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    We’re now also working with Token&Tribute who’s soul mission is to bring you the best possible custom designed merchandise for either a family member or friend, or if you’re a content creator and want to get into the merch market. Great people with great motives, aligned with everything on this channel and we’re happy to have them here - https://www.instagram.com/tokenandtribute?igsh=MXdzZm1xZmhhNHNhYw==

    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/—

    The void, dark and yet almost glowing scenery starts to slowly evaporate as the light floods in from the slow separation of your eyelids, and voila.. meditation is over

    As you should, you stand up feeling like a brand new person all over again.

    You start to think, this unlimited version of me can afford both the financial and time associated cost of going out to grab some dinner, so you grab your keys from the kitchen side, heading out the door you check yourself in the hallway mirror and slightly adjust your hair, you feel “why not try something new”.

    With your newly birthed hair-do, you explode out into the world ready for creation.

    The day goes by so smooth that you almost feel like you’re floating, eternally present and grateful through the measurement of time we know as a Day.

    Casually strolling into an independent book store, something you were meaning to do before you changed your life, you scroll through the covers of the spiritual book section looking for more information to feast upon.

    Glancing to the side, book in hand, you catch eye contact with a potentially similar mind to yourself, judging by the content their reading.

    You strike up conversation, true opportunity is always hidden in plain sight, and are pleasantly shocked to find out that not only is this person a fellow student of philosophy, spirituality and occult knowledge, but they’re a director of a high level company designing software, the exact software you happen to be specialised in, and he asks you if you’re interested.

    The rest is history,

    but not immediately, because the details of the job, salary, working hours and location were all part of the manifestation checklist you’d been embodying that very morning, and all the days before.

    Is it possible that Time as we think we know it, in relation to how long things can take to achieve (Time) and experiment with the meditation process to see how much less time is required to achieve your goals by becoming grateful and understanding of the fact that these things have already happened, just not to this version of you.

    But you can call it to you.

    Give it a go, prove it to yourself

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    We’re now also working with Token&Tribute who’s soul mission is to bring you the best possible custom designed merchandise for either a family member or friend, or if you’re a content creator and want to get into the merch market. Great people with great motives, aligned with everything on this channel and we’re happy to have them here - https://www.instagram.com/tokenandtribute?igsh=MXdzZm1xZmhhNHNhYw==

    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/—

    You’ve just enjoyed an amazing meat packed cook-from-frozen Sunday roast, washed down with your favour beer and followed up with a slice of diabetes inducing, chocolate drenched cake to finish you off.

    Whilst tightly packing your body full of the worst type of processed “foods” and detrimental, soul eating liquids, you notice yourself feeling a bit sick.

    Instead of using your brain and associating the newly acquired nausea to the vile cacophony of chemicals you just shoved in your face, the feeling automatically triggers a habituated response of fear aimed at the prospect of developing an infection or even worse, a dis-ease.

    Frantically scanning your internal memory bank for information on previous “infections” you’ve suffered from, you turn to the holy of holies for self diagnosis: Google.

    There you find that not only do you have cancer of every inch of the body, but you also (in an unrelated issue) are biologically the opposite gender.

    The struggle continues, all the while you continue to snack on food that would have every one of your ancestors turning in their graves.

    Finally, you surrender to the affliction, allowing it to continue to fester and ultimately become part of your personality and your personality, to become it.

    And in a couple of months you die.

    Extreme example, but true in a lot of cases.

    Now can you see that all of that could’ve been avoided by only allowing health promoting, light filled food into your mouth hole?

    Our guest today Light from the channel Raw Vibrant Health is a master of detoxing and a fruitarian diet that is yielding an abundance of healthy experiences with his clients and helping them become the optimum versions of themselves.

    You can find all his work here and he’s a great guy, and one of us 👊🏼

    W: https://litesite.com/rawvibranthealth

    FB: https://www.facebook.com/share/38M5LEAPapPtQiyJ/?mibextid=LQQJ4d

    YT: https://youtube.com/@rawvibranthealth?si=jYZiInyKv1EwWE2O


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  • ⛓️🌳
    We’re now also working with Token&Tribute who’s soul mission is to bring you the best possible custom designed merchandise for either a family member or friend, or if you’re a content creator and want to get into the merch market. Great people with great motives, aligned with everything on this channel and we’re happy to have them here - https://www.instagram.com/tokenandtribute?igsh=MXdzZm1xZmhhNHNhYw==

