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We start chapter 4 of the Book of Acts. We look at verses 1-22. The religious leaders have Peter and John arrested for telling the crowd about Jesus after the healing of the crippled man at the Jewish Temple. Peter, who once was afraid of the religious leaders, but who is now empowered by the Holy Spirit, boldly tells the religious leaders that they killed Jesus. He tells them that God raised Jesus from the dead and the crippled man was healed by the power of Jesus. The religious leaders warn Peter and John not to speak or teach about Jesus again. Peter and John respond to their threat by asking them, "Do you think God wants us to obey you rather than him?" Peter and John say that they will not stopping talking about Jesus. Although Peter and John tell the religious leaders this, they release Peter and John because Peter and John had not done anything illegal. And because the religious leaders were afraid of the people because the people knew the healing of the man who had been crippled for 40 years was a miracle.
Listen to hear the complete story and be blessed by the Word of God!
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We continue and finish our look at chapter 3 of Acts. Specifically, verses 11-26, where Peter takes the opportunity to witness about Jesus to the crowd that gathered after the crippled man was healed at the Jewish Temple. Peter tells the crowd that he did not heal the crippled man, but God did to bring glory to Jesus. Peter explains to this Jewish crowd that they shouldn't be surprised by this because their prophets over the centuries had prophesied about Jesus. Peter encouraged the crowd to repent of their sins and turn to Jesus for salvation.
Listen to hear the complete story and be blessed by the Word of God!
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We finish chapter 2 and begin chapter 3 of the Book of Acts. In chapter 2, verses 42-47, after 3000 were saved following Peter's speech about Jesus and the Holy Spirit, many of the new believers stayed in Jerusalem to devote themselves to the apostles' teaching about Jesus. In doing so, they created a community of unity and sharing. We learn that the apostles performed many miraculous signs and wonders. In Acts chapter 3, we see Peter and John while on their way to the Jewish Temple for prayer services, they encountered a man who had been crippled since birth. He was begging for money. Peter told him: "I don’t have any silver or gold for you. But I’ll give you what I have. In the name of Jesus Christ the Nazarene, get up and walk!' Guess what? The crippled man "jumped up, stood on his feet, and began to walk! Then, walking, leaping, and praising God" Amen.
Listen to hear the complete story and be blessed by the Word of God!
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In this episode, we continue to look at Peter preaching to the crowd after he and his fellow Jesus followers received the Holy Spirit as promised by Jesus. Specifically, we look at verses 24-41 from Acts chapter 2. We see Peter quoting from Psalm 16:8-11 to prove to the Jewish crowd that King David prophesied about Jesus. David had written in Psalm 16 hundreds of years earlier that God would not leave His Holy One (Jesus) in the grave to rot. Peter explained to the curious crowd that David was looking into the future and speaking of the Messiah's (Jesus) resurrection. Peter declared that Jesus is the Messiah David wrote about and who was killed and raised from the dead. In fact, Peter told the crowd that he and others had personally witnessed Jesus' death and resurrection from the dead. Further, that Jesus was currently at the right hand of God. Peter told the crowd that God the Father had promised to Jesus that He would pour His Spirit upon mankind. Thus, Peter said that what the crowd was seeing was not drunk men, but men who had just experienced the infilling and indwelling of the Holy Spirit as promised by God the Father and Jesus! Peter's words pierced their hearts, and they wanted to know what they should do. Peter told them to repent and turn to God for forgiveness of their sin and receive the Holy Spirit. And 3000 did! Amen. Listen to hear the complete story and be blessed by the Word of God!
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In this episode, we start chapter 2 from the Book of Acts. We cover verses 1-24. We see the Holy Spirit come to start His earthly ministry as promised by Jesus. After the Holy Spirit comes and fills Jesus' believers during Pentecost, they are empowered by the Holy Spirit to speak in languages previously unknown to the believers. A crowd of Jews who spoke different languages, who had come from different parts of the Roman Empire to Jerusalem to celebrate the Feast of Pentecost, heard the loud sound of the Holy Spirit coming. The crowd of Jews came to where they heard the sound, which was where Jesus's followers were. When the crowd arrived, they heard Jesus' followers speaking to them in their various languages (languages until then that were unknown to Jesus' followers) about the goodness of God. As a result, the crowd was amazed and perplexed. But some, as always were critical, and assumed that Jesus' followers were drunk. But Peter, now empowered by the Holy Spirit, told the crowd that Jesus' followers were not drunk. He told them that what they were witnessing was the fulfillment of a prophecy by the prophet Joel when God said in the Old Testament that He would one day pour out His Spirit upon mankind. Listen to hear the complete story and be blessed by the Word of God!
