Hey Folks,
Back once again with a Bungle and Naomi in tow. This time we just shoot the breeze with a little vape talk including the flavour ban here in the Netherlands and the ban in Australia.
We also spend some time discussing the state of the world in general, so Brexit, Covid-19, lockdowns and of course Trump.
Grizzy Designs - https://www.instagram.com/grizzydesigns/
Freedom & Flesh - https://www.freedomandfleshtattoo.com/
Jenna Coffin - https://www.jennacoffin.com/ (Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jennacoffintattoo)
Jay Freestyle - http://www.jayfreestyle.com/ (Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/jayfreestyle)
Sad Kaya - https://www.instagram.com/sadkaya
Hi Folks,
So this episode is a very special one as I am without Bungle again but am joined once again by Naomi and my good friend Ben. We are here to talk openly, honestly, and frankly about mental health and our personal struggles.
This is of course in order of May being both mental health awareness and what is most close to me borderline personality disorder awareness month. I have been a long time sufferer of BPD and talk about some of my experiences and current treatment I am under in the form of DBT.
Naomi and Ben also share their experiences with anxiety and depression amongst other things and how these have had an impact on their lives.
This is a very open discussion so I feel I should put a trigger warning as some of you may find some of the discussion hits to close to home and is difficult to listen to.
This topic may become a semi-regular feature as I progress through my DBT treatment and beyond as I feel it's something that will not only be beneficial for myself but hope will let some of you out there know you are not alone in the mental health fight regardless of your particular flavor of diagnosis.
LinksWiki page on BPD - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorderWiki page on DBT - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dialectical_behavior_therapyShort DBT playlist on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKoqwd0nazArZej8gsU16R_yNnxPd6e6mLonger DBT playlist on YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLJsjpWUnyGcEmgFsmNldM2J_JN1FYAIM1As part of the run-up to this episode, I have been asking for donations on our Facebook page for a UK based mental health organization called Mind, if you live in the UK or even if you don't please check them out and if you can donate they have a donate button right on the top of their website.
https://www.mind.org.uk/Of course, I know mental health care still needs work across the globe so if there is charity or organization that is your area/country please feel free to donate to them instead if you can and would rather do that.
I hope you all get something from this episode and I will be uploading an episode that myself, Naomi, and Bungle recorded some time ago. I had put this off due to my declining mental state, so look out for that in the next week or so.
To everyone out there fighting the fight every day, you're not alone. Stay strong and much love X
Estão a faltar episódios?
Hey folks,
Back again and with a Bungle this time. This episode is mainly us catching up and shooting the shit during the first half. A little bit of vape talk and general bants.
After the break we run through some of the media (tv, youtube, films, games) we have been occupying ourselves with during the lockdown, hopefully, you will get some good recommendations from this show.
Hope you're all doing well and staying safe.
Enjoy the show :D
Howdy Folks,
I hope your all surviving in your isolation stations out there wherever you are in the world. Crazy times, partly the reason for the delay between episodes. But we are back again only this time, for the first time, without our dear Bungle.
Myself and Naomi are here to bring you a quarantine special as we take a look at this years WWE WrestleMania 36 which took place in front of no crowd. We also talk some general talk on the current pandemic and how things are playing out in the world of pro-wrestling and MMA.
We also give your our review of a Chuck Tingle story we promised last episode, it's a different show to normal but a lot fun so I hope you enjoy.
If you like the wrestling talk with me and Naomi we may start our own spin-off show just for that so let us know.
Stay safe!
Hey Folks,
So this is our first show of the year with me fresh back after a much needed MONTH LONG holiday in Japan.
This time out we are joined by Naomi (my other half) to help run down some of our fun antics in Japan and talk about her new book. Of course we talk a little vape talk, and generally despair over the state of the political landscape shaping the world, nevertheless a fun show as always.
That all being said it wouldn't be our show if something didn't go wrong, and of course it did. This time in the form of me being too stoned to notice that a vape had fallen on the keyboard and stopped the recording in the second half of the show. However, all is not lost as we have decided to have Naomi join us next time for a special episode, a book club (of sorts) where we will be reviewing a book by the man, the myth, the legend CHUCK TINGLE as way of an apology for my fuckup, if you don't know Chuck Tingle check out the link below and prepare to have you tiny mind shattered!
