
  • Join me for a Let’s be friends first—my first commentary episode!

    In this episode, I breakdown a long, enthusiastic voice memo I sent my friend in response to her sharing a Christian influencer’s testimony in her Instagram stories, and it triggering me.

    In this conversation, I discuss egregores and how they relate to the creation of Lucifer and Theosophy, how the influence of the New Age has permeated Westernized churches, what is the actual "truth," humility and repentance, 40,000 different Christian denominations, cults, mind-control techniques, the history of Christianity, the mystery of the Eucharist, spiritual gifts and the Charismatic deception, and the Luciferian labyrinth.

  • In this episode, I discuss the longest con ever created, the original ritual. A con—spiracy that was started thousands of years ago by the 33% who fell from God, the fallen angels.

    Join me as I discuss the history of the world and how many major events, patterns, networks, and tactics all tie together exposing what seems to be a ritual to rebirth Babalon, the same thing the fallen angels have been trying since the dawn of time.

    In it, I discuss Egypt and the origin of mind control, Penecost and the creation of the first church, the Great Shism of 1054 and the Protestant Reformation and how this resulted in curropting the first church, the danger of divination, and how channelers like John Dee, Aleister Crowley, and even the ancient Egyptians have used it to help create the long con ritual we see playing out today. Pope Gregory XIII created the eggregore of the devil as Pan and the Gregorian calendar, the creation of Luciferianism, Discordians, and the counterculture movement of the 1960s. How the Illuminati was formed, the corruption of the King James Bible, Sir Francis Bacon and John Dee: the Original 007, The Royal Academy, Futurism and the Fake Apocalypse, the False Rapture Doctrine, Proba-3 mission creating solar eclipse events on demand, Osiris Rising Rituals, X symbolism, and the April 8th eclipse, as I know it, are called a Choronzon Ritual.

    Want more? Let's be friends. Join the Friendship MembershipPreorder my memoir Here Comes Trouble (preorders ship this month, releases to the public sometime in May).
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  • On this episode of the Let’s Be Friends podcast, our frequent contributor and guest Nicholas Hinton has returned to wrap up and conclude the Fake Apocalypse series we started a few months ago.

    In it, we discuss how Christianity looked in pre-denominational times. We also discuss Paul the Apostle’s concept of the Great Falling Away and how it may have began as early as 1054 AD during an event in church history now known as the Great Schism. The Great Schism planted the seeds for the Protestant Reformation, which bloomed into the 40,000 Christian denominations we see today.

    These denominations have become so far removed from the original Christian traditions, they no longer look Christian at all. However, our so-called modern age has desensitized us to this fact, destroying our sense of childlike wonder, and turning our once mystical God into a distant abstraction.

    We go on to talk about how most of these new and modernized denominations also preach the false Jesuit doctrine of Futurism, which has seemingly set the stage for a Fake Antichrist to go to war with Christians and cause the multitude of denominations to reunite with another, creating the Real Antichrist system, the end times Apostate Church.

    Part 1: Hyper-Real Psyops & Evil ShepherdsPart 2: The “Antichrist Deception” DeceptionPart 3: Life is an AI ARGQ & A

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  • Let’s call the Super Bowl what it is—it’s the Super Ritual.

    Or call it the Superb Owl; an extension of the super rich Bohemian Grove ritual done in front of a giant ‘Moloch Owl’ statue.

    Maybe it’s just 2020 déjà vu, but have you seen all the “coincidental” parallels to 2024?

    It’s much bigger than the Trav & Taylor psyop, or the Chiefs versus the 49ers, it’s starting to mirror what preceded March 2, 2020 when Covid started—it’s probably nothing... just “Super Ritual Stuff.”

    Whatever the Super Bowl really is I can agree it’s super alright, it’s a super lame propaganda clown show.

