
  • Welcome back to the Pivot with Passion podcast! Today’s episode is all about the power of words and the profound impact they have on our lives. Your host, Penny Casselman, kicks things off with an inspiring message on the importance of examining the language we use, particularly in our self-talk.

    She dives into three powerful word swaps—have to vs. get to, decide vs. choose, and change vs. evolve—that can help us reframe our mindset, reduce stress, and propel us toward our goals.

    Penny also shares relatable stories and actionable tips, including a "clarity cocktail" quote from William James, to help listeners start making positive changes today. Grab your favorite beverage and get ready to shake things up as we explore how to Pivot with Passion! Let's get started.



    00:00 Word swap, stop shoulding, phrases for self-belief.

    03:58 Change self-talk, choose positive words, value yourself.

    04:59 [Clarity Cocktail Begins] Choosing thoughts can combat stress in life.

    08:23 Overcoming self-doubt, learning, and managing stress.

    10:11 [Clarity Cocktail Ends]

    11:07 Choose "I have to" or "I get to" carefully.

    15:19 Evolve allows for career growth and change.

    19:56 Empower yourself, choose positivity, grab your dreams.

    21:01 Embrace change and make your move now.






    The greatest weapon against stress is our ability to choose one thought over another. ~William James


    🖍️🖍️🖍️GRAB YOUR *FREE* Red Marker 🖍️🖍️🖍️

    Simply leave a glowing review of the Pivot with Passion Podcast on your platform of choice. When your review posts, go grab your red marker here 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/freeredmarker



    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    📺 Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! 




    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • Welcome back to another inspiring episode of Pivot with Passion! I'm your host, Penny Casselman, and today we're diving into a topic that resonates deeply with each of us: the power of listening. But first, let me share a quick update on my birthday celebrations and the joy of gathering with close friends. As we lift our spirits with chatter and cheers, it got me thinking about the art of truly hearing one another.

    In this episode, we explore how listening is a beautiful gift we can offer freely, and transform all our interactions. We discuss common barriers to effective listening such as technology distractions, discomfort, self-centeredness, and the assumptions we carry. To combat these barriers, we'll introduce techniques that can enhance your listening skills and deepen your connections.

    And as a special treat, I’ll share a unique drink recipe, the intriguing 'Spaghett,' which promises to tickle your taste buds while we delve into profound ideas from Warren Buffett on making personal investments.

    So grab your beverage of choice, and let's learn to pivot with more passion by mastering the art of listening!



    00:00 Believe in claiming what you truly desire.

    03:55 Brains process thoughts faster than spoken words.

    06:39 Enhancing listening gift for meaningful conversations.

    08:17 Clarity Cocktail

    11:35 Invest in yourself; learning leads to earning.

    15:45 Discomfort in silence hinders listening, self-centeredness, assumptions.

    17:57 Acknowledge, validate, and build on active listening.

    20:28 Reflect on interactions, identify improvements, aim for 1% better listening.


    One bottle Miller High Life

    1.5 ounces of Aperol

    0.5 ounces of Lemon juice

    Sip the beer until the contents sit at the bottom of the woman's feet on the top label. Then, pour in the Aperol and Lemon juice. Enjoy! (no mixing needed!) You can thank me later! 😉


    Here's another Aperol cocktail from Episode 5! Aperol Cider Spritz: 

    1 1/2 ounces apple cider // 1 ounce Aperol // 3 ounces Prosecco // 1 1/2 ounces soda water // Add ice

    Stir and garnish with an apple slice or orange slice; or both! 

    Feeling fancy? Add a cinnamon & sugar rim



    The best investment you can make is an investment in yourself…the more you learn, the more you’ll earn. ~Warren Buffett


    🖍️🖍️🖍️GRAB YOUR *FREE* Red Marker 🖍️🖍️🖍️

    Simply leave a glowing review of the Pivot with Passion Podcast on your platform of choice. When your review posts, go grab your red marker here 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/freeredmarker



    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! 




