
  • Before we dive into today's topic, I want to say thank you for joining me this season. If you have ideas for topics we should cover in season two, let me know at potterapp.com or on social media.
    In this grand finale episode, we explore the unexpected upside of taking a break from your podcast. We discusses the benefits of going on hiatus and how it can reinvigorate your show and creativity long term.

    Taking an extended break allows for creative recharging, giving your mind space to relax and inspire new perspectives. It also provides time for production improvements without the pressure of live episodes, allowing for refinements and enhancements to your podcast.

    A hiatus can build listener anticipation and generate buzz upon your return, creating a season launch moment. It also provides hosts with much-needed work-life balance, allowing them to recharge personally and avoid burnout.

    Additionally, the break provides valuable audience data, revealing your true fans and helping you better engage and serve your community.

    Don't fear reasonable breaks from the episodic grind. See them as a secret creative weapon to start your next season strong. Use the downtime wisely to refine your craft and processes while also rejuvenating personally.

    For more podcasting tips and to stay updated on our upcoming season, make sure to subscribe to our podcast on Apple Podcasts or wherever you listen to podcasts.

  • Join us as we dive into the controversial topic of paywalls in podcasting. Discover how strategic paywall implementation can elevate your show's value, increase engagement, and cultivate a dedicated subscriber base. We explore the psychological effect of paid content, enticing subscribers with exclusive insights and samples. Real-world examples and execution strategies offer valuable insights. Learn how paywalls can set clear expectations, strengthen your core community, and ultimately enhance your podcast's appeal. Don't miss this thought-provoking episode!

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  • In this episode, we dive deep into the art of promo swaps in the world of podcasting. Promo swaps offer a powerful way to expand your show's reach and connect with new, engaged audiences, all without breaking the bank.

    First, we break down the promo swap model, explaining how it works and why it's a game-changer for podcasters. Discover how shows exchange short promo spots and the mutual benefits of this practice. We'll also share insights from Jordan Harbinger, who swears by promo swaps as a top organic marketing tactic.

    But that's not all. We'll explore the key elements of crafting compelling promo spots that leave your audience craving more. Learn how to create a strong hook, craft persuasive descriptions, deliver clear calls to action, and include direct response links to track your promo's success.

    To execute promo swaps seamlessly, you need the right partners. We share best practices for finding shows with audience overlap, establishing organized systems, recording multiple promo versions, setting clear expectations, and nurturing long-lasting relationships.

    Promo swaps can be a podcast's secret weapon when executed strategically, and this episode equips you with the knowledge and tools to make it happen. Tune in to learn how to expand your podcast's reach, engage your audience, and foster meaningful collaborations with your fellow podcasters. Don't miss it!

    Brought to you by Podder
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  • In this episode, we explore why you should consider ignoring podcast reviews. While feedback is valuable, obsessing over ratings can be counterproductive.

    We discuss how reviews often provide limited perspectives due to the minimal volume of ratings and flawed rating systems. Negative feedback can carry disproportionate weight, affecting your podcast's perception. We encourage you to focus on your core audience, your loyal listeners who deeply appreciate your work.

    We also emphasize that growth metrics and tangible goals matter more than subjective star ratings. Setting benchmarks for downloads, email list growth, and revenue increases is crucial for your podcast's success.

    Chasing great reviews can backfire and hinder your creativity. Instead, stay true to yourself and your core community, creating content that naturally earns ratings.

    In summary, this episode highlights why reviews should not dictate your podcasting priorities or content. We've covered the limitations of reviews, the impact of negative feedback, and why core fans matter most. Focus on clear goals and growth metrics to measure your success.

    If you've enjoyed this perspective, we'd appreciate an honest review. Thanks for listening and remember to create amazing content without worrying about reviews!

  • AM/FM radio is an overlooked goldmine for podcast promotion.

    Learn proven tactics top podcasters use to tap into substantial audience crossover and cost-effectively expand reach.

    We dive into data revealing most radio listeners also tune into podcasts.

    Get case studies demonstrating direct response radio ads' impact for leading shows.

    Uncover how to strategically select genres and shows aligned to your content.

