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    Today I introduce you to my Heal-Seal-Repair Program.
    It's designed to address gut health and various related health issues.

    The program focuses on reducing gut inflammation through a structured Elimination Diet Schedule, identifying individual trigger foods, and categorising foods into five groups: ideal, reasonable, acceptable, foods to eat with caution, and foods to avoid.

    The program consists of a four-week detox phase and an eight-week reintroduction phase.
    Participants are encouraged to carefully monitor their body's reactions to foods reintroduced gradually.
    The program emphasises personalised dietary choices and provides flexibility in meal planning, aiming to promote overall health and well-being.

    I also touch on complementary protocols like intermittent fasting and ketogenic beverages and highlight the importance of consulting healthcare providers for comprehensive health assessments.


    00:00 Introduction to the Heal-Seal-Repair Program

    00:41 Understanding Gut Health and Inflammation

    01:46 The Elimination Diet Schedule

    04:39 The Five Food Categories

    08:38 Problematic Food Components

    13:17 The Detox and Reintroduction Phases

    17:37 Monitoring and Recording Reactions

    29:36 Flexibility and Personalization

    39:57 Conclusion and Next Steps

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    The talk discusses the importance of creating a personalised nutrition roadmap to support your unique biochemistry and overall health.

    There is no one-size-fits-all diet but a need for individualised dietary plans based on factors like body type, hormonal picture, lifestyle, and personal health goals.

    What are my personal experiences and tips, such as adding fat, fiber, and protein to coffee?
    I advocate for natural, "recognisable foods" over processed ones.

    What are my views on intermittent fasting and time-restricted eating for gastrointestinal health?

    Why about the importance of body literacy and self-care to achieve optimal vitality and resilience?

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    It's coming to the end of the year, Thanks Giving, Christmas, New Year celebrations, holiday seasons .... So: when is the best time to start a health program?

    In this episode, I share valuable insights on establishing an individualized roadmap for vitality and focusing on personal health.

    I discuss the importance of understanding one's unique biochemistry, debunking the idea of a one-size-fits-all diet.

    Allow me to highlight the significance of nourishing the body with nutrient-dense foods, making peace with what works for each individual.

    I also emphasise the role of self-care, balancing blood sugar, and optimizing hormones for long-term health.

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    In this talk, I explore several dimensions of health beyond just the physical.

    Let me reflect on my background growing up in a violent household and how it affected my health-related behaviors.
    I want to highlighting the interconnection between our biological, psychological, and social aspects.

    Let me share what I know about emotional eating, body dysmorphia, addiction, stress,
    and inflammation of the brain and gut.
    I cannot over emphasise the significance of practicing mindful eating, establishing strong personal boundaries, and nurturing oneself.

    How do you achieve radical self-responsibility?
    Start with minor changes that lead to a healthier you and overall well-being.

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    Hello gorgeous,

    this episode was recorded in the spur of the moment, as I'm driving home from dropping my son to his cricket match.

    If you want to ditch the myriad of symptoms that derail your good days as you go through perimenopause, you need the right approach.

    There's a "hierarchy of healing" that allow you to fix the vast majority of uncomfortable symptoms and reduce the risk of chronic illness in the future.

    Your gut is the gateway to resolving so many issues you experience with your hair, skin, waistline, mood, energy, sleep!
    Fix your gut first, then tackle your hormones to avoid a yo-yo effect of symptoms returning time and time again.

    Learn to recognise how you trigger symptoms with lifestyle choices and nutrition.
    Then resolve the symptoms with the approach that works for you.
    Let me talk you through this in this episode.
    If you want, you can then reach out for your personalised journey through perimenopause.
    It can be a graceful journey for you!

    In best health,
    Dr Kirstey Holland

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    Good morning from the Holland Clinic, on a rainy but refreshing day in Melbourne. We understand the many complexities involved in your search for health and vitality, which can feel increasingly daunting as we grow older. Yet, rest assured that you are not alone on this journey; we are here to guide you every step of the way.

    Often, as a society, we look for a single magic bullet to solve our health problems, whether it's taking a pill for a headache or seeking the ultimate anti-aging cream. We latch onto the convenience of this 'one thing' that can miraculously fix our issues. This was highlighted during a recent consultation with a client who was questioning why a product marketed to her wasn't working as promised. Indeed, quick fixes can be enticing, but we've found that holistic healing is a more sustainable, long-term approach.