    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

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  • Welcome back to another powerful episode of Pivot with Passion. Today, our host, Penny Casselman, invites you to join her in a thought-provoking session as she celebrates the month of her birth with reflections on desires and dreams, manifesting through action, and the philosophy of living life like jazz - best improvised. From personal anecdotes about her travels in Italy and her battle with breast cancer to exploring the importance of sharing your dreams to make them reality, Penny weaves an inspirational narrative about the power of adaptability and clear intent. So, grab your favorite beverage, and let’s delve into this enriching discussion about turning life’s unpredictability into a compelling journey of fulfillment and courage.



    00:00 Excited about birthday month and reflecting on wishes.

    05:16 Spontaneous travel to Venice and Florence.

    06:59 Life is like jazz, embrace improvisation.

    10:38 Birthday wishes, dreams, and living life authentically.

    14:13 Take action, achieve dreams, leave podcast review.



    Life is a lot like jazz…it’s best when you improvise. ~George Gershwin


    🖍️🖍️🖍️GRAB YOUR *FREE* Red Marker 🖍️🖍️🖍️

    Simply leave a glowing review of the Pivot with Passion Podcast on your platform of choice. When your review posts, go grab your red marker here 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/freeredmarker



    Here’s my favorite Jazz duo! Check ‘em out  👉 https://four80east.com/


    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! 




    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • Welcome to another exhilarating episode of Pivot with Passion! Today we're diving deep into the power of incremental progress with what I call the "Drip Theory." As we kick off my birthday month of May, I invite you to join me in embracing the art of celebrating every small step we take towards our goals. No matter the pace, it's the persistent, tiny efforts that accumulate and lead to monumental changes in our lives.

    We'll explore how every drop of effort counts and why resetting our perspective on progress is crucial. By the end of this episode, you're guaranteed to look at your goals and the efforts you contribute towards them in a whole new light.

    Go grab your favorite beverage and a red marker, as we delve into making substantial shifts that ignite our deepest passions. Let’s make this month, and every effort we put forth, truly count!



    00:00 Emphasize life with a red marker giveaway.

    03:26 Requesting birthday gift: rate 5-star review. Explains drip theory.

    07:41 Commit to planning for success and growth.

    11:05 Replacing meditation with journaling and gaining motivation.

    13:52 Focus on one drop of effort to move forward.

    17:57 Get a red marker and take action.


    We first make our habits, and then our habits make us.  ~John Dryden


    🖍️🖍️🖍️GRAB YOUR *FREE* Red Marker 🖍️🖍️🖍️

    All I ask is that you leave a glowing review of the Pivot with Passion Podcast. All the details can be found here 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/freeredmarker



    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! 




    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • Today's episode is all about discovering opportunities by helping others. We're diving deep into the mantra "Today, I can help someone," which is not just a feel-good approach, but also a powerful catalyst for change.

    During difficult times—whether you're feeling stuck, frustrated, or burnt out—looking outward to be of service to others can be transforming. By extending a hand, you'll find a sense of purpose that reignites your own passion and pulls you out of the rut.

    Join me as I explore this idea further and share my personal experiences of overcoming challenges such as loss, divorce, downsizing, and cancer. With each hardship, I've been able to lend a helping hand to others, which, in turn, has helped me heal and grow.

    Remember, sharing your story can give hope to others, and small acts of kindness can make a big difference. Let's dive into this episode and find out how we can help someone today—because when we extend our second hand out to others, we make the world, and our lives, a little brighter. Don't forget to check out this episode on YouTube as well, and if you're inspired, share the podcast and leave us a review. Here's to pivoting with passion, and cheers to the journey ahead!



    00:48 Struggle to find this week's topic, finding inspiration in a Post-it note.

    01:32 The power of quotes and how they inspire action.

    02:35 Message of service - helping someone else to overcome gloom.

    03:52 Encouragement to look outward to overcome negative emotions.

    05:03 Clarity cocktail begins: quote by Audrey Hepburn on helping others.

    05:50 Clarity cocktail ends: connecting personal hardships to helping others.

    09:15 Utilizing the phrase "Today, I can help someone" in daily life.

    10:29 Small acts of assistance and their impact on both parties.

    13:27 Closing remarks, invitation to share and review the podcast.



