
  • In today's cancel culture environment, speaking hard truths is something more and more people are scared to do.

    I get it. I get angry DMs all the time from people who don't like my direct, no-B.S. approach.

    In last week's episode of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle, I talked about how they're counting on your surrender.

    Well, that applies to more than your health.

    It applies to surrendering what you believe in, too.

    If standing up for what you believe in is something you're scared to do, it's understandable, and THIS podcast episode might help you feel more empowered to do it.

    It's about being willing to risk it ALL for what you believe.

    Whether you agree with me on everything or not, give it a listen and let it fuel you to stand up to the food pushers, to the people who claim drinking water will kill you, and to the people who think you should get a shot that starves your body of nutrients instead of losing weight with real food.


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  • Drug, food, and insurance companies, along with the government and the "health" care industry (among others), are getting rich off your obesity and poor health.

    Here are a few stats to bring this fact to life for you:

    The medical costs of an obese person are 40% higher than those of a non-obese person.

    Obesity brings in a staggering $261 billion in obesity-related medical issues in the United States alone.

    A 2022 study showed that obesity put people at a 71% higher risk for cancer.

    In 2022, cancer drugs alone raked in $147 billion, and that’s projected to almost triple over the next 10 years. A UK study showed that cancer cells don’t use ketones for energy, so diets low in carbohydrates and high in fat may help starve cancer cells by lowering glucose levels...which suggests that high levels of glucose, which typically result in high levels of insulin, may feed cancer cells. Bad news for today's sugar-addicted society. A 2020 study in the National Survey of Children’s Health showed that one in six kids in the USA is obese. Childhood obesity has tripled since 1980. (All the stats above are gonna get worse as this generation of obese kids grows up.)

    There's no money in healthy people, but there are BILLIONS of dollars (at least) in obesity and disease.

    And the companies, broken "health" care system, and government getting rich off your poor health are counting on you to surrender your personal power to take control of your health, curl up with that comfort food, and line their pockets.

    If that doesn't make you mad, it should.

    To find out more about why you’re manipulated into hurting yourself to make companies and the government money, plus how the system is set up to make you and your kids sick, fat, and dependent on food that slowly poisons you, check out this episode.

    It's time to take your power BACK!


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  • In this new podcast episode, I'm talking about the top three things I would change if I were to start Code Red over again.

    Code Red’s been around for fourteen years. It was 2017 when it really took off.

    The way I run things now is different in a lot of ways than how I ran things back then.

    Some things I absolutely would not change, but some things I for sure would.

    What I hope you'll take away from this episode is:

    Stuff's always gonna happen that you can't predict, but it can't be an excuse not to take action (0r you'll never get anywhere).

    You can't change what happened in the past. You can only learn from it and use those lessons to make better decisions moving forward.

    No matter what you do, not everyone's going to like it when you're YOU. Conforming to what "everyone else" thinks of you is a sure way to feel resentful and miserable for most of your life.

    To hear the three things I'd do differently if I were starting Code Red over, and why they inspired the takeaways I shared above, check out this episode.


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  • This episode is all about the impact YOU can make. People are watching your weight loss journey, and they want what you have. (Just because they don’t “follow” you doesn’t mean they don’t follow you!)

    You do NOT have to be an influencer, business owner, YouTube star, or "famous" in some way to make a difference.

    Your coworkers are aware that you passed up the pizza and instead brought your own lunch. They've noticed that you're setting boundaries.

    Your resolve, your strength, your commitment, your dedication, your discipline...they're noticing it all, even if they don't say ONE SINGLE WORD.

    People who don't have structure, but see you implementing it and wish they could do it, too...they might make jokes or tease you, but behind that laugh is probably someone who's frustrated with themselves and wants what you have.

    Make no mistake: people are watching you. That means YOU have an opportunity to inspire them (just like someone you watched probably inspired you).

    Tune into this episode to learn more about the positive impact you can make on the people who are watching you (especially if you're part of the Code Red Referral Partner Program!).




