
  • Hvad er kontrolleret opposition?

    Lige inden jeg var en tur i Italien fik jeg optaget en god snak med Jovan Tasevski om emnet kontrolleret opposition.

    DesvÊrre blev Julian Assange lÞsladt efter optagelsen med Jovan, sÄ derfor har vi ikke Wikileaks-vinklen med i denne optagelse. Til gengÊld har Daniel Orgonite lagt et par gode artikler op om Assange/Wikileaks-sagen:

    For at vide mere om den GenÚve-tur, som jeg under samtalen refererer til, kan du besÞge de nedenstÄende links:

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  • Min Grundlov - Folketingets eller kongehusets ĂžnsketĂŠnkning

    Resten af oplĂŠsningen af bogen Illusionen om Grundloven er kun for betalte medlemmer af nyhedsbrevet. Har du ikke rĂ„d til at betale de 7 Euro/mĂ„ned (ca. 52 kr) eller 67 euro/Ă„r (ca. 499 kr), sĂ„ kan du skrive en email til [email protected] og fortĂŠlle om din situation, og bede om gratis adgang.

    Gik du glip af sidste afsnit, sÄ kan du hÞre det ved at klikke pÄ linket herunder. Afsnittet udgÞr samtidig opsummeringen af hele bogen, og derfor er det et gratis afsnit:

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  • Old Danish Stock Exchange Building was struck by fire on Queen Margrethe’s birthday

    On 16th of april 2024 the Danish Stock Exchange Building called ‘Bþrsen’ went on fire which took down the flaming spire of the old historic building.

    It happened on exactly the same day as the abdicated queen was celebrating her birthday, and exactly 5 years and 1 day after a similar fire in Notre Dame in Paris, France.

    A walkthrough of the similarities and the symbolism involved in the fires of BĂžrsen and Notre Dame

    Video interview with Ole Dammegard to analyse the meaning of two very suspecious fires, with many similarities.

    Can the symbolism tell us about the present situation and events to come?

    Can we avoid new destructive and deadly attacks in the future?

    Why did the animated movie apparently predict these fires?

    Homepage of the creator Heliofant of the short animated movie “I, Pet Goat II”:https://heliofant.com/

    Link guide:

    Danish National TV, DRTV, bringing pictures of the BĂžrsen fire:https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/indland/se-de-vilde-billeder-fra-branden-i-boersen

    Wikipedia about the Notre Dame fire:https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Notre-Dame_fire

    Danish largest newspaper Politiken regarding the strange statue of Christian IV:https://politiken.dk/kultur/art7208909/K%C3%B8benhavn-har-modstr%C3%A6bende-f%C3%A5et-en-ny-statue-af-Christian-IV.-Hvad-skal-vi-egentlig-med-den

    Danish National TV, TV2, about the revelation of the Chr IV statue:https://nyheder.tv2.dk/2019-05-10-dronningen-i-problemer-ved-afsloering-af-ny-statue

    Sapioplex’s Substack with an analysis of the symbolism in “I, Pet Goat II”:https://sapioplex.substack.com/p/i-pet-goat-ii-analysis-part-1-opening

    The ‘deep state’-media Altinget with an article about the ‘public hanging of Chr IV’:https://www.altinget.dk/artikel/drilsk-dug-gav-udfordringer-ved-afsloeringen-af-ny-kaempestatue

    The Royal House of Denmark about the revelation of Chr IV statue:https://www.kongehuset.dk/foto-video/afsloering-af-statue-af-christian-4

    Fire in Legoland, Denmark burning down the model of the harbour area of Copenhagen:https://vafo.dk/billund/se-forvandlingen-legoland-er-paa-rekordtid-gjort-klar-efter-brand?teaser-referral=38d45139-833c-4403-b411-e03a4693b974-69

    Documentary from Danish National TV, DRTV on the BĂžrsen Fire (free but in Danish language):https://www.dr.dk/drtv/program/boersen-_-danmarkshistorie-i-flammer_452055

    Mark Passio on Hegelian Dialectic and the symbolism of the mixture of Kabbalah, Tarot and Freemasons:

    Homepage of Ole Dammegard, Light on Conspiracies; PLEASE SUPPORT OLE!:https://lightonconspiracies.com/

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • Indhold:

    1. “Forberedt pĂ„ kriser”2. Truslen om atomkrig3. Mette Frederiksen har allerede erklĂŠret Danmark i krig med Rusland4. Mette Frederiksen fĂ„r whiplash af skub fra fuld mand5. Vi ses i Himmerland til Sommercamp

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • Indhold:

    1. “Forberedt pĂ„ kriser”2. Truslen om atomkrig3. Mette Frederiksen har allerede erklĂŠret Danmark i krig med Rusland4. Mette Frederiksen fĂ„r whiplash af skub fra fuld mand5. Vi ses i Himmerland til Sommercamp

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • Indhold:

    1. “Forberedt pĂ„ kriser”2. Truslen om atomkrig3. Mette Frederiksen har allerede erklĂŠret Danmark i krig med Rusland4. Mette Frederiksen fĂ„r whiplash af skub fra fuld mand5. Vi ses i Himmerland til Sommercamp

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  • Vi er kun lige begyndt!

