In the second episode of the Robophilosophy podcast Jørgen and Oliver discuss the new Google Duplex program — a program developed to act as an assistant to users by (e.g.,) making calls to businesses in a very human-like voice to ask about opening hours, make reservations, etc. The discussion then shifts to some of the ethical issues involved in the case of self-driving cars and a paper by Rodogno and Nørskov “The automation of ethics: the case of self-driving vehicles" Email us questions, suggestions, thoughts and critique at: [email protected]
In the first episode of the robophilosophy podcast Jørgen and Oliver cover what the discipline of robophilosophy covers and why it is important. We also discuss our concerns regarding the future of A.I. and social robotics, and we cover what some of the themes and topics will be for future episodes of the podcast.
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