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  • People often manage to stay motivated Monday through Thursday.

    But halfway through Friday, the weekend mindset kicks in and they start taking a break from caring.

    By Saturday, they're checked out; and on Sunday, they're mustering their strength for the week ahead.

    If your goal is to rest and recover during the weekend, that's one thing.

    But if your goal is to get and keep the weight off?

    "Taking your weekends off" from healthy eating is a sure way to drag out weight loss mode…indefinitely.

    Whether it's margaritas with your co-workers Friday night after work, Dominos with your family for lunch on Saturday, or Golden Corral after church on Sunday, you end up dehydrated, tired, and inflamed.

    Then Monday rolls around, and you start the process all over again...all because you let your weekend become your weak end.

    If you're stuck in this cycle, tune into this episode for tips on how to stop weak endings to your weeks, so you can be DONE losing weight.


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  • A friend of mine recently had a miscarriage. This was after going through IVF, hormone treatments, and working SO hard to get herself healthy, so she could get pregnant and carry a fetus.

    It was tough. But she began to come up with a plan, which was to get back to baseline, because she’d gained 15 pounds doing IVF and wanted to lose that.

    I suggested that what she needed was to reset and recover, and give herself time to heal her grieving heart.

    Resetting and recovering are things many people dismiss as "being weak" or "wasting time"...OR as something you only do if you've gone through an accident, miscarriage, divorce, loss, or some other tough experience.

    But the reality is, resetting and recovering is good to do in a lot of different situations.

    Yes, there are times to push.

    There are also times to reset and recover.

    To be clear, reset and recover doesn’t mean you go backwards.

    To find out what it DOES mean, and how to use it to be successful in your weight loss, join me for this episode!


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  • A common barrier to staying on track is being mentally exhausted from making tons of decisions all day.

    The more decisions you have to make, the more friction it creates in your life, and the more mentally wiped out you feel. This phenomenon is called decision fatigue.

    (It's why you start out strong in the morning and feel like cheating by the end of the day. Your willpower is highest first thing in the morning because you haven't really used it yet.)

    My Certified Coaches all have busy lives full of decisions to make and problems to solve, so for this week's episode, I asked them to share their tips for streamlining their lives and, in so doing, setting themselves up for success.

    They offered up several great and SIMPLE strategies that reduce friction, ease decision fatigue, and make it easier to stay on track.

    I also added some things I do to help me stay on track and do the things I've committed to doing.

    We came up with about twenty-five different things you can do to streamline your life and reduce the number of decisions you have to make.

    Tune into this episode to hear our personal strategies for reducing friction and easing decision fatigue in your life!


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  • Much to the surprise of people doing it for the first time, working from home comes with a lot of challenges.

    I've been working from home for years, and let me tell you, I did not see most of these challenges coming.

    Hey, don't get me wrong. Working from home is awesome...AND there's a flip side to everything, including working from home.

    Whether you're working from home because you've got your own business or you're working remotely for someone else, you'll face these challenges, too.

    And in case you're wondering, YES, they can affect your weight loss.

    Whether working from home helps or hurts your weight loss depends on what I'm gonna talk about in this episode of Rebel Weight Loss & Lifestyle.

    Tune in and get my top three tips for working from home.


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  • There's no shortage of ways to lose weight. You can lose weight with the lemon and cayenne pepper diet, the cabbage soup diet, or with Noom, Weight Watchers, Atkins, Ozempic, gastric surgery, and a million more.

    Losing weight isn't the hard part.

    It's keeping it off that most people struggle with, which is why I say we don’t have a weight loss problem in this country, we have a weight regain problem.

    Back in January, I did a workshop called Throwing It All Away, where I talked about my biggest battle ever with weight regain.

    It happened for one simple reason: I stopped doing what was working.

    The REASONS I stopped are relatable, but for this conversation, they're beside the point.

    The point is that when you stop doing what's working, you lose the result.

    If you stop showering, you stop staying clean.

    If you stop putting fuel in your car, it stops running.