    Mette Frederiksen erklĂŠrer Rusland krig, fĂ„r piskesmĂŠld og lader sine lakajer lige sĂ„ stille meddele danskerne at vi skal forberede os pĂ„ atomkrig. De undgĂ„r behĂŠndigt at tale om atomkrigen, men det skal nok komme; for
 We’ve only just begun! Vi er kun lige begyndt.

    De meget udskÊldte sÄkaldte konspirationsteoretikere har advaret om elitens skumle planer i mange Är, men lige meget hjÊlper det over for en total indoktrineret befolkning!

    Se artikel pÄ DRs hjemmeside HER!

    Men “ingen skal vĂŠre bange! Mette Mor og myndighederne har fuldstĂŠndig styr pĂ„ situationen!!!”

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • Estrup indfĂžrte 9 rĂŠdselsĂ„r efter attentat i 1885

    De fleste danskere har ingen anelse om hvem konseilsprĂŠsident (datidens statsminister) J.B.S. Estrup var og hvad han gjorde ved deres forfĂŠdre. TĂŠnk han har endda en af de fine gader i Silkeborgs midtby opkaldt efter sig. Jeg tĂŠnker tit et “HVORFOR?” nĂ„r jeg stĂ„r af toget pĂ„ Silkeborg Station og begiver mig ad Estrupsgade op igennem midtbyen. Han har vĂŠret den stĂžrste diktator siden enevĂŠlden (dog med kong Christian 9. som den egentlige bagmand).

    Nu gÞr Mette Frederiksen ham kunsten efter. Dog er der meget der tyder pÄ, at det var en tilfÊldig fuld polsk statsborger, og ikke et iscenesat attentat eller overfald, som gav statsministeren et puf for en uge siden pÄ Kultorvet i KÞbenhavn. Den kan sÄmÊnd ogsÄ have vÊret tilfÊldet for Estrup, selvom jeg vil tro at mordforsÞget pÄ ham var iscensat.

    Nu her en uge efter det overfald pÄ Kultorvet - som ikke var et overfald men en fuld polak der skubbede til statsministeren ud af fuldskab - kan Mette Frederiksen kun gÄ rundt i Allinge ved FolkemÞdet pÄ Bornholm med to ringe af sikkerhedsvagter. Den inderste ring er bodyguards, mens den yderste bestÄr af politifolk.

    LÊs selv den fulde artikel fra 14. juni pÄ DR herunder. Den er skrevet af en af Danmarks stÞrste mikrofonholdere Line RÞnn Tofte, som ingen skam i livet har over at deltage i propaganda af den allervÊrste skuffe: https://www.dr.dk/nyheder/politik/mette-frederiksen-i-foerste-offentlige-tale-efter-overfald-har-faaet-professionel#!/

    Det er bestemt ikke fĂžrste gang Mette Frederiksen stiller kulisser op til et stort iscenesat medieshow. Husker du da hun slog omkring 16-17 millioner mink ihjel, gjorde 6.000 minkarbejdere m.f. arbejdslĂžse, og hjalp mindst et halvt dusin minkavlere med at gĂžre selvmord?

    Hun stillede sig da bare op og flÊbede lidt for Äben skÊrm, og sÄ var det vores alle sammens Mette vi alle skulle have ondt af (link HER!):

    LÊs nedenstÄende tidligere opslag her fra mit nyhedsbrev, hvor du kan lÊse mere om J.B.S. Estrup og hvordan han indfÞrte provisorietiden efter et attentat i 1885:

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  • It’s time to kill your darlings

    At the point of writing this post, a full five days period have passed since WHO adopted new amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR). Since then an overflow of disinformation has ‘flooded the zone’ making it impossible for most people to get a somewhat clear picture of the weekends results from WHO’s 77th World Health Assembly (WHA) in Geneva.

    Reporters and channels like Del Bigtree, Meryl Nass, Robert F. Kennedy’s Childrens Health Defense, Alan Miller, Dan Astin-Gregory and Philipp Kruse are all spreading disinformation regarding these amendments. It is done very subtle - and each in its own way - but the summed-up result is disinformation on a massive scale.

    Check out Del Bigtrees media TheHighWire’s last report from June 6th. Watch the fulle show HERE! Make sure you watch from around 24 minutes in and until around 32 minutes, where Del Bigtree and his sidekick, Jefferey Jaxen, manages to rub Roguski into their disinformation campaign.

    Jaxon: Good news, there’s a way out of it in article 61, which makes it possible for states to opt out (of the amendments). You just have to pressure your politicians to opt out. This is a really really easy piece to do!

    And Del Bigtree wraps it up:

    Bigtree: It is completely illegal (what WHO have done)

    Bigtree (finalising the issue): But we are here! It’s all part of waking up!

