While we now no it isn't the end of the series, it could have been and maybe even should be. Rumple finally chose love over power, many sacrifices were made, and we got more fake baby Neal than we could shake a stick at...
Let us know what you think! Twitter @onceuponth or email us at once@nthcast.com
And check out our new website at onceuponth.com!
Don't forget to tell a friend about the podcast!
Have a great week! - Josh/Steph
Baby Neal Watch 2017 still continues...Would've thought the Black Fairy had him stashed somewhere, but no dice.
The Black Fairy was one of the best episodes in a while. The reveal of Rumple abandonment was handled well. But that doesn't mean Belle needs to totally forgive him. Don't do it Belle!
Oh, and Tiger Lily is the worst. As a matter of fact, the fairies in general aren't the best bunch. They have caused nothing but pain and strife!
Let us know what you think. Find us onTwitter @onceuponth or email us at once@nthcast.com
And check out our new website at onceuponth.com!
Don't forget to tell a friend about the podcast!
Have a great week! - Josh/Steph
Estão a faltar episódios?
Baby Neal Watch 2017 still continues...beginning to think he's the smartest resident of Storybrooke. More on that later...
Awake was not without it's problems, but it was a nice to go back and be reminded of the importance of David & Snow's sacrifices and what they have really meant to everyone. How cool was it to see Regina & Hook step up to the plate first to help the Charmings?
Let us know Twitter @onceuponth or email us at once@nthcast.com
And check out our new website at onceuponth.com!
Don't forget to tell a friend about the podcast!
Have a great week! - Josh/Steph
We're back ! We talk a little about 'A Wonderous Place' but don't spend too much time on that waste of an episode before we jump into the much better 'Mother's Little Helper'...
It's the first true hint of the Final Battle being a sort of end to the series as we know it and that is good thing. That will drive the remaining episodes to a clear resolution.
Josh goes off on a speculation tangent about Emma and if she's up to the task of saving everyone in the Final Battle. Where does Henry fit into all this. Has Gold know all along that Gideon didn't have his heart and was being controlled by the Black Fairy...Where does Blue factor into all of this mess. Still don't trust that she's on the up and up. How long will Hook be stuck in Neverland and why is he there? Looks like we'll see some interaction with Tiger Lily.
Baby Neal Watch 2017 still continues...
Let us know Twitter
Wow, what a turn of events? Did anyone see the confrontation between Regina and the Evil Queen playing out the way it did? We certainly didn't! Will Regina ever get her happy ending? Hopefully, we'll turn away for her romantic life and find happiness and fulfillment in another way. It would be the best way to carry forward the story line...Loved the message of forgiving yourself, having faith & hope restored! More of that!
The best thing we can say to the Emma/Hook nonsense...now at least he can propose properly later! Nuff said!
Let us know Twitter @onceuponth or email us at once@nthcast.com
And check out our new website at onceuponth.com!
Don't forget to tell a friend about the podcast!
Have a great week! - Josh/Steph
The changing of Bae's backstory just makes us feel icky...
Will Hook ever tell Emma what he did? Does it even matter?
Baby Neil Watch 2017: This just in! Wait, nope that was baby Robin, not Neil. Maybe next time...We may have to add Henry to the "Where are they" list soon.
What you think of the episode? Loved it , Hated it, Meh? What do you think the future holds for the series. Will it be renewed? If so, rebooted? What would that even look like?
Let us know at twitter.com/onceuponth or once@nthcast.com
Check out our new website at onceuponth.com!
Don't forget to tell a friend about your favorite podcast. If that's us, awesome! But please spread the word...they are still folks out there that don't even know what a podcast is...the Horror!
Maybe less a review and more of us gushing over how much we enjoyed the movie! And what's wrong with that?
Is it perfect? No. Is it better that the 1991 Disney animated feature? There is a little disagreement there...We hope you have had a chance to see it. If not, please go! We certainly going to see it again and again and again...You get the idea.
Let us know what you thought. We on twitter.com/onceuponth or email us at once@nthcast.com
Check out our new website at onceuponth.com!Talk to you soon about that episode of that certain show we all like to watch and can't seem to quit even though episodes like this week's make us crazy! - Josh/Steph
Check out our new website at onceuponth.com!
We finally learn the truth about David's father. Hook Gets his blessing to marry Emma, but how long will it take for his secret to explode the family?
Regina knew that the Robin thing wasn't right and finally admits as much. But is Robin really the page 23 Robin? Is he on the up and up?
And where is baby Neal? Should we stop asking at this point?Let us know what you think at twitter.com/onceuponth or once@nthcast.com
Have a great week! - Josh/Steph
Was anyone else confused by the logic in this episode? Or is that just Josh? Why does anything happen in Once Upon a Time? Meh...Magic!
Will Robin stick around? How do you feel about him being back?
Will Snow get some good rest as David bumbles to around attempting to fix stuff? Will he go Dark? Or will Hook be the voice of reason? Lord help us all!
Let us know what you think at twitter.com/onceuponth or once@nthcast.com
Check out our new website at onceuponth.com!
Have a great week! - Josh/Steph
<p>Join us in our Facebook Group at <nthcast.com/oncers></p>
We finally cover the Once Upon a Time, season 6 mid-season finale....Was it the best, no, but it did raise a lot of questions...that we have to wait until March to start finding out the answers! Grrr!
We want to hear your theories/thoughts on the first half of the season and where do you think the story is going.