    Plus, craft compelling creative that intrigues radio audiences. Whether you're a new podcaster or have an established show, AM/FM radio belongs in your marketing mix.

    Join us as we explore an underutilized channel to promote your podcast to legions of proven on-demand audio fans.

    Brought to you by Podder

  • The real work begins after your podcast interview wraps. Don’t leave visibility on the table - learn proven tactics to maximize your episode reach. We dive into creating shareable content like smartlinks, blog posts, and social graphics to promote across both networks. Uncover how to collaborate on giveaways, thoughtfully follow up with guests, and cultivate ongoing partnerships. Whether launching your first interview or optimizing your 100th, you’ll get data-backed strategies to extend exposure, build relationships, and get the most value from podcast appearances long-term. Join us as we demystify post-interview best practices so you can unlock the lasting power of your podcast conversations. Say goodbye to one-and-done guests and hello to maximized marketing power.

    Brought to you by Podder

  • In this episode, we dive into the art of preparing and facilitating compelling interviews. Discover how to select guests who resonate with your audience, conduct thorough research for insightful questions, and shape engaging introductions. We share tips on blending prepared questions with genuine conversation and offer insights from successful podcast hosts.

    Plus, don't miss out on our exclusive masterclass on growing your podcast, happening on October 3rd. Tune in for actionable strategies to enhance your podcasting skills

    Save a spot for our FREE MasterClass "Top 7 Secrets to Growing a Podcast" here: https://www.crowdcast.io/c/gp74w4ythhua

  • Learn how to confidently prepare and perform as a podcast interview guest.

    From pre-interview research to thoughtful follow-up, we provide actionable tactics to ace guest appearances.

    Discover how to actively engage through compelling talking points and anecdotes.

    You'll get tips to ensure flawless technical execution plus grow your authority and cross-promotion.

    Whether it's your first interview or 100th, proper prep is key to creating memorable conversations that deliver value.

    Join us for insider strategies to represent your brand and maximize exposure from guest spots.

    Say goodbye to interview anxiety and hello to confident, engaging discussion.

    Save a spot for our FREE MasterClass "Top 7 Secrets to Growing a Podcast" here: https://www.crowdcast.io/c/gp74w4ythhua

  • Ready to take your podcast growth to the next level?

    In this episode, we're stepping beyond the boundaries of traditional podcasting to uncover innovative ways to expand your podcast's reach. We're diving deep into the world of creative collaborations that can breathe new life into your show.

    Discover why collaborating with influencers, speaking at events, and partnering with aligned organizations can be game-changers for your podcast. We'll walk you through practical strategies and real-world examples to inspire your next steps.

    Join us for a no-nonsense conversation on unlocking fresh opportunities to grow your podcast audience. If you're finding value in this episode, consider leaving a review and sharing it with your fellow podcasters. For more insights, check out the show notes for additional resources.

    Let's embark on this journey of creative collaboration and watch your podcast soar to new heights.

    Thanks for tuning in!

    Brought to you by Podder

  • Ready to level up your podcast?

    In this episode, we're diving straight into the facts on how to boost your podcast's visibility and engagement through reviews.

    We'll discuss why reviews matter, how to ask for them effectively, and where to ask for them. No fluff, just practical strategies that work. Plus, we'll share creative ways to make the review process engaging for your listeners.

    Join us for a no-nonsense conversation on supercharging your podcast with more reviews. If you find this valuable, consider leaving a review and sharing it. Check out Podder's Audience Personality Assessment tool in the show notes for more insights. Thanks for listening!

    Register at Podder to use the Audience Personality Assessment tool here.

  • Tired of plateauing podcast downloads?

    Learn how smartlinks provide frictionless access for listeners while unlocking data-driven insights to inform your marketing strategy.

    Discover how top podcasters creatively leverage smartlinks across channels to maximize reach and attribute growth.

    From collaborating with other shows to incentivizing shares, we dive into real-world strategies and use cases.

    You’ll get proven tactics to reduce subscriber drop-off, optimize spend, and take your podcast visibility to the next level.

    Whether you’re just starting out or are a seasoned pro, join us as we explore how to drive more traffic and subscribers with smartlinks.