    And if you stop doing what worked to get your weight off, you gain it back.

    That's why gimmicks like Ozempic, and drastic measures like gastric surgery, are so dangerous. How many times can you safely do them? How far can they really get you?

    In this podcast episode, I'm going deep into why the sneaky, toxic mindset of "it's working, so I can stop doing it" is SO harmful and frustrating in all areas of your life, including your weight loss.

    Tune in for help putting it behind you.


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  • When sharing the Code Red Lifestyle™, people don’t believe what they hear, they believe what they see.

    That’s how people decide if something is going to work or not. They look for proof, aka "the fruit" of what it produces.

    Actual fruit doesn’t just pop up on its own. It's produced on a vine or tree.

    This is why I've posted a before and after picture of a Rebel who's lost weight every single day for the past eight years, plus stories that go along with them.

    It's to show people "the fruit" that Code Red produces when you live the lifestyle consistently and correctly.

    A lot of people who start living the Code Red Lifestyle™ want to inspire their friends and family to join.

    One of THE best ways to do that is by actually living the lifestyle and letting your results do the talking.

    An example: Say your mailman sees you at the mailbox, notices you’ve lost weight, and asks what’s going on.

    "Oh, I’m doing Code Red. It’s real food water, and sleep. No shakes, pills, diet foods, or exercise," you reply.

    That mailman, your pastor’s wife, your sister-in-law, they're all going to notice "the fruit" of your work.

    Another example: Let's say you're in an Uber and the driver tells you, "I’d really like to lose weight. I’ve been struggling the last four years, busting my butt at the gym three days a week. I haven’t skipped one single workout, and I'm not losing weight. It's just so frustrating."

    You could say, "I’ve lost 135 pounds on a program called Code Red," and the Uber driver will probably be impressed.

    But if you reach your phone forward (wait for a red stoplight or until you arrive at your destination!!) with a before picture, so they can compare it to how you look now, THAT's going to make much more of an impact than just saying it.

    If you want to inspire more people to live the Code Red Lifestyle™ with you, tune into this this episode, where I'll talk about how to "bear fruit" in a way that makes people take notice.

    What I talk about applies to more than weight loss. It applies to anything where you'd like people to join in...a business, a group you're a part of, and more. Tune in for tips on how you can "bear fruit" in a way that inspires others into action.


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  • This episode is gonna trigger some people. You'll be hard-pressed not to feel pretty strongly about it one way or the other.

    It has to do with a post I put up about unhealthy people eating unhealthy foods.

    I did not name them or show their faces (just like food documentaries and news reports that show images or footage of unhealthy people don't name them or show their faces).

    I DID express my opinion about their food choices in relation to their state of health.

    But did I actually "fat shame" them, as some people accused me of?

    Listen to this episode and decide for yourself.

    Like I said, you'll feel pretty strongly about it one way or the other.


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  • This episode is about what you do when the newness of a program or “fresh start” wears off.

    In her book, Mary Kay Ash, founder of Mary Kay Cosmetics, shares that the anticipation of getting something is usually better than actually getting it.

    (Not always. Sometimes it's WAY better, like the new dress I just bought! But mostly, she's right.)

    Very often the excitement and anticipation dwindle before you even get what it is you're going for!

    The point is, newness always wears off, and that's when a lot of people go looking for some new way to feel excited instead of continuing to do what works just because it's not "new and exciting" anymore.

    I see this every single time on the Facebook 10 Pound Takedown.

    The week leading up to Day 1 and Day 1 itself have the most posting and engagement. The excitement is palpable.

    But once Day 1 hits, people start dropping off, because the dopamine hit they got from "a new start" begins to fade (which it always does, no matter the situation).

    People who succeed with anything for more than five seconds know how to keep going even after the initial excitement wears off.

    The question is, how do you keep going even when it's not new and exciting anymore...

    So you can finally get the result you've been trying to get for eons, but still don't have because you program hop or fizzle out?

    Tune into this week's new podcast episode about what to do when the newness wears off...

