
  • Welcome to today's episode of Queer PoliFaith. Today, we are talking about 2 redistricting cases: Cooper v Harris (2017) and Alexander v NAACP (2024). Although only a few years apart, these cases show how important Supreme Court nominations can be because a change of 3 seats allowed Alito to turn his 2017 dissent into a majority opinion in 2024.

    I also talk a little about corruption on the Supreme Court and a few justices who should be impeached due to their corruption and lack of judicial ethics.

    I know I called these "voting rights" cases in the episode, but I realized that is a bad descriptor and that "redistricting" is the better term. Can't just change a word here or there, so just changing the title and description to better fit the episode.

    We won't be back until at least sometime in August. Please pay attention to the social media channels for when we will return.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Welcome to Queer PoliFaith. Today, I am going to talk about ideological purity and voting. I was inspired by a friend's Twitter post (which I read without naming them) as well as my own feelings about the subject.

    I talk about how ideology has damaged the Republican party and why we cannot let it damage the Democratic party and the nation as a whole. We look at a little history and at Senate rules as well.

    There is strong language and if that upset you, too bad. I ain't gonna apologize, but I will warn you.

    Our next episode will be about a few voting rights cases from the Supreme Court and then we will go on a break.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

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  • Today's episode is on the shorter side. I decided to illuminate my process of choosing who I vote for in the primaries. I talk about how I winnow down my options, words or phrases I look out for, and how I make my final choice. I also talk about my vote in the presidential primary and why I made the choice I did.

    I also talk about anti-Semitism on the left and how it is somewhere where the far left and far right meet in absolutely disgusting ways. F bombs are dropped, so if that offends you, be prepared for a few around the 30 minute mark. And no, I won't apologize for them.

    I am not sure when the next episode will be out. I am hoping to talk with someone about the recent events in the UMC, and if I do, I will post that interview.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Welcome to today's episode of Queer PoliFaith. Today we are talking about the recently released document Dignitas Infinita (On Infinite Dignity) which is about the Catholic Church's view on human dignity and some current threats to that dignity. I start off explaining why I talk about documents from the Catholic Church and then look at the document section by section. We spend a good amount of time talking about different types of dignity and how they are defined. And then we look at some of the things the Church views as threats to human dignity.

    If you want to read the document, please go here.

    I am not sure what the next episode will be about, but please pay attention to the podcasts social media channels and I will let you know there.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Welcome to today's episode of Queer PoliFaith. Today, we are going to talk about Christian hegemony and political tactics of the right using 2 recent pieces from Aaron Rupar's Substack, entitled Public Notice. The articles are from April 2nd and April 3rd. I've talked extensively in the past about how right-wing religion has affected the GOP and here we continue to look at that. We also look at how "white rage" has been used to get people to oppose policies that will help them, among other things.

    Here is a link to Project 2025, which is the topic of the April 3rd article.

    Our next episode will be about the recently released Vatican document Dignitas Infinita and will be on May 2nd.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • In today's episode, we are going to look at the 14th Amendment and how it is affecting the 2024 election via the case Trump v. Anderson. In addition to briefly looking at the 14th Amendment itself, we break down the decision with the help of Steve Vladeck, or more specifically, an article he published on his Substack page entitled: "70. The Shoddy Politics of Trump v. Anderson".

    In addition to examining the reasoning in the per curiam decision, we also look at how the Court's previous actions have caused it problems when it comes to this decision. I also explain why I agree with Steve Vladeck when he says that the judgment that Colorado could not exclude the seditious traitor from the ballot.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Welcome to today's episode of Queer Polifaith! Today, we are looking at the Alabama Supreme Court decision saying that eggs which have been fertilized for IVF implantation are children even if not implanted in a woman's uterus and the pope's statement regarding surrogacy that was a part of a larger speech to ambassadors to the Holy See. I place these in the larger context of the right's restrictions on reproductive rights and the attacks on queer people.

    I am not a bioethicist, so these opinions are my own. I have not studied these things extensively and so may be missing nuances. Just know that going in.

    If you are interested in these topics, I highly suggest Jessica Valenti's Abortion, Every Day newsletter. The newsletters tend to be long, but they are well worth reading.