    The less than 10 minutes narrative the two hosts offers on the issue, completely fails to touch on the fact, that WHO now has includede “cell- and gene-based therapies” as part of the “relevant health products” which WHO can organise accross borders all around the world, when the Director General feels like calling for a “pandemic emergency”.

    Del Bigtree might just be very ignorant when he read the adopted amendments, or is his actually being dictated - by someone in the shadow on how to abuse his platform - to direct disinformation at his audience? It’s hard to know, so I will leave it up to the reader to make up his/hers own mind. Don’t forget to watch the last 5 minutes at the very end of the whole show. I’d say it is Bigtrees finest hour of dwelving in his own wisdom and fame, as he rants on about the normal worker and free citizens of the world, and the greatness of America. All the while he wraps up a show full mixed with valueable information, and a ton af disinformation. Shame on you, Bigtree!

    Bigtree: I promise I will make us laugh more next week, but this week, PLEASE! Do everything you can: Donate to ICAN, so we can continued
 Donate 25 dollar a month if you can, donate a dollar or fifty cents

    Problem solved! Donate to Del Bigtree at he will make you laugh (next week)!

    What Bigtree just don’t tell you is that he passifies you in the process, by letting you think your are contributing to the pure truth getting spread all over the world!

    Even Rebel News

    Rebel News published the below video on Thursday a full five days after WHO adopted the amendments:

    It is 100% clear that Rebel News are not reporting anything of value regarding the outcome of the protest, but instead are trying to make some bucks to cover their flight tickets, hotel rooms and other expenses.

    Instead of informing the viewers, the otherwise fantastic brave Rebel News reporter, Ezra Levant, just takes another ‘victory lap’ and collects money from freedom fighters.

    Ezra Levant (together with Avi Yemini) did a fantastic job on Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla in january 2023 at the WEF Davos meeting.

    To me, this news is a hard case of ‘killing my darlings’ even though I had noticed a certain zionistic tone in Rebel News reporting since October 2023 :(

    Some sober reporting from California

    The only report from the 77th WHA that does an honest and sober report on the dire status of the adopted IHR amendments is James Roguski (watch his report HERE!).

    Also James Corbett has succeeded with great and honest information on the amendments through an excellent interview with Roguski on his channel TheCorbettReport, watch the show HERE!

    Unfortunately Corbett sells out big time in the very next online interview he joins. Meryl Nass interviews him on CHDs show (watch it HERE on her own media doortofreedom.org), where Corbett waivers and falls into Meryl Nass’ trap of announcing “victory”. The moment after, although, he announces defeat. I my humble oppinion Corbett is tricked into this helpless state of calling af defeat a victory and vice-versa, seemingly ending up not knowing what he really thinks.

    Corbett does wake up a bit two-thirds into the show, where he offers an anarchist rant to the momentarily happless Meryl Nass.

    Leaving out Corbett of the equation, all this disinformation appears all too coincidental and all too coordinated to be left unreported.

    Be a sovereign human being and make up your own mind!

    Please make up your own mind. But you have to do so by reading the document yourself (as Roguski has said since the very first moment the adoption of the amendments was known).

    Dont let other do the interpreting for you!

    Be a sovereign human being and read the IHR amendments HERE! (text in bold is the 2024 added amendments to the 2005 version)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • I 2022 holdt jeg en grundlovstale pĂ„ Himmelbjerget, det sted hvor min tipoldefar, Steen Steensen Blicher startede Himmelbjergfesterne i 1839, og som har stor symbolsk betydning for forstĂ„elsen af folkesjĂŠlen i Danmarks Riges Grundlov.

    Talen blev optaget pÄ hjemmesiden Danske Taler, og du kan gense min grundlovstale fra 2022 HER!

    Men det huede ikke ‘etablissementet’, at Frihedslisten at jeg selv fik adgang til at fejre grundlovsdag sammen med andre - andre der evt. kunne komme til at lytte til vores budskaber.

    Efter 2022 lavede Skov- og Naturstyrelsen nye regler som gjorde at det kun var Hotel Democracy og Konservative der i eftertiden har fÄet lov til at tale pÄ Himmelbjerget pÄ grundlovsdag.

    Derfor er det ikke lÊngere muligt for mig at holde en rigtig grundlovstale pÄ Himmelbjerget. Og derfor har jeg benyttet muligheden til at konvertere mine svar - pÄ Kjesten Johannsons rigtige gode spÞrgsmÄl grundlovsdag pÄ Himmelbjerget - om til en grundlovstale.

    Lyt til grundlovstalen som hermed udgives som en podcast.


    * 00:00:00 Grundlovsdag pÄ Himmelbjerget

    * 00:24:40 WHOs 77nde samling i GenĂšve og den nye IHR-aftale

    * 00:49:20 Infiltration af friheds- og sandhedsbevĂŠgelsen

    * 00:55:30 Skal vi frygte OWG og WHO?

    * 01:02:00 Opsamling (hvad gĂžr vi?)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • Mogens Lykketoft vil gerne holde en lang tale om Grundloven, men vil ikke deltage i debat om den!

