The Run Canada Podcast celebrates runners from all walks of life and the community we create within this fantastic sport. Hosted by Kirsten Parker, this show is the perfect partner to get you inspired and laughing and best of all, it gets you out running this beautiful country we call home.
Hi 大家好,歡迎收聽《鐵腿》我是小葛,你今天鐵腿了嗎?-內容分享三鐵相關趣事、比賽以及訓練方針,透過自身經驗,讓鐵人三項輕鬆融入生活中,此外,不定期邀請來賓上節目分享故事。-My Bio:愛上鐵人三項就無法自拔的大男孩,2019在倫敦完成世界六大馬,2022在夏威夷完成KONA世錦賽,想證明追求夢想是很驕傲的一件事。----小葛 Facebook小葛 Instagram合作邀約[email protected] provided by SoundOn
In Your Corner with CORA Physical Therapy is a podcast channel uniquely crafted to bring together physical therapists and physical therapy assistants, occupational therapists, students, physicians and other health care providers, patients, athletes, injured workers and case managers to talk about better ways to manage pain, common injuries and how to rehab them, recovery from surgery, improving movement in the body, preventative care, and so much more.
From patient testimonials to athletes, to clinicians and students, to well-known surgeons and physicians from all across the United States – all sharing their stories and expertise in a collaborative, open-dialogue kind of way.
At CORA Physical Therapy, we believe in Treating Everyone Right and serving the communities we live in. Our In Your Corner with CORA Physical Therapy podcast was designed to bring valuable resources to our communities that’s easy to access -wherever they are. We hope you enjoy! -
Flow with Me Yoga is a podcast for passionate yogis looking to roll out their mats and get right to it. No long intros, disclaimers, or ads, just a guided Vinyasa yoga flow recorded specifically for listening and flowing along. The podcast offers three types of classes – Classic Flow, Gentle Flow, and Power Flow. Gentle Flow offers a slower pace and longer holds. This is not a euphemism for a watered down asana practice. Gentle flow is a legit flow class. Classic Flow offers a mid-line of intensity and pace. Get ready for chaturanga pushups along with power elements in standing postures. Power Flow kicks the levels of intensity up a notch with core work in high planks, holds at bottoms on chaturanga pushups, and standing series that build on one another. Your legs will feel it the next day. So will your arms and core. Is getting stronger not what you came here for? Come flow with me! For more information, visit
This podcast is intended for experienced yogis. Please listen to your body and go at your own pace. For your safety, make sure you are healthy enough to practice yoga. By listening to this podcast, you are accepting full responsibility for your practice. -
A daily show focused on helping you live a fit, nutritious, activist lifestyle. We focus on achieving this through technology, psychology and philosophy while also making the episodes funny and entertaining. Join host Ben Garves every day for a helpful episode that runs five minutes or less.
運動版圖由2012年起開展Sportunes Podcast頻道,多年來致力邀請不同嘉賓分享運動趣聞及專業知識,為聽眾帶來多元化運動資訊,積極發掘出現於您身邊的運動熱話大小事。搜尋Sportunes或Sportsoho即可收聽不同節目,亦可到 收聽及重溫。
If Tim Ferriss and Nerdist had a love child that loved fitness and Star Wars, it would be this show. This is a fitness podcast that explores the stories of coaches, trainers, athletes and explores their struggles and triumphs. Life is like an RPG so I look to explore the tools they used to conquer their quests.
Are you studying to become a personal trainer or just started your training career? NASM Master Instructor Rick Richey takes listeners on an informative and engaging journey to help establish a solid foundation in your fitness path.
Global cycling platform, the Unfound App, brings regular chats with cycling personalities from around the world.
Get to know the Yoga for BJJ crew better.
Meet Sebastian Brosche and Miha Perhavec, the founder and his right hand, where they reply to the most frequently asked questions from Grapplers interrested in Yoga. -
Hosted By Reilly Kilbride and Michael Gray. We pick guests and topics that challenge us with the hope that our conversations challenge you as well. Thanks for listening!
Through conversations, Q&As, interviews and storytelling, our mission is to help our listeners find a sustainable way to grow, both mentally and physically.
In her brand new podcast, Stripped Back Sport, Kirsty Gallacher sits down for an open discussion with some of the greatest sports stars of our time; delving into the high and low moments of their careers, as well as their personal life and the sides to sport that have never been discussed before.
IG: @gallacherkirsty
Twitter: @TheRealKirstyG -
The 303Endurance Podcast mission is to is to create a global community of endurance athletes. To inspire participation in endurance sports by connecting you to coaches, experts and professional athletes.
Playing ranked matches
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香港也好,世界也好,風景萬千也需身體力行方能了解更深。主持PC將邀請本地運動員、 YouTuber及KOL等分享第一身經歷,帶聽眾們上山下海,為你搜羅最新奇有趣的好去處,介紹各項最新運動企劃!想知道最適合一家大小的郊遊路線?要買裝備,但未知從何入手?
敬請期待逢星期五更新的的Sportunes 節目 ——《在地Out遊》!
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密切留意逢星期一更新的Sportunes 節目 ——《又係我牛英》!
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Did you realize in many scenarios fitness overlaps pop culture and the “real world?” Here are on Random Fit hosts Ken Miller and Wendy Batts explore all the unique and, at times, unexpected places health and wellness intersects with pop culture, as well as in movies, music videos, the news, and many other unexpected places. The personal trainers add their own unique perspective with some humor along the way.
Matt Davies-Adams is joined by his old pals and EFL experts, Adrian Clarke and Sam Parkin to discuss all the big talking points from across the English Football League
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