    In two weeks, we will talk about the Supreme Court decision to allow the seditious traitor to remain on the Colorado ballot and other election issues.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Welcome to today's episode of Queer PoliFaith. Today, I decided to just talk about some things I have seen that disturb me that we need to deal with, particularly on the political left. To sum it up, I make three points:

    Words mean things Obsession with ideological purity is a very bad thing We need to be willing to take what we can get now and come back for more later

    I reference the episodes with Billie about Facism and Christian Nationalism, so if you haven't listened to them, or if it's been a while, take the time to listen to them. Part 1 is here and Part 2 is here.

    I am not sure when the next episode will be out, but keep an eye on our social media for announcements.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Welcome back to season 3 of Queer PoliFaith! We start off with a discussion about the future of the podcast. Then we start talking about the theme of the season: elections. We discuss the differences between primary and general elections and types of primary elections (including correcting a couple of errors I made on my voting episode!). I then talk about the history of political parties in the US and why a 3rd party is unlikely and end with a discussion about the Electoral College.

    Our next episode will be some personal thoughts and reflections from me about the dysfunction present in our politics and some things to keep an eye out for.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com.

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Welcome to this episode of Queer PoliFaith. Today, we will be talking about the declaration Fiducia Supplicans put out by the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith from the Roman Catholic Church. There have been a lot of articles and people saying that this is a massive and good thing or that it is the first step for the church to become fully welcoming for queer people. Unfortunately, these are overselling what the declaration gives us. In this episode I:

    a. Discuss my background and how it may affect my analysis of the declaration

    b. Discuss levels of authority for Catholic documents (read this for more)

    c. Summarize the declaration, reading various important paragraphs and explaining them. When we get to section III, I read the entire thing and explain it paragraph by paragraph.

    d. Give my thoughts about the declaration (good and bad) and explain why I see it as not nearly as titanic a document as people claim.

    My thoughts are not the final thoughts, but I think that we need to not just look at this declaration through rose-colored glasses, but fit them into the larger pattern of how the Catholic Church has historically treated queer and trans people (and in this case, remarried people) and how you can make marginal changes but still be harmful at the core.

    I am not sure when our next episode will be. Keep an eye on the podcast's social media platforms for announcements.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Today, we have Part 2 of my conversation with Billie Hoard about fascism and Christian Nationalism. We bring queerness into the conversation and talk about how queerness and fascism use each other, how fascism and fascistic ideas have roots in the early US (and even before), fascism in different countries, how the Weimar Republic was friendly to queer people, and there are pop culture references to Babylon 5 and Battlestar Galactica. It is a longer conversation (about 72 and a half minutes!) but I think it is well worth listening to, especially because we talk about the beyond scary similiarties between fascism in Nazi Germany and the MAGA movement.

    After this episode, the show will go on hiatus for an undetermined period of time until I can figure out a way to make the show sustainable. I have been tossing ideas around and if anyone has ideas, please feel free to let me know.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Today's episode is part 1 of an interview with Billie Hoard about fascism and Christian Nationalism in the United States. We talked about how and why they are intertwined, pick up on some threads from her first interview, and more.

    Our next episode will be part 2 of the interview. After that episode the podcast will be going on an indefinite hiatus until I figure out how to keep the podcast going.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Welcome to today's episode of Queer PoliFaith. Today we are talking all about voting. We talk about why it's important to vote, some myths around voting, some ways votes are suppressed, the importance of being an informed voter, and more. This really is an important topic and I hope you get a lot out of this.

    Our next episode will be an interview with Billie about fascism and Christian Nationalism in the US and how they are intertwined.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Today history was made when Kevin McCarthy was ousted from the office of Speaker of the House of Representatives. The reason he was ousted was the Demorcats voted as a bloc for the motion. I think that this was a massive tactical blunder. In this episode, I talk about how we got here and why I think the Democrats vote was a mistake.