    Efter en meget lang grundlovstale pÄ Himmelbjerget d. 5. juni 2024 havde Mogens Lykketoft stort set ingen vilje til at snakke med mig om Grundloven.

    Det pÄ trods af at han netop havde fÄet overrakt et eksemplar af en bog jeg selv har skrevet om netop Grundloven.

    Lyt selv og gĂžr din egen dom over demokratiet og de politikere, og forhenvĂŠrende politikere som burde vĂŠre gode eksponenter for netop demokratiet.

    Jeg udleverede 175 eksemplarer af min bog Illusionen om Grundloven (se omtale af bogen HER!) den dag pĂ„ Himmelbjerget. Jeg ville have at ‘vĂŠrdigt trĂŠngende’ skulle kunne fĂ„ et eksemplar af min bog om Grundloven. Det virker til at Mogens Lykketoft er i netop denne mĂ„lgruppe, for han er ikke sĂŠrlig interesseret i at kigge kritisk pĂ„ Danmarks forfatningsmĂŠssige tilstand.

    Lykketoft var en del af den siddende regering da Folketinget udgav “Min Grundlov”

    Mit spĂžrgsmĂ„l til Lykketoft vedrĂžrer Folketingets udgivelse af “Min Grundlov” i 2001. I 1999 afsatte Folketinget nemlig 60 millioner kroner til “År 2000 Fonden”. SĂ„ledes beskrives Fonden i en artikel i Berlingske d. 9. juni 1999:

    Fonden er etableret af Folketinget og indeholder i alt omkring 60 millioner. Pengene skal uddeles til projekter, der i forbindelse med Ă„rtusindskiftet kan skabe debat og forĂžge viden, indsigt og erkendelse for stĂžrre eller mindre grupper i det danske samfund.

    PĂ„ davĂŠrende tidspunkt var Mogens Lykketoft finansminister i Poul Nyrup Rasmussens fjerde regering. I december 2000 blev han udenrigsminister indtil regeringen blev erstattet af Anders Fogh Rasmussens fĂžrste regering.

    Lykketoft var altsĂ„ en del af den regering der fik afsat de 60 millioner kroner til År 2000 Fonden, hvor en del blev brugt til at udgive en grundlovsfortolkning kaldet “Min Grundlov”.

    PÄ Folketingets hjemmeside kan man derfor ikke finde Grundloven, men i stedet den fortolkning af Grundloven som Folketinget Äbenbart mener er vigtigere end selve Grundloven. Se Min Grundlov pÄ Folketingets hjemmeside HER! eller klik pÄ billedet herunder.

    I Min Grundlov erstatter Folketinget konsekvent “kongen” med “regeringen” hvilket gþr Grundloven helt uléselig.

    PrÞv selv at lÊse den rigtige Grundlov og lave denne ordombytning. Se den rigtige nugÊldende Grundlov af 5. juni 1953 HER! eller klik pÄ billedet herunder.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • Thomas og Flemming var i weekenden i GenĂšve for at deltage i en protest mod WHO

    Thomas Friis Bruun (se Facebook-profil HER og Instagram-profil HER) og jeg selv (se Facebook-profil HER, X/Twitter-profil HER og Telegram-kanal HER) tog i sidste weekend en tur til Genùve for at deltage i protesten imod WHO’s vedtagelse af nye éndringer (amendments) af IHR-aftalen (den International Health Regulation-aftale som Danmark har véret en del af siden 2007).

    Det blev en vÊldig interessant tur og jeg har tidligere sendt et par nyhedsbreve ud pÄ engelsk (Husk at du altid kan bruge oversÊtterfunktionen til ogsÄ at lÊse opslagene pÄ dansk):

    Nu er det tid til en WHO-tilstandsrapport pÄ dansk

    Thomas og jeg planlagde zoom-mÞdet for at gennemgÄ alle de vigtigste ting ved IHR-aftalen, samt gennemgÄ vores oplevelse af dem som saboterer at denne viden kommer ud til folket (kontrolleret opposition).

    Diverse links

    Se WHO’s hjemmeside hvor de konkluderer det 77. WHA:


    Og her er den nĂžjagtige ordlyd af de omtalte ĂŠndringer af IHR:


    PĂ„ James Roguski’s Substack har han klippet alle ĂŠndringerne ud, sĂ„ du kan se den ĂŠndrede tekst separat fra resten af dokumentet:


    PĂ„ Dr. Meryl Nass’ hjemmeside kan man se i hvor alvorlig grad hun er med til at misinformere om resultatet af 77. WHA (ADVARSEL: MISINFORMATION!):


    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • Discussions with Ryan Cole at last weekends protest in Geneva

    In the first part of my first book “Illusion about Denmark - The three lost years” I praised Dr. Ryan Cole very generously. However during writing the book, my friend Claire Edwards reported in her newsletter how Ryan Cole had treated Astrid StĂŒckelberger in Stockholm at a conference. That let me to write the following in the latter part of the book (see below image which has been copied from my book):

    Interestingly Del Bigtree has done an extensive interview with Ryan Cole, where he did a 200%' debunking of graphene oxide being present in the COVID-19 vials. You can find the video on Ryan Cole’s homepage, and if you go to 44:30 minutes into the video, you go directly to Cole’s debunking.