    Say goodbye to plateauing downloads and hello to data-backed growth.

    Visit Podderapp.com for more resources.

  • Discover proven tactics to grow your podcast audience.

    In this episode, we dive into leveraging Reddit, running creative contests and giveaways, collaborating with other shows, publishing exclusive interactive content, and tapping into new platforms.

    You'll get data-backed strategies to boost downloads, engage listeners, improve visibility, and take your podcast to the next level.

    Whether you're just starting out or are a seasoned pro, join us as we explore innovative ways to drive more traffic and maximize exposure.

    Say goodbye to podcasting plateau and hello to a surge in subscribers.

    For more information visit Podderapp.com

  • Unlock explosive growth for your podcast with targeted in-app ads and contextual advertising.

    This episode provides a deep dive into strategic ad placement, creative optimization, and data-driven improvements to maximize ROI.

    Learn how to identify high-value podcast platforms, craft compelling ad content, choose the right ad formats, target engaged audiences, and track performance metrics.

    Get actionable tips to boost ad relevance with contextual ads aligned to podcast genres and listener interests.

    Discover how to continuously refine based on real data for better click-through rates, conversions, and results over time.

    Whether you're new to podcast ads or want to step up your strategy, this episode will give you the tools to supercharge growth through intelligent in-app and contextual advertising.

    Tuning in could unlock a game-changing avenue to reach more of your ideal listeners.

    For more insights and data-driven strategies, check out Podder, your premier podcast analytics and enrichment platform.

  • Unlock exponential growth for your podcast with SEO.

    This episode provides a deep dive into 5 proven SEO strategies to get discovered by more listeners.

    Learn how to optimize your metadata, beef up show notes, build backlinks, leverage social media, and claim podcast profiles.

    Get actionable tips to improve your podcast's titles, descriptions, transcripts, media, links, hashtags, and more for better visibility.

    Discover how to focus on foundational SEO and compound results over time through consistency.

    Whether you're new to podcasting or a seasoned pro, this episode will give you the tools to maximize your podcast's SEO for greater reach, subscribers, and growth.

    Tuning in could be the key to taking your podcast to the next level through better search engine optimization.

    For more insights and data-driven strategies, don't forget to check out Podder, your premier podcast analytics and enrichment platform.

  • Grow your podcast audience exponentially using shareable video previews called audiograms. This episode reveals what audiograms are and why they are so effective for podcast promotion.

    Learn how to create compelling audiograms by choosing engaging audio snippets, finding complementary visuals, adding captions, and incorporating your podcast branding.

    Discover real examples of popular podcasters successfully leveraging audiograms to spread their shows. You'll also get a list of top audiogram creation tools to simplify the process.

    Whether you're launching a podcast or are a seasoned veteran, audiograms are a must-have tool for growth in 2023. Add them to your marketing strategy now and watch your audience and subscribers grow.

    If you enjoy our show, we'd be thrilled if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcast, Spotify or your preferred podcast platform. Your feedback fuels our growth and helps us reach more podcasters like you.

    For more insights and data-driven strategies, don't forget to check out Podder, your premier podcast analytics and enrichment platform.

  • Dive into the art of podcast storytelling in this episode of "Podcast Growth Tactics by Podder". Explore the power of hooks, the significance of narrative structure, and the art of vivid description. Tune in for tips on personal anecdotes, simple language, audience understanding, and tailoring content. Make your podcasts resonate with your listeners and leave them craving more.

    Brought to you by Podderapp.com

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  • Welcome to another episode of Podcast Growth Tactics by Podder, where we provide valuable insights and strategies to help you grow your podcast and connect with your audience. In this episode, we'll explore the powerful world of social media marketing and how you can leverage it to maximize your podcast's reach.

    Understanding Your Target Audience
    To make your podcast stand out on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, it's essential to define your target audience. By understanding who your listeners are, you can tailor your messaging and content to resonate with them, ensuring they find real value in your podcast.

    Establishing a Consistent Brand Identity
    When setting up your podcast on social media, establish a consistent brand identity. Your podcast's brand should include a unique logo, a pleasing color palette, and a well-defined brand voice. Consistency across your social media profiles makes it easier for your audience to recognize and connect with your podcast.

