Welcome to High Rollers, a live-play Dungeons & Dragons podcast! Join Dungeon Master Mark Hulmes and his players as they explore Altheya: The Dragon Empire on Europe's biggest independent TTRPG stream. Episodes go live Tuesdays and Thursdays, or watch live every Sunday at 5pm UK Time on or!
De Startspelers is een maandelijkse kaart- en bordspel podcast. Rowdy en Sélène praten elke aflevering over de spellen die ze hebben gespeeld, andere onderwerpen die spelen in de spellenwereld en bespreken zo nu en dan een nieuwe bordspel top tien.
Do you ever struggle to make fun and engaging encounters in your tabletop role playing games? Come join the Encounter Table where each week three friends discuss how to make great encounters, game design, and leave you with a fun encounter you could put on your table. Whether you play Dungeons and Dragons, Genesys, Pathfinder, Savage Worlds, Powered by the Apocalypse or any other RPG come join us as we figure out how to make our games better!
Doug Garrett and his wife Shelley discuss and review the strategy/designer board games they play on this weekly podcast. Interviews with notable names in the hobby, along with designers and publishers, are part of the show.
Steam Powered Scoundrels is a podcast about the tabletop skirmish game, Malifaux. Your hosts are Victoria, Doug, Roman, Nate, Eli and a whole slew of guests. Sit and stay a while as we entertain your ears with the most interesting Malifaux content this side of the Breach.
Patrick and Eric in the Morning is a spinoff of the Golden Geek-nominated What Did You Play This Week Podcast — which featured both Patrick Hillier and Eric Buscemi as regular contributors. When, after nearly four years, WDYPTW wound down, Patrick and Eric decided to continue recording a free-form conversation-style show together loosely inspired by Troy and Abed’s morning show from the cult classic sitcom Community. Each episode, for around half an hour, the co-hosts discuss a broad topic — including individual board game mechanisms, game catalogues of notable designers, and recent tabletop events they’ve participated in — instead of regularly previewing or reviewing specific games.
Call of Discovery completed its run in January 2023. Find Zach on KeyForge Public Radio anywhere you listen to podcasts!
We're back! If you thought we were done after the Date Night Dice Podcast, you are very wrong my friend.
Every month come join us (Ben, Em and Ken) as we put together our top three lists in three geeky hobbies. We cover all of our favorite things, from board games, video games, drinks, movies, fitness and probably go off the rails to talk about everything in between. Listener questions are welcome and we love when you pop over to our Instagram (@datenightdice) to join in on the fun. Don't forget to stick around until the end to hear some of the funniest 'Would You Rather' questions. We also post our other podcast, the Date Night D-List, where we watch and dissect a box office bomb. We watch the bad movies, so you don't have to. Join us for the D-List LIVE the first Thursday of the month (9pm EST) and find a new podcast episode every 4th Thursday of each month. -
Talk about historical boardgames and boardgaming. Tabletop conflict simulation boardgames, from old school hex-and-counter to modern card driven games and beyond. If it's a historical game, a political game, or a wargame, we'll talk about it.
We dive into specific games in detail each episode, with tips on how to play and how the game fits in with other similar games. As well, we usually have an interview with a designer or publisher. And finally, we have news from the history gaming world as well as tips for new players and general chatter about what's happening in the hobby we love. -
Dan and PJ talk about board games and why we love them.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Innkeeper's Table is part of The Dice Tower Network. It's a show about board games meant to appeal to gamers while still being accessible to people who don't know a lot about the subject. Each week, hosts Bill and Dylan, two long-time friends who both love board games, will focus on a specific board game-related topic, from game mechanics to deep dives on specific games to explaining what some of the jargon board game enthusiasts use even means.
Come join two new Horus Hersey gamers as they explore narrative gaming, community rules and game modes set in Games Workshop's Age of Darkness Universe.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join Charlie Houpert (Charisma on Command) and friends as Dungeon Master Timm Woods leads our heroes through a homebrew, actual-play adventure through the city of Riven (and the planes beyond). Video of the campaign can be found on the Improv & Dragons YouTube channel.
Welcome to "The 20 Questions?" - the ultimate challenge for music enthusiasts.
In this podcast, contestants will face a series of twenty increasingly difficult music questions.
The catch? Answer just one question incorrectly, and you're out of the game.
Get ready for a thrilling and adrenaline-pumping quiz experience!
Can you defeat the 20 Questions?
Kleine Boodschap is dé podcast over alles Efteling. We brengen je nieuws, achtergronden en interviews over het prachtige park in Kaatsheuvel en alles wat daar direct mee te maken heeft.
Suske en Wiske bestaan sinds 1945 en hebben een rijke historie. Ik verslond de albums in mijn jonge jaren, maar hoe is het tegenwoordig met de strip gesteld? In deze reeks gesprekken praat ik met kenners, makers (waaronder een tweeluik met Paul Geerts) en verzamelaars over het verleden, heden en de toekomst van de strips. Lees meer op de website:
In de special 'De Krimson Tapes' wordt je door Krimson in 10 korte afleveringen ingewijd in de wereld van Amoras. De Vlaamse acteur Ivan Pecnik kruipt daarbij in de huid van de kwaadaardige dokter. -
Hier vind je een groot gedeelte van de Creepypasta's van het RaarMaarWaar YouTube kanaal. Korte horror verhalen die je de stuipen op het lijf jagen! Daarnaast probeer ik elk onderwerp wat omgezet kan worden naar podcast formaat hier te plaatsen, veel plezier!
Fuck Wijn is een educatieve podcast over bier van Ronald Giphart en Ronald van de Streek. Elke aflevering behandelen we, samen met bijzondere gasten, één bierstijl door de klassieker en de moderne variant te proeven. Je kan met ons mee proeven door het bierpakket te bestellen op