We finally made it back into the laundry room! No, we aren't relaunching the show, but we thought it would be fun to update our listeners and say a quick hello! Sending love to our FFP Family and hoping 2022 is off to a great start. - Kira and Deana
In today's final episode of Raising Adults, we remind you that you have all the tools you need to crush parenting and enjoy the journey as an FFP! "We want you to know that you have all the tools you need to move forward without us!" - Kira Dorrian "Intentionality comes from a strong why. If you know why you're doing what you're doing, it does make it easier to make those strong decisions that are best, rather than the ones that might be expedient or get the behavior you don’t like to stop. " - Deana Thayer Today's final discussion includes: Three Pillars of Future Focused Parenting Philosophy (2:25) FFP Discipline Philosophy (6:24) Importance of communication and collaboration as a team (7:29) Demonstrating responsibility and gaining more privileges (11:47) Kira shares final thoughts on working with Deana and what the podcast has meant to her (14:44) Deana shares her final thoughts on working with Kira and what the podcast has meant to her (16:12) New email address and reminder that the podcast and all 150 episodes will remain live for you to listen to anytime (20:02) Thanks for joining us today on our final episode of Raising Adults. We have truly enjoyed being with you each week for the past 150+ episodes and are thankful for every one of you. Just remember, you have all the tools you need. Much love FFPs, Kira and Deana Huge thanks to our sponsor: The Cozi App! Cozi is the #1 organizing app that families use to juggle school schedules, practices, meetings, doctor's appointments and even a work out or date night. The shared grocery list lets the whole family add items in real time, and you'll never find yourself at the store without the list - it's always on your phone and up to date. The best part? It's all FREE in Cozi. Just download Cozi from the app store to get the free app today! Don’t forget our Blowout Sale happening now until 12/25! All our programs are $5 with the exception of the Flagship program that is $10.
Estão a faltar episódios?
Kira and Deana share their decision to close Raising Adults Podcast and Future Focused Parenting. The final episode will air on Monday, December 13th. They also share details for the Future Focused Patrons and how to reach out for parent coaching in the future.
Sometimes after a recording has finished or an episode has aired, Kira and Deana realize that they have something they wish they had said. In today’s episode, they share those tidbits including a few extra ideas for talking about sex with kids, extra thoughts on peer pressure and more. Today's discussion includes: A few extra birds and the bees guidelines (3:12) The power of voting with your dollar and the power of boycotting (8:06) An extra tool for combating peer pressure (9:59) The story behind Kira's tattoo (13:25) Imposter syndrome with parenting (16:04) Favorite foods (22:03) If Deana hears this noise, she'll run for the hills (26:36) Kira can eat what in a soup bowl? (27:31) Thanks for joining us today to look back at previous episodes and what we wished we would have said. Wasn't this a fun episode? Please come and share it with us on our social media and give us a follow! We would love to reach 1k followers on social media before the end of 2021. Resources Mentioned Talking With Kids About Sex Teaching Kids About Social Justice Kids and Peer Pressure Tattoos, Piercings and Body Modifications I Have A Question What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up? Huge thanks to our sponsor: The Cozi App! Cozi is the #1 organizing app that families use to juggle school schedules, practices, meetings, doctor's appointments and even a work out or date night. The shared grocery list lets the whole family add items in real time, and you'll never find yourself at the store without the list - it's always on your phone and up to date. The best part? It's all FREE in Cozi. Just download Cozi from the app store to get the free app today! Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused Parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you. Our show cannot run without listeners like you! Join us over on Patreon to become a Future Focused Patron. Just $5 a month keeps Raising Adults going strong.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira break down the three types of consequences, how to use them, and when to use them. If you find yourself asking what's an appropriate consequence, this episode is for you. "The design isn't to be punitive. The design is to help the world make sense because we are our children's teachers for how to navigate the world later on." - Deana Thayer Today's discussion includes: The importance of follow-through and meaning what you say (6:36) Empty threats lose power over time (7:36) First type: A Natural Consequence (9:52) Second type: A Logical Consequence (14:38) Third type: A Currency Consequence (19:24) Why experiencing these consequences in childhood help prepare kids for adulthood (26:04) Thanks for joining us today for this great conversation about the three types of consequences. What was your biggest takeaway? Please come and share it with us on our social media and give us a follow! We would love to reach 1k followers on social media before the end of 2021. Resources Mentioned Coaching Call - Beyond Video Games and Later Bedtimes - Thinking Outside the Box When Offering Age Appropriate Privileges Huge thanks to our sponsor: The Cozi App! Cozi is the #1 organizing app that families use to juggle school schedules, practices, meetings, doctor's appointments and even a work out or date night. The shared grocery list lets the whole family add items in real time, and you'll never find yourself at the store without the list - it's always on your phone and up to date. The best part? It's all FREE in Cozi. Just download Cozi from the app store to get the free app today! We are doing a blowout sale before the end of the year. So if you have been wanting to get any of our online programs, we have many. This is the time to do it, because everything is on sale for $5, except our flagship program, which normally retails at $57, is on sale for 10. And everything else is five bucks. Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused Parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you. Our show cannot run without listeners like you! Join us over on Patreon to become a Future Focused Patron. Just $5 a month keeps Raising Adults going strong.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira have the pleasure of chatting with Heather Chauvin, a leadership coach who helps overwhelmed, ambitious women become leaders at work and home while conquering their fears. She's also the host of the Mom Is In Control Podcast, where she reveals her most vulnerable truths about womanhood, marriage, parenting, living through stage four cancer, and running a successful business without burning out. "Women walk around this earth pretending that they are robots, pretending that they don't matter. When you think about it, we probably take better care of our house plants than we do our bodies. We water the plants and we can't remember the last time we drank water." - Heather Chauvin Today's discussion includes: Why Heather does this work (2:37) How Heather had to recalibrate after her diagnosis (8:02) When our behavior is really about feeling in control (15:12) Noticing our resistance, fear and guilt (21:10) The importance of remembering that we are our child’s teacher (27:59) Thanks for joining us today for this great conversation with Heather. What was your biggest takeaway? Please come and share it with us on our social media! Connect with Heather Chauvin Instagram Facebook Mom Is In Control Podcast Website Dying To Be A Good Mother Dying To Be A Good Mother's Action-Plan Workbook Huge thanks to our sponsor: The Cozi App! Cozi is the #1 organizing app that families use to juggle school schedules, practices, meetings, doctor's appointments and even a work out or date night. The shared grocery list lets the whole family add items in real time, and you'll never find yourself at the store without the list - it's always on your phone and up to date. The best part? It's all FREE in Cozi. Just download Cozi from the app store to get the free app today! Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused Parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you. Our show cannot run without listeners like you! Join us over on Patreon to become a Future Focused Patron. Just $5 a month keeps Raising Adults going strong.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira dive into how we as parents handle and cope with our kids being different from us. "We don't need a melting pot in this country, folks. We need a salad bowl. In a salad bowl, you put in the different things. You want the vegetables, the lettuce, the cucumbers, the onions, the green peppers to maintain their identity. You appreciate differences." - Jane Elliot Today's discussion includes: Why we're talking about this (5:35) What this looks like in Deana's home (7:17) Coping with differences in Kira's home (11:35) Something not being handled well vs. a different way of doing something (14:00) Leaning into the differences (16:45) Unpacking where the issue is actually our own (19:06) What are we modeling for our kids (25:19) Thanks for joining us today for another important topic. What was your biggest takeaway? Please come and share it with us on our social media! Huge thanks to our sponsor: The Cozi App! Cozi is the #1 organizing app that families use to juggle school schedules, practices, meetings, doctor's appointments and even a work out or date night. The shared grocery list lets the whole family add items in real time, and you'll never find yourself at the store without the list - it's always on your phone and up to date. The best part? It's all FREE in Cozi. Just download Cozi from the app store to get the free app today! Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused Parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you. Our show cannot run without listeners like you! Join us over on Patreon to become a Future Focused Patron. Just $5 a month keeps Raising Adults going strong.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira are back with an important topic: teaching kids about social justice. Because she is not a DEI educator, Kira shares who she is learning from and what the application looks like in her home. "We cannot help the next generation to dismantle racism, challenge racial inequality, and imagine an America of inclusion, if we, as white parents, do not openly discuss the oppression and injustices that are inherent in the very design of our country, which was established by white men who believed that they were the superior race." - Elisabeth Lepine Today's discussion includes: Appropriate vs. inappropriate resources (6:22) Apron Education and Read Like a Rock Star Teaching (7:46) The Conscious Kid, Little Justice Leaders and Brownicity (10:01) The framework Kira uses in her house (11:56) Modeling action and helping kids learn to take action (19:34) How to talk about the complexities and when we get it wrong (23:11) Accept the discomfort - if we're not educating ourselves, we're not doing the work (25:36) Gracefully receiving feedback so we can do better (29:09) Thanks for joining us today for this important topic. What was your biggest takeaway? Please come and share it with us on our social media! Resources Mentioned Read Like a Rock Star Teaching Website Read Like a Rock Star Instagram Apron Education Website Apron Education Instagram Unpack Your Impact We Need Diverse Books Website We Need Diverse Books Instagram The Conscious Kid Website The Conscious Kid Instagram Little Justice Leaders Website Little Justice Leaders Instagram Brownicity Website Brownicity Instagram Huge thanks to our sponsor: The Cozi App! Cozi is the #1 organizing app that families use to juggle school schedules, practices, meetings, doctor's appointments and even a work out or date night. The shared grocery list lets the whole family add items in real time, and you'll never find yourself at the store without the list - it's always on your phone and up to date. The best part? It's all FREE in Cozi. Just download Cozi from the app store to get the free app today! Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused Parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you. Our show cannot run without listeners like you! Join us over on Patreon to become a Future Focused Patron. Just $5 a month keeps Raising Adults going strong.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira tackle a listener question: What do you do if you are in a parenting team and your partner isn't future focused or doesn't want to be? "It is important that everybody feels seen and heard, but that also that we feel satisfied with the job that we're doing as parents." - Kira Dorrian. "It's not saying that the way the other parent is doing it is wrong. It's just saying, 'Hey, this happens to be important to me, so I'll put those systems in place and help make sure they happen.'" - Deana Thayer Today's discussion includes: The need for foundational tools (5:54) You can parent together even if you don't agree (8:21) Deciding that you both want to parent well (11:59) Making sure we are not undermining our partner or other households (17:15) A practical example of how this might look (18:14) The flip side of that example (19:13) Takeaways from today's episode (20:13) Thanks for joining us today as we tackled this fantastic listener question. What was your biggest takeaway? Please come and share it with us on our social media! Huge thanks to our sponsor: The Cozi App! Cozi is the #1 organizing app that families use to juggle school schedules, practices, meetings, doctor's appointments and even a work out or date night. The shared grocery list lets the whole family add items in real time, and you'll never find yourself at the store without the list - it's always on your phone and up to date. The best part? It's all FREE in Cozi. Just download Cozi from the app store to get the free app today! Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused Parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you. Our show cannot run without listeners like you! Join us over on Patreon to become a Future Focused Patron. Just $5 a month keeps Raising Adults going strong.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira dive into the three pillars of the Future Focused Parenting Philosophy and how it can be applied to all of your parenting journey. "Be proactive wherever you can be because we want those curveballs to be the exception and not the rule ." - Kira Dorrian. "If you have a strong enough why, you can tolerate almost any how." - Jillian Michaels Today's discussion includes: Pillar 1: Figure Out Your Why (5:44) Pillar 2: Uphold Your Family Values (10:23) Should children be involved in the conversation about family values? (13:51) Pillar 3: Take a Proactive Approach (16:56) How to be proactive (19:23) Proactive discussions on discipline (26:13) Thanks for joining us today as we shared the three pillars of the Future Focused Parenting philosophy. What was your biggest takeaway? Share it with us on our social media! Huge thanks to our sponsor: The Cozi App! Cozi is the #1 organizing app that families use to juggle school schedules, practices, meetings, doctor's appointments and even a work out or date night. The shared grocery list lets the whole family add items in real time, and you'll never find yourself at the store without the list - it's always on your phone and up to date. The best part? It's all FREE in Cozi. Just download Cozi from the app store to get the free app today! Resources Mentioned The Importance of a Strong Why episode Figuring Out Your Family's Value episode Newsletter sign-up Webinar Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused Parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira discuss the changing face of education with guest Victoria Ransom from Prisma. We dive into what options exist outside of the conventional model, why the conventional model is failing some of our kids and how to find the right fit for your children. Victoria, an entrepreneur since her early twenties, has developed four companies, including Wildfire, which Google acquired in 2012 for $450M. She has an MBA from Harvard Business School and a bachelor of arts degree from Macalester College. In her spare time, she is an avid snowboarder, surfer, and passionate adventure traveler. "For so many kids, part of the problem with school is they're sitting there thinking, when will I ever use this in my life? Why do I need this? And I think applying learning to what you see in your community is one way to make it feel relevant." - Victoria Ransom. Today's discussion includes: Where Victoria's interest in education began (8:02) Can traditional education's primary features be problematic? (12:04) What options exist outside the conventional model? (17:36) Finding the right model to fit your kids' learning styles (24:11) How Prisma brings learning alive for kids (29:00) Are your kids in a traditional educational setting? If not, we'd love to know what you're doing and how it's working for you. Connect with Victoria Website twitter Facebook LinkedIn Instagram Don't forget, for our show to keep going into 2022 we need our Future Focused Parents to become Future Focused Patrons. Join us so that we can keep this content coming your way: patreon.com/ffp or futurefocusedparenting.com/membership Huge thanks to our sponsor: The Cozi App! Cozi is the #1 organizing app that families use to juggle school schedules, practices, meetings, doctor's appointments and even a work out or date night. The shared grocery list lets the whole family add items in real time, and you'll never find yourself at the store without the list - it's always on your phone and up to date. The best part? It's all FREE in Cozi. Just download Cozi from the app store to get the free app today! Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused Parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira discuss the question “How do I know when my child is ready to___________?” Together they talk about everything from leaving kids home alone, to owning their own devices, to when you might expect your little one to be able to tie their own shoes (spoiler alert: Kira’s answer may shock you!) Today's discussion includes: A recap about how you can help keep Raising Adults going in 2022 (4:52) What you might be able to expect of littles (9:42) Regression: why it happens and when to expect it (11:51) Ages for letting kids bathe by themselves (13:30) When should you separate kids during bath time? (14:16) Ages for leaving a child alone in a car or at home alone (19:57) Rehearsing with your kids for privileges, freedoms and phones (22:14) Adjusting the way you connect when kids become tweens (24:26) Ages for dating (30:27) Ages for devices (33:12) Don't forget, for our show to keep going into 2022 we need our Future Focused Parents to become Future Focused Patrons. Join us so that we can keep this content coming your way: patreon.com/ffp Huge thanks to our sponsor: The Cozi App! Cozi is the #1 organizing app that families use to juggle school schedules, practices, meetings, doctor’s appointments and even a work out or date night. The shared grocery list lets the whole family add items in real-time, and you’ll never find yourself at the store without the list - it’s always on your phone and up to date. The best part? It’s all FREE in Cozi. Just download Cozi from the app store to get the free app today! Resources mentioned in this episode: Troomi Wireless Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused Parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, the laundry room and coat closet experience a takeover by Kira and Deana’s kiddos: Cienna, Marc, Rhys, and Rhia! Together these future adults are sharing what’s really going on in kids’ minds and talking about what they want their parents to know. Today's discussion includes: Introductions (7:07) Today's why (7:52) Rhia shares what she wants her mom to know about school (spoiler alert: school is hard!) (8:19) Cienna shares something she and her Deana do that strengthens their relationship (9:37) Marc unpacks the common phrase “I’m your parent, not your friend” (11:26) Rhys shares what Kira is doing well (12:27) Cienna talks about the importance of fostering and following your children’s interests (13:52) Rhys reminds parents that “It's ok to take time for yourself” (14:57) Rhia and Cienna talk about the push-pull of wanting independence without making parents feel unloved (16:11) Marc reminds parents that “kids are smarter than you think, and their feelings are valid” (18:39) Cienna cautions parents to remember that kids are always listening and watching (19:10) Wasn't today's episode adorable? We love the honesty and truth that they shared with us. We'd love to know if you had a favorite moment from today. Don't forget, for our show to keep going into 2022 we need our Future Focused Parents to become Future Focused Patrons. Join us so that we can keep this content coming your way: patreon.com/ffp or futurefocusedparenting.com/membership Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused Parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira wrap up their three-week series of "I Do It," "We Do It," “You Do It." This final “You Do It” phase of ages 10 and up is where we truly begin handing off responsibility and shifting into more of a coaching role as parents. Today's discussion includes: Recap of "I Do It" and "We Do It" (2:23) Our Why (3:47) The three categories of "You Do It" (5:30) Your child as an individual in this phase (9:20) Your child and their tasks and responsibilities (11:34) Example of interacting with tasks (14:16) How to assess the situation when tasks are not completed (16:14) The importance of handing off in stages (20:04) Your child and how they interact with people and the world (21:23) The shift in parent and child relationship (24:31) Coaching awkward and challenging situations (25:58) The "You Do It" phase is a beautiful time where you start to see your hard work pay off. Definitely, a phase to look forward to! Don’t forget, for our show to keep going into 2022 we need our Future Focused Parents to become Future Focused Patrons. Join us so that we can keep this content coming your way: Patreon or Future Focused Parenting Website