Links:Naomi's new book - Chaos Songs - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07PY96NLR/Naomi's other works - https://www.amazon.com/Naomi-Clark/e/B003UP1PBU?Chuck Tingle - https://www.chucktingle.com/Contact & Merch Info:Nero - nkw@ramblingstoners.comBungle - bungle@ramblingstoners.comMerch Store - https://ramblingstoners.storenvy.com/ -
Hey folks,
Happy 2020 from Japan!
So I am still out here for another week having an awesome time, but as promised here is an old project from the archives of things that never made it back from the early days of the Rambling Vapers show. This was intended to be a spin-off series called Rambling Capers where myself, Bungle, Naomi & Ian (of Larp Noobs podcast) played through a table top RP campaign using a system Ian developed himself (as the man is uber talented).
Anyway the plan was to actually do sound FX etc and make it all atmospheric but life got in the way and the project fell by the wayside.
But now as a stop-gap new year treat here is what I managed to get done to tide you guys over till the normal Rambling Stoners gets back on the airwaves at the end of the month.
If you guys enjoy this do let us know as it could b something we might re-visit if the interest is there, also don't forget to check out Ian on the Larp Noobs podcast: https://thelarpnoobspodcast.podbean.com/
Anyway peace out and catch ya at the end of January
Hey Guys,
Got an overdue special episode for you this week to help lift those post election blues for our UK listeners. (And if your not sad about the election in the UK stop listening to this show! :P)
We have special in character interview with Eleanor & Schuyler from TripolarTv. :D :D
Triploar is a new surreal stoner web series on Youtube & Instagram, telling the story of two wannabe film makers and attempt to make a film while consuming all the drugs under the sun.It's a really fun show so check it and I'll let the interview speak for itself...
TriploarTv Links:
Music from https://filmmusic.io"Jerry Five" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Hey Folks,
We are back once again, sorry for the longer than planned gap between episodes. We have been somewhat cursed with this show of late, I went and got myself a concussion and Bungles audio interface blew as we started to record this episdoe so do forgive the dip in his audio quality.
Never the less we are back with a fun show, as always we open with a little bit of Vape talk some discussion on the state of the flavour ban in the USA and some new vape mail be both picked up.In the main show we spend our time musing over our love of gaming, and some of favourite gaming experiences and great games to play when baked either with friends of flying solo.
Also stay tuned to our Facebook page and website as we now have a merch store and will be launching a Patreon with some cool perks which we discuss in this episode.
Hope you enjoy the show.
Stay safe!
Music from https://filmmusic.io"Dream Catcher" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Hey guys,
Back again with another show. First off apologies for the crackle and slight distortion on Bungles end, seemed to be an issue with Discord we couldn't nail down. Will have it fixed by next time (but it's not too bad).
Anyway we are back this time firstly run down a stoner bucket list we found online and then give our own opinions on some more realistic great things to when high as kite. That are not limited by physical location of fiscal means.
You can read the list for yourselves here: Stoner bucket list
The lists we came up with are fond below:
Nero's List:Skydiving tandem with instructor.Going to awesome live show with high value production. (Concert, play, hell even a wrestling show)Gaming on cinema screens.Do epic cooking and make a tasty feast for stoner friends. Listen to Dan Carlin's Hardcore History podcast: https://www.dancarlin.com/Bungle's List:Watch a sunrise from a scenic countryside view.Going to awesome live show with high value production. (We both agreed on this one)Watch bad movies so bad they are good.Play board games or table to RP with stoner friends.Watch David Attenborough documentaries: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Attenborough_filmographyUltimately we both agree one of the best things to do when stoned is enrich yourself through knowledgeSo you have to specify the author in your project:Music from https://filmmusic.io"Patternmaster" by Otis Galloway ()License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Hey guys,
We are back again with a fund filled but before w e get into that a little PSA:
United Vapers Alliance Rally 9th November From 12:00 to 16:00The Ellipse @ 1450 Pennsylvania Ave NWWe urge all our vaping fans who are able, to attend this rally and show the US government that vapers mater and vapers vote #wevapewevoteAs much as we would love to due to fiscal reasons we can't be there to support y'all but we can at least spread the word. STAY STRONG AND VAPE ON FRIENDS!So back to this show, this episode is featuring my much better half Naomi. She's here to help catch us up in the crazy world of Brexit and Trump, I would just say politics but I feel these two things are so beyond farcical referring to them as politics is an insult to politics.
The bulk of our talk this week is food related specifically what makes good stoner food this is in response to this article from Vice which we all too various issues with:Vice: 23 of the Best Snacks to Eat While Stoned
So check out what we think is the best way to fill that munch craving when your several bongs deep and the munchies hit hard! Also find below our agreed list of the best 5 British and Dutch stoner foods!
