Listen to NSW DPIRD's 'dynamic duo', Steve Simpfendorfer and Brad Baxter discuss:
What we learnt in 2024 and disease legacy effects for 2025.What's showing up in the stubble testing from this summer.What diseases could be an issue this season.Management tips. -
Introducing some of NSW DPIRD's young researchers and the projects they are looking into:
Nicole Dron:
Heat tolerance in pulses.Grain protein in pulses, why does it matter?Intergrated disease management (IDM) in in faba bean.Nitrogen fixation.Sam Blanch:
Charcoal rot in summer crops.Net form net blotch in barley.Mitch Clifton:
Long coleoptile wheats. -
Estão a faltar episódios?
🎧 PODCAST: Cereal disease update 🎧
NSW DPIRD's Brad Baxter, Steve Simpfendorfer and Sam Blanch chat with us re:
-Cereal disease update & what might be a problem for the rest of the season.
-Frequent questions they are being asked.
-Fungicides & the kick-back period.
-Stripe rust & adult plant resistance (APR) & how it works.
-Net form net blotch (NFNB) research. -
How to manage diseases in your canola from now till harvest.
NSW DPIRD's Kurt Lindbeck gives us some tips on:
-Knowing your crop's disease risk from now till maturity.
-Some key aspects of sclerotinia & blackleg's life cycle that can influence your decision to spray or not.
-Real life scenarios from the paddock & management options. -
Growing sorghum in 2024? Tips for getting it right with NSW DPI's Loretta Serafin.
NSW DPI's Research Agronomist Loretta Serafin chats with us about grain sorghum.
Recent research into:
-Row spacing
-Planting times
And how to 'build the package' to maximise your sorghum yields in the coming season.
Show more -
NSW DPI's plant pathologists, Steve Simpfendorfer & Joop van Leur, talks us through diseases and viruses showing up in paddocks:
Is it really disease?Septoria: 'the most mis-diagnosed disease of 2024". What it looks like, what it's lifecycle is.The difference between yellow leaf spot and septoria.Virus in canola, what the story?Correct use of fungicides. -
NSW DPI's plant pathologist, Kurt Lindbeck, talks us through the diseases of faba bean:
-What diseases are dominant in the north versus the south.
-Threats in 2024.
-Conditions favouring diseases.
-Management strategies.Want more info? Head to:
"Managing diseases of faba bean 2024"www.dpi.nsw.gov.au/__data/assets/p…ean-in-2024.pdf
Join NSW DPI's plant pathologists Steve Simpfendorfer and Brad Baxter and entomologist Zorica Duric with an update on:
-What diseases have been identified so far in 2024.
-Is it a disease or is it weather or herbicide related or a combination of the above?
-Correct fungicide timing.
-Aphids: what species are about & how to manage them. -
NSW DPI's Brad Baxter & Steve Simpfendorfer talk us through:
-How the season is shaping up.
-What diseases could be an issue in 2024.
-What diseases are out there already.
-How to mitigate for these.
-What the 2023 Rust Reports from Sydney University have taught us.
....and Brad's lack of chocolate consumption over Easter......
Listen to NSW DPI's Toni Petronaitis talk us through how your harvest management can affect crown rot growth
-Impacts of stubble height on disease growth.
-Climatic conditions that favour disease growth in stubble.
-Rate of disease growth (this might surprise you!)
Steve Simpfendorfer & Brad Baxter give us a end-of-season disease wrap up.
-Stripe rust (yes, it's still about!).
-Crown rot.
-Ramularia in barley.
-Other 2023 diseases. -
What's happening out there at the moment with cereal diseases?
-How can you limit disease impacts for 2024?
-Simphy and Brad, plant pathologists from NSW DPI, give us a rundown. -
NSW DPI's plant pathologists, Brad Baxter & Steve Simpfendorfer, have a chat about what happening in cereal crops at the moment. Diseases that are appearing & how to control them, along with ones that may become an issue in 2023.
NSW DPI's Steve Simpfendorfer and Brad Baxter have a chat about what diseases could be the main 'nasties' in 2023.
-How to minimise the loss for these diseases pre-season.
-How to know if you have a problem.
-The do's and don't for 2023. -
NSW DPI's Steve Simpfendorfer and Col McMaster give us a rundown on the importance of good quality planting seed.
Sourcing quality planting seed could be a challenge this year after the sagas of 2022
We cover:
-what constitutes good quality planting seed
-what diseases can be seed borne
-how you can test your seed. -
In this podcast with Amanda Thomas, Regional Extension Officer, CottonInfo, we chat about all things off-target spray drift:
-how big is the problem
-why its so bad this year
-who's responsible
-tips for avoidance
-new technology that can help
....along with the Christmas turkey & voodoo dolls!spray drift
NSW DPI's plant pathologist, Kurt Lindbeck gives us a rundown in mould in canola:
-What's causing the problem?
-Are the moulds toxic?
-What could I have done to prevent it?
-How can I avoid it next year? -
Brad Baxter and Steve Simpfendorfer, NSW DPI's cereal pathologists, join us for a podcast to help dispel some of the urban myths around stripe rust in 2022.
-Did you spray at the right time?
-What has happened with pathotypes this year?
-Is disease resistance breaking down? -
Nathan Ensbey, technical officer with NSW DPI based at Grafton, talks us through the trial work being done into early planting of soybean.
-Why you would do it
-What varieties are suited to an earlier plant
-Some tips to get it right. -
NSW DPI's plant pathologist Kurt Lindbeck, gives an update on:
-What is happening in the paddock with canola and pulse crops.
-Is it too late for fungicides to be effective in canola?
-Upper canopy blackleg and late season sclerotinia in canola.
-What nasties are raising their heads in pulse crops. - Mostrar mais