    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/—

    You can find all of Mario’s work at:


    IG: https://www.instagram.com/symbolic.studies?igsh=MTJrbzQ4cThlNjJnZQ==


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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/—

    You’re in a state of deep relaxation, synonymous with meditation, your heart reaches coherence, and simultaneously, whilst contracting the muscles and pushing the cerebral spinal fluid back up the spine and creating a piezo-electric effect in the crystalline structure of the pineal gland causing it to secrete a naughty little dose of melatonin-like substances sending you to god only knows where, all of a sudden, you’re back in the room..

    you stand up to get yourself back on your feet, turn around and you’re still motionless body, deep in meditative bliss is just existing on the couch.

    You shrug it off, as you’ve had more than enough experience to know what this means..

    You’re out of body, in the astral and ready to fuck shit up.

    From there, it’s a CYO adventure and you can do what you like, except have sex, apparently that’s not allowed..

    I get into all of this with the man, the myth, the absolute legend, Mr Joe Rupe.

    He’s the man when it comes to the occult and OBEs and his radio show Lighting The Void is a must for anyone interested in this material.

    You can find all his work here:

    LTV: https://fringe.fm/members/joe-rupe/

    YT: https://youtube.com/@ltvradio?si=vq34n7WPf_mdxHI4

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/lightingthevoid?igsh=MXRpZzdtbHcyNnR3Yw==


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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/—

    The hazy, dull shine of the annoying and inconveniently placed streetlight outside your room pierce through the gaps in the blinds, leaving yellowish beams of an artificial glow streaking across the inside of you room.

    You lay there on your back, eyes wide open with the faint red glow of the alarm clock permeating through the thick haze in the air.

    Sitting yourself up, you glance over at the screen to see the time is a little after 3am, unaffected by this, you push your hands into the mattress, propelling yourself to your feet before beginning the short walk to the bedroom door.

    You reach for the handle, a bead of sweat begins to drip from your brow as your arm extends to grab the brass knob..

    But suddenly, you have an urge, some kind of divine inclination, to turn around.. and then you see it, the most confusing and equally paradigm shattering sight that has ever beheld your eyes.

    Laying in the bed in a recognisable position, is an example of how truly strange life can be.

    You recognise the person laying in the bed, but can’t grasp the importance of this moment.. it’s you.

    Many people have experienced this, even more haven’t and probably never will.

    But you’re not one of the “most” because of the things you look into.. are you?

    This was a super cool episode to make and I’m super happy with it, and this is a part 1 as stated in the title.


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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/—

    There’s nothing like watching the sunset on the porch, sitting and watching as the life giving ball of inferno gently shy’s itself behind the jagged mountain peaks.

    A tear runs down your cheek, leaving a moist trail of patriotism down your face.

    You grasp you rifle, swinging it free of the dusty cabinet and with the other hand you crack open a cold one, in honour of the red, white and fucking blue.

    Then you proceed with something similar to the phraseology of “God bless America”
    several times until you pass out.

    Stereotype for sure, but if you fell for the Trump “assassination” attempt, then you have a lot to learn.

    Thankfully our returning guest did no such thing, and in fact did the opposite and dived head first into the details and laid it out on the line.

    W: https://paradigmthreat.net/

    IG: https://paradigmthreat.net/

    YT: https://youtube.com/@paradigmthreat4321?si=5b4A98ypGSxpb9Yq

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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/—

    With all the talk of Atlantis and the like, it’s difficult to pinpoint the exact location with any relative certainty, that is however until you look at the Sunshine State itself.

    Elephants, underwater roads, Platos description of a land way past Africa and the Mediterranean, it’s hard not to think about Florida and its myriad of mysteries, seemingly supernatural environmental phenomena like the healing springs and health promoting weather, down to even the oranges and their super potency.

    It’s safe to say that Florida could be the centre of a world long lost to time and a civilisation that once dominated this realm

    We’re joined once again by the Sunshine State Superstar Dr Narco Longo and it was a super funny and thought provoking episode to say the least.

    He says it like it is, and we love it

    Go check out all his work:

    YT: https://youtube.com/@oldworldflorida?si=LhNhAEFerL2AXUSJ

    X: https://x.com/oldworldfl?s=21

    P: https://patreon.com/oldworldflorida

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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/—

    Imagine, you rent a vehicle for a while.