    The same Del Bigtree whose media TheHighWire covered the whole protest in Geneva, with Del Bigtree being present at the protest himself.

    Review of Dr. Ryan Cole alledged gaslighting of Dr. Astrid StĂŒckelberger in Stockholm

    Here the video links from the situation that occured on the stage at the mentioned Stockholm conference (January 2023): https://www.bitchute.com/video/83wETyfgK3dc/

    Dr. Jane Ruby should be credited with spreading the news in the USA on La Quinta Columna’s discovery of graphene oxide in the Pfizer vials in june/july of 2021, as Astrid StĂŒckelberger should be credited with spreading the same news in Europe.

    This is a video where Dr. Ruby interviews Astrid StĂŒckelberger (slightly edited by Fritjof in Sweden. I am sorry for using this video instead of Dr. Ruby’s two original videos, but it has not been possible for me to find both the originals):


    Here’s Dr. Ruby’s walk-through of the whole graphene oxide subject:


    Ryan Cole claims that StĂŒckelbergers presentation was “pseudo-science”

    When I confronted Dr. Ryan Cole in Geneva on Saturday with the claim that he had censored StĂŒckelberger in Stockholm he told me that she had talked about graphene oxide in the vials, and hence had been unscientific. Below is some quotes from the video recorded in the backstage area in Geneva:

    I went on stage to make a scientific statement!

    The organizers asked me to come up and clarify!

    So I pressed Cole to explain why he as a fellow presenter participated in censoring StĂŒckelberger. His answer:

    The organizers and the other scientists did a very scientific conference, and it went into a realm of, what I call pseudo-science, fringe-science or conjecture-science.

    Again I confronted him with the fact that people had experienced him shutting StĂŒckelberger down. Cole denied and said she had used up her time for presenting and he was just a diplomatic fellow presenter:

    That was the people who organized it (who had ended her presentation prematurely) and I was just another presenter who was trying to be diplomatic

    But that wasn’t me that asked her (to end her presentation), no, she was done with her talk.

    She got mad, she ran up and grapped the microphone and yelled a bunch of things, and got her friends in the crowd to yell at me.

    Unfortunately for Ryan Cole the video evidence (see links listed above) does not support his statements.

    After speaking to Cole in Geneva I went over to ask StĂŒckelberger whether I had misunderstood the happening at the Stockholm conference, and whether Cole was talking the truth? This was denied by StĂŒckelberger. She said that she was denied the presentation time she was promised, and that Cole was complicit in censoring her information on the WHO plan involving genome therapy (this was the slide StĂŒckelberger was stopped in her presentation) and also the graphene oxide in vials.

    Again interestingly, the amendments to the IHR defines “relevant health products” as including cell- and gene-based therapies:

    ‘Some people’ apparently dont want us to discuss genome therapy and graphene oxide.

    It is a bit like corona and 5G also cannot be related, in some people’s eyes. So I also used the opportunity to ask Dr. Ryan some questions relating to 5G. Some might even say that I kind of educated him on the subject of 5G.

    Phased-array is not 5G - it should more correctly be denominated 4G+

    When Cole expressed his knowledge of 5G I had to update him on his 5G knowledge:

    5G is a phased-array system with a smaller wave.

    I told him 5G is not a new generation network, as it (re)uses the 4G LTE (longterm evolution) core network. Phased-array is nothing but an antenna upgrade to 4G. Therfore this new socalled 5G that was curiously rolled-out (implemented) during the lock-downs should more correctly be called 4G+.

    This is not understood by many people and I can partly understand that, as you need some insight into the technology to fathom this completely. However, if there is no new core network, how can this antenne upgrade be labelled a new genarational network and designated with the ‘5G’ predicate?

    5G and corona are interrelated, I told Cole, and his response was:

    Well, I’ve heard that, but I havn’t seen the evidence!

    I replied ‘No! Because you dont want to’ and I introduced La Quinta Columna and the mexican study regarding Bluetooth MAC adresses from inoculated bodies using graphene oxide and quantum dots. Cole responded:

    The governments put a second Bluetooth signal on to the phones.

    30 micrograms causing self-assembly in 90 kilos of human mass? No!

    I told him that graphene oxide was probably also spread by chemtrails, which he did not deny, as he said:

    I know that they are using a lot of spraying for different things

    Cole admitted not being an 5G expert by stating and concluding the issue:

    5G is not my expertise, but bio-chemistry, looking at the vials, no evidence of graphene oxide!

    Here’s a video regarding the reading of Bluetooth MAC addresses from inoculated human bodies, that I produced in 2023 (link):

    Be aware that discussing graphene oxide does encumber some danger to the health of the specialist discussing this openly. This was learned 2 years ago when Germanys lead graphene-specialist lost his life under very suspecious circumstances (link):

    Maybe facts like this is what make sure that the public possibly never will get the truth about these issues?! Well, now at least you know about graphene oxide and its dangers!

