David and Leanness Lifestyle University at: https://linktr.ee/llu180

    #EmotionalFitness #ultraprocessedfoods #BigFood #mental health #anxiety #depression #nutrition #holistichealth #LeannessLifestyle

    Please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com
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  • In the episode "A.I. News: Open Letter To Pause, Existential Risks to Humanity, Its Supporters & Deniers (S5, E8)," I discuss the recent Open Letter to Pause Giant AI Experiments recently composed by the Future of Life Institute, and present the arguments for taking the risk analysis more seriously. With signers of the letter including Elon Musk, Emad Mostaque, Steve Wozniak, Max Tegmark, Tristan Harris and Aza Raskin, I share some of their positions including some recent articles, podcasts and videos discussing the dilemma.

    #deeplearning #AIrevolution #humanextinction #generativeAI #blackbox #dontlookup #LivBoeree #Danielschmachtenberger #tristanharris #azaraskin #maxtegmark #eliezeryudkowsky #centerforhumanetechnology #lexfridman #Moloch #machinelearning #AGI

    Pause Giant AI Experiments: An Open Letter

    The A.I. Dilemma - March 9, 2023 by Center for Humane Technology

    Meditations On Moloch By Scott Alexander

    Misalignment, AI & Moloch | Daniel Schmachtenberger and Liv Boeree https://youtu.be/KCSsKV5F4xc

    Pausing AI Developments Isn't Enough. We Need to Shut it All Down

    Live: Eliezer Yudkowsky - Is Artificial General Intelligence too Dangerous to Build?

    The 'Don't Look Up' Thinking That Could Doom Us With AI

    Max Tegmark: The Case for Halting AI Development | Lex Fridman Podcast #371

    ​Please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com
    Don't forget to subscribe to the Not As Crazy As You Think YouTube channel @SicilianoJen
    Instagram: @ jengaita
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  • In the episode, "An Interview with Author Rob Wipond on His Book, 'Your Consent Is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment, and Abusive Guardianships'" (S5, E7), I have the chance to explore my most esteemed topics of psychiatric coercion and forced treatment with one of the major players right now in the field, journalist Rob Wipond.

    Rob Wipond is a freelance journalist and creative nonfiction writer who writes frequently at the interfaces between psychiatry, civil rights, community issues, policing, surveillance and privacy, and social change. His articles have been nominated for seventeen magazine and journalism awards, and he’s the author of the book Your Consent is Not Required: The Rise in Psychiatric Detentions, Forced Treatment, and Abusive Guardianships (BenBella, 2023).

    His insightful book brings to light the broad increase in people being psychiatrically incarcerated, particularly in the US, Canada, and UK. But why are so many detained and what were the treatment outcomes? The data is limited, but Rob manages to do extensive research in his book compiling the available data in a comprehensive analysis of what is really going on in the mental health system. His research has shown how the numbers stack up-- that we have many more beds in mental health facilities than ever before (despite the overriding assumption to the contrary), and that more and more people are being incarcerated for a widening array of reasons: from
    whistleblowers and political dissidents, creatives and out of the box thinkers, disruptive children in class, elderly people suffering dementia, and workplace mental health cases.

    What Rob has found is that most people do not improve after these treatments, but rather deteriorate further. Victims of the system become regularly institutionalized or “revolving door mental patients,” and as medicalization, manipulative coercion and forced drugging become the gold standard, our society accepts the status quo of social control, easy fix solutions, and defining things as mental health problems instead of looking at social constructs such as affordable housing and peer-support respites. And once a person is labeled a mental patient, very little they say is taken seriously.

    As people are losing hope in the system, the mental health industry becomes even more aggressive as they continue to try to rope people in, but Rob gives a voice to the voiceless through the power of his incredible research and his understanding of human suffering. Rob encourages people after entering a non-ordinary mental state to examine their own mental distress and find their own path to self-understanding. Rob openly tackles this controversial topic with character and strength, and his support and compassion regarding those harmed is courageous and empowering to all those who feel betrayed by the system.

    To learn more about Rob, visit his website at: https://robwipond.com/
    Or follow him on:
    Twitter: @robwipond
    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/RobWipondAuthor
    YouTube: @RobWipond/featured
    Your Consent Is Not Required (BenBella, 2023) is now available wherever books are sold in hardcover, ePub, Kindle, and audiobook.