    You clean “your” beautiful and amazing piece of engineering religiously.
    You look out of the window to see the fine specimen parked up on the drive, looking like an absolute stud.
    And you even ensure ONLY the best fuel and oil are permitted for use when maintaining your trusty steed.

    Now imagine you spend the whole time you’re renting, you forget to use it…

    This wasn’t about a car.

    Most of us go through our entire lives, never venturing from our known, material world and embrace the unknown, delving deep into the “unified field” or “astral realm” or if you like, “afterlife”.

    Whether all of the stated above are the same place or different slithers of the grand pie chart, we may never know, but one thing is for certain..

    Having a near fatal accident, incident, experience can lead to the most vivid and paradigm crushing experiences according to the individuals experiencing the phenomenon.

    We’re going to hear 2 stories of people that went from a 1 on the spiritual acknowledgement scale, to 10 almost instantly. Listen to their stories and come to your own conclusions about what the phenomenon is.

    Go follow and subscribe to the Coming Home YT channel to see more NDE content and watch the videos.

    Coming Home YT: https://youtu.be/Jod2NliehiU?si=vgkFFlVY7qPvbdnJ

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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    After the 6-6 (formerly known as 9-5) dance is over, walking into the carpark to your automobile, open the door and drop your defeated body into the seat and head out of the car park en route to home sweet home.

    On your journey back to casa de cardboard box smart home, you find yourself piloting down a beautiful scenic route, the air fresh as it ever could be, and you notice a ventilation stack nestled in the trees that are majestically rooted on the side of an anomalous looking hill, in the middle of nowhere.

    Now as a logical thinking person, you’d say; Surely there’s no need for a ventilation stack in the middle of nowhere.

    But what if everything we know about this world was surface level. Literally.

    Underground networks of tunnels all around the world, DUMBs, cave systems it could all be linked and utilised by an advanced breakaway civilisation.

    Lucius Aurelian is the best and you can find all his work right here:

    YT: https://youtu.be/GmEr0hUZX8A?si=bknfYuS408HZ-HyB

    X: https://x.com/l_aurelian214?s=21

    Highly recommended

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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    When it comes to the either the shape of the earth, the consistency, the solidity or any other argument anyone can bring up, it’s clear that things aren’t what they seem.

    When you consider the lies that we’ve been told just in the last 20 years, it’s hard to believe that there are still people in the truther “community” that are versed in the lies from every institution of the corrupt societal controllers, the same people find it hard to believe that NASA could be lying.

    Well luckily for all of us, we have people like Sergio.

    He questions everything, and as his X tagline states so well, “They lie to you because they hate you”. That phrase has never been more relevant today.

    Sergio is great on X and some of the things he posts, makes me wonder where tf he gets them.

    But he’s definitely worth a follow and you should check him out

    Sergio’s X:

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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    If when stepping out on to the Marlborough high street, you’re nostrils aren’t met with the unforgettable smell of ancient lucifarian, Masonic and Demigod wizard worshipping aromas and huessss, do you even have a nose?

    Not so relatable, but once you start digging into the lore and history of Marlborough and its connections to not only apparent sacrificial bloodline offerings, and Dragon head shaped golf courses, but you stumble across one of the most well known archetypes in British history.. The Wizard.

    The family connections and symbolism are strange enough, but once you factor in the most strange part of it all, the mound, it starts to get a lot crazier, especially considering that this mound is the supposed resting place of the demigod wizard himself Merlin, who’s wild and demonically charged conception story is ‘Book of Enoch’ worthy.

    A lot to consider with this place that is but a stone throw from Silbury Hill, Kennet Long Barrow and is home to the famous Savernake Forest & Westwood - apparent quarry site for the stones erected at Stonehenge, Amesbury, the significance of the mound seems a lot more significant.

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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    You’re watching Netflix and eating Doritos (for some reason), the powdery consistency of the flavouring dust sucks all of the moisture from your currently poisoned mouth.

    Turning your head to the direction of the table leaves you feeling horrified.

    The very glass of liquid life giver that was strategically positioned on the table for when this exact dry mouth experience occurs, is sliding the fuck along the table toward you.

    I think the most common response would be to shit your pants and dart toward the door.

    But why?

    That very glass, as hypothetical as it is, gives us a glimpse at what the brainwashing of social heredity can do, seeing as it was the exact thing you needed at that exact time..

    The point is, why is everything paranormal seen as “Demonic” why can’t it be someone chill af just tryna do they thang?