    Join me in this special episode as I dissect the the symbolism behind this year’s Super Ritual: Marriage of the Red Kind and White Queen in Alchemy, Ice Spice ISIS “demon summoning,” Min god of fertility & the Kansas Chiefs arrowhead, Book of Thoth and Aleister Crowley, Ushering in the Age of Aquarius, Alchemy & Baphomet, are sports rigged, trafficking and the Super Bowl, Superb Owl & Moloch, sacrifice and Bohemian Gove, rebirth phoenix & the NWO and so much more!

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  • Welcome back to the Let’s be friends podcast! Back on the show is my favorite Canadian Trish, who you may know online as @my.tinfoil hat.

    Join us in a comedic conversation as we discuss what Trish calls the "Tin Foil Era". In our chat we also discuss many conspiratorial topics like the story behind Justin Castro, the nephilim, gray "aliens" at the mall, Big Mike, funny new age delusions, lizard people and is WW3 on the horizon.

    I also ask Trish more practical questions in a game show style format, like what is the most believable conspiracy theory, what are the top three things to have in your home to prepare for the future and what can we expect in 2024.

    Want more Let's be friends? Join the Friendship Membership

    Find Trish on instagram @my.tinfoil.hatTrish’s Links
  • Welcome back to the Let's be friends podcast! Nick and I finally recorded the Q & A for the intermission of our 6 part series The Fake Apocalypse & the False Gospel of Churchianity.

    Part 1: Hyper-Real Psyops & Evil Shepherds

    In Part 1, we discuss a bit about where Nick’s been, what’s happened, and how he came to the conclusion that conspiracy theories and even the church can be deceptive, and are actually being used in much grander scheme than he once believed. Tools in this scheme include concepts like UFOs, the Influencing Machine, fake history, chaos magick, Tlön, and hyper-reality, all of which are being used to destroy our ideas about objective truth and create a schizophrenic culture.

    Part 2: The “Antichrist Deception” Deception

    In Part 2, we discuss the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and an AI called Q are the Unholy Trinity spoken of by right-wing Evangelicals, and how even this conspiracy theory is a conspiracy in and of itself, which is meant to lead Christ’s flock astray into a new, lukewarm, syncretic, and sci-fi version of Christianity. Are the Jesuits staging a heretical and Futurist interpretation of the Scriptures to distract the end times Christians from the true Revelation timeline, and discredit the truth of Historicist Orthodoxy? Is it possible we are witnessing the Great Falling Away from the True Faith?

    Part 3: Life is an AI ARG

    In Part 3, we discuss the subliminal scripting of the fake apocalypse narrative that seems to be embedded in hyper-real movies like White Noise and Super 8. We also discuss the Mr. Gray archetype and the Roswell UFO Incident, both of which have strange connections to pandemics, quarantines, aliens, and even a channeled entity called Lam.

    Want more Let's be friends? Join the Friendship MembershipFind Nick on Twitter
  • Join me in a candid chat about what it really means to be crazy.

    Are we insane, or has the world around us gone crazy? Is it possible to go too deep into the rabbit hole that you may never come back? What is the purpose of conspiracy, it isn’t to program us to be….. crazy, is it?

    This episode was originally recorded for my Friendship Membership, but I decided to share it with everyone to give a taste of what you get as a member of the Let's be friends Friendship Membership.

    The Friendship Membership is only $8 a month and you get tons of bonus episodes, you support the show which keeps it running & ad free!

    Want more Let's be friends? Join the Friendship Membership

    *The Fake Apocalypse & the False Gospel of Churchianity series will continue next week with the Q&A and Part 4

  • Welcome back to the Let's be Friends Podcast. Today my guest is Let's be Friends’ contributor and author Nicholas Hinton.

    After nearly three years of radio silence, Nick recently started posting threads again, where he has shared some of what he’s been researching since his hiatus. This episode of Let’s Be Friends is only Part 3 in a new series Nick and I will be doing together as we dive deeper into his work.

    In Part 3, we discuss the subliminal scripting of the fake apocalypse narrative that seems to be embedded in hyper-real movies like White Noise and Super 8. We also discuss the Mr. Gray archetype and the Roswell UFO Incident, both of which have strange connections to pandemics, quarantines, aliens, and even a channeled entity called Lam.