    Creating Engaging and Shareable Content
    Content is the king of social media. Create engaging content that holds the attention of your audience and is shareable. Utilize visual elements such as audiograms, quote cards, and behind-the-scenes photos. Share teasers of upcoming episodes and pose questions to foster interaction.

    Harnessing the Power of Hashtags
    Incorporate relevant hashtags when posting on social media to increase your podcast's discoverability. Using hashtags related to your podcast's niche attracts users genuinely interested in your content, leading to audience growth.

    Collaborating with Influencers and Experts
    Collaborating with influencers and industry experts can significantly boost your podcast's visibility. By inviting them as guests on your podcast, you introduce their audience to your podcast and add credibility to your content. It's a win-win for both parties involved!

    Fostering Engagement and Community
    Engagement is key on social media. Respond promptly to comments, direct messages, and mentions to foster a sense of community around your podcast. Ask for feedback and show genuine interest in your listeners to create loyal fans who share and promote your podcast.

    Cross-Promoting with Other Podcasts
    Consider cross-promoting with other podcasts that have a similar target audience but cover different topics. Working together allows you to tap into new listener pools and gain exposure from established podcasts.

    Tracking and Analyzing Social Media Analytics
    Measure the success of your social media efforts by tracking and analyzing social media analytics. Platforms like Facebook Insights, Instagram Insights, and Twitter Analytics provide valuable data on engagement, reach, and audience demographics. Use these insights to refine your content strategy and better understand your audience's preferences.

    Making Your Podcast Easily Shareable
    Make it easy for your audience to share your podcast by embedding social sharing buttons on your podcast website or show notes. Include compelling call-to-actions within your episodes and social media posts to motivate your audience to engage further with your podcast.

    Paid Advertising and Dedicated Community
    Consider paid advertising on social media platforms like Facebook Ads and Instagram Ads to reach a broader audience quickly. Additionally, create a dedicated community for your podcast, such as a private Facebook group, Discord server, or membership site, to foster deeper connections and long-term podcast growth.

    Repurposing Content for Maximum Reach
    Maximize your podcast's reach by repurposing your content for social media. Create short video clips, audiograms, quote images, or blog posts based on your podcast episodes. Catering to different content consumption preferences expands your podcast's reach.

    If you enjoy our show, we'd be thrilled if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Podchaser, or your preferred podcast platform. Your feedback fuels our growth and helps us reach more podcasters like you.For more insights and data-driven strategies, don't forget to check out Podder, your premier podcast analytics and enrichment platform.

  • Welcome to the first episode of 'Podcast Growth Tactics by Podder', your essential guide to elevating your podcasting journey. In this episode, we delve into the concept of evergreen episodes and how they can boost your podcast's growth and engagement.

    Episode Summary
    Evergreen episodes refer to podcast content that remains relevant and valuable to listeners regardless of when they encounter it. Unlike topical episodes that may lose relevance after a specific event or time period, evergreen episodes continue to engage new listeners and provide value to your podcast long after their initial publication. In this episode, we provide a step-by-step guide on finding evergreen content and discuss the importance of researching trending topics.

    Key Points Discussed
    The importance of evergreen episodes in attracting a steady stream of listeners and providing a solid foundation for your podcast.The role of researching trending topics in creating evergreen content.A step-by-step guide on finding evergreen content, including identifying your audience's interests, checking popular content in your industry, researching SEO keywords, using social media, analyzing competitors, and thinking timeless.The use of alerts tools to monitor the web for interesting new content based on your specified keywords or industry.Resources Mentioned
    Google TrendsBuzzsumoGoogle Keyword PlannerQuoraRedditGoogle AlertsTalkwalker AlertsSproutSocial's Social Media ListeningMeltwater.comMention.comIf you enjoy our show, we'd be thrilled if you could leave us a review on Apple Podcast, Spotify, Podchaser, or your preferred podcast platform. Your feedback fuels our growth and helps us reach more podcasters like you.For more insights and data-driven strategies, don't forget to check out Podder, your premier podcast analytics and enrichment platform.