    This is just one of the many interesting and relatively uncommon talking points of the paranormal.

    We talk to JJ about all of the spiritual entities she encounters and corresponds with, her work is really interesting and thought provoking and you can find it here:

    YT | https://youtube.com/@jjrose777?si=H_6q_p9tb_v8egLp

    IG | https://www.instagram.com/jjrose777?igsh=MWF1Znoxa2VuMnd2dg==

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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    Check all the information for yourself by going to the retarded websites that promote this garbage and use your common sense to discern what is true and what’s not.

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    TG: https://t.me/+tb-zcftpm4RhNjk0


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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    When they wasn’t bombing the people they’re meant to protect, or infiltrating civil rights movements, the Federal Bureau of Investigation saw fit to rid the world one of truly successful peace makers of this generation.

    The guy was ultra creative, releasing 11 albums (with tons more work unreleased) starring in 7 movies, starting his own record label and film production company, and all of this was achieved in such a small amount of time it’s crazy, not to mention being the leader of the black panthers at the age of 17.

    The story’s dark and fascinating and John has a brilliant recall and his research is incredibly well sourced and thorough.

    His work is phenomenal and all his links are here:

    W: https://www.johnpotash.com

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    Thanks for the support, make sure to like, share, follow and rate 👊🏼😘

    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    I know what you’re thinking, with all the gods out there to worship, how do I know if I’m making the right choice?

    Maybe not, but the similarities between the gods seem to correspond to the suggestion that some of the religions are maybe more of a complicated story than most worshippers are equipped to deal with.

    His information cache is immense and he’s a extremely knowledgeable dude

    You can find all of Robby’s work you can find below including his great art

    LT: https://linktr.ee/rmarx

    W: http://www.marxmarx.com/

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    TG: https://t.me/+tb-zcftpm4RhNjk0


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    Thanks for the support, make sure to like, share, follow and rate 👊🏼😘

    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    The alarm clock infiltrates your dream, fusing the sounds of the outside world into a creepy medley of ethereal, alarm clock trance music.

    You throw the fucking thing across the room, it’s smashes on the wall, erupting into a pulse of plastic particles that litter the already rubbish strewn bedroom floor.

    Typical Monday.

    Peeking out the light blocking blinds, you notice the streets seeming uncomfortably quiet; the hustle and bustle of the city streets is replaced with a deafening silence.

    You leave the house, seeing nothing on your walk to work that would indicate a panic or event, yet no one’s here.. you’re all alone.

    Probably not how it’s going to happen, but something is definitely happening.

    We’re going to take a deep dive into the elusive and mysterious 2017 Deagle Report and pull out some surprising statistics that will cause some concern, but also maybe take away some of the fear..

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    TG: https://t.me/+tb-zcftpm4RhNjk0


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    Thanks for the support, make sure to like, share, follow and rate 👊🏼😘

    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    You’re walking through the woods on a beautiful, sunny, light filled evening.

    The tree canopy litters the trail with beautiful silhouettes of waving shadows that leads you deeper into the forest, the sounds of the wildlife provide a soundtrack that lifts your spirit to a higher plane of consciousness.. until,

    The sounds abruptly stop.. you’ve never experienced anything like this. The sound of silence permeates the forest with a deafening sense of vulnerability.

    All of a sudden, the ear piercing screams of some kind of monkey ninja pulses through the trail leaving you frozen.


    Our great guest Chucky Danger from the Countercult podcast had a similar experience while partying with friends and other experiences that would leave any skeptic, a believer.

    His work with UV light on a myriad of natural objects leaves one to ponder whether the UV light spectrum is an another dimension living adjacent to our own.

    His work is incredibly interesting and unique and you should definitely go and subscribe to his insta to follow his updates.

    You can find him here:

    Insta: https://www.instagram.com/chucky_danger?igsh=MTR5dXg4amc0bXkwaA==

    Podcast : https://open.spotify.com/show/5b85RO6M5ARIg3u4QhDxMZ?si=70uTczKcR6-xg9dvqXtKnA

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    TG: https://t.me/+tb-zcftpm4RhNjk0


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    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    Come with me, while I cast my mind back over yonder to yesteryear..

    The freedom of adolescence permeated with testosterone fuelled shenanigans and tomfoolery, but most of all, If like me you were an introverted opposite of a “ladies man”, the teenage years were full of crusty socks that stood tall, scattered around my room like a filthy city skyline.