In today's episode of Raising Adults, we head into the second part of our three-week series. Last week we covered the "IDo It" phase of parenting, and today we are talking about the "We Do It" phase. This 5-10 age range is where we truly begin balancing responsibilities with privileges and move into a more collaborative part of the parenting journey. "You know what's really cool about this phase, honestly... The "We Do It" phase is where you're together and you're a team. And so the pressure of "I Do It" comes off of you a little bit, but you haven't worked yourself out of a job yet." - Kira Dorrian "This season is when you are collaboratively working toward things like growing responsibility, growing privileges and growing relational skills. This sets up not only raising your adult but how that adult then views their relationship with you." – Deana Thayer Today's discussion includes: A recap of the "I Do It" phase (00:57) Laying the groundwork and reaping the benefits (6:46) The "We Do It" phase (8:18) Setting the tone for the parent/child relationship (12:51) Consistency and communication (16:03) Kira outlines how she balances chores and privileges (17:23) Deana shares how she tackled this phase and her "yes posture" (20:27) How to handle changes in the parent-child relationship (24:56) Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, twitter, and Pinterest to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, we kick off a three-week series applying our framework of "I Do It, We Do It, You Do It" to your parenting journey. We will break down the different stages of parenting and talk about what it means to be a Future Focused Parent in each stage. "If you're fortunate enough to have small people, this is where you not only lay the foundation of how you're parenting with empathy and emotional intelligence while still having boundaries, but you're also laying the foundation for what you are like as a Future Focused Parent." - Deana Thayer Today's discussion includes: Introduction to "I Do It" (4:24) What this looks like with infants (6:59) What if you get it wrong? (9:19) The toddler years (12:28) In this phase, you're teaching your child what they can expect from you (14:20) The preschool years (19:44) Increasing responsibility and privileges (22:41) Redirection is not a distraction (23:58) Preview of "We Do It" (26:44) We'd love to hear from you! How are you managing this “I Do It” stage with your 0-5 child(ren)? Join us on social media or send us an email to let us know! Episodes Referenced Who's the Boss Babies and Sleep Kids and Manners Kids and Chores Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, twitter, and Pinterest to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira talk about mean kids, bullies and their parents. Be sure to tune in and listen as we dive into bullying, how it's changed over the years and how there is a difference between “mean kids” and “bullies.” Stay tuned until the end to find out who’s celebrating a birthday in September!! "In those moments where a child has been harsh, or unkind it is important for me to help my kids ask themselves what might be happening for that child that they feel the need to treat someone that way." - Kira Dorrian "I have encouraged my kids to be careful about labeling someone as a bully over one or two harsh incidents. " - Deana Thayer Today's discussion includes: Deana shares her two whys (6:53) Kira's why (8:16) Why labels can be damaging (10:42) Equipping kids with coping tools and discernment (11:47) Compassion and empathy for kids who bully (17:20) Dealing with other parents who aren’t collaborative problem solvers (23:23) Owning that our kids are human and continuing to help them grow (27:06) Tips for coping with interactions that aren’t collaborative (28:06) Being honest with ourselves: are we receiving feedback and are we open to hearing areas where our children need to grow (31:00) We'd love to hear your thoughts on this topic. Join us on social media to let us know! Want your FREE copy of the attributes and character traits calendar? Visit bit.ly/RaisingAdultsPodcast or visit FutureFocusedParenting.com Thanks to our sponsor The MamaZen App - Helping Moms Feel Sane! The MamaZen app specializes in helping moms change their motherhood habits, so they can become patient, mindful, calmer, happier, and raise happy and mindful adults. Use promo code FUTURE to get full, unlimited FREE access to MamaZen for 30 days. Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, twitter, and Pinterest to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, we have the opportunity to double date with the hosts of the popular podcast What Fresh Hell - Laughing in the Face of Motherhood, Amy Wilson and Margaret Ables. Be sure to tune in and listen as we dive into what it means to be "that mom" and how we can best advocate for our kids. "When advocating for your kid, come with both the problem and the solution." - Amy Wilson "Be very aware of…am I always the person advocating for my needs and my kid's needs in a way that is taking needed resources from other people or really inconveniencing other people?" - Margaret Ables Today's highlights include: Margaret shares that she was a comedian, television writer and her why for being “that mom” (4:01) Amy talks about her book, family, and her why (5:06) Why it is “that mom” and not “that dad” or “that parent” (6:50) The line between helicopter mom and tiger mom (9:01) Is there a time for spiciness vs. doing it kindly? (12:37) Come with a solution to the problem (18:03) Intentionality and values while advocating for your kids (19:41) Steps to take once you've decided to be “that mom” (21:20) How to be emotionally prepared for difficult conversations and uncomfortable truths (24:11) A useful framework: rude behavior vs. mean behavior vs. bullying behavior (26:36) References from today's episode:
When To Be 'That Mom' episode Ask Amy - My Kid's Friend Is Now Bullying Him. Should I Get Involved Signe Whitson Connect with Amy and Margaret:
Facebook Group
Amy's Book Thanks to our sponsors
The MamaZen App - Helping Moms Feel Sane! The MamaZen app specializes in helping moms change their motherhood habits, so they can become patient, mindful, calmer, happier, and raise happy and mindful adults. Use promo code FUTURE to get full, unlimited FREE access to MamaZen for 30 days.
Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram and Twitter to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you. -
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira talk about supporting future focused grandparents and the complexities that entails. Don't miss this episode! "The most important question grandparents can ask of their adult children is, where do I need to match you and where can I depart from that and just enjoy being a grandparent?" - Deana Thayer “Please, grandparents, remember that the intensity and expectation of parents when you were parenting is not the same as it is now." - Kira Dorrian Today's highlights include: Kira shares her two-part why (3:28) Deana's blended family two-part why (6:20) Finding a middle ground in grandparenting (8:57) Preparing for a grandchild on the way (11:46) Importance of communicating regularly and checking in (13:50) Graciously receiving feedback as grandparents (15:00) Asking for clarity without judgment (18:27) The intensity and expectations of parenting are not the same as a generation ago (20:01) Blended family...it's like a crockpot (22:42) Creative communication is key to successful future focused grandparenting(28:24) Much of what makes for a successful future focused grandparenting relationship is communication. This includes asking questions, clarifying without judgment, finding ways to partner with your adult children and considering how you create a safe space for receiving feedback. We really hope that you enjoyed this episode today and look forward to hearing your thoughts! If you are new to the FFP philosophy, check out our past episodes on The Importance of a Strong Why and Figuring Out Your Family’s Values. Also, our recorded webinar Becoming a Future Focused Parent. Thanks to our sponsor The MamaZen App - Helping Moms Feel Sane! The MamaZen app specializes in helping moms change their motherhood habits, so they can become patient, mindful, calmer, happier, and raise happy and mindful adults. Use promo code FUTURE to get full, unlimited FREE access to MamaZen for 30 days. Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram, twitter, and Pinterest to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you.
In today's episode of Raising Adults, Deana and Kira talk about tattoos, piercings and body modifications. Join us as we discuss how critical thinking skills are key to this conversation, regrets and triggers for parents, and Kira's cautionary tale. Be sure to tune in! "Sometimes regrets are important. You learn things from your regrets. And while they're a bummer, they're a good teacher." - Deana Thayer “How can we enhance what's there but embrace? We all have stuff, and it's just not worth the risk to try and modify if it's going to cause health concerns, you know." - Kira Dorrian Today's highlights include: Deana's grumbling and gratitude (2:17) Do Deana and Kira have body modifications? (4:25) Deana's why when it comes to talking to her kids about this topic (7:12) Kira's why (9:20) Critical thinking and body modifications (11:04) Regrets and triggers for parents (15:38) Kira's experience and word of caution on cultural appropriation (16:37) Try temporary first over permanent (23:41) Thoughts on plastic surgery (25:28) Negative comments from peers and how to talk through those experiences (30:04) Today’s takeaways: *Communication is key for any body mod discussion with our kids. *Try before you buy: try out a temporary tattoo or fake earring first! *Be thoughtful of cultural significance *Last (but certainly not least!): Be kind when commenting on those with permanent body modifications, or reconsider commenting at all. We would love to hear your thoughts on today's topic. Feel free to email us at info@futurefocusedparenting.com. Don't forget about our membership opportunity and the additional resources you have access to when you join. Find more on our membership tab. Thanks for joining us on today's episode of Raising Adults! If you enjoyed today's episode, please head over to iTunes, give us 5 stars, and leave a review to help us reach even more Future Focused parents. Don't forget to check out our website, visit us on Facebook, or hang out with us on Instagram and Twitter to stay up-to-date on what's in store for you.
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