    Especially because it applies to WAY more than weight loss.


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  • I've been in the weight loss industry for thirty years as of 2024, and when it comes to weight loss, I've seen everything you can imagine.

    Pills, shakes, powders, and crazy "diets" come and go year after year, decade after decade.

    I've changed my stance on a few things over the years, too.

    For example, I used to believe in frequent eating for weight loss, and that the low-fat/high-carb diet was the "healthiest."

    I used to give my mom grief for not eating breakfast (which she didn't do because she wasn't hungry first thing in the morning).

    I used to be okay with veganism and being vegetarian (these days I personally don't support removing animal protein from your diet).

    One thing I haven't changed my mind on, however, is this:

    Real food, water, and sleep are the best and healthiest way to lose weight, clean up your wellness, and TAKE YOUR LIFE BACK.

    If you're new to Code Red, you may be skeptical it's that simple.

    You may still believe obesity can only be fixed with surgery, shots, pills, powders, INSANE and unsustainable diet gimmicks, or even killing yourself in the gym for five hours a day.

    Whether you think real food, water, and sleep are "too good to be true," or you're a veteran Rebel who knows it'll do you good to hear the truth again, tune into this episode about what I believe that will never change if you're looking for safe, sustainable weight loss and wellness.


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  • I haven't met many people who seek out discomfort and avoid comfort like the plague, but this week's podcast guest is one of them.

    His name is Chris Cavallini, and he's the CEO and founder of Nutrition Solutions, a healthy meal prep company.

    Growing up, Chris was in and out of foster homes, group homes, juvenile detention centers, and jail cells.

    He was arrested seventeen times before his eighteenth birthday and committed multiple felonies.

    Yet despite ALL that, Chris turned his life around in a BIG way that, statistically, most people don't.

    And like most people who transform in a big way, it started with a turning point.

    His path wasn't all sunshine and rainbows even after he chose a new path. Not even close.

    But he made it happen cap'n, and to me, his story is proof that anyone who decides to CAN turn their life around.

    So how did Chris go from convicted felon to CEO of a successful health-based company?

    And what can YOU learn from his trials and tribulations to get and keep your weight off?

    Tune into this episode to learn all that and MORE.


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  • This episode is all about how quickly we forget, and what happens when we do.

    I was born partially deaf in my right ear, but my hearing loss wasn't discovered until I was in seventh grade, after my math teacher made fun of me in front of the whole class because I couldn’t hear him.

    My parents had my hearing checked after that, and that's when we discovered my partial hearing loss.

    I got hit in the head a lot during my eight-year boxing career, which made my hearing loss worse.

    Fast-forward to last year, when I finally invested in high-quality hearing aids, and let me tell ya...I had no idea how much I was missing!

    When I go to the gym in The Grove Hotel (which I live above at the time of this episode), I take my hearing aids out because I sit in the sauna after I work out and don’t want them to get all gross.

    Sometimes I chat with other people in the sauna, including a lobbyist I met there recently. I really wanted to hear what he had to say, but without my hearing aids I could only hear one in every three words. It was awful!

    And it got me thinking about how quickly we forget how miserable we USED TO BE.

    In my case, I left my hearing aids behind because I quickly forgot how miserable it is not to be able to hear people.

    When it comes to the Code Red Lifestyle™, how quickly we forget the misery we lived in before switching to real food, water, and sleep.

    That’s why this episode is all about how quickly we forget...and more importantly, how we can remember...not so we wallow in the pain, but so we don't lose sight of what we left behind, slip back into our old ways, and lose everything we worked so hard to get.


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  • When I first started Code Red fourteen years ago, people lost weight much more slowly, and that's for two reasons:

    I was still learning, so the program wasn't as good as it is now I allowed people to eat one cheat meal a week

    I come from a bodybuilding background, and one cheat meal a week is what bodybuilders often do.

    But many average Americans don't work out consistently (or at all), and most are metabolically broken.

    (More importantly, you cannot out-train a bad diet, no matter how much you exercise.)