Will we see more of the Black fairy? Will we get to see this new, dark realm? Why does Gideon want to take Emma out?
Let us know what you think at twitter.com/onceuponth or once@nthcast.com
Join us in our Facebook Group at <nthcast.com/oncers>
Have a great week! - Josh/Steph
<p>Henry is growing up nicely. And how about those John Hughes/Star Wars references? What more could you want in an epsiode?
But can we lay off of the EQ/Rumple kissy, kissy stuff? Barf!
Just don't get us started on Belle...
What did you think of the episodes? Let us know at twitter.com/onceuponth or once@nthcast.com
And don't forget to join us in our Facebook Group as we watch and comment the episode live at <nthcast.com/oncers>. We watch live Sundays at 7pm CST.
Have a great week! - Josh/Steph
<p>Dark Waters was ok, if not a little trying at times, but Heartless was great. Join us as we do a poor job of remembering what to discuss...
Oh yeah...Rumple & the Evil Queen is just gross.
What did you think of the episodes? Let us know at twitter.com/onceuponth or once@nthcast.com
And don't forget to join us in our Facebook Group as we watch and comment the episode live at <nthcast.com/oncers>. We watch live Sundays at 7pm CST.
Have a great week! - Josh/Steph
<p>We're back and there's much to discuss as we breakdown, 'Strange Case' and 'Street Rats'...Both were good episodes but were sad to see Hyde go as he and the Evil Queen would've made a great power couple.</p>
The Aladdin story translated well to the show. Pretty sure we'll see Aladdin return to his Savior status in some capacity. Which would suit Jasmine's needs, as she only seems to be interested in Aladdin for what he can do to save Agrabah...
What did you think of the episodes? Let us know at twitter.com/onceuponth or once@nthcast.com
And don't forget to join us in our Facebook Group as we watch and comment the episode live at <nthcast.com/oncers>. We watch live Sundays at 7pm CST. Don't be a stranger, come say hi!
Have a great week!
<p>Yay, we finally got the episode out! Sorry for the delay...hope it was worth the short wait.</p>
What did you guys think of the new take on the Cinderella story?
Let us know you're thoughts twitter.com/onceuponth or once@nthcast.com
Join our Facebook Group to join in the fun of watching and commenting on the episode live at <nthcast.com/oncers>
<p>So we meet the Count of Monte Cristo and Snow's handmaiden and Josh forgets how to pronounce "Draught"...(Grr, those Brits and their funky spellings!)</p>
Was the story of the Count rushed? Did you feel cheated out of knowing more about Charlotte? Will we meet new characters every week and their story be resolved by the end of the episode? Will Emma's taste in clothes continue to tailspin?
Let us know you're thoughts twitter.com/onceuponth or once@nthcast.com
Jump into the Facebook Group at <nthcast.com/oncers>
Thanks for listening!
<p>Season 6 is here and the premiere did not disappoint! It's good to be back...We didn't realize how much we missed the show.</p>
Well, some of us didn't miss Belle and would rather see here sleep for the rest of the season...
Anyhoo, the season is off to a great start with planting the seeds of the Savior mythology, which will be interesting to see.
Just do us a favor...don't fall into Rumple's trap. He gonna make you fall in love with him again only to pull the rug out from under you. Promise...
We want to hear from you, so give us a shout! - twitter.com/onceuponth or once@nthcast.com
The link for the Facebook Group is <nthcast.com/oncers>
Thanks for listening!
<p>We're back and we re-watched the Pilot and oh, how things have changed since then!</p>
We apologize for the delay and we plan to get back of a regular schedule. Thanks for listening!
Contact us at:
twitter.com/onceuponth or email: once@nthcast.com
Make sure you check out our Facebook Group at nthcast.com/oncers . It's a great way to stay in touch...
<p>Season 5 Finale!</p>
So much happened and the wheels were set in motion for season 6...Will Rumple save Belle and his child from that wonderfully ornate box? Will Henry's hormones simmer down and allow him to make logical choices? Will Regina lose her edge? Will she ever find and keep her One True Love? Will anyone catch the fact the the 21 Jump Street reference was wrong on purpose?
Let us know your comments/theories/questions on the season 5 finale:
twitter.com/onceuponth or email: once@nthcast.com
Make sure you check out our Facebook Group at nthcast.com/oncers . It's a great way to stay in touch...
Thanks for listening!
<p>Episode 19: 'Last Rites'</p>
Poor Robin, they could have given him more to do this season. And how will this impact Regina? Will Zelena be good now? Who will keep Rumple in check? Is Hook back for good? So many questions!
Send us your comments/theories/questions by contacting us at:
twitter.com/onceuponth or email: once@nthcast.com
Facebook Group link: nthcast.com/oncers
Make sure you subscribe to the show at nthcast.com/once and feel free to leave us a rating/review on iTunes.
We appreciate your support!
<p>Episode 18: We're back! Let's discuss 'Sisters' & 'Firebird...</p>
Should Cora be allowed to 'move on' to a better place? Why didn't anyone listen when we said not to trust Hades? Will Hook make it out of the Underworld?
Send us your comments/theories/hopes/dreams/etc. or ask questions by contacting us at:
twitter.com/onceuponth or email: once@nthcast.com
Facebook Group link: nthcast.com/oncers
Make sure you subscribe to the show at nthcast.com/once and feel free to leave us a rating/review on i
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