    As you grow older, you will discover that you have two hands, one for helping yourself, the other for helping others. ~Audrey Hepburn



    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/@penny_casselman

    Did you enjoy the episode? Take a moment to rate & review the show. Cheers to YOU for helping to spread the word!



    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • Today, we're diving into the transformative power of turning "priorities" into "non-negotiables." Many of us end our weeks feeling like we've fallen short, beating ourselves up for tasks left undone. We're familiar with setting priorities, yet still find ourselves not sticking to them, which leads to a cycle of frustration. But what if we treated these priorities not as options but as non-negotiable must-dos?

    In this episode, I'll share my own struggle with not using my planner effectively and how I decided to stop the cycle of self-blame. I'll invite you to discover—and possibly redefine—your non-negotiables. We'll explore how this firm commitment can steer you away from the child-like mentality of "I don't wanna," and propel you towards crushing your goals.

    We'll sip on today's clarity cocktail—an inspiring quote by Earl Nightingale that reminds us not to let the fear of time needed to achieve something stand in your way. Remember, time is going to pass no matter what; it's up to us to use it wisely.

    Get ready to stand firm in your commitments and drastically alter the trajectory of your week, month, and year. Grab a red marker, jot down your non-negotiables, and join me as we pivot towards a passionate and purpose-driven life. Share this episode with a friend who could use that extra push, and let's get started!



    00:48 Reflecting on personal effectiveness and weekly planning.

    02:06 The realization about not using the planner.

    03:54 Turning priorities into nonnegotiables for personal success.

    07:22 Clarity Cocktail Begins - The value of time and using it wisely.

    09:00 Clarity Cocktail Conclusion - Persisting through challenges.

    11:23 Importance of declaring nonnegotiables to align with personal values.

    13:04 Using nonnegotiables to combat poor habits and engage in self-improvement.

    16:00 Empowerment to make positive choices and advance with intention.



    Don't let the fear of the time it will take to accomplish something stand in the way of your doing it. The time will pass anyway; we might just as well put that passing time to the best possible use. ~Earl Nightingale



    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! 



    Did you enjoy the episode? Take a moment to rate & review the show. Cheers to YOU for helping to spread the word!



    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • Greetings, passionate pivoters, and welcome back to Pivot with Passion, where we ignite the fire to your aspirations and transform your reality! I'm your host, Penny Casselman, ready to share wisdom that can propel us from life's standstills to the stratosphere of our dreams. Today's episode will leave you starstruck, as I recount the celestial magic of a total solar eclipse, reminding us of life's awe and our place within its grand canvas.

    Join me as I dive deep into the core of what it means to have a 'red marker moment.' We'll unpack the crucial triad of belief, action, and vision, which is the heartbeat of every pivotal juncture in life.

    Remember, it's about the moments we seize, the markers we claim, and the unwavering belief in our innate power to propel forward with a clear vision and deliberate action. So, let's explore these transformative truths, cheers to just doing it, and let's get ready to make today's episode another unforgettable marker in your journey. Let the pivot commence!



    00:00 Experiencing awe of celestial event, feel insignificant.

    04:41 Overcoming obstacles, embracing change for an exciting future.

    08:07 Success comes from ignoring others' opinions. Just do it.

    12:27 Overcome discomfort, have clear vision, take action.

    14:42 Stay focused, take action, believe in yourself.

    17:48 Overcome self-doubt and embrace personal achievements.



    Just Do It! ~ Nike



    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! 



    Did you enjoy the episode? Take a moment to rate & review the show. Cheers to YOU for helping to spread the word!



    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • Welcome back to Pivot with Passion. In today's episode, Penny Casselman shares her reflections and insights from her recent vacation to San Juan, Puerto Rico. She discusses the power of making small changes and the impact of taking a one degree shift in life, drawing parallels to the simple science of water boiling. Penny emphasizes the importance of prioritizing experiences and memories over material possessions and encourages listeners to push themselves out of their comfort zones to create transformative change in their lives. Tune in to discover how Penny's vacation experiences inspired her to challenge the notion of settling for "fine" and embrace the potential for a phenomenal life through small, intentional actions.