Naomi is also here to plug some of her new books not only Solo but collaborative under her pseudonym Amber Morgan together with our friend Olivia R Burton which you can find in the links below.
Naomi Clark Books on AmazonAmber Morgan Books on AmazonOlivia R Burton Books on Amazon
Top 5 British Stoner Foods1. Mr. Freeze / Jubbly Ice Pops
2. Meat snack, (fridge raiders, chicken on a stick, perpperami)
3. Ye olde sweets (Bassets, Swizzle Matlow)
4. Prawn Cocktail Crisps
5. Crumpets
Top Dutch 5 Stoner Foods1. Pancakes
- Bungle - Ham, pineapple, cheese
- Naomi - Strawberries white choc sauce
- Nero - Bacon, banana, maple syrup, powdered sugar
2. Tony's Chocolate
- Bungle - Pinacolad white chocolate
- Naomi - Milk choc kneel
- Nero - Milk Chock Nougat
3. Sweet waffle
- Bungle - Maple syrup, cream, banana
- Naomi - Banana, Maple syrup, crushed oreo, and whipped cream
- Nero - Lemon juice, sugar, butter, maple syrup, blueberries
4. Kaassouffle
5. Stroopwaffle - Banana Caramel
Music from https://filmmusic.io"Synergestic" by Otis Galloway ()License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Hey Guys,
So back again, apologies for the long gap between episodes yet a-bloody again. We have been having some technical difficulties and I basically had to re-cable the entire studio to get rid of some god damn feedback.
Unfortunately, despite this being a fun ol’ episode the topics are naught but misery and gloom as tis the nature of the world we live in at the moment. This time round we wax lyrical on the moral panic sweeping the states in regard to vaping, Brexit and of course the bloody subhuman tempestuous tangerine moron people call the US President.
We will try and have a more upbeat episode overall next time, promise!
US States with vape related bans:Michigan - flavor banThe emergency ban was made official on Sept. 18, and is set to last 180 days. It can be extended for another six months after that, and Michigan lawmakers are also working on a permanent policy
New YorkSeptember 17: became the first state to actually implement a statewide ban on most flavored nicotine vaping products
MassachusettsOn Sept. 24, Gov. Charlie Baker declared a public health emergency in the face of more than 500 so-called vaping-related lung illnesses and at least seven deaths (actually caused by illicit THC products) reported to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), including five illnesses in Massachusetts. Baker also announced the country’s strictest vaping prohibition yet: a four-month, statewide ban on online and retail sales of all marijuana and tobacco vaping products, flavored or otherwise.
Rhode IslandFlavor ban instigated the day after Massachusetts.
WashingtonSeven people reported lung-related complications, as a result, a 120-day flavor ban was introduced on October 9th.
CaliforniaThis state is an odd one, although no ban as of yet the governor in his infinite wisdom has decided to waste $20 million of taxpayer money on what amounts to nothing more than a smear campaign on vaping full of misinformation. He has also gone on record saying he would like to ban all vapor products.
On that note, San Francisco became the first city to ban all nicotine vaping products.
In summary, IT’S ALL FUBAR!.
Vape Links
Smok Novo 2 - https://www.smoktech.com/kit/novo2
Matt @ Suck My Mod w/ Amelia: Flavour debate - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwxEsVORRkY
Lars - https://larsamsterdam.nl/
Graham’s Kitchen - https://www.grahamskitchen.amsterdam/
AEW - https://www.allelitewrestling.com/
Wednesday Night Wars - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wednesday_Night_Wars
Code Vein - https://www.bandainamcoent.com/games/code-vein
The Sinking City - https://www.thesinkingcity.com/en
Destiny 2 - https://store.steampowered.com/app/1085660/Destiny_2/
Music from https://filmmusic.io"Video Dungeon Boss" by Kevin MacLeod (https://incompetech.com)License: CC BY (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/) -
Hey Folks,So we are back and we are the same, yet very different. As you may have noticed the podcast has undergone some changes (which are still in flux) but hopefully should be all for the better once we are done.
The main thing is we are loosening what little constraints we did have to free us up to waffle even more nonsense and of course get more baked. for those of you here for the vape chatter, it's not going away, but we are gonna be just generally shooting the breeze about more random topics as well.
Also, post my move to Amsterdam there is gonna be a lot more weed focused talk.I will even start talking about coffee shops and strain recommendations as we go forward.
For now though just settle to some nice easy bants since myself and Bungle had not seen each other for a while at this point and already got super blazed and full of pancakes before we hit record.