    We had another client recently who perfectly illustrates the importance of holistic health. She was prescribed body-identical hormones, crucial to the management of perimenopause symptoms. But the hormones weren't as effective as they could have been because she hadn't made the necessary lifestyle and dietary changes. This illustrates a crucial point: no single treatment or medication works in isolation.

    An important transition occurs in women's bodies around the age of 40, akin to a 'non-negotiable renovation'. Suddenly, the dietary and lifestyle habits that previously served us may no longer work. This is why we advocate for gut health, even referring to it as the 'foundation of the house'. Our gut has a profound influence on our hormonal system, acting as a linchpin in the communication network between our gut's microbiome and our body's cells.

    The hormones, estradiol and progesterone, are crucial for our bodies to function optimally. To initiate hormonal therapy, having a baseline is pivotal since it enables us to assess improvements and ensure safe detoxification. Then, we need to monitor other hormones including testosterone and DHEA. We can also observe how estrogen metabolizes to prevent going down the potentially dangerous Four Hydroxy pathway.

    Next, we need to examine your melatonin levels and your cortisol awakening response. Imbalances here are linked to burnout and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome which women in perimenopause often experience. Additionally, it's important to monitor your thyroid function and get ahead of any potential autoimmune disorders.

    To navigate your way from fertile years through perimenopause and into menopause successfully, it's crucial to understand and manage these complex hormonal changes properly. It is not just about enhancing your quality of life, but also preventing further health complications down the line.

    Ultimately, the Holland Clinic advocates for an holistic approach to health and vitality, with a focus on nutrition and lifestyle modifications. We believe in fasting, but in a supported, manageable way, and always with a focus on you feeling your best. It's not about quick fixes or fad diets. It's about making consistent lifestyle choices that you can sustain for the long term for the sake of your health.

    Here at our clinic, we provide an en

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    In this episode I discuss:

    - What is estrogen?
    - High estrogen or estrogen dominance? The signs of too much estrogen.
    - What causes estrogen dominance?
    - The importance of testing estrogen levels during perimenopause.
    - Basic treatment ideas for estrogen
    - 5 steps to naturally reduce excess estrogen


    In best health,
    Dr Kirstey Holland

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    In this longer episode I talk about how I approach the healing journey with my patients and clients.

    What is it like working with me, when all you want is ridding yourself of annoying, perhaps painful, perhaps embarrassing, perhaps super uncomfortable, perhaps life crushing physiological symptoms???

    Let's sit down.

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    Topics for today:

    the vital connection between sleep and weight management,sleep and weight loss in pain, perimenopause and the power of supplements and lifestyle changes.

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    In this chat that I originally posted on Insta, I am all fired up about the ways we can tackle and improve the symptoms of perimenopause.

    or example: I have been traumatised by diet culture.
    It doesn't have to be this way.

    Much Love
    Dr Kirstey Holland

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    We're going to discuss what is perimenopause.

    We're going to discuss, what are perimenopausal symptoms, could I potentially be in perimenopause?

    And then I've got a bit of sexy research for you at the end. I know that you think research can't be sexy, but wait, I'm gonna prove you wrong.

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    I am your functional medicine coach. I have a unique set of skills that are designed to support just you in achieving exactly what it is that you came here to achieve. I have 22 years of clinical experiencing clinical experience supporting transitioning women from perimenopause into a beautiful, magical menopausal state.

    Many women don't realize the greater fatigue and weight gain they experience after the age of 35 is due to a metabolic crisis. In fact, at age 40, 80% of women are experiencing this crisis in how their bodies use food as energy. They are not able to access their food as energy, and they are in a fat store as opposed to a fat burn state.

    Please focus on yourself and prioritize your health. It will be worth it for your functional and painfree final decade. Your future self will absolutely thank you for doing what you've chosen to do today.

    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram

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    Dr Holland is opening up her clinic to the world.
    This podcast is a recording of a live session from late November 2022, titled: "Rescuing You From The Rollercoaster Of Peri/Menopause".

    Dr Holland's approach to treating women for symptoms of peri/menopause starts with ensuring the gut health is restored, as it is so central to the human immune system and wellbeing.
    Listen to the tips & tricks offered, audience questions answered and how a treatment with The Holland Clinic will get women off the rollercoaster that is peri/menopause.


    The information shared in this podcast does not substitute working with your primary health care provider; it is general in nature and not considered personalised advice.

    Visit us online for more information or if you wish to work with Dr Holland.

    For your daily dose of women's health related info and ideas on how to gracefully live through health and wellbeing transitions your body experiences, visit our Instagram