    00:00 Small steps can lead to transformation in life.

    04:32 Value experiences over material possessions, cherish memories.

    08:21 Overcame fear, gained new perspective, felt empowered.

    12:35 Finding a small shift for big change.

    15:51 Take one degree step towards transformation.

    17:34 Contact me on Instagram or via email.



    If you'd rather live surrounded by pristine objects than by the traces of happy memories, stay focused on tangible things. Otherwise, stop fixating on stuff you can touch and start caring about stuff that touches you. ~ Martha Beck



    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/@penny_casselman

    Did you enjoy the episode? Take a moment to rate & review the show. Cheers to YOU for helping to spread the word!



    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • In this episode of Pivot with Passion, host Penny Casselman reflects on the idea of filling the space we have in our lives, drawing parallels between physical space and our time and energy. She shares her experience of an intense week, juggling household tasks, rehearsing a keynote talk, and delivering it to a live audience.

    Penny discusses the importance of setting clear deadlines to hold ourselves accountable, and gives herself permission to embrace imperfection. She encourages listeners to seek new experiences to enrich their dreams and goals. Moreover, she offers valuable insight on giving ourselves grace when feeling overwhelmed and the power of taking a break to recharge.

    Episode 25 concludes with a heartfelt message and a brief hiatus, giving listeners a chance to catch up on previous episodes. Join Penny as she implores everyone to grab a red marker and make the first move to pivot with passion.



    00:00 Juggling responsibilities and reflections on personal space.

    06:27 New experiences offer perspective for vivid dreams.

    08:17 Seek new experiences, embrace dreams, avoid procrastination.

    12:39 Permission to pivot, thanks for being you.



    You must give everything to make your life as beautiful as the dreams that dance in you imagination. ~ Roman Payne



    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! 



    Did you enjoy the episode? Take a moment to rate & review the show. Cheers to YOU for helping to spread the word!


    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • In this episode, host Penny Casselman delves into the concept of success and how to define it in various aspects of life. Sharing insights from personal experiences, Penny encourages listeners to stop saying "I don't know" and start creating a vision for a phenomenal future. Drawing parallels between planning for a vacation and planning for success, she offers thought-provoking perspectives and practical tips for gaining clarity. Tune in as Penny shares her wisdom and invites listeners to ponder what success means to them. Get ready to be inspired to grab your red marker and start making moves towards a more fulfilling life. So, grab your favorite beverage, and let's dive in!



    00:00 Thank you for finding benefit, let's talk success.

    05:59 Avoid saying "I don't know" in decisions.

    07:56 Sci-fi fan quotes Star Trek for clarity.

    12:53 Time spent planning escape vs improving life.

    15:02 Defining success by avoiding unwanted leadership qualities.

    17:35 Empowerment: grab a red marker, pivot with passion.


    Clarity Cocktail Quote

    Time is a companion that goes with us on a journey. It reminds us to cherish each moment, because it will never come again. What we leave behind is not as important as how we have lived. ~Jean Luc Picard


    Notes from Penny

    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! https://www.youtube.com/@penny_casselman

    Did you enjoy the episode? Take a moment to rate & review the show. Cheers to YOU for helping to spread the word!


    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/


  • In this episode, host Penny Casselman shares a powerful message about facing life's challenges and choosing to pivot with passion. From personal experiences with divorce and cancer to navigating the uncertainties of life, Penny offers insightful perspective and inspiration. She shares a poignant analogy involving a caterpillar's transformation into a butterfly and discusses the importance of embracing the unknown with determination. Drawing on the stories of individuals who achieved success later in life, Penny reminds listeners that it's never too late to pursue their dreams. Join us as we delve into the idea that life is what you make of it and discover how to navigate through obstacles with resilience and a red marker in hand.



    00:00 Ideas and examples for moving forward.

    06:13 Emerging stronger, face obstacles, life's possibilities.

    09:02 Aging should not limit your aspirations.

    11:43 Life is what you make of it.


    Clarity Cocktail Quote 

    Just when the caterpillar thought the world was over, it became a butterfly.


    Notes from Penny

    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast; hop over to her YouTube channel! 