Enjoy and catch ya next time.
Email Nero: nkw@ramblingstoners.com
Email Bungle: bungle@ramblingstoners.com
Music Credits:
Interlude - Cool Inro StringsOuttro - Honey BeeBy Kevin MacLeod
Heyo good folks!!
Sorry for yet another long delay between episodes, but guess you're used to it by now. :P
To make it up to you we have a double whammy of episodes, we had recorded one back in October but life being what it is and the problems with our hosting (dude to weird Dutch banking) we where not able to get that one up so it will be uploaded at the same time as this episode.
The last episode is just rando-waffle but a fun time none the less so do check it out.
On this episode, we do a rundown comparison of the Pax 3 and Davinci IQ dry herb vapes. We have a lot of random stoner talk, plus the usual what we have been vaping and general life chit-chat.
All in all, a couple of fun shows so check em’ out!
Davinci IQ - https://www.davincivaporizer.com/iq-vaporizer/
Pax 3 - https://www.paxvapor.com/pax-3
No music either week as I just wanted to get these episodes up and out to you guys.
Yo guys, the forgotten episode as promised in the most recent episode.
Sorry about the delay in this one, still a fun show, so do check it out.
Howdy Friends,
Well, it's been a while but not as long as we thought. I have successfully moved my ass to Amsterdam and both myself and Bungle have our recording setups almost worked out, as such, we thought we would get ourselves into gear and get you guys an episode out.
This show (like most) has no real direction, the usual what we have been vaping, I waffle on about some of my initial experiences of the Netherlands but all in all a fun show so check it out!
LinksVape StuffVapr Amsterdam
Reload X RDA @ Grey Haze
Other StuffAdrien Dorme (Tattoo & Art)
The LARP Noobs Podcast
Hey Guys,
Not a long show note today as I am uploading this just before leaving for the move to Amsterdam. We recorded this a couple of weeks ago but I wanted to drop it just before I leave to keep time between episode to a minimum.
Lots to talk about this show, mainly focusing on the changing attitudes across the globe to cannabis legalization, which is apt given where I am moving to...
Any way a fun show as always so check it out..
If you want to get in touch while we are off air drop us a line on our Facebook Page or at:
DjjD feat. ectogemia - Spunktastic (Mystic Cave) - https://soundcloud.com/djjdstudios/spunktastic-mystic-cave
Yo yo yo!
So we are back again, not with the previously advertised episode, well not entirely...
So the intention was for a full CBD special however, the peeps we have been talking to haven't managed to get out the documents we asked for. We want to ensure if we are recommending a product we know it's top quality.As a result, the full-on CBD deep dive has been postponed until next time (hopefully), in the meantime, we do hear Dave's experiences with his CBD.
The other big news is my move to Amsterdam which is going to throw our already non-rigid recording schedule into further disarray, as I mention in the show we will keep you posted on when we will be back post my move.
Fear not though the show will go on!!!
Also finally this show is dedicated to a fantastic man who passed not long ago and was a great inspiration to me to start creating content Mr John (TotalBiscuit) Bain, a true legend and someone who will be sorely missed throughout both the YouTube and gaming communities.
Anyway, it's a fun show as always so do check it out!!!
Vape StuffBantam Vape https://bantamvape.com/Bradleys http://bradleysbrand.com/Brews Bros https://thebrewsbros.co.ukAztec https://azteccbd.co.uk/
Hellvape Aequitas https://www.ecigone.co.uk/hellvape-aequitas-bf-rdaTwisted Messes Pro 24 https://www.custom-vapes.co.uk/product/tm24-pro-series-rda-by-twisted-messes/
MiOne https://www.e-liquids.uk/shop/vape-kits/box-mods/smoking-vapor/mi-one-starter-kitMiPod https://greyhaze.co.uk/products/mi-pod-portable-vape-starter-kit?variant=1560040636425Lost Vape Furyan https://www.ecigone.co.uk/lost-vape-furyan-bf-squonk-box-modRig Mod Descendant Outlaw https://vaping101.co.uk/products/2913_the-descendant-outlaw-kit-by-rig-modAsmodus Luna https://greyhaze.co.uk/products/ultroner-x-luna-squonk-box-mod-by-asmodus
Ecig Wizards https://www.ecigwizard.com/
MusicDj Slenderman (aka me ner0) - Slenderman Cometh (if ya like hit me a mail)
Hi Folks,
Sorry for the long absence which I cover in detail in this new episode. Quick and short of it is I have been ill AF for a while now. Anywho we are back with what is a new series of a tighter more focused (or at least that's the plan anyway) Rambling Vapers.