    I hope that this doesn’t scare you, but instead fills you up with the power of truth, and sets you off on a rampage, just like the way it happened to Dr. Astrid StĂŒckelberger and a range of other people, who surely all belong to an incoherent small group of brave humans, whose names most probaly will appear in songs about bygone heroes, in some distant future.

    But unfortunately not all presenters and organizers from Saturdays protest are trying to follow that path!

    Ryan Cole, Del Bigtree, and a lot of other VIPs from Saturdays protest, seems to be consciously forgetful

    I am convinced that both Ryan Cole and Del Bigtree on purpose tries to misled and deceive a lot of the people in the ‘freedom movement’ (as he himself defined it in Stockholm). He does so by miscrediting Dr. Astrid StĂŒckelbergers hypotheses by labelling them as ‘pseudo-science’ and being the main participant in censoring her in Stockholm.

    Ryan Cole and Del Bigtree are very complicit in the deceit that many freedom-thinkers have, that it is misinformation that the vials contains graphene-oxide, when Dr. Jane Ruby has documented so many proofs of this.

    You can find the interview that Del Bigtree did with Dr. Ryan Cole HERE, and judge for yourself, whether you have more confidence in those two, than in Dr. Astrid StĂŒckelberger and Dr. Jane Ruby.

    I am not in doubt myself. Ryan Cole is a shill and are trying to pull over the eyes of the very same people who have hailed him for his courage and who put all too much trust in him.

    Del Bigtree has also participated in misleading a lot of people in Geneva and people who has followed the event from a distance. He has been promoting the Geneva WHO protest massively in the time up to this event. This he has done on his media’s homepage and on the Facebook pages Free Humanity and Together Declaration. But he has not even bothered telling people that WHO has adopted the amendments he has spend so much time informing about. Why is this so?

    The host on Saturday’s event Dan Austin-Gregory, and presenters Alan Miller and Philipp Kruse, does not look very sober neither of them, when it comes to misinforming the participant in the Geneva WHO protest. None of them has at this point in time (Monday June 3rd 15:00 hrs) communicated the sad news from the 77th WHA(!)

    Surprisingly Attorney-at-law Philipp Kruse, who has been one of the main names in the Geneva WHO protest, seems to be even more misleading than the others. On Saturday night he declared that he was of the impression that the negotiations on the IHR amendments had been postponed, or was going to be postponed. Even he has not sounded any news regarding the undesired result of the 77th WHA, the same WHA that he had spent a lot of time discussing in his promotions of the Geneva WHO protest. And (of course) he has mainly done so (in the english communications) using Del Bigtree’s media TheHighWire (link).

    Here in this short video on Bitchute you can find Kruse’s last speech on the subject, done on Saturday 1st of June at 10:20 AM, where he communicates that he is of the belief that the amendments were going to be postponed to “a later vote later this year”. Kruse promises that “we will provide more a mature conclusive, and a more mature assessment, in the weeks and months to come” (click image or click HERE!:

    In the below post by James Roguski, you can watch WHO’s Director-general Tedros Adhanon Ghebreyesus conclude the 77th WHA, succeeded by James discussing the 77th WHA with Robyn from ‘Courage is the Cure’:

    Should you still be in doubt (like a lot of the commenters in my previous newsletter) on whether WHO actually did adopt these amendments to the IHR framework, then do take a look at WHO’s own homepage (link):

    Watch the last newsletter from my Substack-channel (remember to subscribe!) below:

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • New Amendments to the IHR were adopted by WHO on June 1st

    Contrary to what my belief was, when I went to bed in my hotel room in Geneva yesterday, the WHO actually adopted a range of new amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).

    In this video James Roguski goes through what changes were actually made just yesterday, through the mentioned amendments to the IHR.

    Successful protest in front of the WHO HQ in Geneva

    Since around 12 o’clock local time I had been on the spot in Geneva, as part of the protest against WHO’s adoption of new amendments to the existing IHR regulations.

    WHO had also been attempting to make the WHO member nations agree to a brand new Pandemic Treaty. The Pandemic Treaty was off the table already before the 77th World Health Assembly started, but WHO succeeded in adopting new amendments to the IHR.

    The protest was arranged by two fractions of the local overall freedom, health and truth movement, namely Road to Geneva (headed by amongst others Michelle Cailler) and The Geneva Project (headed by Attorney-at-law Philipp Kruse).

    I have been involved in arranging more than 50 demonstrations and protests myself, so I know how much work has to be put into it, and how many things can go wrong. Therefore I want to express my thankfulness to the people arranging it and admiration of them, as this protest was done in the best possible way a protest can be arranged. WELL DONE GENEVA!

    But the outcome of the World Health Assembly in Geneva is extremely worrisome

    As James Roguski walks us through in the Zoom video-recording I did this morning (nighttime in California where James resides), WHO’s 77th WHA was concluded by adopting new amendments to the IHR.