    Did you enjoy the episode? Take a moment to rate & review the show. Cheers to YOU for helping to spread the word!



    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/


  • Welcome to the "Pivot with Passion" podcast, where we explore how to grab life by the reins and make it what you truly desire. In this episode, host Penny Casselman shares insightful perspectives on the importance of finding what works for you and not being confined by what works for others.

    Through personal stories and thought-provoking questions, Penny imparts the significance of exploring, trying, and evaluating different options to carve out a path that aligns with your unique needs and desires.

    Listen in as she encourages you to pick up your red marker, claim what you truly desire, and pivot with passion towards a phenomenal life.


    **NEW** 📺 Watch Penny deliver this episode of the podcast over on YouTube! 




    00:00 A coach helps me commit to fitness.

    05:57 Choose what's best for you in life.

    09:48 Embrace what works, let go of the rest.

    13:43 Choose, try, evaluate, refine, adjust, embrace uniqueness.

    17:30 Embrace what works for you and succeed.

    18:44 Recognize what works, embrace it, achieve anything.


    Clarity Cocktail Quote 

    Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else. ~Margaret Mead


    Notes from Penny

    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast



    Did you enjoy the episode? Take a moment to rate & review the show. Cheers to YOU for helping to spread the word!



    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • In this episode of Pivot with Passion, host Penny Casselman shares updates and exciting news with her listeners. She introduces her website's new shop page and book offerings, along with the decision to start posting the podcast on YouTube.

    Penny dives into the theme of "Nothing is done alone" and encourages listeners to seek support and ask for help in pursuit of their goals. Using engaging anecdotes and motivational quotes, she emphasizes the power of collaboration and the positive impact of seeking assistance. Join Penny as she inspires listeners to pivot with passion and claim the life they desire.



    00:00 Different priced items available, visit PennyCasselman.com/shop

    05:12 Seek help, don't go at it alone.

    07:28 Quote about facing deficiencies, acknowledging, and learning.

    09:36 Embrace help to overcome struggles and deficiencies.

    15:34 Embrace asking for help to achieve success.

    17:45 Embrace unique experiences and seek helpful insights.


    Clarity Cocktail Quote 

     Face your deficiencies and acknowledge them; but do not let them master you. Let them teach you patience, sweetness, insight. ~ Helen Keller


    Notes from Penny

    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    Send me your thoughts; I’d love to hear what you think.  https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    Did you enjoy the episode? Hop over to your podcast platform and take a moment to rate & review the show. I want to put a Red Marker in everyone’s hand so they can Pivot with Passion—and I need your help to make that happen!



    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/


  • In this episode of "Pivot with Passion," host Penny Casselman shares 17 ways to spark joy in your life in 10 minutes or less each day. From creating a playlist of feel-good songs to scheduling a night to prepare your favorite meal, Penny's tips are designed to help you find moments of joy in your day-to-day routine. She emphasizes the importance of focusing on the journey, not just the destination, and encourages listeners to incorporate joy into their everyday lives. Penny's practical and uplifting advice aims to inspire you to pivot with passion and claim the life you desire and deserve. So grab your favorite beverage and get ready to shake things up as you learn how to infuse joy into your daily routine.



    00:00 Discover 17 joy-sparking ideas, relax, download handout.

    05:29 Writing personal messages in cards brings joy.

    07:33 Finding joy in daily activities, not just completing.

    13:04 Find joy, make it a consistent habit.

    14:39 Embrace passion and take your first step.



    Grab your FREE four-page funbook to help you Spark Joy in your everyday! Grab your copy here 👉🏻https://www.pennycasselman.com/episode20


    Clarity Cocktail Quote 

    Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it. ~ Greg Anderson


    Notes from Penny

    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    Send me your thoughts; I’d love to hear what you think.  https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    Did you enjoy the episode? Hop over to your podcast platform and take a moment to rate & review the show. I want to put a Red Marker in everyone’s hand so they can Pivot with Passion—and I need your help to make that happen!