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In this episode, we continue our study of the Book of Acts. Specifically, chapter 1, verses 12-26. After Jesus ascends back into Heaven, having appeared to His followers for 40 days after His resurrection from the dead, Jesus' followers are still in Jerusalem waiting for the Holy Spirit per Jesus' instruction. While they wait, Peter tells the other disciples that per Psalm 109:8, "‘Let someone else take his position.’"-it was time for someone to take Judas Iscariot's place as an apostle of Jesus. Peter lays out the qualification for the replacement; that is, he must have been with them as a witness of Jesus' baptism by John the Baptist until Jesus' ascension back into Heaven. This is so because in Jesus' last commission to the apostles, He tells them, "you will be my witnesses." Thus, Judas' replacement must have witnessed Jesus' ministry. They nominated two men: Joseph called Barsabbas (also known as Justus) and Matthias, who met the qualification. After praying to God, they casted lot and Matthias was chosen.
This is the last recorded case in the Bible of God's people using lots
because within days, the Holy Spirit will come upon the disciples and permanently dwell inside the hearts of the people (Acts 2:1–4). As Jesus promised, the Holy Spirit will guide Jesus' followers into truth; thus, lots are no longer needed.
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In this episode, we start our study of the Book of Acts. Specifically, we cover chapter 1, verses 1-11. Acts is written by Dr. Luke. It was written about 63. Acts covers a period of approximately 30 years. In Acts we see the prominence of the Holy Spirit. In verses 1-11, we are told that during the forty days after Jesus' resurrection from the dead, He appeared to the apostles from time to time, and He proved to them in many ways that He was actually alive. And He talked to them about the Kingdom of God. Also, during this time, Jesus instructed His followers to stay in Jerusalem until the promised gift of the indwelling of the Holy Spirit came on and in them. Jesus explained after the Holy Spirit came upon them, they would be His witnesses starting in Jerusalem, then throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Finally, we see in these verses; after giving His instruction to stay in Jerusalem, Jesus ascends back into heaven. While His followers are watching Jesus physically ascends into the sky, two angels appear to them, and tell them Jesus will return from heaven in the same way they saw Him go! Yes, Jesus is coming back to this Earth one day!
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We conclude our study of the Book of John. Specifically, we cover verses 18-25 of chapter 21. We see after Jesus restores Peter after Peter's denials of Jesus, Jesus predicts Peter will eventually be crucified because of Peter's faith in Jesus. After this prediction, Peter asks Jesus about what will happen to John, who is the writer of this book. Jesus replies to Peter that if He wanted John to live until Jesus' second return, that wouldn't change what Peter needed to do; that is, follow Jesus. John concludes his book by stating that he was an eyewitness to what he wrote in his book, and that everything he wrote is true and accurate. Finally, John says that Jesus did more miracles than what he recorded. In fact, Jesus did so much more that if they were all written down, the whole world could not contain the books that would be written.
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In this episode we start our look at the Book of John's chapter 21, which is the last chapter of the book. We see Jesus restoring Peter to fellowship after Peter had previously denied knowing Him. Jesus gives Peter the commission to feed His sheep. That is, to teach people about Jesus.
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In this episode, we finish chapter 20 of the Book of John. Jesus has been resurrected from the dead. Meanwhile, His disciples are in a locked room hiding from the Jewish leaders because they fear the Jewish leaders will execute them as well. Then, Jesus just appears to them. Jesus tells them that He will be sending them out to preach the gossip of His life, death and resurrection. Jesus breathed on them and said, "'Receive the Holy Spirit.'" This represents that what Jesus did on the cross now makes it possible for them and all believers to receive or to be baptized with the Holy Spirit--though the full indwelling of the Spirit will not happen until Pentecost (Acts 2:1–4). Jesus tells them that those who accept Him will have their sins forgiven. Finally, John tells us why he wrote his book; that is, to focus on Jesus as the Messiah and God, and so those who read it will accept Jesus as Savior.