    Our next episode, on October 12, will be about the importance of voting and why you should vote.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Hello and welcome to this week's episode of Queer PoliFaith. I am calling this a Grabbag episode because I talk about a few different topics, all of which are important, but none of which would make a whole episode alone. So we are hitting a few things in one fell swoop. First up, we have a personal update followed by an update about the podcast and what will happen moving forward. Then we talk about a few topics: an update on anti-trans/anti-queer laws, ethics in the Supreme Court and in government in general, and erstwhile allies.

    Our next episode, on October 12, will be about the importance of voting and why you should vote.

    Here is a link to the LGBTQ+ Legislative tracking spreadsheet. If you want the read the article from the Advocate that I talked about, please find it here.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Today's episode is an interview with Billie Hoard. Billie is a trans woman, wife, and father. She is a high school teacher, an author, and something of an Anabaptist radical. A consummate generalist, she holds an MA in the liberal arts from St. John's College in Annapolis, Maryland and she writes on topics ranging from fairy tales and C.S. Lewis to Evangelical deconstruction, queer theology, the alarming rise of American fascism, and the psychology of disgust.

    We discuss how someone can be both wife and father (loved this answer), what "eucontaminant" means, how queerness is a eucontaminant, and so much more. I think you will find this a very fun and very informative conversation and I cannot wait for you to listen.

    Here is a link to an article Billie wrote with her brother- Queering as Eucontaminant Reorganization

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Today, I am very proud to share my conversation with Jeff P. Crim about how churches and cishet pastors can support and wirk with marginalized people. It is a companion to the interview I had with Jenny a few months ago. Jeff is a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the ELCA, a Hospital chaplain after 12 years as a pastor at the same parish (had been a pastor for 7 years before that), and has entered Doctor of Behavioral Health program at the Cummings Graduate Institute. In 2022, he ran for Hamilton County Education Board on a DEI platform.

    TikTok and Instagram= ki4tft

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • In today's episode, we will be talking about Groff v. DeJoy, a case decided in 2023 that dealt with the threshold for employers to achieve while providing accomadations for their employees' religion.

    Since this decision was short and not particularly meaty (29 pages in total), I also decided to talk about how the current court has damaged the separation of the wall between church and state which was set up to protect pluralism and individual's conscience. There is a great article by Ian Millhiser on vox.com that gave me the inspiration to talk about the issue. I also used the information in the article as the outline for talking about the issue.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Today's episode is about the 2023 decision 303 Creative v. Elenis, a case out of Colorado where a website designer claimed that she wanted to branch out into wedding announcements but that the wanted to post a notice that she wouldn't work with same-sex couples since marriage is (according to her religion) "between one man and one woman". We talk about how the case itself is narrow, but the implications are vast. We also talk about some past cases, how the conservative majority limited itself to come to a particular conclusion, and how the dissent looked beyond just speech into conduct as well. Next week, we will talk about the 2023 case Groff v. DeJoy.

    Here are a couple of links you may be interested in:

    The Decision (majority and dissent in one PDF)

    An FAQ from queer advocacy groups (couldn't find where I downloaded it from, this is my saved version)

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram, Twitter, or Threads (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.

  • Welcome to today's episode of Queer PoliFaith. Today we will talk about some technical aspects to the interviews, wrap-up the interviews in general, give some fun stats about the interviews (the most listened to episode blew the others out of the water in terms of numbers of downloads), and then I talk about the anti-trans laws that have been sweeping the country. Here is a link to the legislative tracker I refer to. I've linked to it before.

    Just a heads up, I do get pretty passionate and I do swear during the episode. I am not labeling them as explicit because I do not think swearing warrants the label, but I do want to warn people who may be sensitive.

    We will be back in August with new episodes. Please pay attention to the Twitter and Instagram accounts for a list of topics when we return. I do have one interview I need to schedule, and if anyone has a suggestion for someone I can interview, please let me know. Do keep in mind that they need to be able to have a discussion about the intersection of queerness, politics, AND faith, not just one or two of them.

    As always, please rate and review the podcast on whatever platform you listen to it on. You can follow the podcast on Instagram or Twitter (@queerpolifaith). You can also send questions or comments to queerpolifaith@gmail.com.

    Podcast theme music by Transistor.fm. Learn how to start a podcast here.