    What I eventually figured out is that a healthy, super fit bodybuilder eating one cheat meal a week is a completely different situation than an obese grandmother who can't get out of her recliner without help eating one cheat meal a week.

    It also became crystal clear that cheat meals led my clients to take one step forward and TWO steps back.

    Plus, once they started cheating, they couldn't contain it to just one meal. It turned into going off the rails completely.

    In this week’s new podcast, I’ll reveal how cheat meals really affect you, including what they actually do to you and how they impede your progress. (There's more to it than you probably realize.)

    If you struggle with the "but it's just this once" mindset when it comes to cheats, tune in for an eye-opening episode!


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  • A lot of people have heard of a customized nutrition program from Code Red, but not everyone knows how it works.

    Since a customized program is the fastest way to get your weight off with Code Red, I've dedicated this week's podcast episode to pulling back the curtain and showing you what a custom program (now called a Home Study nutrition program) is and how it helps you lose weight faster.

    If you've ever wondered about a customized program (or you haven't heard of it and want to get the full scoop), check out this episode for all the details!


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  • This episode is about expecting a miracle when you're not willing to do your part to get it.

    John Chapter 5 in the Bible illustrates this perfectly. People believed that once a year an angel came down to stir the waters in the Pool of Bethesda, and the first person to touch the stirred water was healed.

    A paralyzed man had been there for thirty-eight years trying to get into the pool.

    Jesus came to help him, but interestingly, he didn't heal the man right away.

    Instead, he first asked him if he wanted to be healed...and instead of just saying yes, the guy whined and felt sorry for himself because nobody would put him in the pool.

    I see a version of this when I ask people if they want to lose the weight.

    Many tell me, "Yes, BUT..." and rattle off excuses about why they can't, kinda like the paralyzed man at the Pool of Bethesda did.

    Until that man was willing to quit focusing on his excuses, he couldn't be helped, and it's the same for us. If we want our excuses more than our results, we won't get our results.

    To be clear, I'm not saying you shouldn't pray. Yes, pray about everything...AND do your part to make it happen cap'n.

    Joyce Meyer says you can't do God's part and God won't do your part. For clarity on how to know when it's time to do your part, check out this episode!


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  • The Book of Exodus in the Bible tells the story of how God used Moses to free the Israelites from centuries of enslavement in Egypt.

    Egypt's ruler, Pharaoh, refused to let God's people go, so God sent plagues into Egypt. The second of those plagues was frogs. EVERYWHERE.

    Frogs in their houses, in their bedrooms, in their beds, in their servant's houses, and even ON the Egyptians and their servants! Can you imagine?

    (I can't imagine touching one frog, much less having wall-to-wall frogs in my house, in my bed, and hopping all over me!)

    But this is the part of the story that always gets me.

    When Moses went to Pharaoh and asked him when he should remove the frogs, you know what Pharaoh said?



    WHY would Pharaoh want his people to spend even one more night with the frogs?

    It seems weird, but how often in life do we wait around in rotten situations, like Pharaoh did with the frogs, instead of starting NOW?

    If you still haven't taken your life back with Code Red...or you're figuratively "sleeping with the frogs" in some other part of your life...

    Listen to this episode for help putting an end to "sleeping with the frogs."


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  • Almost every day, I hear someone say something that just isn't true:

    "Weight loss is all mental."

    If weight loss was ALL mental, you could sit around and think your way to goal weight (without having to address what you're doing that's causing your weight problem in the first place).

    Does mindset have a place?

    Oh, absolutely! The right mindset makes everything easier.

    But weight loss is not "all" mental. That's like saying getting your car out of the garage and into the grocery store parking lot is ALL mental. Unless you're telekinetic, no, it isn't! 😂

    In this episode, I'm debunking the myth that weight loss is "all mental."

    If you struggle with mindset while losing weight, tune in, because what I have to say will help.

    If you don't struggle with mindset while losing weight, also tune in and see if what I say in this episode is why you don't struggle with mindset.


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