    The work on the Pandemic Treaty (this framework goes under many different names) has been postponed to the future, but this 77th WHA shows that the globalists are still pushing forward with the adoption of amendments to an existing framework (IHR). As I have earlier documented, Denmark adopted these back in 2006/2007, with no, or very little, public debate. Our then Minister of Health, Lars LĂžkke Rasmussen, simply sent a note to all political parties in parliament, saying that if he did not hear anything back from them, Denamark would become part of the IHR framework.

    Yesterday Danmark, and all other some 190 member states (minus the few who have opted out) got their existing IHR agreement updated with new amendments to take effect in either 10 or 18 months depending on the individual IHR status.

    However, two nations, Costa Rica and Slovakia has already , since yesterday, told the WHO that they will opt out of the IHR amendments. Whether they will stay in the IHR framework is not clear to me at this point in time.

    The last 192 member states now has a 10 respectively 18 months time period to decide to opt out, if they choose so. If a member state does nothing, the amendments will automatically take effect in due time.

    Former japanese minister admits to the unvaccinated - “You were right!”

    A parallel rally was held in Japan and according to the media The Peoples Voice, the former japanese minister of internal affairs, Kazuhiro Haraguchi, spoke at this rally and admitted to the unvaccinated that they were right all of the time: “The vaccines caused a tsunami of deaths”.

    Click on the picture below to read the article in The Peoples Voice (or click HERE!):

    If you want to stay updated on WHO do follow James Roguski on Substack:

    Watch my own Facebook livestreams

    Here’s the livestream from the presentations (click image below or click HERE!:

    And here’s the livestream from the march in downtown Geneva (click image or click HERE!):

    Watch the TheHighWires professionel production from the event

    Del Bigtree is a very well know figure in the US and in the rest of the World, and he is also behind the alternative media TheHighWire, which reported live from the event in Geneva.

    Some time before sending live from Geneva, TheHighWire had sent out this ‘video-appetizer’ on Facebook which gives a good background to the event in Geneva.

    Make sure you get the main speaker Dr. Astrid StĂŒckelberger who presents at 1:02:00 in the livestream. Be very observant on how Astrid StĂŒckelberger points to infiltrations inside the movement, a point I am very aware of myself.Watch the professional production from TheHighWire (click below image or click HERE!):

    Watch the below podcast and videopodcast IN ENGLISH which has earlier been sent out through my newsletter:

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • Daniela har vĂŠret med til at arrangere konferencer i Schweiz siden coronatiden.

    Vi tog tiden til at snakke med hende kort efter vores ankomst i GenĂšve ved Les Bains des Paquis.

    Lyt til den 43 minutter lange podcast, hvor vi snakker om svejtsiske frihedskĂŠmpere, og om protesten mod WHO samt en masse andet:)

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • [Genudsendelse] Jovan og Flemming gennemgĂ„r nogle af de hemmelige selskaber og deres kunstvĂŠrker og Ăžvrige aktiviteter

    Velkommen til vores 6. december julekalender-afsnit!

    Jovan og Flemming skal en tur rundt om de hemmelige selskaber: Druiderne, logerne, frimurerne, kongehuset og ikke mindst de hemmelige statsrÄd som dronningen holder med sine ministre.

    Logen Blicher

    Indtil tidligere pÄ ugen havde jeg aldrig hÞrt om Logen Blicher, men det skulle snart Êndre sig. Se hjemmesiden HER!

    BemÊrk deres vÄbenskjold, hvor et sÊrligt kunstvÊrk indgÄr:

    ‘Kunstvérket’ Elia

    Ingmar Cronhammars skulptur ”Elia” er placeret tét ved Herning Kunstmuseum. Navnet er en henvisning til den gammeltestamentlige profet Elias.

    Link til ‘kunstvérket’s hjemmeside HER!

    Det er en skulptur der krĂŠver sine ofre. IfĂžlge en artikel i Kristeligt Dagblad der bĂŠrer overskriften “Tredje dĂždsfald ved Herning-kunstvĂŠrk medfĂžrer ikke lukning”, sĂ„ er der forelĂžbigt 3 dĂždsfald pĂ„ kunstvĂŠrket. Se et billede herunder:

    Hvem er druiderne?

    Et hemmeligt selskab, hvor bl.a. Winston Churchill i sin tid var medlem af. BesĂžg druidernes danske hjemmeside HER!

    Hvem er Thomas Paine?

    En af oplysningstidens store filosoffer. Thomas Paine forfattede en skriftlig udgivelse, Common Sense, som satte den amerikanske uafhéngighedskrig i gang, og blev en af USA’s ‘founding fathers’. Amerikanerne fejrer stadig deres uafhéngighed fra England den dag i dag, eller rettere, de gþr det hver d. 4. juli.

    Du kan lÊse det lille men vigtige skrift pÄ originalsproget HER!

    Opdatering d. 29. maj 2024!