    We go on to talk about the train derailment and chemical spill that happened in East Palestine, the UFOs that showed up after, the transhumanist agenda that’s being used to fulfill the Jesuit’s false and Futurist prophecies, and how all of these things are being revealed to us in an obvious way by design, as a part of sick sorcerous game being played on us by the principalities, powers, and spiritual wickedness in high places, where the only winning move is not to play.

    Want more Let's be friends? Join the Friendship MembershipFind Nick on TwitterSong at ending: Amsterdam by Gregory Alan IsakovPreorder my memoir Here Comes Trouble
  • Welcome back to the Let's be Friends Podcast. Today my guest is Let's be Friends’ contributor and author Nicholas Hinton.

    After nearly three years of radio silence, Nick recently started posting threads again, where he has shared some of what he’s been researching since his hiatus. This episode of Let’s Be Friends is only Part 2 in a new series Nick and I will be doing together as we dive deeper into his work.

    In Part 2, we discuss the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump, Elon Musk, and an AI called Q are the Unholy Trinity spoken of by right-wing Evangelicals, and how even this conspiracy theory is a conspiracy in and of itself, which is meant to lead Christ’s flock astray into a new, lukewarm, syncretic, and sci-fi version of Christianity. Are the Jesuits staging a heretical and Futurist interpretation of the Scriptures to distract the end times Christians from the true Revelation timeline, and discredit the truth of Historicist Orthodoxy? Is it possible we are witnessing the Great Falling Away from the True Faith?

    There are few copies left if you want to Preorder my memoir Here Comes TroubleWant more Let's be friends? Join the Friendship MembershipFind Nick on TwitterSong at opening: Spiderhead by Cage The ElephantSong at ending: Hallelujah by Rufus Wainwright
  • Welcome back to the Let's be Friends Podcast. Today my guest is Let's be Friends’ contributor and author Nicholas Hinton.

    After nearly three years of radio silence, Nick recently started posting threads again, where he has shared some of what he’s been researching since his hiatus. This episode of Let’s Be Friends is only Part 1 in a new series Nick and I will be doing together as we dive deeper into his work.

    In Part 1, we discuss a bit about where Nick’s been, what’s happened, and how he came to the conclusion that conspiracy theories and even the church can be deceptive, and are actually being used in much grander scheme than he once believed. Tools in this scheme include concepts like UFOs, the Influencing Machine, fake history, chaos magick, Tlön, and hyper-reality, all of which are being used to destroy our ideas about objective truth and create a schizophrenic culture.

    There are few copies left if you want to Preorder my memoir Here Comes TroubleWant more Let's be friends? Join the Friendship MembershipFind Nick on Twitter
  • Welcome back to the Let's be friends podcast! Our guest today is not-so-new friend and favorite Canadian Trish, who you may know as @my.tinfoil.hat.

    Today we know Trish as an outspoken “Conspiracy & Controversy Jokester,” making us laugh in the midst of the madness. But before her recent awakening to the world, its madness looked... very different to her.

    In this episode Trish shares her testimony and story of being saved in the most unlikely place, during the most bizarre times. Hear what world event woke her up, how she found the only truth, which ultimately lead to her salvation.

    Want more Let's be friends? Join the Friendship Membership

    Preorder my memoir Here Comes Trouble

    Find Trish on instagram @my.tinfoil.hatTrish’s Links
  • Welcome back to the Let's be friends podcast for part 2 of "My Testimony".

    My testimony is my story of a lost soul in a fallen world, searching in all the wrong places for "the truth" and always finding trouble.

    I was misdiagnosed bipolar for almost a decade, in and out of treatment programs and therapy for most of my life. Endlessly doing psychedelics, astral projecting and mind melding with unknown spirits, until I started working as a psychic medium in 2021 and Jesus saved me.

    In celebration of releasing my updated testimony I am dropping a special preorder for my memoir Here Comes Trouble. I am releasing 100 limited edition copies, autographed with a personalized message that you will receive a week before the book officially publishes.