    #mentalillness #mentalhealth #chemicalimbalancetheory #psychiatricincarceration #BigPharma #involuntaryhospitalization #forcedtreatment #wildfloweralliance #suicidehotlines

    Please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com
    Don't forget to subscribe to the Not As Crazy As You Think YouTube channel @SicilianoJen
    Instagram: @ jengaita
    LinkedIn: @ jensiciliano
    Twitter: @ jsiciliano

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  • In the episode, "The A.I. Future is NOW: Job Loss, Adaptation, Immersion, & Reorganizing Human Society (S5, E6)," I share how the AI Future is upon us and there is no stopping it. I cover a spectrum of material from Vernor Vinge's essay "Technological Singularity" to the inaccuracies of Chat GPT 4, to machine learning failing to identify depression based on neurobiology. As lead researcher Nils R. Winter stated, "The fact that we cannot find meaningful (univariate or multivariate) neurobiological differences on the level of the individual for one of the most prevalent mental disorders should give us pause.”

    I also review some of the hot podcasts right now reviewing AI advancements with the most prominent people in the field, and refer to what the new power systems may look like in a new AI-centric society. As our dependence increases on Generative AI, a lack of critical thinking may grow out of our laziness as addictive behaviors may increase to getting our dopamine fixes. Even totalitarian structures may rise up, while we create a world of the future where less people can pursue their ideal lives. Having been thrown into this timeline as a "natural" willing to champion human purism, as everyone in tech embraces AI without question, I call out to the rest of the people, who will not be transitioning in this transhuman era, to answer the following question: What do we want our society to look like as we brace for the AI impact?


    The AI in Business Podcast: "Generative AI and Future Rewards Systems" Series https://open.spotify.com/show/4gD9xiYU9iC24vnjUx1PTg?si=f2cc61da1cea479c

    Interview on the Lex Fridman Podcast with CEO of OpenAI, Sam Altman: https://youtu.be/L_Guz73e6fw

    Article: "Machine Learning Fails to Identify Depression Based on Neurobiology" by Peter Simons -March 13, 2023: https://www.madinamerica.com/2023/03/machine-learning-fails-to-identify-depression-based-on-neurobiology/

    #machinelearning #GenerativeAI #singularity #depression #neuroscience #samaltman #lexfridman #madinamerica #mentalillness #OpenAI #ChatGPT

    ​Please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to the Not As Crazy As You Think YouTube channel @SicilianoJen

    Instagram: @ jengaita
    LinkedIn: @ jensiciliano
    Twitter: @ jsiciliano

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  • In the episode, "Normalizing the Conversation on Mental Health with Kateryn Ferreira, host of Geminme Podcast (S5, E5)," Kateryn joins the show with the message that the power is within each one of us. She gives advice on how to become our best selves, and delivers her encouraging point of view with good sense and a compassionate edge. Having overcome personal lived experience with mental distress, she believes that mental wellness is maintained through a process we work on everyday. She believes that through awareness and being intentional, we can receive clarity in our lives as we allow our personal traumas to fuel our purpose in life. With the belief that we don't have to do it alone, she shares that perhaps believing in something bigger than ourselves holds part of the answer.

    Kateryn opens with sharing her own personal story, how intergenerational trauma in her Latino family affected her, and having growing up in a single-mom household, she felt isolated and prematurely independent. As a first-generation Dominican American born and raised in Washington Heights, Kateryn has always carried a spirit of perseverance within her, and led by her desire to overcome challenges, she has been able to reach her goals and accomplish several incredible challenges at a young age. We discussed empowering and freeing strategic ideas such as letting go of guilt, surrendering and letting God, and not taking things personally. Over the years, Kateryn has found strength in mentors like Anthony Robbins, Joel Osteen, Les Brown and Eric Thomas, and now she empowers others as well.

    Kateryn's Bio:
    Kateryn Ferreira is the CEO of Geminme, offering services as a life coach and creating communities to empower women to become the best version of themselves. She also serves as director of an international youth group called Jovenes Empower, which is focused on helping young people to grow and take control of their future.

    With experience working in public health, she had the chance to work as a community supervisor on the front lines of Covid 19 in New York City. Kateryn earned a BS in Health Administration from the City University of New York (CUNY) and a Master's in Public Health, also from CUNY. Kateryn is also the host of Geminme The Podcast, to promote mental health, self-development and growth. She is also the co-author of Today's Inspire Young Latina Vol. 2 and Hispanic Star Rising: The New Face of Power Vol 1.