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In this episode, we look at the resurrection of Jesus from the dead as we start chapter 20 out of the Book of John. Jesus died for the sins of mankind; He was buried; and early on Sunday morning Jesus rose from the dead. Mary Magdalene discovered that Jesus' tomb was empty first. She told Peter and John. Peter and John go to the tomb to find it empty, with only Jesus' burial linen and head cloth still there. They go home, however. Mary returns to the empty tomb to find two angels there. But as she is turning to leave, she sees the living Jesus but doesn't recognize Him. She believes He is the gardener who might have taken Jesus' body away. It is only after Jesus says her name does she realize that it is Jesus. Jesus tells her to go tell the other disciples that He is alive. She does, but the disciples don't believe her. Later that day, the disciples are in a locked room hiding from the Jewish leaders as they are in fear of them. Then Jesus just appears in the room. He shows them the nail holes in His hands from the crucifixion, and the wound from when the Roman soldiers pierced His side when He was on the cross. Afterwards, the disciples were filled with joy because they now know and believe that Jesus did come back from the dead. Amen!
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In this episode, we finish our study of chapter 19 out of the Book of John; specifically, verses 31-42. We pick up where we left off in our last episode. In the last episode, Jesus said, "It is finished!" as He was dying on the cross. Then Jesus bowed His head and freely gave up His spirit. Jesus died for our sins. So, in this episode we look at Jesus' burial. After His death, Jesus' body was given to a secret disciple, Joseph of Arimathea. He, along with another secret disciple Nicodemus, prepared Jesus' body for burial by wrapping it in 75 pounds of perfumed ointment made from myrrh and aloes. They placed Jesus' body in a stone tomb that had never been used before. But as we will see in the next episode, Jesus will not remain in the tomb because Jesus will be resurrected from the dead!
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In this episode, we continue our study of chapter 19 out of the Book of John; specifically, verses 16-30. Jesus is crucified after Pilate gives the order to crucify Him to keep the peace with the Jewish religious leaders and the mob they had gathered. Jesus was made to carry his own cross, most likely just the horizontal beam, through the city to the Place of the Skull (in Hebrew, Golgotha). There, the vertical post would have already been fixed permanently in the ground. This made it much faster and easier to place the victim on the "cross." There, they nailed Jesus to the cross. Two others were crucified with him, one on either side, with Jesus between them. And Pilate posted a sign on the cross that read, "Jesus of Nazareth, the King of the Jews."-which He is. But the Jewish religious leaders didn't like the sign because they didn't consider Jesus their king. So, they asked Pilate to change it, but he wouldn't. We see the Roman soldiers who carried out the crucifixion divide and gamble for Jesus' clothes, as Jesus most likely was crucified naked as most were. After telling John to take care of His mother, Jesus said He was thirty. They gave Him some sour wine to drink, then Jesus said, "It is finished!" Then Jesus bowed His head and freely gave up His spirit. Jesus died for our sins.
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In this episode, we start chapter 19 out of the Book of John; specifically, verses 1-15. Pilate is still not convinced Jesus is guilty of anything, but to appease the Jewish religious leaders and the mob they have gathered, Pilate has Jesus beaten with a whip that has rocks, bones, and nails at the end of its tails. This whip is used to inflict maximum pain. The Roman soldiers also put a crown made out of sharp thorns on Jesus' head. The crown pierces Jesus' head. The soldiers also slap Jesus around, which is a sign of contempt and disrespect. But this is not enough for the Jewish religious leaders and the mob. They demand that Jesus be crucified. Crucifixion is a sadistic process that is not only agonizing, but also designed to stretch pain and embarrassment into a days-long ordeal. Pilate wants to keep the peace, so he orders Jesus crucified.