    Preorder your copy here at www.karamosher.com

    Please send me your feedback on "My Testimony"... this is very emotional for me and I want to hear your thoughts! Email: [email protected]

    Make sure to listen to part 1 of "My Testimony"

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  • Welcome back for a special episode of the Let's be friends podcast in which I share my full Testimony.

    Many of you first heard my story "Jesus Christ Saved My Life" March 2022 when I first shared my testimony. A lot has happened since then. In this updated version of my testimony guest host Caroline Dooner interviews me and I share all.

    My story includes many major life shifts like waking up in 2020, an 8 year misdiagnosis of bipolar, psychedelics and the occult, falling too deep into the rabbit hole, and following a false belief of Christianity as a new believer.

    This is part 1 of "My Testimony," part 2 will be released next week Monday Oct 8th, along with the pre order for my memoir Here Comes Trouble.

    If you want early access to part 2 sign up for the Friendship Membership and get access to it now, along with 50 other bonus episodes.

  • Welcome back to the Lets be friends podcast! With us today is a new friend Isaac Weishaupt.

    Issac is the founder of IlluminatiWatcher.com, the host of the “Occult Symbolism and Pop Culture” podcast and the author of many books on occult symbolism and Hollywood conspiracies. Issac has been on the leading edge of conspiracy theories surrounding the elusive “Illuminati” and its infiltration of the entertainment industry for a very long time, long enough to be shadow banned & almost canceled.

    In our conversation Issac and I have a candid chat, like two friends hanging out sharing symbolism research and theories on the major conspiracies. Issac shares his new fascination with the Twin Peaks TV series, and I share a mini version of my testimony how Jesus found me. We also discuss our theories on the Illuminati, how it ties to the chaos & the counterculture movement and if Issac is related to the founder of the Illuminati Adam Weishaupt.

    Issac's webssite: illuminatiwatcher.com

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  • Welcome back to the Let’s be friends podcast for a special 9/11 story time.

    We have all heard the normal questions about what may have happened that fateful September morning. Like, how did 2 “planes” make 3 towers freecall in 11 seconds? Or why how can jet fuel burn steal beams?

    I am here to share a new angle on how this all went down (pun intended), have you heard the story of the American Airlines flight 11 hero Betty Ong?

    Betty Ann Ong was an American flight attendant aboard American Airlines Flight 11, the first airplane hijacked during the September 11 attacks. Ong was the first person to alert authorities to the hijackings taking place that day. Betty’s fateful phone call established much of the official hijacking story we all know today. But what if, Betty wasn’t even a real person?

    Join me are I share the story “Revisiting 9/11, Betty Ong, and the Mystery of “Black Betty” written by Jonathan Revusky.

    This episode has a part two “9/11 Uncensored” that for obvious reasons is posted behind the safety of the www.letsbfriendspodcast.com and is included with the Friendship Membership or can be purchased off the store.

  • Welcome back to the Let’s be friends Podcast! Join me in a scavenger hunt like episode, where I piece together a common blue thread throughout the events of 2023.

    I recorded this episode on the evening of this year’s beautiful and rare super blue moon. This August’s second full moon may have been rare, but looking back on the events of this year it seems they weren't rare, but rather scripted.

    Follow me as as I discuss all the blue symbolism woven through these events... like this Summer’s Titan sinking, or blue demons of the underworld, blue lasers and Hawaii, the Lion’s gate portal opened by the blue dogstar Sirius, false darkness to light "Great Awakening", the Leviathan and how it all ties into Project Blue Beam: the false alien invasion.

    If you enjoy this episode and want to know even more, sign up for the Friendship Membership and listen to the four Bonus Episodes on this same topic.

  • Welcome back to the Let’s be friends podcast for a special live studio conversation with authors Nick Hinton and Conrad.

    In our conversation we discuss how our world has turned into a hyperreality, an endless echo chamber maze of conspiracy twisted with truth. We discuss the dangers of going too deep into the rabbit hole and what we all discovered at the bottom–how the entire conspiracy culture realm is really just, a con.

    Want more Let's be friends? Join the Friendship Membership and help support the podcast for only $8 and get bonus episodes and more each month!

