Hagomel 10+1 or 10 in total?
Estão a faltar episódios?
Birkat Hagomel in the presence of 2 Talmidei Hachamim
Birkat Hagomel at night
Birkat Hagomel for women
Birkat Hagomel for a family member who was sick?
1 or 2 Hagomel for 2 trips?
Why do we say Hagomel after flying?
The beracha of hagomel
The most flexible beracha
Hallel on Yom Yerushalayim/Haatsmaut?
When Hachamim tell us that a good smell isn’t a good smell
Do we say Beracha on smelling Perfume?
Pot pourrit in a bathroom
If someone walks into a perfume shop several times
Smelling Etrog during Sukkot
If someone said Shehakol on a smell
The real reason/s we celebrate Lag Baomer
If someone smells lemon
To smell a fruit
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