    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • In this episode of Pivot with Passion, host Penny Casselman delves into the epidemic of settling for "fine" and challenges listeners to abandon this non-answer in favor of embracing new possibilities for their lives. She emphasizes the power of choice and encourages the audience to replace "fine" with exciting and empowering words. With a focus on sparking inspiration and making new choices, Penny leaves listeners empowered to pursue their dreams and claim the phenomenal life they deserve. Tune in for an uplifting conversation that will ignite your passion and drive.



    00:00 Epidemic is a choice; always have a choice.

    03:51 Choices in life, exploring new hobbies.

    08:36 Choosing "fine" disguises true feelings and situations.

    11:09 Turn a fine house into something great.

    14:27 Empowerment call to action through podcast episode.


    Clarity Cocktail Quote 

    The biggest human temptation is to settle for too little. ~Thomas Merton


    Notes from Penny

    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    Drop me a note here -->  https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    Did you enjoy the episode? Hop over to your podcast platform and take a moment to rate & review the show. I want to put a Red Marker in everyone’s hand so they can Pivot with Passion—and I need your help to make that happen!



    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • In this episode of Pivot with Passion, host Penny Casselman delves into the powerful concept of confidence. She emphasizes the need to take action to build confidence and the importance of the confidence competence loop in boosting self-assurance.

    Penny shares three actionable strategies she has used to increase confidence in her life, encouraging listeners to adapt them for their journey. By the end of this episode, you'll be ready to grab a red marker and claim your phenomenal life with renewed confidence. Don't miss out on this empowering discussion on how to pivot with passion.



    00:00 Excited to have new and returning listeners.

    05:03 Building confidence through practice and feedback loop.

    09:10 Build confidence by taking imperfect action and persisting.

    12:46 Learning small tasks bring confidence and growth.

    14:25 Confidence comes from repetition and play.

    19:06 Continued actions in confidence building are essential.

    21:38 Embrace change and take control with passion.


    LIMITED TIME PROMOTION 🖍️ REVIEW THE PODCAST AND GRAB YOUR FREE 🖍️ RED MARKER 🖍️ 🖍️ HERE 👉🏻 https://www.pennycasselman.com/pg-FreeRedMarkerJAN24



    Experience tells you what to do. Confidence allows you to do it. ~ Stan Smith



    Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts!

    Connect with me here: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Did you enjoy the episode? Hop over to your podcast platform and take a moment to rate & review the show. I want to put a Red Marker in everyone’s hand so they can Pivot with Passion—and I need your help to make that happen!



    Get on the list 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

  • Welcome back to Pivot with Passion! In this episode, Penny Casselman shares a raw and personal story about her recent experience in a speaking competition. She opens up about freezing on stage, the emotional aftermath, and the unexpected magic that unfolded after the incident. Join us as Penny reflects on the power of perspective, resilience, and the reminder that we are always one choice away from everything we desire. Get ready to be inspired to grab your red marker and pivot with passion in your own life. So, grab your favorite beverage and join us as we dive into this compelling journey of growth and empowerment.



    🖍️ HERE (Valid ONLY IN JANUARY 2024) 👉🏻 https://www.pennycasselman.com/pg-FreeRedMarkerJAN24



    00:00 Fear of public speaking, mic failure, feedback.

    06:10 Effie Trinket oversees a deadly lottery in the movie The Hunger Games.

    08:32 Personal growth through challenges leads to success.

    10:44 Craving Burger King, wrong exit, tired.

    16:43 Claim your phenomenal life with a red marker.

    17:57 Excited for the future, make 1st move with passion.



    No FOMO 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/


    If you've subscribed to the show—THANKS🤩—now's a great time to share it with a friend! 👍🏼 Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! Send me a note via my podcast page here >> https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Oh—and if you enjoyed the episode, please take a moment to rate & review the show. This helps me get this message to more people so they can grab a Red Marker and move to Pivot with Passion.

  • In this episode of Pivot with Passion, host Penny Casselman dives into the idea that success is a choice, not magical or based on luck. She encourages listeners to reflect on their personal definitions of success and how they can achieve it. Through the metaphor of cooking vs. baking, she explains that success is more like cooking - experimental and tailored to individual tastes. She challenges the notion of settling for fine and provides a valuable exercise to clarify what success looks like for each listener. Penny empowers her audience to grab their red markers and take the first step towards a phenomenal life. Join us as we explore how to pivot with passion and make choices that lead to success.