    Topics discussed in our conversation:
    Hyper Reality vs Consensus Reality, Echo Chambers, God’s Will, Mental Struggles, Gnostics, Occultists, Mind Fractures, Rituals, Social Engineering, Going Viral, East Palestine Ohio, Hawaii Fires, Challenges of Life, Kara’s Book, Baptism, Discordians, Belief in Jesus Christ, Walking by Faith, Joy in Struggles, Salvation, Friction Realm, Jonah and the Whale, 15 Minute Cities, Controlled Opposition, 33, Authenticity, Action Over Words, Testimonies, Third Eye, Psychedelics, Mind War, Bible College, Truly Restored, Genuine Belief, Composure, Meaning of Life, Heaven and Hell, Conversation Needed, Mithras, Mythology, Marvel, Success and Failure, Master Chen, The Golden Man, Seeking God

    Find Nick Hinton on Twitter
  • Welcome back to the Let's be friends podcast, in this episode I pull back the curtain exposing the real theatre at play. The "Illuminati" may actually not be who you thought they were–they may in fact just be a bunch of clowns.

    We're all familiar with the phrase "order out of chaos," but have you ever wondered who actually creates the chaos?

    In this episode I discuss the history of Discordianism, or those who worship Eris also known as Discordia, the Goddess of strife and discord. I take a look at how the counter culture movement infiltrated the supposive Illuminati using it to create ripples of discord, which today have turned into full blown storms of societal chaos.

    This episode is for those who may have gone a little too far into the rabbit hole, and now you've started to question everything. May this be the missing key you've been searching for.

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  • Welcome to the Let’s be friends podcast, back with us today is my friend blznopsyop!

    Blznopsyop is my favorite pattern/network/tactic finder who has recently been unraveling a twisted network of psyops, which includes The Sound of Freedom movie. As she puts it, “The movie Sound of Freedom has the scent of another controlled narrative. One only has to probe a bit into the funding behind this movie to raise serious question marks about the motive”.

    Human trafficking is a very real topic, and we don’t take that lightly or aim to take away light from that. Instead in this episode, we want to point out how these very real topics are used to control and manipulate society, by creating chaos and offering a predetermined solution.

    In this episode, we follow the money and uncover the people and corruption funding this film, showing how it all ties back to The Clinton Foundation The corruption is very deep in the networks Blznopsyop is exposing, in the episode she shares the dangers of poking wasp nests as she shares her own experience as a victim of gang stalking for exposing the truth.

    Want more Let's be friends? Join the Friendship Membership

    Find blznopsyop on InstagramOn Telegram: Exposing Flynn NetworksListen to her Podcast Lala says Blz No Psyop
  • Welcome back to the Let’s be friends podcast with us today is a new friend Lewis Ungit, author of The Return of the Dragon : The Shocking Way Drugs and Religion Shape People and Societies.

    With the current rise in psychedelic popularity, this episode takes a closer look into the history, culture, and philosophy about these drugs becoming mainstream, what the potential downsides are, and how they historically affected individuals and societies throughout time.

    In our conversation, we discuss if psychedelics open a door to another realm and if so, what the potential dangers to that might be. We discuss the symbolism and meaning of the Serpent, hydra, and Leviathan and what Lewis’s book concludes of it all. Lewis also shares his extensive research into how religions have used and viewed psychedelics throughout time, and also what the Bible has to say about it all.

    “Psychedelics are in vogue again. No longer are they promoted solely by hippies and cultural outsiders. The potential benefits of LSD, mushrooms, and ayahuasca are now being touted by major cultural influencers, tech titans, and academia. It seems a matter of time before our laws loosen and the use of these drugs becomes mainstream. But why were they illegal in the first place? What are the potential downsides? Why has Western civilization historically viewed these drugs with such suspicion?”

    Want more Let's be friends? Join the Friendship Membership

    Lewis Ungit, from The Return of the Dragon : The Shocking Way Drugs and Religion Shape People and Societies

    Lewis Ungit's SubstackOrder his book here