A podcast about rock and/or roll for record collectors, appreciators of the obscure, and anyone curious about lesser known stories and music from the underbelly of rock. Part of Pantheon Podcasts
SojuTalk Kpop Podcast is Your Weekly Shot of Kpop. Listen to the SojuTalk Crew as we cover fuego releases, spicy breaking news, and give our hottest takes on the world of Kpop!
Veteran musicians Steve Witschel and Tony Bienert are here to inform, entertain, and delight you with all topics related to playing music in a cover band...and everything that comes with it!
No Filler is a music podcast dedicated to sharing the often overlooked hidden gems that fill the space between the singles on our favorite records. In each episode we’ll dive into a little history of the artist and the album of choice, with snippets from interviews & concerts, as well as music from the album itself. Proud part of Pantheon - the podcast network for music lovers.
Die besten aktuellen Platten, Features über alles zum Thema Musik, Interviews und eine Playlist mit den besten neuen Songs on top. Christopher Hunold spricht in den Reviews mit Melanie Loeper und in den Features mit Gäst*innen über das, was auf den Plattenteller gehört oder was die Musikwelt oder uns gerade bewegt. Denn: Wer ist in den Stunden der größten Niederlagen dabei? Wer hört zu, wenn sonst niemand da ist? Wer sorgt für die großen wie kleinen Momente? Eben. Nur Musik. Und genau darüber muss gesprochen werden. In Track17 treffen wir uns regelmäßig, um als helfende Hand im Release-Dschungel Empfehlungen zu geben, präsentieren Interviews oder sprechen mit Gäst*innen in Features über alles, was die Musikwelt hergibt. Auf der Playlist "Track17 - Playlist zum Podcast" gibt's die 17 Songs des Monats direkt zum Nachhören dazu. Ob Labelliebling, Outsider-Zeug, zufällige Plattenladen-Eroberung oder König des YouTube-Algorithmus. Track 17 – der Musik-Podcast
Regelmäßig ergänzte Spotify-Playlist mit Songs aus den Folgen: -
The Everything Show with Dan Carlisle.
A mix of what I am interested in, jazz, rock, folk, rockabilly, pop......everything. -
Previously Triple O’ Podcast. I changed to, “Tap in With Me” one because it’s an easier name; and two, I wanted to revamp my image. Still the same great content but better stories and on more platforms, including me on YouTube!!!
Insta- @yorelsmalls
YouTube- @TapinwithMe -
Note Doctors is a podcast all about music theory and music theory pedagogy. Each episode features an interview with an innovative music theory instructor. The podcast is hosted by three university theory instructors: Paul Thomas, Jenn Weaver, and Ben Graf.
Dois amigos de longa data conversam sobre um álbum por semana, trazendo detalhes, construção das faixas e a opinião dos ouvintes. Vai ao ar todas as sextas-feiras, às 11 horas. Apresentado por Daia e Diego Back.
The culture as we know it best uncensored!
Hosted by Brendan Jeannetti, The Music You’re Missing Podcast introduces you to artists you don’t want to miss—ranging from those just starting out to major label signees. The podcast dives into their creative processes, artistic inspirations, relationships with fame, and how they navigate the ever-evolving music industry.
The Music Industry Experts sub-series, features in-depth conversations with top executives from the music industry. These episodes explore their careers, insights on the state of the industry, emerging trends, and valuable advice for aspiring artists and those pursuing a career in music. -
Podcast dedicado a falar da arte vocal cantada ou falada. Nele teremos exercícios, técnicas de voz, analogias vocais e bate papos sobre diversos assuntos que envolvem a expressão vocal.
A música entra nos nossos ouvidos todos os dias, porque não também falar sobre ela?
Dia 15-um instrumento ou um estilo musical
Dia 28-uma banda -
Introduction- how music can heal.
Podcast com resenhas sobre discos e curiosidades de gravação.
L'histoire des chansons de Chiara Foschiani
Find out the stories around Chiara's songs -
Novidades de músicas.
DJ Soul Sister is the award-winning “queen of rare groove,” and not only one of the longest-running live DJ artists (mixing and blending 100% vinyl) in her hometown of New Orleans, but known worldwide as a vinyl crate digger, party promoter, and tastemaker. In this podcast she’s answering all the questions you want to know.
Follow us!
Instagram and Twitter: @djsoulsister -
João Luz e Miguel Teles, são dois amigos que partilham uma paixão: ir a concertos!
E ao longo dos anos, após cada concerto enquanto iam trocando impressões sobre os mesmos, uma ideia foi surgindo, a de partilhar essas mesmas opiniões com mais pessoas, e ouvir as opiniões de outras pessoas que também tiveram nesses mesmos concertos.