    🖍️ HERE —Valid JANUARY 2024 ONLY 👉🏻 https://www.pennycasselman.com/pg-FreeRedMarkerJAN24



    00:00 Define success according to your own terms.

    05:32 Cooking allows for experimentation and personalization.

    09:28 Value in writing down the opposite of success.

    13:38 Support, needs, choices. Is success a choice?

    15:36 Use a red marker to make your week phenomenal.



    No FOMO 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

     Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/


    If you've subscribed to the show—THANKS🤩—now's a great time to share it with a friend! 👍🏼 Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! Send me a note via my podcast page here >> https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast


    Oh—and if you enjoyed the episode, please take a moment to rate & review the show. This helps me get this message to more people so they can grab a Red Marker and move to Pivot with Passion.

  • Welcome to the latest episode of Pivot with Passion, hosted by the ever-inspiring Penny Casselman. In today's episode, Penny shares her insights on making 2024 your year for success, offering three key learnings from her journey and words of encouragement. She discusses the importance of surrounding yourself with supportive people, the irrelevance of time in reaching your goals, and the significance of truly wanting to pursue your aspirations. With her signature mix of wisdom, warmth, and humor, Penny invites you to grab a red marker, claim your desired life, and start dreaming big. So get ready to be inspired, motivated, and empowered to pivot with passion as you listen to this episode.


    00:00 New Year's resolutions: 68% quit by day 32.

    05:47 Embrace mistakes; consistency is key to success.

    08:55 Share your goals with supportive people.

    11:02 Holidays lead to fresh start and growth.

    14:25 Penny's personal update and commitment to the podcast.



    🖍️ HERE—Valid JANUARY 2024 ONLY 👉🏻 https://www.pennycasselman.com/pg-FreeRedMarkerJAN24



    No FOMO 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

     Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

     Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/


    *** If you've subscribed to the show—THANKS🤩—now's a great time to share it with a friend! 👍🏼

    If you enjoyed the episode, please take a moment to rate & review the show. This helps me get this message to more people so they can grab a Red Marker and move to Pivot with Passion.


  • Welcome to the latest episode of Pivot with Passion! In today's episode, host Penny Casselman dives deep into the concept of using a red marker to shape your future in 2024. She shares a powerful poem that challenges listeners to ask, "What if I fly?" instead of focusing on the fear of falling.

    Penny encourages her audience to envision their dreams using all five senses and offers a practical exercise to help them clarify their goals for the new year. As a special surprise, Penny announces a limited-time offer for listeners to receive a free red marker by leaving a review for the podcast.

    Join Penny in embracing the power of the red marker and learn how to pivot with passion in the year ahead. Don't miss out on this inspiring and empowering episode!


    00:00 Renovation taught the importance of giving yourself grace.

    03:17 Embrace freedom and possibility with courage.

    06:25 Imagine living your dream; engage all senses.

    10:50 Reflect on 2024, manifest your best year.

    13:15 Claim your free red marker, pivot with passion.



    🖍️ HERE —Valid JANUARY 2024 ONLY👉🏻 https://www.pennycasselman.com/pg-FreeRedMarkerJAN24



    📝 HERE 👉🏻 https://www.pennycasselman.com/pg-pod-ep14



    No FOMO 👉 https://www.pennycasselman.com/sub-email-list

    Contact Penny: https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/penny_casselman/

    Browse all episode transcripts: https://www.pennycasselman.com/podcasts/pivot-with-passion-with-penny-casselman/episodes/

    *** If you've subscribed to the show—THANKS🤩—now's a great time to share it with a friend! 👍🏼 Connection and stories matter more now than ever, and I'd love to hear your thoughts! Send me a note via my podcast page here >> https://www.PennyCasselman.com/podcast

    Oh—and if you enjoyed the episode, please take a moment to rate & review the show. This helps me get this message to more people so they can grab a Red Marker and move to Pivot with Passion.