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In this episode, we finish our look at chapter 18 out of the Book of John. We cover verses 28-40. After Jesus' arrest, after being questioned by Annas, and after an illegal and mockery of a trial before Caiaphas (the High Priest the Romans recognized), Jesus is taking by the Jewish religious leaders to Pontius Pilate, who was the Roman governor over Jerusalem and the surrounding area, to demand Jesus' execution. They told Pilate that Jesus declared himself as a king who wanted to overthrow Rome. Pilate and the religious leaders were not on good terms, and Pilate didn't want anything to do with their plot to kill Jesus because he thought the religious leaders' issue with Jesus was related to a dispute over Jewish law, not Roman law. After questioning Jesus, Pilate truthfully declared that Jesus was "'not guilty of any crime.'" But when Pilate offered to release Jesus because of the Passover, the religious leaders, and the mob they had put together, demanded that a murder and a real rebel named Barabba be released, and Jesus killed.
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In this episode, we continue our study of chapter 18 of the Book of John; specifically, verses 19-27. After Jesus is arrested, He is taken to Annas, the High Priest the Jews recognized. Annas questions Jesus. Jesus is assaulted for no reason. Fulfilling Jesus' prophecy (John 13:38), Peter continues to deny being a follower of Jesus.
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In this episode, we start chapter 18 of the Book of John. Jesus and His disciples are just outside of Jerusalem at the Mount of Olives for Passover. Under the cover of darkness, Judas leads Roman soldiers and temple guards to where Jesus was to arrest Him. Judas knew where Jesus was because he and the other disciples had been there with Jesus during prior Passovers. Jesus asks them who they were looking for. They say Jesus. Jesus replies, "I AM he." In a demonstration of His power, the men fell back and down when Jesus said, "I AM he," which was a declaration of Him being God. It also shows that Jesus' arrest was due to Him cooperating (because He had the power to stop it) to fulfill what God the Father sent Him to do; that is, to die for mankind's sin. Jesus is arrested and taken to one of the Jewish High Priest's homes for a mock trial, which we will cover in the next episode. We learn that John, the author of this book, and Peter fellow Jesus to the High Priest's home. The gatekeeper to the home, a woman, asks Peter if he was a disciple of Jesus. Peter denies he was Jesus' disciple. The first of the three denials Jesus predicted in John 13:31-38 that Peter would commit.
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In this episode, we finish chapter 17. In verses 16-26, Jesus turns from praying for those disciples who were with Him and prays for all who will ever believe in Him. He prays that all believers will be in Him as He is in the Father. Jesus prays that all believers be in perfect unity that the world will know Jesus. He prays that they will have salvation through what He did at the cross. Jesus prays that they have eternal life. He prays that believers know God because they know Him. How many you know that Jesus' prayers are always answered!
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In this episode, we finish chapter 16 from the Book of John and start chapter 17. Jesus is still talking with His disciples about the horrible things that are about to take place in a matter of hours. So, Jesus prays for Himself and His disciples. Jesus asks God the Father to give Him glory for completing His earthly mission of dying for man's sin. He also prays for His disciple's protection. Jesus acknowledges that He guarded them while He was physically on the earth and didn't lose any of the 12 disciples, except one- Judas-who the Scriptures prophesied would betray Him. Jesus acknowledges that He gave them God's Word. He again announces that the world will hate them because they are of Him and not of this world. Jesus prays however that they aren't taken out of the world, but are kept safe from the evil one-Satan. We'll look at the rest of Jesus' prayer in the next episode, so please continue to listen and be blessed!
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In this episode, we look at verses 12-27 out of chapter 16 from the Book of John. Jesus continues to teach about the Holy Spirit after warning His disciples not to abandon the faith after He is crucified, and after they are persecuted because of Him. Jesus tells them when the Spirit of truth (the Holy Spirit) comes, the Holy Spirit will guide them into all truth. Jesus tells them the Holy Spirit will glorify Him.
Jesus also tells them that in a little while they won't see him anymore, referring to His coming death, but then in a little while they will see Him again, referring to His resurrection from the dead.
Finally, Jesus teaches them to pray in His name.
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