    Now imagine, you had the knowledge you had today regarding the true potential power of sex energy and the sacred seed that is inherently imbued within every man.

    If I had the knowledge, I would have used every bit of that man goo to impose my will using the magick of sex energy to give my dreams and plans potency of which most of the world has no clue.

    But alas, it’s not too late.

    But instead of wasting the sacred secret seed, you should save it, focusing the sex energy into other channels to help you achieve everything you want in this short experience we call life.

    Obviously this description was very “Man” focused, but I am a man so that’s probably why.

    Women you are just as capable and deserving of this type of alchemy and not only that, it’s actually more potent if you work as a team wit yo man when you are “doing the deed”

    Do some research, try it out and prove it to yourselves and see where it takes you

    If you like this episode share and rate it to help the show grow 🫡

    We’re in the usual places, go give us a follow and send us an email -

    E: [email protected] - if you have an idea for a show, guest idea or you wanna be on the show, send me a little tinkle 😘

    IG: https://instagram.com/nuclear_medicine_men

    TG: https://t.me/+tb-zcftpm4RhNjk0


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    Thanks for the support, make sure to like, share, follow and rate 👊🏼😘

    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    You wake up with a hop in your step, boogieing your way through the house, getting ready for the day as you remember you’ve got a swollen bank balance, perfect family life and a career that even the biggest CEO would be coveting… but then you remember that was all in your dream last night and your actually broke af.

    But then the questions burns into your mind to the point it becomes a burning obsession..

    What makes someone successful?

    Is it lucky breaks, family success or a self made journey that creates the most financial gain in someone’s life?

    All of these questions were at the forefront of my mind for the longest time. Until I realised that the only “break’ you can rely on is a self made one.

    With the help of Infinite intelligence and the astral energy that permeates the entire universe, not to mention the power of your subconscious mind, it’s possible to turbo charge your chances of success by using the Power of Auto Suggestion by changing your thoughts from ones of poverty, to thoughts of success and with a few key elements, turn your life from a poverty stricken shit show, to the most successful broadway show ever to grace the stage.

    Listen up and see if you can gain some insight and follow up with the books recommended to put these schemes into action and change the trajectory of your life.

    Just remember, you can meet both your best friend and worst enemy by looking in the mirror.

    The question is, which one do you want to be?

    It’s all up to you.

    If you like this episode share and rate it to help the show grow 🫡

    We’re in the usual places, go give us a follow and send us an email -

    E: [email protected] - if you have an idea for a show, guest idea or you wanna be on the show, send me a little tinkle 😘

    IG: https://instagram.com/nuclear_medicine_men

    TG: https://t.me/+tb-zcftpm4RhNjk0


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    Thanks for the support, make sure to like, share, follow and rate 👊🏼😘

    — Check out our sponsor Lazyfrog - for everything from CBD gummies, oils and supplements, to Mushrooms, and Grass fed Whey Protein. This company is on our wavelength and has the same values as us and definitely deserves your support and you’ll find everything you need | https://lazyfroguk.com/ —

    After a hards days work, there’s nothing more satisfying than pulling up to your home, gathering your belongings from the car and walking into the thick electrosmog laden, wifi soaked interior of your dwelling.

    What a wonderful feeling of cell battering, body poisoning dis-ease one feels when entering one’s front door.

    Well, now you can perish the thought.

    Our guest today, Dan Stuchofsky from the fantastic company known as Essential Energy, has a wide array of products that will help you take back your health sovereignty and help you mitigate the body burdening blows of negative EMFs.

    This guy really knows his stuff, and has dedicated his life to the pursuit of arming you with an arsenal of weapons to help you take back control of your health and alleviate the cell damaging stress that EMF causes on a universal level.

    Hail be to Dan the Man, he’s truly fighting the good fight and deserves your support, and in return his products will support you and family to optimum health in the EMF battle.

    His Instagram is full of great memes and his website is slick, informative and easy to navigate, and you can find him here:

    Website: https://essentialenergy.solutions/

    IG: https://www.instagram.com/essential___energy?igsh=MXQ0bjg1bmdjZzVoMw==

    If you like this episode share and rate it to help the show grow 🫡

    We’re in the usual places, go give us a follow and send us an email -

    E: [email protected] - if you have an idea for a show, guest idea or you wanna be on the show, send me a little tinkle 😘

    IG: https://instagram.com/nuclear_medicine_men

    TG: https://t.me/+tb-zcftpm4RhNjk0