    To learn more about Kateryn go to:
    Or check out her website at:
    Or follow her on social media at:
    IG: @kateryn_ferreira or @geminme_lifecoach
    LinkedIn: @katerynferreira
    YouTube: @geminmeempowers

    #letgoletGod #mentalhealth #mentalillness #anxiety #depression #Geminme #mentaldistress #thepowerwithin #intergenerationaltrauma

    Please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to the Not As Crazy As You Think YouTube channel @SicilianoJen

    Instagram: @ jengaita
    LinkedIn: @ jensiciliano
    Twitter: @ jsiciliano

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  • In the episode, "Tapering Off Antipsychotics: Avoiding Withdrawal, Practicing Self-Care(S5, E4)," I share my journey I started 2 years ago when I decided to officially remove psychiatry from my life and get off their forced meds for good. Most psychiatrists have no interest in helping a bipolar get off their meds, so I went out on my own, assembled a support group around me, did the research, and invested in my healing. Now after putting my goal front and center for the last 2 years, I have committed to a long and slow taper from Seroquel and Lamictal, and luckily, I've suffered no withdrawal symptoms yet. So check in to see if any of my advice can help anyone taking on the process. Those mentioned in this podcast:

    Dr. Mark Horowitz

    Dr. Lynn Parodneck, MD
    Medical Marijuana Practictioner

    Robin Queen, psychosocial spiritual counselor

    Warren Falcon, dream therapist

    Chaya Grossberg, holistic healer

    Lyle Murphy

    #psychmedswithdrawal #bipolardisorder #antipsychotics #bigpharma #forceddrugging #chayagrossberg #mania #depression #psychiatryisnotscience #markhorowitz #medicalmarijuana

    Please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com

    Don't forget to subscribe to the Not As Crazy As You Think YouTube channel @SicilianoJen

    Instagram: @ jengaita
    LinkedIn: @ jensiciliano
    Twitter: @ jsiciliano

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  • In the episode "A.I. Art & Its Implications Part 2: A Chat with NYC Artist G. Romero On the Coming Disruption (S5, E3)," I had the pleasure of interviewing NYC Brooklyn artist G. Romero about all coming changes regarding A.I. --especially the A.I. art revolution and the possible ensuing human art renaissance. After reviewing what these A.I. generative art systems are accomplishing, we take a deeper look at the role of the artist in society, and what we as artists are being called upon to currently do in the face of being the first industry disrupted by A.I.'s mighty takeover. Artists have traditionally throughout time in all societies been the free thinkers and have defined what art is. Can we still hold onto that role?

    G.Romero is an indigenous multidisciplinary creator, educator, underground curator and storyteller. His work ranges from painting, illustration, comix, motion, performance, installation and sound. Central to his work are figuration, storytelling and narrative.

    Check out his website at: www.gromerooo.com

    Insta: @graphik.magik

    #aiart #humansoverrobots #openai #generativeai #startrek #DaveMcKean #renaissance #conceptart #stabilityai #Stablediffusion #dalle2 #midjourney

    The following GoFundMe campaign by the Concept Art Association Artist Protection is referred to in the show--consider donating to the fundraiser: https://gofund.me/2df3dc07
    Read about the class action here: https://stablediffusionlitigation.com/

    Don't forget to subscribe to the Not As Crazy As You Think YouTube channel @SicilianoJen
    And please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com
    Connect: Instagram: @ jengaita
    LinkedIn: @ jensiciliano
    Twitter: @ jsiciliano

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  • A.I. Art & Its Implications Part 1: Lost Narratives, the Time Element & Process (S5, E2)

    With the explosive popularity and beauty of the newest AI art entering the scene under Stable Diffusion, I decided to share the A.I. controversy so that others can join in the conversation. I talk about my own personal experience to making art and what it means to me. After attending a Native American Historical Landscape exhibition this weekend in the infamous Woodstock, NY, I realize that in the name of progress, we will be leaving the creative class behind as we move forward in the A.I. movement. The following are videos I refer to:
    The War between Artists and AI:

    Interviews with Emad Mostaque, CEO, Stability AI:

    AI Art - Biggest advance, or the greatest theft that artists will ever see?:
    @Basement Picasso

    The End of Art: An Argument Against Image AIs

    #aiart #humansoverrobots #openai #generativeai #evanpritchard #algonquin #micmac #zapata #Emadmostaque #stabilityai #Stablediffusion #dalle2 #midjourney

    Don't forget to subscribe to the Not As Crazy As You Think YouTube channel @SicilianoJen
    And please visit my website at: www.jengaitasiciliano.com
    Connect: Instagram: @ jengaita
    LinkedIn: @ jensiciliano
    Twitter: @ jsiciliano

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