    Jeg kontaktede Logen Blicher i december 2023 (via den email-adresse de har stÄende pÄ deres hjemmeside) for at hÞre lidt mere om deres aktiviteter. De har endnu ikke vendt tilbage til mig her i slutningen af maj 2024.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • https://www.roadtogeneva.com/

    Jeg kontaktede Thomas for at fÄ ham med til Geneve, men han har ikke selv midlerne til at betale for togbillet, flybillet og overnatning i Geneve. Derfor hÄber jeg du vil hjÊlpe.

    Hvis du stÞtter med et mindre eller stÞrre belÞb pÄ enten mobilepay 53891307, eller konto 7780-6001242, sÄ vil Thomas og jeg selv sÞrge for at rapportere fra den store demonstration i Geneve i weekenden.

    Se den tidligere video-podcast som Thomas og jeg lavede for lidt over en mÄned siden:

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • This is a free preview of a paid episode. To hear more, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com

    Kim kom lige forbi denne ellers kedelige mandag. Han tog nogle T-bone bĂžffer med og det kom der en spĂŠndende snak ud af:)

  • I myself will be going to Geneva the coming weekend to participate in the rally in front of the Palais des Nations, the mighty luxorius palace where WHO have their headquarters.

    Go to the organiser roadtogeneva.com homepage HERE!

    Write to me on [email protected] if you want to meet up with me at the rally in Geneva on Saturday.

    Dont forget to sign up for s free newsletter. Below you can find his latest post and find a link to sign up for his newsletter:

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe
  • Michael Kastis er ingen konspirationsteoretiker!

    Min gode ven Michael Kastis deltog i 2021 i et TV-program “Konspirationsteoretikerne har ordet”. Det at ordet ‘konspirationsteoretiker’ indgik i titlen pĂ„ programmet var fĂžrst noget som blev tilfĂžjet efter, at de fire deltagere havde sagt ja til at deltage. Jeg ved det, for jeg blev selv spurgt om jeg ville vĂŠre med i programmet, hvilket jeg dengang ikke havde mulighed for.

    Programmet kan stadig genses pÄ DR. Klik pÄ billedet herunder for at gense programmet (eller fÞlg linket HER!):

    Men globalisterne, deres politiker-hĂ„nddukker og den mikrofonholdende (sĂ„kaldt kritiske) presse vil helst putte diverse dissidenter og systemkritikere over i en kasse som de kalder for “konspirationsteoretikere”. SĂ„ indikeres det nemlig samtidigt til folket at de endelig ikke mĂ„ lytte til disse mennesker, sĂ„ ingen demokratisk debat om emnerne kan foregĂ„ pĂ„ et rationelt plan.

    PÄ trods af at blive udskammet som konspirationsteoretiker pÄ nationalt TV har Michael Kastis ufortrÞdent fortsat sin oplysningskampagne.

    Bogen COVID-19: The Great Reset

    I denne podcast vil jeg snakke med Michael om THE GREAT RESET med udgangspunkt i bogen om emnet skrevet af Klaus Schwab. Bogen kan blandt andet kÞbes pÄ Amazon HER!

    I bogen beskriver den nu afgÄende bestyrelsesformand for World Economic Forum at der efter coronapandemien vil komme et Þkonomisk reset.

    Michael Kastis besvarer i podcasten en del spÞrgsmÄl om hans mening om den Þkonomiske nulstilling/The Great Reset.

    Bogen blev i Ăžvrigt sendt gratis til alverdens statsledere og andre ‘betydende’ personer. PĂ„ billedet herunder er det GrĂŠkenlands premierminister der stolt viser sin hund og Klaus Schwabs bog frem, endda pĂ„ samme tid.

    Hvem er Klaus Schwabs medforfatter Thierry Malleret?

    Man kunne tror at bogen - der udkom kun 3 mÄneder efter at corona blev erklÊret en pandemi af WHO - blev skrevet af en ghostwriter og derfor mistÊnke medforfatter Thierry Malleret for netop dette.

    Men sÄdan er det ikke fat. Thierry Malleret er en erklÊret GLOBALIST, og en dygtig kommunikatÞr af propaganda. Uddannet pÄ Sorbonne, Oxford og Paris, har han flere kandidatgrader og en enkelt PhD. Han har ogsÄ vÊret Frankrigs premierministers specielle rÄdgiver i 3 Är.

    Thierry Malleret er sÄmÊnd tÊt pÄ at vÊre nÊsten lige sÄ langt oppe i GLOBALIST-rÊkkerne som Schwab er. De er begge nikkedukker for den globale elite som styrer organisationer sÄsom World Economic Forum.

    Hvad kan du gĂžre for at beskytte din egen Ăžkonomi?

    Sidst i podcasten giver Michael Kastis nogle rÄd til dem der gerne vil beskytte sig imod at denne nulstilling udraderer deres eventulle stÞrre eller mindre formue.

    Du skal ud af pengeinstitutterne. Hvordan du gĂžr det afslĂžrer Michael hen mod slutningen i den en time og seks minutter lange podcast.

    This is a public episode. If you’d like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit flemmingblicher.substack.com/subscribe