This time around we give you our rundown on the Vaper Expo @ NEC in Birmingham this past weekend. Our thoughts on the venue, the setup and of course all the wonderful folks we met and chatted with while we were there! We spent a lot of time talking with various CBD producers which were fascinating, to say the least, and we are planning to do a whole episode soon focusing on CBD, so watch this space.
There were also many awesome vendors we didn't get round to talking about, but rest assured as we move through our sample stockpile we will talk about them as we vape them :)
For now check out the grand return of myself and Bungle, a fun show as always.
Contact us:ner0@ramblingvapers.com bungle@ramblingvapers.com
Music:Amphibious - Metro City Rampage (Marble Garden & Metropolis) https://ocremix.org
The Vape Stuff:Bradley's Brand http://bradleysbrand.com/ Aztec CBD - https://azteccbd.co.uk/C-21 - https://www.lovec21.com/Tmb Notes - https://tmbnotes.co/Harmony Eliquid - https://meetharmony.com/U-Snoic Ultrasonic Mod - http://www.vapeandvolts.co.uk/usonicig-rhythm-ultrasonic-e-cigAsmodus - https://www.asmodus.com/
Hi Guys,
Back again for once after not such a long absence. We are joined by new comer to the Podcast our good friend Mr Ben Saxon. He joins us this time to talk science misrepresentation in the media and of course the staple of our show, a load of old bollocks.
Sorry this is so late being uploaded as this was recorded over a week ago, just been a hectic week.
Another fun show, so check it out!
News Links:
What We’ve Been Vaping:
All tracks courtesy of https://ocremix.org/
OverSheild – Chemical Burn (Sonic The Hedgehog 2) - https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03495
N-JekteD – Purgatory (Doom) - https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR01385
Hi Guys,
Well, we are back once again after another longer than intended absence, and once again we are joined by the almighty Pittock. We have a great show for you this time including some vape articles to muse on, some waffle on genetics and sports and many topics which provide great sources of in-depth waffling goodness for your earholes.
Usual sections also included where myself and Bungle round up our recent vape acquisitions also a special nod to Vapouraound magazine who featured yours truly in the "Diary of a Vaper" section in their latest issue.
As usual, the music is provided courtesy of OC Remix and links to the tracks used will be further down.
Hope you all enjoy what is a very fun show.
New Vape Gear
Toppers:Recoil Rebel RDA - https://recoilrda.com/collections/atomizers/products/reloaded-rda?variant=32662555905Dead Rabbit RDA - https://www.ecigone.co.uk/hellvape-dead-rabbit-rda-designed-by-heathenKylin RTA - https://greyhaze.co.uk/products/kylin-rta-by-vandy-vape-special-edition-grey-haze-exclusive?variant=37197657097Anarchist Riot RDA - https://www.evolutionvaping.co.uk/riot-rda-by-anarchist.html
Mods:Lost Vape Therion 166 - https://greyhaze.co.uk/products/lost-vape-therion-dual-18650-dna166-box-modSilver Steam Titan V2 - https://silversteamvapor.com/products/titan-v2-custom-enclosureVoopoo Drag - https://www.ecigone.co.uk/voopoo-drag-157w-black-editionTesla Steampunk Nano - https://www.ecigone.co.uk/tesla-nano-steampunk-nano-modPurge Twizted Mod - https://www.superiorvapour.com/products/twizted-mod-by-purge-mods
Vape Interest:https://www.vapingpost.com/2017/10/03/new-jersey-state-trying-to-ban-flavors-for-3rd-time/https://www.vapingpost.com/2017/10/05/study-shows-the-danger-in-banning-e-cigarette-flavours/https://www.vapingpost.com/2017/10/04/ny-lawmaker-wants-to-ban-flavoured-e-liquids-in-the-state/https://www.vapingpost.com/2017/10/12/uk-study-recommends-e-cigs-as-smoking-cessation-tools/
OC Remix - https://ocremix.org/
Track 1 - Modrem Stomp (Guild Wars 2 Remix) by DusK - https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03496Track 2 - Psy Castle (super Mario Land Remix) by B-laze - https://ocremix.org/remix/OCR03496
Special Mention:
Vapouraound Magazine - https://vapouround.co.uk/Latest Issue No 13 (with the article featuring me) - https://view.joomag.com/vapouround-magazine-issue-13/0628534001506440900
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